Found 7,116 poems starting with O:

– sonja votolen
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O D E, To a Lady on the Death of Colonel R O S S in the action of Fontenoy
– William Taylor Collins
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o 'The narrow gate
– Michelle lee Carter
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O all my labours scattered uselessly
– Gaspara Stampa
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O Amor Contragosto
– Renato Sakate
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O Anticristo
– Renato Sakate
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O Apogeu do Olimpo
– Renato Sakate
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O Beauty, Passing Beauty!
– Alfred Lord Tennyson
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Ô beaux cheveux d'argent mignonnement retors !
– Joachim du Bellay
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o bestselling artist, o masterpiece artist
– Yukunno Ghirmay
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O Bitter Sprig! Confession Sprig!
– Walt Whitman
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O Black And Unknown Bards
– James Weldon Johnson
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O Blessed Day
– Richard Groff
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O Blush Not So!
– John Keats
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O breath that whispers in my ear
– Masol
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O Breeze!
– Hirendra Kumar Meher
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O Brother
– Richard Groff
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O Camp Of Flowers
– Erik Johan Stagnelius
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O can I be your only?
– I and I
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o canada
– Ethan
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O Captain! My Captain!
– Walt Whitman
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O Carib Isle!
– Harold Hart Crane
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O Cego Oriente
– Renato Sakate
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O Christmas Tree
– Jazmin
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O City, Look the Eastward Way
– Enid Derham
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Ô combien est heureux qui n'est contraint de feindre,
– Joachim du Bellay
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O Come My Love
– Barry Bradshaigh
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O come quickly!
– Thomas Campion
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O Cool Is the Valley Now
– James Joyce
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O Corpo Dourado
– Renato Sakate
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O Creator
– Mark V. Markov
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O Cup Bearer
– Shams al-Din Hafiz
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O Cupid, Cupid; Get Your Bow!
– Henry Lawson
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O Dear Aphrodite
– Amaira Tomar
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O Death, O Death, Rock Me Asleep
– Anonymous Americas
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O Delices D’Amour!
– Andre Marie de Chenier
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O desespero
– Luiz Mendes Vespermann
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Ô Dieu, si mes péchés irritent ta fureur
– Mathurin Regnier
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O Do Not Love Too Long
– William Butler Yeats
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O DO...YOU....LOVE...Me.....?....this title
– If say you me!...loved me...!
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O documento
– Heverson Santana
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Ô doux plaisir plein de doux pensement
– Jean Antoine de Baif
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O Dull Cold Northern Sky
– Robert Louis Stevenson
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O Earth, Sufficing All our Needs
– Sir Charles George Douglas Roberts
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O Father, Where Have You Gone
– A. Tumelty
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O Flame of Living Love
– Arthur Symons
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O Fool
– Rabindranath Tagore
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O fools! can you not see
– John Wilbye
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O For A Lodge
– James McIntyre
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O For A Soul
– Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
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O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing
– Charles Wesley
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O friend
– Kabir
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– Yukunno Ghirmay
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O Gather Me the Rose
– William Ernest Henley
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O Gentle Night
– Adam Latham
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O Germany, Pale Mother!
– Bertolt Brecht
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O give thanks to Him Who made
– Josiah Conder
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O Glorious France
– Edgar Lee Masters
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O God! Thou art my God alone;
– James Montgomery
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O God, Forgive Me
– Ehsan Sehgal
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O God, the rock of my whole strength
– John Wilbye
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– Sylvester Kwakye
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O great golden head lie in my lap'
– Lesbia Harford
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O great rain
– Mekaki
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O had I known that thus it happens...
– Boris Pasternak
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O Heart of Spring
– John Shaw Neilson
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– Muhammad Rafaqat
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O How Deep
– Richard Newton Sherrer
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O How may I ever express that secret word?
– Kabir
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O Hymen! O Hymenee!
– Walt Whitman
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O I saw witchcraft tonight
– Mirabai
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O Intelligence Moving The Third Heaven
– Dante Alighieri
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O Jehlum
– Amarjit S. Bakhshi
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O Jenny Dear, I’ve Courted Lang
– Susanna Blamire
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O Jeune Adolescent!
– Andre Marie de Chenier
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O Jours De Mon Printemps
– Andre Marie de Chenier
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Ô la splendeur de notre joie
– Emile Verhaeren
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O Lady Moon
– Christina Georgina Rossetti
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O Lady, Leave Thy Silken Thread
– Thomas Hood
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Ô le calme jardin d'été où rien ne bouge
– Emile Verhaeren
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O Liberty Enlightening the World!
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
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O little dream
– Aldo Kraas
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O little plum tree in the garden, you're
– Lesbia Harford
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O little year, cram full of duty
– Lesbia Harford
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O Living Always--Always Dying
– Walt Whitman
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O Lord
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O Lord
– Chad A. Fisher
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O lord Increate, who will serve Thee?
– Kabir
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– Richard Newton Sherrer
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O Lord My Savior
– Mark V. Markov
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O Lord, help us !
– Sherefa Al-Sayed
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O Lord, I Will Praise Thee
– William Cowper
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O love My beloved
– Mr Intelligence
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O Love! Thou Makest All Things Even
– Sarah Flower Adams
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O Love, How Strangely Sweet
– John Marston
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O Lovely Lie
– Robert William Service
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– Jaydev Chandarana
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– Jaydev Chandarana
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O ma belle rebelle!
– Jean Antoine de Baif
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O Mais Novo Intento
– Renato Sakate
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O Majestic
– O Majestic
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O man, O woman, grievest so?
– Lesbia Harford
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O Man, Where is Thy Sting?
– Keen Dela Torre
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Ô marâtre nature
– Joachim du Bellay
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O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee
– Washington Gladden
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O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee.
– Washington Gladden
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O Me! O Life!
– Walt Whitman
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O melhor amigo
– Aldo Kraas
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O Moon
– Mathilde Blind
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O Mors! Quam Amara Est Memoria Tua Homini Pacem Habenti In Substantiis Suis
– Ernest Christopher Dowson
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O Muses, Accourez
– Andre Marie de Chenier
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O Mutter, halte dein Kindlein warm,
– Clemens Maria Brentano
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O my country Nigeria
– Williams Precious
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O my darling
– Shashikant Nishant Sharma 'साहिल'
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o my dear
– Alok Kumar Yadav
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O my friends
– Mirabai
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O My Grandmother
– Shashikant Nishant Sharma 'साहिल'
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O My Hart!
– King of England
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O My heart! The Supreme Spirit
– Kabir
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O my ladies
– Shipra Verma
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O my little heart slow down
– Ravi Kant
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O My Lord
– Mark V. Markov
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O My Lord
– Dr Zik
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O My Lord, Your Dwelling Places Are Lovely
– Yehudah HaLevi
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O my Love
– Richard Groff
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O My Love Red Red Rose
– Sayeed Abubakar
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O my Mighty God
– Shashikant Nishant Sharma 'साहिल'
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O my mind
– Mirabai
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o my mother
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O my mountain king Karol
– Bhishm sharma
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O My mountain king Karol
– Bhishm sharma
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O my native land
– Tanwir Phool
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o my sailor
– Alok Kumar Yadav
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Ô naturel désir...
– Guillaume Apollinaire
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O Navis
– Lope de Vega
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O Necessite Dure!
– Andre Marie de Chenier
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O nelam
– Kumar Kamal
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O Never Say That I Was False of Heart
– William Shakespeare
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O Night Sky!
– Kavya C Nair
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O Nightingale My Heart
– Robert Nichols
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O Nightingale! Thou Surely Art
– William Wordsworth
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– cathe douglas
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O Paraíso
– Renato Sakate
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Ô pays bien aimé...
– Fatma Zayani
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O Pulchritudo
– Sir Henry Newbolt
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Ô qu'heureux est celui qui peut passer son âge
– Joachim du Bellay
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Ô que celui était cautement sage,
– Joachim du Bellay
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Ô que tu es heureux, si tu connais ton heur
– Joachim du Bellay
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O rain
– Manoj Dagar
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O Rats
– Richard Groff
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O Righteous Song! O Mortal Bloom!
– Gonzalo F. Mendez
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O Romeo, Romeo
– Hecountsmytears
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O Sailor, Come Ashore
– Christina Georgina Rossetti
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O Sea - Villanelle
– Mathilde Dumas
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O Sea, why art thou fair?
– John M. Broadhead
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O servant where dost thou seek me
– Kabir
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O Ship of State
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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O ship, ship, ship
– Arthur Hugh Clough
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O Silver Rose
– Marjorie Lowry Christie Pickthall
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O sing me a song
– Ujjol Kamal
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O Singer in Brown
– Dame Mary Gilmore
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O Slave, liberate yourself
– Kabir
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O sleep, my babe
– Sara Coleridge
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O Sol
– dishboy
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O Soldado Espanhol
– Antônio Gonçalves Dias
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O Solitude! If I Must With Thee Dwell
– John Keats
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o song of
– Yukunno Ghirmay
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O Souls, In Whom No Heavenly Fire
– John Dryden
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O Southland!
– James Weldon Johnson
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O Spirit of the Living God
– James Montgomery
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O Star Of France
– Walt Whitman
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O Sun Of Real Peace
– Walt Whitman
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O sweet and fair! These words are mine to use
– Lesbia Harford
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O sweet Babe!
– Jacintha Bosco
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O sweet Babe!
– Jacintha Bosco
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O Sweetheart, Hear You
– James Joyce
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O Tan-faced Prairie Boy
– Walt Whitman
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O Tell If Any Fate You See
– Thomas Parnell
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O That A Chariot Of Cloud Were Mine!
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
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O That the Lord's Salvation
– Henry Francis Lyte
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O thine Barack Obama
– Bell_Bilverstien
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O Thou Breeze of Spring!
– Felicia Dorothea Hemans
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O Thou Dread Power
– Robert Burns
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O Thou Immortal Deity
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
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O Tibbie, I Hae Seen The Day
– Robert Burns
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O Tiro Certeiro
– Renato Sakate
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Ô Toy par qui jour et nuit je soupir
– Jean Antoine de Baif
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Ô trois et quatre fois malheureuse la terre
– Joachim du Bellay
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O true and tried
– Alfred Lord Tennyson
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O Turn Once More
– Duncan Campbell Scott
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O Verdadeiro Dom
– Renato Sakate
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O Véu da Tarde
– Renato Sakate
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O Virgin Mary
– Abigael
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O voo
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O were my Love yon Lilac fair
– Robert Burns
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O what a world of lust!
– Aklimahalim
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O White Wind, Numbing the World
– Christopher John Brennan
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O Why Do You Walk (a Parody)
– Alfred Edward Housman
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O Wind, Where Have You Been
– Christina Georgina Rossetti
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O Wind, Why Do You Never Rest
– Christina Georgina Rossetti
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O Wondrous dreamer, with thy power divine,
– John Bunyan
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O Word I Love to Sing
– Claude McKay
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O World Of Many Worlds
– Wilfred Owen
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O World! O Life!
– mtoddm
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O wretched man!
– John Wilbye
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O You Who Complete Me
– Afreen Iqbal
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O You Who've gone on Pilgrimage
– Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi
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O You Whom I Often And Silently Come
– Walt Whitman
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O you, dear trees, you have learned so much of beauty
– Lesbia Harford
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O you, far colder, whiter
– Torquato Tasso
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O! Blessed writer!
– Nikhil Parekh
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O! Divinely beloved
– Nikhil Parekh
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O! Heavenly mother
– Nikhil Parekh
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O! How He Wished And Wished And Wished.
– Nikhil Parekh
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O! Immortal beloved.
– Nikhil Parekh
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O! Omnisciently Flawless Beloved.
– Nikhil Parekh
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O! Our Creator We're Journalists Keep Us Safe From Hurt
– Akpan Ita Williams
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O! Sweet rain..
– Anvita Bhatnagar
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O"Guava let's talk
– Mian Ahad
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O"His Holy Angelsand He is coming in
– Michelle Lee Carter
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O' Beautiful Rose
– Matt Wohlfarth
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O' Body
– Sasha
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O' Children Of The Night
– jody l cooke
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O' Dear Friend
– Ehsan Sehgal
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O' Dear Friend
– Ehsan Sehgal
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O' God, Save Us
– Ehsan Sehgal
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O' Has the Day Now Come
– ThatPoetryGuy
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O' Lyric Love
– Robert Browning
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O' Moon......
– Naushaba Perveen Khan
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O' Mother to Whom Shall I Tell The Story
– Shah Hussain
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O' My Beloved Princess
– Ehsan Sehgal
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O' My Heart
– Ehsan Sehgal
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O' my lord; I love you
– Amir Samji
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O' My Love
– Nalini Jal
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O' Night
– O'Night
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O' Omnipotent
– Faheem Jawaid
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O' The Auspicious Day Please Come. ( A Song ).
– Brijmohansajal
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O' Thy Sharks of Antarctica
– Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson
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O' to be a Poet
– Adam N Duran
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O' To Be Free
– Qiydaar Pratt
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O'Bird, pure nonesuch like you I aspire
– Yusuff Ọ̀pẹẹrẹ
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– James Stephens
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– Erwin Jung
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O'Donohue's Mistress
– Thomas Moore
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o'er the many hours
– Gene Miranda
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O'er The Other Side of the Fence
– Marguerite C. Anderson
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– Qiydaar Pratt
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O'God! I feel thy presence
– Naushaba Perveen Khan
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O'h Goddess
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O'Hara, J.P.
– Henry Lawson
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O'Mother ! I am thine mad
– Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh
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O'Neill Sits In Weeds
– Stuart A. Chasmar
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O'Nobly King (Sonnet)
– Erwin Jung
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O, Almighty Let Me Be Blessed
– Swarup Bhattacharya
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O, baby, baby! Don't cry!
– Svyatoslav Soloviev
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O, countrymen
– Hasmukh Mehta
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O, Falmouth Is a Fine Town
– William Ernest Henley
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O, gid jeg var af Jern og Staal!
– Hans Christian Andersen
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O, Give Praises to Glorious Mountains!
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
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O, God Emancipate Us!
– Swarup Bhattacharya
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O, Have You Blessed, Behind The Stars
– William Ernest Henley
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O, how our love is murderous
– Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev
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O, how sad
– Saigyo
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O, In A World Of Men And Women
– Isaac Rosenberg
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O, It Was Out by Donnycarney
– James Joyce
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O, Little David, Play on Your Harp
– Joseph Seamon Cotter
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O, Lydia!
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
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O, my land..................
– Naushaba Perveen Khan
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O, My Love
– Swarup Bhattacharya
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O, my son
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O, Pity The Slave Mother
– Anonymous Americas
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O, princess
– Hasmukh Mehta
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O, Rose thou art seducing
– Swarup Bhattacharya.
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O, Struck Beneath The Laurel
– George Edward Woodberry
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O, This Is Blessing, This Is Rest
– Anna Laetitia Waring
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O, Time And Change, They Range And Range
– William Ernest Henley
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O, water, voice of my heart...
– Arthur Symons
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O, Were I Loved As I Desire To Be!
– Alfred Lord Tennyson
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O, Were My Love
– Robert Burns
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O, Were My Love Yon Lilac Fair
– Robert Burns
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O, what shall I do
– John Wilbye
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O, Your Waves
– James Broyles
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O,god accept my humble submission
– Naushaba Perveen Khan
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O,God let me be blessed.
– Swarup Bhattacharya
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O,God,bless me.
– Swarup Bhattacharya
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O,Moon don't peep.
– Swarup Bhattacharya
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O,my lady please return.
– Swarup Bhattacharya
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– haiku artist
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– Dennis Asera
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O. W. Holmes On His Eightieth Birth-Day
– John Greenleaf Whittier
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– Md Rafi Ahmed Khan
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– Md Rafi Ahmed Khan
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O.B.L.I.V.I.O.N. (Oblivion)
– jerryl.01657
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O.B.L.I.V.I.O.N. (Princess:Oblivion)
– jerryl.01657
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– Jerry Wayne Lawrence, Jr.
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– Jerry Wayne Lawrence, Jr.
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– Payton Hayes
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– Carol Covington
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Oak Trees
– Traian06
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Oak and The Broom, The: A Pastoral Poem
– William Wordsworth
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Oak Bay Orderly
– RickthePoetWarrior
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Oak Creek Canyon Echo
– Kurt Philip Behm
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Oak Tree
– Larry Bilson
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Oak Tree Lane
– Katrina R Lippolis
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Oak tree!
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Oak Wine
– Milan Gromovic
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Oaks Tutt
– Edgar Lee Masters
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Oaky I beleaf in you too
– François Giroux
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– Carmen Victoria Jiménez
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– Timothy Francis Savage
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– Jackie Newport
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– Jackie Newport
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– Doctor Dashaun Rashod Snipes
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Oatmeal Cookies (for food fun-Ha!)
– Fred Lassonde
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OB (Ocean Beach)
– Terry O'Connor
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Ob River
– Pearl E. Lamey
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Obadiah Bell
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
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– schnookieboy
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Obama in Green/Wiley's Barack
– Xanadu (Ofrimbaudfame) for Poetry.Com (January 2024)
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– Phil Roberts
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Obama Speaks About his Friends
– Jessica Sipes
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– Phil Roberts
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– William Topaz McGonagall
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Obducted Seduction
– Razon Santos
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– George MacDonald
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– Troy Kaneer
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– Julisa Hales
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– Ruby Camarato
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– Richard Groff
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– Lawrence S. Pertillar
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– William brooks
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Obedience Call
– Richard Newton Sherrer
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Obedience, not Sacrifice
– Richard Newton Sherrer
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Obedient Call
– Richard Newton Sherrer
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Obedient Prayers
– Richard Newton Sherrer
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Obedient Servant
– Richard Newton Sherrer
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obedient, parent loving funeral cemetry
– Yukunno Ghirmay
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Obermann Once More
– Matthew Arnold
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Oberon to the Queen of the Fairies
– Mary Darby Robinson
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Oberon's Feast
– Robert Herrick
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Oberst Læssøe
– Hans Christian Andersen
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Obescience to Eve
– Akinmosin Kemi
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– Robert William Service
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Obesity Kills
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
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– Nisha Nair
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– The_pastry_poet
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Obey Mama
– Jael Wright
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Obey....The beard
– Terry Emmanuel
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– aBAYOMI Habib
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– Alfred Lord Tennyson
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– Payton Hayes
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Obiter Dictum
– Matthew Alan Waller
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– Julian Jaynes
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Object Exercises
– Hemlock
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Object Of desire
– Nikhil Parekh
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Object of My First Desire
– Augustus Montague Toplady
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– Lawrence S. Pertillar
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– Richard Newton Sherrer
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Objects In Mirrors
– John Jessup Kennan
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Objects in the Mirror
– Steve Cochrane
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– Barry Green Jr
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– Amy Lowell
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– Jonathan A. Lacey
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– Alexis Chontos
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Obligations 2
– Layli Long Soldier
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– louie B
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– Jaxon Hurst
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– H.L. Halsey
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– Alexis Hyde
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– anonymo magnifico
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– Marlo Irene Hill
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– oblivion
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– oblivion
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– Atagwuba Faith
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– Mary Khate Antonina Sevilla
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– Bane
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– Ken Noble
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– 18
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– jerryl.01657
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Oblivion Phobia
– Joe Strickland
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Oblivion, My Old Friend
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– doodlegirl
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– Aahna Chauhan
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Oboete Iru (To Remember)
– Stacy Asay
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Obscene Caller
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
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Obscure Birth
– Esther Jacks
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Obscure Bruises
– Ritika Chourasia
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Obscured Presence
– Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh
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– Obscurity
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– Laurie A ONeil
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– Nivedita Barkhade
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– Okenyehike Prosper
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– Laurie A O'Neil
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– Laurie Ann ONeil
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– Keith Ferrera aka 'Siva de Ferrera
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– Dorothy Parker
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– Barty
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– Richard Groff
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Observation And Edutainment
– The Prophet Obblonge
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Observation Point
– Stephen Colley
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– ABruno
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Observations On The Subject Of Family
– Johnny Millican
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Observe This Witnessed
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
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– Anjali bangari
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Observing Clouds
– Theo Watssman
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Observing the Tide
– L. Milton Hankins
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– Kimberly Howard
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– Doctor Dashaun Rashod Snipes
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Obsessed of Chili
– Steven Lin
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Obsessed To sleep
– Nikhil Parekh
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Obsessed With Effort
– Daniel Fernandes
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Obsessed with Words
– Robert Andrews
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Obsessing The Presence Of Madness
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
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– Kurt Philip Behm
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– Charles Baudelaire
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– Muriel Stuart
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– Paul Eluard
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– Lilly Emery
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– Wesley Morin
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– Sabit Kamal Sourav
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– Lena Smith Carter
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– Jaxon Hurst
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– Terri Tharrington
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Rate it
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– Trevia Strickland
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– Seraphina Edge
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– H. Lock
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– Berxiton
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Obsession and Love
– Angela Wells
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Obsession confession
– Kimba
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Obsession with Caramel
– Teresa Jones
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– LisaJ
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– David Andrew McCoy
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Obsidian Civilization
– Brooks Schmitt
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Obsidian Creation
– Brooks Schmitt
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Obsidian Embrace
– Brejesh Umashankar
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Obsidian eyes
– Nighttiger
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Obsidian Eyes (Why did I leave)
– Henrique A. Caldas
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Obsidian Forest
– R1ver
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Obssesive compulsive disorder
– K.V Srikanth
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– Robert loughran
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– Leonid Rozumenko
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Obstacles in My Labyrinth
– Steve Cochrane
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Obstacles Must Be Overcome.
– Brijmohansajal
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Obstructed View
– Chris Curasi
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– Jonathan A. Lacey
Rate it
Obtain Anything Together.
– BrijMohan Poply
Rate it
Obtained To Remain Maintained
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
– Thomas Edward Brown
Rate it
Obvious Feuds
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
– Rick Wojtala
Rate it
Obviously thought
– Xa
Rate it
Occam's Retort
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Occasion'd By Reading The Memoirs Of Anne Of Austria
– Mary Barber
Rate it
Occasion'd By Seeing Some Verses Written By Mrs. Constantia Grierson, Upon The Death Of Her Son.
– Mary Barber
Rate it
Occasion'd By Seeing The Honourable --- Treat A Person Of Merit With Insolence
– Mary Barber
Rate it
Occasional Address
– Charlotte Smith
Rate it
Occasioned By Some Verses of His Grace the Duke of Buckingham
– Alexander Pope
Rate it
Occasioned By The Battle Of Waterloo February 1816
– William Wordsworth
Rate it
Occhi Blu (Blue Eyes)
– Mark V. Markov
Rate it
Occultation of Orion, The
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Rate it
– Hugh Garnet Elliott
Rate it
Occupational Hazards
– Brady Bowen
Rate it
– Brian Oliveri
Rate it
Occupied Mind
– Keyshia Bowers
Rate it
– Arthur Weil
Rate it
– Kendall Sanburn
Rate it
– Danielle Diew
Rate it
Ocd 2.0
– Mary Theresa Joseph
Rate it
OCD, Tourette's and Asperger Syndrome as a rap
– Joseph Mark Ippolito
Rate it
OCD, Tourette's and Asperger Syndrome as a rap
– Joseph Mark Ippolito
Rate it
– louie B
Rate it
– Teresa Nicastro
Rate it
– Isabel Watt
Rate it
– intheclouds2244
Rate it
– Anne Brady
Rate it
– Xavier Hubbard
Rate it
– Bobi Steel
Rate it
– Ocean
Rate it
– Amatullah tin
Rate it
– Sam Harty
Rate it
– mad hippie poet
Rate it
– Sam Harty
Rate it
– Lily Grâce Rivers
Rate it
– Lily Grace Rivers
Rate it
– Lily Grace Rivers
Rate it
Ocean - Haiku
– Farida Amin
Rate it
Ocean and river
– Shubhodeep Dey
Rate it
Ocean and river
– Shubhodeep Dey
Rate it
Ocean and The Mind Of Man Are Both Alike
– Lalleshwari
Rate it
Ocean crafted by mind
– Emile
Rate it
Océan de terre
– Guillaume Apollinaire
Rate it
Ocean Dreams!
– Tamara Mccumber
Rate it
Ocean emotions
– Hannah brown
Rate it
Ocean eyes
– Laura Nicole
Rate it
Ocean Eyes
– Soph Diehl
Rate it
Ocean in Motion-A Poem
– Ayubkhan U
Rate it
Ocean Moods
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Ocean n love
– Ayush Gupta
Rate it
Ocean Night
– Nikita
Rate it
Ocean of Beer
– John W Jackson Jr.
Rate it
Ocean Of blood
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Ocean Of dreams
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
– Farabi
Rate it
Ocean of Forms
– Rabindranath Tagore
Rate it
Ocean of life
– Brian J Cheville
Rate it
Ocean of loneliness
– Soul Writer
Rate it
Ocean of love
– Sugar Poetry
Rate it
Ocean of love (spiritual)
– Charles Johnson
Rate it
ocean of memoires
– Felicia Ralph
Rate it
Ocean of Sorrow
– Azriel
Rate it
Ocean of storms
– Kelly Dale
Rate it
Ocean of Tears
– Kevin McCray
Rate it
Ocean of true love-succeeds
– hazel Shirley
Rate it
Ocean Princess
– Ronnie Tanya @The Lonely Writer
Rate it
Ocean Quest
– Kim Spivey
Rate it
Ocean rise
– Kerjean rithal
Rate it
Ocean tides
– Melissa Frizzell
Rate it
Ocean Trail Walk
– Esther Jacks
Rate it
Ocean View
– Donka Kristeva
Rate it
Ocean Waters
– Gary Wendell Stanfield
Rate it
Ocean's deep
– Shree Mitra
Rate it
Ocean's Fairness
– Subhashchandra Adhav
Rate it
Ocean's Fondle
– Navya Karey
Rate it
Ocean's Heart
– Hunter Aydelott
Rate it
Ocean's Lament
– Dev Parth
Rate it
Ocean's Symphony: A Call to Preserve the Aquatic Symphony
– Yvonne Padmos
Rate it
Ocean, sea, field of bliss, you and me.
– Alien
Rate it
Ocean-A song of mystery
– Sribastaba Panigrahi
Rate it
– SarahAlexandria
Rate it
Ocean: An Ode
– Edward Young
Rate it
Ocean: An Ode. Concluding with A Wish.
– Edward Young
Rate it
Ocean: An Ode. Concluding with A wish.*
– Edward Young
Rate it
– Guillermo Gomez
Rate it
Oceana Queen of seas of P&O's 175th birthday
Rate it
Oceanic Risk in Journey.
– dougb.72572
Rate it
– Roberto Suárez Torres
Rate it
– Donka Kristeva
Rate it
– Lillian Valentine
Rate it
– Aiden Middle
Rate it
– Cherakee Sykes
Rate it
Oceans (Haiku)
– Donka Krsteva
Rate it
OCEANS (trilogy)
– japanesewind
Rate it
Oceans and Winds
– Elizabeth Moroz
Rate it
Oceans Embrace A Journey Through Life and Death
– Atrey Dev R pandey
Rate it
Oceans Of Love
– Jake Starr
Rate it
Oceans Of love.
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Oceans unknown
– Sarah C Gunn
Rate it
Oceans Weave Hearts
– Ian Sawicki
Rate it
– Mark Gryner
Rate it
Ochi Albaștrii (Blue Eyes)
– Mark V. Markov
Rate it
Ochii Tăi Atât De Albaștri (Your Eyes Are So Blue)
– Mark V. Markov
Rate it
Ochii Tăi Căprui Sunt Frumoși (Your Brown Eyes Are Beautiful)
– Mark V. Markov
Rate it
Ochii Tăi Căprui Sunt Frumoși (Your Brown Eyes Are Beautiful)
– Mark V. Markov
Rate it
Ochii Tăi Sunt Albaștri (Your Eyes Are Blue)
– Mark V. Markov
Rate it
oct 1/2022
– Jaxon Hurst
Rate it
oct 9/2022
– Jaxon Hurst
Rate it
– Edwin Arlington Robinson
Rate it
octavio paz's magnetic field charges
– Yukunno Ghirmay
Rate it
– Dinah Maria Mulock Craik
Rate it
– Edward Thomas
Rate it
– Elinor Morton Wylie
Rate it
– Ellis Parker Butler
Rate it
– Hans Christian Andersen
Rate it
– Paul Laurence Dunbar
Rate it
– Robert Frost
Rate it
– Siegfried Sassoon
Rate it
– William Cullen Bryant
Rate it
– lauren_catherine
Rate it
October 21, 1905
– George Meredith
Rate it
October 23, In Penarth
– saffiregreek
Rate it
October 31
– Laura Dotson
Rate it
October 7 2023
– Shoshana kinsbursky
Rate it
October Baby
– OctoberGirl
Rate it
October Falls
– Gracie Hampton
Rate it
October First
– Olayemi Mary
Rate it
October Hearts
– lauren_catherine
Rate it
October Hills
– John Rollin Ridge
Rate it
October in New Zealand
– Jessie Mackay
Rate it
October Morning
– Mr intelligence
Rate it
October Musings, 1866
– Janet Hamilton
Rate it
October Nights
– William Daniel Still Jr.
Rate it
October on the Sheep Range
– Arthur Chapman
Rate it
October pumpkins
– Andrew Wood
Rate it
October pumpkins
– Andrew Wood
Rate it
October Rain
– Theresa L Strack
Rate it
October Retreat
– Robbin T. Hartridge
Rate it
October Retreat
– Robbin T. Hartridge
Rate it
October Screamfest
– Jerry Wayne Lawrence, Jr.
Rate it
October Song
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
October Twelfth
– earlaweese
Rate it
October WEBS
– Webbings
Rate it
October's Bright Blue Weather
– Helen Hunt Jackson
Rate it
October's Organza
– Aishika Dutta
Rate it
October*Smoke*Signals* ~
– Christa Annelise Frazee
Rate it
October, 1803
– William Wordsworth
Rate it
October, 1863
– Janet Hamilton
Rate it
October; the month of love and grief
– Prachi Joshi
Rate it
– Tiffany Bailey
Rate it
– John Jessup Kennan
Rate it
– Arthur Clement Hilton
Rate it
– Jerry Wayne Lawrence, Jr.
Rate it
– Allan Hayes
Rate it
– timothy michael gorski
Rate it
oda a la humanidad
– Roberto Suárez Torres
Rate it
Odd moments
Rate it
Odd Parlance
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Odd surroundings
– Doreene Felder
Rate it
Oddfellowship in Ingersoll
– James McIntyre
Rate it
Oddfellowship in Woodstock
– James McIntyre
Rate it
Odds and Ends
– Rick Wojtala
Rate it
Odds And Ends In A Can
– Chris Curasi
Rate it
Odds Assembled
– Mayra Nargotra
Rate it
– Hubbs
Rate it
– Adebayo Tim Taiwo
Rate it
– Molly J Heath
Rate it
– Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy
Rate it
– Henri de Regnier
Rate it
– John Donne
Rate it
– John Dryden
Rate it
– John Keats
Rate it
– Joseph Addison
Rate it
– Mathurin Regnier
Rate it
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
Rate it
– Richard Lovelace
Rate it
– William Taylor Collins
Rate it
– William Wordsworth
Rate it
Ode On Melancholy
– John Keats
Rate it
Ode (From The French)
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
Ode - Promesse De L'Amour
– Matthew Prior
Rate it
Ode - So dear my Lucio is to me
– William Shenstone
Rate it
Ode 1373
– Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi
Rate it
Ode 1957: An intellectual
– Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi
Rate it
Ode 2 The Critic (Hip Hop Creation)
– David Cronk
Rate it
Ode 314
– Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi
Rate it
Ode an die Freude
– Friedrich Schiller
Rate it
Ode at Magnolia Cemetery
– Henry Timrod
Rate it
Ode Composed On A May Morning
– William Wordsworth
Rate it
Ode De Spam
– Leon Cranson
Rate it
Ode for a Master Mariner Ashore
– Louise Imogen Guiney
Rate it
Ode for an Agricultural Celebration
– William Cullen Bryant
Rate it
Ode for Memorial Day
– Paul Laurence Dunbar
Rate it
Ode for New Year's Day
– Clive Staples Lewis
Rate it
Ode for the Keats Centenary
– Duncan Campbell Scott
Rate it
Ode From My Youth
– Don Stephens
Rate it
Ode I: The Preface
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode I: The Remonstrance Of Shakespeare
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode II: On The Winter-Solstice
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode II: To Sleep
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode III: To A Friend, Unsuccessful In Love
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode III: To The Cuckow
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode in May
– William Watson
Rate it
Ode in Memory of the American Volunteers Fallen for France
– Alan Seeger
Rate it
Ode IV: Affected Indifference. To The Same
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode IV: To The Honourable Charles Townshend In The Country
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode IX. To Curio
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode IX: At Study
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode IX: To Curio
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode of tears
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Ode On A Distant Prospect Of Clapham Academy
– Thomas Hood
Rate it
Ode On A Distant Prospect Of Eton College
– Thomas Gray
Rate it
Ode On A Grecian Urn
– John Keats
Rate it
Ode on a Grecian Urn
– Ode on a Grecian Urn
Rate it
Ode On A Lycian Tomb
– Silas Weir Mitchell
Rate it
Ode on a nearer prospect of summer hill
– Richard Harris Barham
Rate it
Ode on a Sermon Against Glory
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode on a stool sample
– Stool Sample McGillicutty
Rate it
Ode on a sun = woman
– Josef Maria Brož
Rate it
Ode on a Village Girl
– Srikanth aka Chika
Rate it
Ode on Adversity
– Mary Darby Robinson
Rate it
Ode On Indolence
– John Keats
Rate it
Ode On Intimations Of Immortality
– William Wordsworth
Rate it
Ode On Lord Hay's BirthDay
– James Beattie
Rate it
Ode on Melancholy
– John Keats
Rate it
Ode on Solitude
– Alexander Pope
Rate it
Ode on St. Cecilia's Day
– Alexander Pope
Rate it
Ode On The Death Of A Favourite Cat Drowned In A Tub Of Goldfishes
– Thomas Gray
Rate it
Ode On The Death Of A Lady, Who Lived One Hundred Years, And Died On Her Birthday, 1728 (Translation)
– William Cowper
Rate it
Ode On The Insurrection In Candia
– Algernon Charles Swinburne
Rate it
Ode On The Istallation of the Duke of Devonshire
– Charles Kingsley
Rate it
Ode on the Mammoth Cheese
– James McIntyre
Rate it
Ode On The Pleasure Arising From Vicissitude
– Thomas Gray
Rate it
Ode on the Poetical Character
– William Taylor Collins
Rate it
Ode On The Present Times, 27th January 1795
– Amelia Opie
Rate it
Ode On The Spring
– Thomas Gray
Rate it
Ode On Venice
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
Ode to
– Jeannine kahzarian
Rate it
ODE to 2021
Rate it
ODE to 2021EVERYDAY- The sound and fury dies and life gets freezed adding one more page to your sto
Rate it
ODE TO 24TH MAY(repost)
Rate it
Ode To A Beaver
– Jason Lee Wilson
Rate it
Ode to a bed Bug
– Derrick Fernie
Rate it
Ode To A Child
– Mathilde Blind
Rate it
Ode to a cup of good coffee
– Samson Samuel
Rate it
Ode to a deer
– mtoddm
Rate it
Ode to a dying leaf
– Sean Smith
Rate it
Ode to a fallen soldier
Rate it
Ode to a Flood
– Kubor Dietei Gimeoin
Rate it
Ode to a Frog
– Kathy Gerstorff
Rate it
Ode to a Genius
– Nickie Shah
Rate it
Ode to a golf ball
– Sharon Irvin
Rate it
Ode to a Golf Ball
– Hugh Mitchell
Rate it
Ode To A Grandchild
Rate it
Ode To A Jock
– Linda Alicea
Rate it
Ode To A junkie
– Michelle Ritchie
Rate it
Ode to a Lady on the Spring
– Joseph Warton
Rate it
Ode To a Law Student
– Mr Intelligence
Rate it
Ode To A Man I hate
– Gabber
Rate it
Ode to a mince pie!
– Jennifer Kersey
Rate it
Ode to a Mother
– Ode To a Mother
Rate it
Ode to a Mountain Bike
– Criss F Rosenlof
Rate it
Ode to a Musical Genre
– Mani S. Kavuru
Rate it
Ode To A Nightingale
– John Keats
Rate it
Ode to a Patriot
– S. F. Gladio
Rate it
Ode to a piano
– Henry Louis White
Rate it
Ode to a procrasinator
– Lukas Gryniak
Rate it
Ode to a rainy day
– BlissFullyAware
Rate it
Ode to a rainy day
– BlissFullyAware
Rate it
Ode To A Redheaded Cowboy
– Gayle Parks
Rate it
Ode to a scandal
– Butter field
Rate it
Ode to a Sinister Dr. Seuss
– Caroline Claffey
Rate it
Ode to a Snarling Dog
– Suzanne J. Soule
Rate it
Ode to a Taoist Wildflower
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
Ode to a tree
– Elizabeth King
Rate it
Ode to a Troubadour
– Connie Hess
Rate it
Ode to a Valley Cottage Woodpecker
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
Ode to a Vintage Soul
– Gary Shulman, MS. Ed.
Rate it
– G.F. McHale-Scully
Rate it
Ode to a Woman
– Bikas Sharma
Rate it
Ode to a Young Lady
– William Shenstone
Rate it
ode to acceptance
– Skyler Dakaasin Boeve
Rate it
Ode to Acceptance
– Santino Maulucci
Rate it
Ode to Adversity
– John Gay
Rate it
Ode to Amherst Bear
– Thomas Ventura
Rate it
Ode to an Articulated Bus
– Stephan H. Cotton
Rate it
Ode to an Opportunist
– Tom Merrill
Rate it
Ode to Apollo
– James Lister Cuthbertson
Rate it
Ode To Apollo
– John Keats
Rate it
Ode to Apollo. On An Inkglass Almost Dried In The Sun
– William Cowper
Rate it
Ode to Aristophanes
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
Ode to Art – A Symphony of Sight and Soul
– Joquim
Rate it
Ode to Atrophied
– Sir Arthur Streeb-Greebling
Rate it
Ode To Auntie
– Antoinette M Moses
Rate it
Ode To Autumn
– John Keats
Rate it
Ode To Autumn
– Lord Alfred Douglas
Rate it
Ode to Autumn
– Thomas Hood
Rate it
Ode to Beauty
– Mary Darby Robinson
Rate it
Ode To Beauty
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
Rate it
Ode to Board Games
– Chase Olson
Rate it
Ode To Bobby
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Ode To Bobby D'
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Ode To Books
– Emerson Snyder
Rate it
Ode to Borrowdale
– Amelia Opie
Rate it
Ode To Caissa
– Svetlana Rakhimova
Rate it
Ode to Cancer
– Kenneth Kee
Rate it
Ode to Captain Paery
– Thomas Hood
Rate it
Ode to Catherine
– Scott Michael Potter
Rate it
Ode to Cats
– Tanner Shear
Rate it
Ode to CCGK's Child: A Tribute to the Precious Jewel
– Mawphniang Napoleon
Rate it
Ode To Cheerfulness
– Felicia Dorothea Hemans
Rate it
– Faizel Kazie Allie
Rate it
Ode To Christmas
– Ryan Fender
Rate it
Ode to clouds.
– Swarup Bhattacharya
Rate it
Ode to Coco
– Debbie Ebersole
Rate it
Ode to Creation
– Joseph Addison
Rate it
Ode to Cynthia, on the Approach of Spring
– William Shenstone
Rate it
ode to Dean Winchester
– Jazmin Smith
Rate it
Ode To Death
– Charlotte Smith
Rate it
Ode to Death
– Brooke Baker
Rate it
Ode to Death.
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Ode to Del
– Laura
Rate it
Ode to Della Crusca
– Mary Darby Robinson
Rate it
ode to depresion (modern version)
– Skyler Dakaasin Boeve
Rate it
ode to depresion (Shakespearean version)
– Skyler Dakaasin Boeve
Rate it
Ode To Despair
– Charlotte Smith
Rate it
Ode to Despair
– Mary Darby Robinson
Rate it
Ode to Dolores - December 3, 1997
– Tiffany R. Robinson
Rate it
Ode to Dolphins
– LJustin
Rate it
Ode to Duty
– William Wordsworth
Rate it
Ode to Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
Rate it
Ode to Earth
– S Du
Rate it
Ode to Eloquence
– Mary Darby Robinson
Rate it
Ode to Envy
– Mary Darby Robinson
Rate it
Ode to Erato
– Devin Michaels
Rate it
Ode to Ethiopia
– Paul Laurence Dunbar
Rate it
Ode To Evening
– William Collins
Rate it
Ode to Evening
– William Taylor Collins
Rate it
Ode to evil
– Dena Falken
Rate it
Ode to Evolution
– Avis Dillon
Rate it
Ode to Fancy
– Joseph Warton
Rate it
Ode to Fangus McMangus Figaro Fuman Fang the Funky Fluff-Meister
– Shannon Sublett
Rate it
Ode to Fangus McMangus Figaro Fuman Fang, the Funky Fluff-Meister
– Shannon Sublett
Rate it
Ode to Fanny
– John Keats
Rate it
Ode to Fear
– William Taylor Collins
Rate it
Ode to February.
– Swarup Bhattacharya.
Rate it
Ode to February.
– Swarup Bhattacharya
Rate it
Ode to first streaks of dawn.
– Swarup Bhattacharya
Rate it
Ode to Freedom
– Ann Marie Dailey
Rate it
Ode To Friendship
– Vickie Jones Severn
Rate it
Ode To Georgiana, Duchess Of Devonshire, On The Twenty-Fourth Stanza In Her 'Passage Over Mount Gothard.'
– Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Rate it
Ode to Growing Up
– j-p-n
Rate it
Ode to H.H. The Nizam Of Hyderabad
– Sarojini Naidu
Rate it
Ode to Health
– Mary Darby Robinson
Rate it
Ode to Health, 1730
– William Shenstone
Rate it
Ode To Heaven
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
Rate it
Ode to Homeless
– Evelyn Baruch
Rate it
Ode To Hope
– James Beattie
Rate it
Ode to Humanity
– Joseph Scoopski
Rate it
Ode to I Am
– Kiki Stamatiou
Rate it
Ode to Ida
– Aakash Patel
Rate it
Ode to Indolence
– William Shenstone
Rate it
Ode To J.D.
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
ode to Jallianwala bagh
– Vamshi Vuppula
Rate it
Ode To Jenna
– Ode To Jenna
Rate it
Ode to Jody Ann Maxwell
– Keith Rolando Walters
Rate it
Ode to Joy
– Anonymous Americas
Rate it
Ode To Joy
– Friedrich Schiller
Rate it
Ode To Kant
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Ode To Keats
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Ode to Kindness
– Brian John I'Anson
Rate it
Ode to King of Pop
– Cynthia-The Poet
Rate it
Ode To Lamentations
– Kumar Kamal
Rate it
Ode to Laxmanaand
– Umesh Chandra Lal
Rate it
Ode to lazyness.
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Ode To Liberty
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
Rate it
Ode to Liberty
– William Taylor Collins
Rate it
Ode To Loneliness
– Sherry Caayupan
Rate it
Ode to Lonliness
– Muhammad Awais Zafar
Rate it
Ode to Love
– Riaan Smit
Rate it
Ode To Love ( or Parodies Lost)
– William Erle Hampton
Rate it
Ode To Lycoris. May 1817
– William Wordsworth
Rate it
Ode to M E R C Y
– William Taylor Collins
Rate it
ode to mankind
– Roberto Suárez Torres
Rate it
Ode to Marie-Anne-Charlotte Corday
– Andre Marie de Chenier
Rate it
– Norbert Tasev
Rate it
Ode to Meditation
– Mary Darby Robinson
Rate it
Ode to Melancholy
– Mary Darby Robinson
Rate it
Ode to Melancholy
– Thomas Hood
Rate it
– K. Radhakrishnan
Rate it
Ode to Memory
– Alfred Lord Tennyson
Rate it
Ode to Memory
– William Shenstone
Rate it
Ode to Midnight
– Katy Mosier
Rate it
Ode to mine first love.
– Swarup Bhattacharya
Rate it
Ode to Mother
– Alastaire Arendse
Rate it
Ode to Mothers
– Alexander Rosenkrantz
Rate it
Ode To Murasaki Shikibu
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
Ode to Music
– Joseph Warton
Rate it
Ode to Music
– Zoey
Rate it
Ode to Music
– Anoushka Dixit
Rate it
Ode to Music
– Martin C
Rate it
Ode to Music
– Sophie Albright
Rate it
Ode To My Car
– The Pinocchiø Poet
Rate it
Ode to My Dog
– Eden J
Rate it
Ode to my Father Boonie
– Shayla Brown
Rate it
Ode To My Grandson
– James W. Dennis
Rate it
Ode to My Health
– Kenneth Kee
Rate it
Ode to my inny
– E.S. Conway
Rate it
Ode to My Lil Sis
– Mani S. Kavuru
Rate it
Ode to my love
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Ode to my love-a poem
– Ayubkhan U
Rate it
Ode To My Lovve
– Takiyla Mockingbird
Rate it
Ode to my mom
– Dezarae sanchez
Rate it
Ode to my no more maternal love
– Wilnor Simon
Rate it
Ode to My Satyriasis Addiction
Rate it
Ode to my Sister Cathy (Poem #722)
– Jean Gorney
Rate it
Ode to my Starry Love.
– Yahya Aslam
Rate it
Ode to my study table
– Amlee J. Caleste
Rate it
Ode To My Teeth
– Gary W Fenner
Rate it
Ode to my throne
– Ezra LaPlant
Rate it
Ode to My White Blood Cells
– Kenneth Kee
Rate it
Ode to myself!
– Sameh Mahgoob
Rate it
Ode to Naples
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
Rate it
Ode To Napoleon Buonaparte
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
Ode to nature
– Ravi V Krishnamoorthy
Rate it
Ode To Neptune
– Phillis Wheatley
Rate it
Ode to night sky.
– Swarup Bhattacharya
Rate it
Ode To Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
Ode to Nuptial Dawn
– Sterling Warner
Rate it
Ode to Olde Underwear
– Ode to Olde Underwear
Rate it
– Dr. Idowu James ADEKUNLE
Rate it
Ode to opposites.
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Ode to ornaments.
– Swarup Bhattacharya
Rate it
Ode to our Heartstrings Across the Miles : The Eternal Bond of Love and Memory
– Mawphniang Napoleon
Rate it
Ode to P E A C E
– William Taylor Collins
Rate it
Ode To Pandora
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Ode to Parthenon
– Ferdinand Fara
Rate it
Ode to passing.
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Ode to passion
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Ode to Peace
– Helen Maria Williams
Rate it
Ode To Peace
– James Beattie
Rate it
Ode To Peace
– William Cowper
Rate it
Ode to Pity
– Jane Austen
Rate it
Ode to Pity
– William Taylor Collins
Rate it
Ode to plume.
– Jeannine kahzarian
Rate it
Ode to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
– Kenneth Kee
Rate it
Ode To Psyche
– John Keats
Rate it
Ode to Puzzles
– Bianca Ariana Lowenstein
Rate it
Ode to Puzzles
– Bianca Ariana Lowenstein
Rate it
Ode to Rae Wilson Esq.
– Thomas Hood
Rate it
Ode to recurring nightmares.
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Ode to Reflection
– Mary Darby Robinson
Rate it
Ode To Renewal
– April Agura
Rate it
Ode To Repentance
– Eben Cornelius Roelofse
Rate it
Ode to rose.
– Swarup Bhattacharya
Rate it
Ode to Salvador Dali
– Federico García Lorca
Rate it
Ode To Salvation
– Donald E Pearce Sr
Rate it
Ode to Sappho, You & I
– Scott Michael Potter
Rate it
Ode To Sara, In Answer To A Letter From Bristol
– Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Rate it
Ode to School
– Terrel Von Graves
Rate it
Ode to self defeat.
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Ode to Sequoyah
– Alexander Posey
Rate it
Ode To Silence
– Edna St. Vincent Millay
Rate it
Ode to Simplicity
– William Taylor Collins
Rate it
Ode to Simplicity
– William Collins
Rate it
Ode to Sleep
– Thomas Warton Jr.
Rate it
Ode to Sophia
– Emdadul Huq
Rate it
Ode to sorrow
– Ruchi Bisht
Rate it
Ode To Superstition.
– Samuel Rogers
Rate it
Ode To The
– George Canning
Rate it
Ode to the Almighty Jah
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
Ode to the Amherst Moose
– Thomas Ventura
Rate it
Ode to the Bags Under My Eyes
– Emma Read
Rate it
Ode to the Bed
– Esther Jacks
Rate it
Ode to the Bees
– doodlegirl
Rate it
Ode to the Cambro-Britons and their Harp, His Ballad of Agi
– Michael Drayton
Rate it
Ode to the Cosmos
– Chris E Morganroth IV
Rate it
Ode to The Country Gentlemen Of England
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode to the Days of Old
– Imole Olusanya
Rate it
Ode To The Departing Year
– Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Rate it
Ode to the depression
– Jackson Stout
Rate it
Ode to the diamonds in the sky
– Anaya
Rate it
Ode to the Dog Park
– Gary Shulman, MS. Ed.
Rate it
Ode to The Etheree Poetry Style
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
Ode to the failure
– Talia Garza Hernandez
Rate it
Ode to the Fallen
– Susanna Elliott-Newth
Rate it
Ode to the Fallen
– Susanna Elliott-Newth
Rate it
Ode to the Flu
– Kennet Benoît-Hutchins
Rate it
Ode to the Four Lands
– Raitano
Rate it
Ode to the Garden
– Linette Bonghan
Rate it
Ode to the Goddess Ceres
– Thomas Moore
Rate it
Ode to the Great Unknown
– Thomas Hood
Rate it
Ode to the greater good in all of us
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Ode to the Guy Who Died Here
– Tracy Lescom Joyal
Rate it
Ode to the Homeland: A Symphony of Love
– El Professor
Rate it
Ode to the Homeless
– Evelyn Baruch
Rate it
Ode To The Husky Clipper
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Ode to the Imposter
– Beck Dishman
Rate it
Ode To The Johns Hopkins University
– Sidney Lanier
Rate it
Ode to the Loverboy
– Zoey Cambert
Rate it
Ode to the Memory of Burns
– Thomas Campbell
Rate it
Ode to the Moon
– Mary Darby Robinson
Rate it
Ode To The Moon
– Thomas Hood
Rate it
Ode To The Moon
– Charles Edward York
Rate it
Ode to the Muse
– Mary Darby Robinson
Rate it
Ode to the Nightingale
– Mary Darby Robinson
Rate it
Ode to the Northeast Wind
– Charles Kingsley
Rate it
ode to the overpriced art
– KC Kettering
Rate it
Ode To The Philistines
– George Essex Evans
Rate it
Ode to the pipe organ
– Ezra LaPlant
Rate it
Ode to the pipe organ
– Ezra LaPlant
Rate it
Ode to the pipeline
– Thomas Ventura
Rate it
Ode to the Politicians
– Peter Bruck
Rate it
Ode To The Poppy
– Charlotte Smith
Rate it
Ode to the Rain Fall
– doodlegirl
Rate it
Ode to the Rose
– conductor
Rate it
Ode to the rose
– Laurie Edberg
Rate it
Ode to the Sahara
– Fidelis Peter Olowu
Rate it
Ode to the Sea
– Malina Johnson
Rate it
Ode To The Setting Sun
– Francis Thompson
Rate it
Ode To The Setting Sun - Prelude
– Francis Thompson
Rate it
Ode to the Silent Guardians: The Dogs Who Walk Beside Us
– Marcelo Palacios
Rate it
Ode To The Spirit Of The Earth In Autumn
– George Meredith
Rate it
Ode to the Sublime Porte
– Thomas Moore
Rate it
Ode to the sun
– Zero shearn
Rate it
Ode to the Turkey
– Elaine C. George
Rate it
Ode to the unborn
– annette gagliardi
Rate it
ode to the unborn army
– daniel faerber
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
Ode To The Wayfairing Pilgrim
– Julio Bonjovi Wombat
Rate it
Ode to the West Wind
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
Rate it
Ode to the Willow Tree
– Sharla Lee Shults
Rate it
Ode to the Winsors of Heaven.
– Paul Lewis Williams
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
Ode to This Life I Know
– doodlegirl
Rate it
Ode To Those Flawless
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Ode to thy smile.
– Swarup Bhattacharya
Rate it
Ode to Ting Chiao
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
Ode To Tobacco
– Charles Stuart Calverley
Rate it
– Lyndsay McPherson
Rate it
Ode To Tranquillity
– Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Rate it
Ode to Trump
– Jim Gardiner
Rate it
Ode to Valour
– Mary Darby Robinson
Rate it
Ode to Vanity
– Mary Darby Robinson
Rate it
Ode to W. Kitchener, M.D.
– Thomas Hood
Rate it
Ode to Walt Whitman
– Federico García Lorca
Rate it
Ode to whats been lost
– Ronald Tirino
Rate it
Ode To William H. Channing
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
Rate it
Ode to Winter
– Thomas Campbell
Rate it
Ode to Winter
– ndemaras
Rate it
Ode to Woman
– Yisra'el Tzedek
Rate it
Ode To Work In Springtime
– Thomas R Ybarra
Rate it
Ode to you, but I am stuck
Rate it
Ode to your Smile
– Swarup Bhattacharya
Rate it
Ode V: Against Suspicion
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode V: On Love Of Praise
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode VI: Hymn To Cheerfulness
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode VI: To William Hall, Esquire: With The Works Of Chaulieu
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode VII: On The Use Of Poetry
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode VII: To The Right Reverend Benjamin Lord Bishop Of Winchester
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode VIII: If Rightly Tuneful Bards Decide
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode VIII: On Leaving Holland
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode Written In The Beginning Of The Year 1746
– William Collins
Rate it
Ode Written In The Beginning Of The Year 1746
– William Taylor Collins
Rate it
Ode Written On The First Of December
– Robert Southey
Rate it
Ode Written On The First Of January
– Robert Southey
Rate it
Ode X: To The Muse
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode X: To Thomas Edwards, Esquire: On The Late Edition Of Mr. Pope's Work
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode XI: On Love, To A Friend
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode XI: To The Country Gentlemen Of England
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode XII: On Recovering From A Fit Of Sickness, In the Country
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode XII: To Sir Francis Henry Drake, Baronet
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode XIII: On Lyric Poetry
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode XIII: To The Author Of Memoirs Of The House of Brandenburgh
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode XIV: To The Honourable Charles Townshend: From The Country
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode XV: On Domestic Manners (Unfinished)
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode XV: To The Evening-Star
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode XVI: To Caleb Hardinge, M.D.
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode XVII: On A Sermon Against Glory
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode XVIII: To The Right Honourable Francis Earl Of Huntington
– Mark Akenside
Rate it
Ode, Composed On A May Morning
– William Wordsworth
Rate it
Ode, Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood
– William Wordsworth
Rate it
Ode, written 1739
– William Shenstone
Rate it
Ode, Written On The Opening Of The Last Campaign
– Amelia Opie
Rate it
– William Gilmore Simms
Rate it
– William Gilmore Simms
Rate it
Ode--'On A Distant Prospect' Of Making A Fortune
– Charles Stuart Calverley
Rate it
Ode--Shell the Old City! Shell!
– William Gilmore Simms
Rate it
Ode. Written On The Blank Page Before Beaumont And Fletcher's Tragi-Comedy 'The Fair Maid Of The Inn'
– John Keats
Rate it
Ode. Supposed To Be Written On The Marriage Of A Friend
– William Cowper
Rate it
Ode: Intimations of Immortality
– William Wordsworth
Rate it
Ode: Si en un lieu solitaire
– Jacques Tahureau
Rate it
Ode:Sung on the. Occasion Of decorating the graves of the Confederate dead
– Henry Timrod
Rate it
– Nathan Gonzales
Rate it
Odes From Horace. - To Apollo. Book The First, Ode The Thirty-First.
– Anna Seward
Rate it
Odes From Horace. - To Barine. Book The Second, Ode The Eighth.
– Anna Seward
Rate it
Odes From Horace. - To His Attendant. Book The First, Ode The Thirty-Eighth.
– Anna Seward
Rate it
Odes From Horace. - To Leuconoe. Book The First, Ode The Eleventh.
– Anna Seward
Rate it
Odes From Horace. - To Licinius Murena. Book The Second, Ode The Tenth.
– Anna Seward
Rate it
Odes From Horace. - To Liguria. Book The Fourth, Ode The Tenth.
– Anna Seward
Rate it
Odes From Horace. - To Lyce, On Her Refusing To Admit His Visits. Book The Third, Ode The Tenth.
– Anna Seward
Rate it
Odes From Horace. - To Lydia. Book The First, Ode The Eighth.
– Anna Seward
Rate it
Odes From Horace. - To Phidyle. Exhorting Her To Be Content With A Frugal Sacrifice. Book The Third, Ode The Twenty-Third.
– Anna Seward
Rate it
Odes From Horace. - To Posthumus. Book The Second, Ode The Fourteenth.
– Anna Seward
Rate it
Odes to Abby Chapter I
– Moek
Rate it
Odes to Abby Chapter II
– Moek
Rate it
Odes to Abby Chapter III
– Moek
Rate it
Odes to Abby Chapter IV
– Moek
Rate it
– sonja votolen
Rate it
Odiegwu O
– Israel Chinonye Uche
Rate it
Odihneste-te In Pace, Italian Sfant, Italian Adevarat (Italiano Da Vero)!!!
– Nobody Nose
Rate it
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Odio el amor
– Edson Pingo Bonilla
Rate it
– Jesse Cochran
Rate it
Odor of Death
Rate it
Odour of cloud
– Jyoti Chaudhary
Rate it
– Friedrich Schiller
Rate it
– josiah borton monaghan
Rate it
Odysseus' Fate
– Konstantin Nikolaevich Batiushkov
Rate it
Odysseus: In Memory Of Arthur Griffith
– Padraic Colum
Rate it
– Sitori Byers
Rate it
Odyssey of Love
– George Nurse
Rate it
– Eesha Raazia
Rate it
Oedipus The King --Another Sad Story
– Israel Chinonye Uche
Rate it
– Jerry Wayne Lawrence, Jr.
Rate it
– Alfred Lord Tennyson
Rate it
– William Edmondstoune Aytoun
Rate it
Of A Broken Heart
– Gary Ferris
Rate it
Of A Day and Thirty Three by Jessica Ni Leacai
– Jessie Ní Leacaí
Rate it
Of A Ministry Pitiful, Angry, Mean
– Jane Austen
Rate it
Of a time lost
Rate it
Of a vast rainbow
– Mark Cloutier
Rate it
Of a Woman, Dead Young
– Dorothy Parker
Rate it
Of a' the Airts
– Robert Burns
Rate it
Of all nacyons vnder the heuyn
– John Skelton
Rate it
Of all the cities in the world / only Venice
– Simona Nicoleta Lazăr
Rate it
Of all the souls that stand create
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
Of all the Sounds despatched abroad
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
Of All The Words That Rhyme With Pain
– Tracy
Rate it
Of All These Things Be Thankful
– Tonya King Richard
Rate it
Of Althea and Flaxie
– Cheryl Clarke
Rate it
Of An Orchard
– Katharine Tynan
Rate it
Of ancient shrines
– Ronald Tirino
Rate it
Of And From A Mongrel Heritage
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Of Andrew’s Spirit
– Douglas Blair
Rate it
Of Andrew’s Spirit (the first missionary)
– Wayne Blair
Rate it
Of Anticipation. from Proverbial Philosophy
– Martin Farquhar Tupper
Rate it
Of Any Old Man
– Isaac Rosenberg
Rate it
Of Bacon and Letters
– Tibe Patrick Jordan
Rate it
Of Beauty and Duty
– Dante Alighieri
Rate it
Of being a Cloud!!!
– Dr. Medhavi Chourey
Rate it
Of Being is a Bird
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
Of Birdsongs
– mtoddm
Rate it
Of Birth and Rebirth
– Alexandra Malki
Rate it
Of Blade and Battle
– Deshinitai
Rate it
Of Brimstone and Fire
– Eduard Bey
Rate it
Of Broken Feelings
– Bobby Ferguson
Rate it
Of Broken Guarantees
– Valeria Levchenko
Rate it
Of Bronze—and Blaze
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
Of Brussels—it was not
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
Of Bygone Years I Lament
– Dr. Medhavi Chourey
Rate it
Of Captains and Kings
– Harold Creggan
Rate it
Of Carm (.Org) and Christian (s) Forums
– anonymous3142
Rate it
Of Cause and effect
– Emmanuel Ntezeyombi
Rate it
Of Charity
– Arthur Symons
Rate it
Of Child With Bird At The Bush
– John Bunyan
Rate it
Of Clementina
– Walter Savage Landor
Rate it
Of Clouds and Ships
– Don Stephens
Rate it
Of Coarse Fools
– Sebastian Brant
Rate it
Of colors and light
– Mark Cloutier
Rate it
Of Coloured Glass
– Constantine P. Cavafy
Rate it
Of Consciousness, her awful Mate
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
Of Corse
– Michael Broden
Rate it
Of Corse
– Michael Broden
Rate it
Of Course I Could Be Crazy (Bussokusekika)
– Edwin Tanguma
Rate it
Of Course I Meant It
– Bobby Ferguson
Rate it
Of course I remember him…
– Hemlock
Rate it
Of Course—I prayed
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
Of Death
– John Bunyan
Rate it
Of Death & Resurrection
– William Strode
Rate it
Of death no more
– Joseph Berolo
Rate it
Of Dimitrios Sotir
– Constantine P. Cavafy
Rate it
Of Doves
– Brady Bowen
Rate it
Of English Verse
– Edmund Waller
Rate it
Of excellance
– "Rite On " Seattle Gaff
Rate it
Of Experience. From Proverbial Philosophy
– Martin Farquhar Tupper
Rate it
Of F.W.H.M. to One that Smokes
– James Kenneth Stephen
Rate it
Of faith and trust
– Leonard Dabydeen
Rate it
Of Fallen Heroes
– Barbara Cadogan
Rate it
of far, of old
– Jael Nightingale
Rate it
Of Farm and Life
– Sola Ajibogere
Rate it
Of Five Senses
– Junaid Hossain
Rate it
Of Flowers and Butterflies
– Laurent Cousineau
Rate it
Of Glory
– Arthur Maquarie
Rate it
Of Godly Fear
– John Bunyan
Rate it
Of good and evil!
– Emmanuel Ntezeyombi
Rate it
Of Great Wordsmiths Before Me (Senryu)
– Edwin R Tanguma
Rate it
Of Happiness
– Inge Meldgaard
Rate it
Of Healing The Hollow
Rate it
Of Hearts and Hands
– Kiara
Rate it
Of Heaven
– John Bunyan
Rate it
Of Hell And The Estate of Those Who Perish
– John Bunyan
Rate it
Of Herewith And Whenceforth
– John Jessup Kennan
Rate it
Of Him I Love Day And Night
– Walt Whitman
Rate it
Of Himself
– William Cowper
Rate it
Of Holiness Of Life
– John Bunyan
Rate it
Of Hope
– Elizabeth Craig
Rate it
Of Hope (Sonnet)
– Erwin Jung
Rate it
of hope and mourning
– Mark Langendorf
Rate it
Of Human Bondage
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Of Humility. From Proverbial Philosophy
– Martin Farquhar Tupper
Rate it
Of Hym That Togyder Wyll Serve Two Masters
– Sebastian Brant
Rate it
Of Imputed Righteousness
– John Bunyan
Rate it
Of Jacopo Del Sellaio
– Ezra Pound
Rate it
Of January
– Jelly P. Brown
Rate it
Of jesus, I sing!
Rate it
Of Joan's Youth
– Louise Imogen Guiney
Rate it
Of Joyce Kilmer and War
– Janet Muirhead Hill
Rate it
Of joys and pleasing pains
– John Wilbye
Rate it
Of Judgement
– John Bunyan
Rate it
Of Justice
– John Denham
Rate it
Of Lexington & Concord
– Matthew Singley
Rate it
Of Life and Death
– Jay Ford
Rate it
Of life and light
– Mark Cloutier
Rate it
Of Life With Death
– Ewan Hartnell
Rate it
Of Long Ago
– Inge Meldgaard
Rate it
Of love and loss!
– Emmanuel Ntezeyombi
Rate it
Of Love and Troughs
– Anubrato Ghatak
Rate it
Of Love To God
– John Bunyan
Rate it
Of love: a sonnet
– Robert Herrick
Rate it
Of Man By Nature
– John Bunyan
Rate it
Of Many Things
– Steve Cochrane
Rate it
Of Many Worries Few Come True
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Of Means and Ends
– James Stefan Gurak
Rate it
Of men and jinn
– Gregg Fikes
Rate it
Of mind. Prayer.
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Of Modern Poetry
– Wallace Stevens
Rate it
Of Moses And His Wife
– John Bunyan
Rate it
Of My Home
– Marcus DeStorm
Rate it
Of My Lady Isabella Playing on the Lute
– Edmund Waller
Rate it
Of My Lips
– Bubbie K Phillips
Rate it
Of My Mistress and Her Sister
– Sean Taylor
Rate it
Of Myths and Legends
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
Of nearness to her sundered Things
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
Of Note: Feeling And Falling
– eliseo guerrero cervantes
Rate it
Of Old Sat Freedom on the Heights
– Alfred Lord Tennyson
Rate it
Of old, on her terrace at evening
– Christopher John Brennan
Rate it
Of Om
– Trevor McLeod
Rate it
Of one above
– Mark Cloutier
Rate it
Of Otters
– mtoddm
Rate it
Of pain and grit
Rate it
Of peace not mind
– M.Mantini
Rate it
Of Pearls And Stars
– Heinrich Heine
Rate it
Of Public Spirit In Regard To Public Works: An Epistle, To His Royal Highness Frederick Prince of Wa
– Richard Savage
Rate it
Of Roses and Dandelions.
– Cas Wilson
Rate it
Of sardanapalus'S dishonorable life and miserable death.
– Henry Howard
Rate it
Of shadows and spaces
– Jade Monty O'Neill
Rate it
Of Sheepish Times.
– Zomby
Rate it
Of Silken Speech and Specious Shoe
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
Of simple things
– Ronald Tirino
Rate it
of sky and skin
– Jeffrey Lynn Naylor
Rate it
Of splendor and truth
– Mark cloutier
Rate it
Of St. Francis and the Ass
– Katharine Tynan
Rate it
Of Stone
– Gary Knouse
Rate it
Of Structure and Grace Formed
– Jessie Ní Leacaí
Rate it
Of Style And Stigma
– Tavishi Kumar
Rate it
Of suffering voluntarily
– anil gupta
Rate it
Of Sun And Rain Doth Life Give Way
– Allen Christensen
Rate it
Of Taking things Easy
– Arthur Maquarie
Rate it
Of That Day
– Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh
Rate it
Of That So Sweet Imprisonment
– James Joyce
Rate it
of that, golden sky
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
– Natalia Nehama
Rate it
Of The Bible
– Kassandra M. Konecny
Rate it
Of The Boy and Butterfly
– John Bunyan
Rate it
Of the Cuckoo
– John Bunyan
Rate it
Of the Death of Sir T.W. the Elder
– Henry Howard
Rate it
Of The Flie At The Candle
– John Bunyan
Rate it
Of the Four Ages of Man
– Anne Bradstreet
Rate it
Of the four Humours in Mans Constitution.
– Anne Bradstreet
Rate it
Of The Going Down Of The Sun
– John Bunyan
Rate it
Of The Heart
– Conrad Trudelle
Rate it
Of the Jews (50 A.D.)
– Constantine P. Cavafy
Rate it
Of the Last Verses in the Book
– Edmund Waller
Rate it
Of The Leaves
– Casey LaMora
Rate it
Of The Love Of Christ
– John Bunyan
Rate it
Of the Mean and Sure Estate
– David McKee Wright
Rate it
Of the Mean and Sure Estate
– Sir Thomas Wyatt
Rate it
Of the Mean and Sure Estate Written to John Poins
– Sir Thomas Wyatt
Rate it
Of the mind and in the heart
– Richard J Edwards
Rate it
Of The Mole In The Ground
– John Bunyan
Rate it
Of the moon and stars
– Swapna Sanchita
Rate it
Of the Morning Song in Procession
– Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh
Rate it
Of the penultimate
– Mark Cloutier
Rate it
Of The Rose Bush
– John Bunyan
Rate it
Of The Same Respect
– Naveed Akram
Rate it
Of The Shop
– Constantine P. Cavafy
Rate it
Of The Spouse Of Christ
– John Bunyan
Rate it
Of The Terrible Doubt Of Apperarances
– Walt Whitman
Rate it
Of The Three Seekers
– William Morris
Rate it
Of the True Endeavour
– Edward George Dyson
Rate it
Of The Visage Of Things
– Walt Whitman
Rate it
Of The Wooing Of Halbiorn The Strong
– William Morris
Rate it
Of This Country
– LillianP
Rate it
Of this moment
– Charles Fields II
Rate it
– Barbara Lloyd Attaway
Rate it
Of Three Children
– Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch
Rate it
Of Thunderbirds and Whales Tale
– Chris E Morganroth IV
Rate it
Of Thy Life, Thomas, This Compass Well Mark
– Henry Howard
Rate it
Of Time And Place
– eliseo guerrero cervantes
Rate it
Of Today
– lauren_catherine
Rate it
Of Tolling Bell I ask the cause?
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
Of Too Much Spekynge Or Bablynge
– Sebastian Brant
Rate it
Of Tribulation, these are They
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
Of Truth, Poet And Racism
– eliseo guerrero cervantes
Rate it
Of Two Minds
– Steve Cochrane
Rate it
Of Uprightness and Sincerity
– John Bunyan
Rate it
Of Violence and Strays
– E.E.H
Rate it
Of war and Hopes
– Joseph Berolo
Rate it
Of What Are You Sure
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Of What is Love
– Pam Costello
Rate it
Of whispers and Purple
– bluejay1985
Rate it
Of Who I Am
– Steven Avolio
Rate it
Of Wine and Rhyme
– Warner Baxter
Rate it
of witches and mountains
– nooshin azadi
Rate it
Of Woman's Love.
– Robert Crawford
Rate it
Of Writing
– geethab
Rate it
Of yeah it's there
– Greg M Scholler
Rate it
Of You
– Robert Haigh
Rate it
Of You And Me
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Of Youth and the Sea
– Mark Orr
Rate it
– Shon White
Rate it
– azdi404
Rate it
Off a forked tongue
– Jennifer McKnight
Rate it
Off Cape Colonna
– Herman Melville
Rate it
Off Center
– Steve Cochrane
Rate it
Off Line Brains
– Robert Zwilling
Rate it
Off Mesolongi
– Alfred Austin
Rate it
Off Riviere Du Loup
– Duncan Campbell Scott
Rate it
Off Rough Point
– Emma Lazarus
Rate it
Off Shore
– Celia Thaxter
Rate it
Off Spring Of Spring
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Off the Charts
– Richard Groff
Rate it
Off the Ground
– Walter de la Mare
Rate it
Off The Hook
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Off The Rails
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Off the top of my head
– Jesse Avila
Rate it
Off the Track
– James Brunton Stephens
Rate it
Off the Turnpike
– Amy Lowell
Rate it
Off The Vine
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
off the vine
– Rachel Jenkins
Rate it
off the wall
– haiku artist
Rate it
Off The Wall
– Jason Harley Ross
Rate it
off to bed
– Saul Palti
Rate it
Off to Church
– Royston
Rate it
Off to Neverland
– Niharika Singh
Rate it
Off To See The World
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Off to the Fishing Ground
– Lucy Maud Montgomery
Rate it
Off to the Range
– Edbo
Rate it
Off unto the Horizon Sun
– a.d.stoves
Rate it
Off unto the Horizon Sun
– a.d.stoves
Rate it
Off With The Shoes
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
– jerryl.01657
Rate it
– Martin Dansky
Rate it
Offensive Assumptions
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Offensive Weapons
– Richard Groff
Rate it
Offer Me Confidence
– Ahmad Al_khatat
Rate it
Offer Your Vote For The Person Who Does Service!
– Kanniappan Kanniappan
Rate it
– Jonathan A. Lacey
Rate it
– Norbert Tasev
Rate it
– Walt Whitman
Rate it
– Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh
Rate it
– Zhiyang Tan
Rate it
– Glory Sasikala
Rate it
Office Hours
– Julia McKeown
Rate it
Office Mottoes
– Franklin P. Adams
Rate it
Office Romance?
– William Cody Winter
Rate it
Officer Brady, The Modern Recruit
– Robert William Chambers
Rate it
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Official Piety
– John Greenleaf Whittier
Rate it
offline success.
– Dwight Drummond
Rate it
Offloaded Clean
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Offspring Of Spring
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Oft Have I Read That Innocence Retreats
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
Oft have I vow'd
– John Wilbye
Rate it
Oft Times
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Oft, in the Stilly Night
– Thomas Moore
Rate it
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
– Doreene Felder
Rate it
Often life won't interfere
– Richard J Edwards
Rate it
Often Mist
– David Marion
Rate it
Often rebuked, yet always back returning
– Emily Jane Brontë
Rate it
Often To Wish
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
OG Poetry
– Keith Lankford
Rate it
Ogam Inscription form
– Ogam
Rate it
Rate it
– Henrietta Okafor
Rate it
Ogede my home
– Eleojo Grace Urieh
Rate it
Oglala Lament: Decembver, 1890
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
– Madison Julius Cawein
Rate it
Ogoni Tribulation
– Benson Chukwueke
Rate it
Ogrin The Hermit
– Edith Wharton
Rate it
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
– Henry Kendall
Rate it
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Oh my what a cleanup
– Doreene Felder
Rate it
Oh ! god free me.
– Satya Pattnaik
Rate it
Oh 1975!
– Wazir Sourjah
Rate it
Oh America
– LorraRaine
Rate it
Oh Angel in the dark
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Oh baby!
– The Champ
Rate it
Oh Bee! Bee! Mr. Bee!
– Mariyum Kaleem Toor
Rate it
Oh Black Ops 2
– Jonathon Moseley
Rate it
Oh Bother!
– Wuncie
Rate it
Oh boy
– Trent Miller
Rate it
oh buttcheck
– po
Rate it
Oh by the river
– Didar Baizhanov
Rate it
Oh Canada: Land of Plenty and Freedom
– Ethan La Fortune
Rate it
Oh cancer how I hate you
– Steven Eagan
Rate it
Oh Catherine
– Treava Knight
Rate it
Oh Catherine, Dear Catherine!
– Thomas Richey
Rate it
Oh Christy Oh Christy
– Megan C. Andersen
Rate it
Oh clouds
– N.C.Rangarajan
Rate it
Oh creator of the universe
– Ranjyot Singh
Rate it
Oh Cruel Girl
– Brejesh Umashankar
Rate it
Oh Crystal moon what do you see
– Poetic Judy Emery
Rate it
Oh dad
– Hannah Giesegh
Rate it
Oh Dear
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Oh Dear Gyaanipedia
– Ami Johnson
Rate it
Oh Dear Jesus
– Katherine Rodgers
Rate it
Oh dear!
– Vikas Nathan
Rate it
Oh dear, Sweet rain
– Dontay Anderson Jr
Rate it
oh evil man
– the lionite
Rate it
Oh Exotic
– William John
Rate it
Oh fair enough are sky and plain
– Alfred Edward Housman
Rate it
Oh Fairest of the Rural Maids
– William Cullen Bryant
Rate it
Oh Father Dear
– Diane J Quenneville
Rate it
Oh For A Day Of Spring
– Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
Rate it
Oh For The Love Of Self Pity
– Ian Sawicki
Rate it
Oh For the Swords of Former Time
– Thomas Moore
Rate it
Oh fragile is the flower
– Kerri Birch
Rate it
Oh friend
– Charles Dickens
Rate it
Oh Friend, I Love You, Think This Over
– Kabir
Rate it
Oh girl I love you
– philip lacey
Rate it
oh god
– Sai Krishna
Rate it
Oh God
– Doreene Felder
Rate it
Oh God ,.. Why ?
– kaustav mukherjee
Rate it
oh god no its tim
– garry g
Rate it
Oh god, Oh god
– Yogya Bhatia
Rate it
Oh god, Oh god
– Yogya Bhatia
Rate it
Oh God.
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Oh Great Tree
– Incognito
Rate it
Rate it
Oh heart!!
– Dhanya
Rate it
Oh Hello Haiku
– Eddie Brock
Rate it
Oh Henry
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Oh Hey Can You See ¿?
Rate it
Oh How I Changed
– Steve Cochrane
Rate it
Oh how I love the rose.
– Prachsss
Rate it
Oh how I love the water
– Eliza Cook
Rate it
Oh how i pray for you
– Kiley McIntyre
Rate it
Oh How I Wish For Tomorrow
– Jymmy Creasy
Rate it
Oh how the music played
– Richard J Edwards
Rate it
Oh i am so lucky
– kaustav mukherjee
Rate it
Oh I Regret!
– Evans E Bradley
Rate it
Oh I Remember..
– Nuzhat Usmani
Rate it
Oh I wanted you from the start
– DarkGirl
Rate it
Oh Jeannie Don't You Know
– George Walter Duszak
Rate it
Oh Jesus
– Terrance L Cassidy
Rate it
Oh Jesus
– Prof. Terrance L Cassidy
Rate it
Oh lamb of God
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Oh Little Dragonfly
– Courtnie Mckern
Rate it
Oh Little Feet
– Holly Ann Livingston
Rate it
Oh Lonesome Knight
– Michael David Marlow
Rate it
Oh Look How The Flowers Grow
– Kira Ann Beeton
Rate it
Oh Lord
– Hasan Johnson
Rate it
Oh Lord
– Erin Waldenville
Rate it
Oh Lord My God
– Erin Waldenville
Rate it
Oh Lord!
– Roberto Suárez Torres
Rate it
Oh Lord, Tonight The Angels Receive Their Wings
– Jamal Upshaw
Rate it
Oh Lord,How I Thank Thee!
– Cocoa Shawnee
Rate it
Oh Love Don't Go Without Me
– Jamal Upshaw
Rate it
Oh Love I Promise You
– Jamal Upshaw
Rate it
Oh Love If You Remember Me
– Jamal Upshaw
Rate it
Oh Love Look What We Have Done
– Jamal Upshaw
Rate it
Oh Love Shall Lead Me To The River Styx
– Jamal Upshaw
Rate it
Oh Love We Have Captured The Stars
– Jamal Upshaw
Rate it
Oh Love We May Collide
– Jamal Upshaw
Rate it
Oh love,you are unstoppable.
– Swarup Bhattacharya
Rate it
oh Malory
– anonymus 3
Rate it
Oh Man!
– Franklin P. Adams
Rate it
Oh Mighty Land
– Timothy Ivan Brumley 061757
Rate it
Oh mighty love
– Heather lydia thornhill
Rate it
Oh Mighty Powers That Be (Bussokusekika)
– Edwin Tanguma
Rate it
Oh Mister Trumpet
– J. Michael Welborn
Rate it
Oh Mother
– Eva Lopez
Rate it
Oh Mr. Banana Tree
– TJ Johnson
Rate it
Oh Muse
– Brejesh Umashankar
Rate it
Oh My
– Doreene Felder
Rate it
Oh My Angel
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Oh My Angel
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Oh My Beloved
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Oh my blacke Soule! now thou art summoned
– John Donne
Rate it
Oh my Darling
– William John
Rate it
Oh my dear
– Ismet Ozce
Rate it
Oh my dear
– Wendy Mitchell
Rate it
Oh my Dog!
– Jonas Saga
Rate it
Oh my Dog!
– Jonas Saga
Rate it
Oh My Fairy Queen
– Nurul Hoque
Rate it
Oh My Friend
– Saseendra
Rate it
Oh My God
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Oh My God
– Dev Parth
Rate it
Oh my god i'm so lucky
– Indran
Rate it
Oh My God!
– Sayed Abdullah Ahmadi
Rate it
Oh My God, When I Die
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Oh my heart
– Ehmad Muneem
Rate it
oh my heart!
– haiku artist
Rate it
Oh my little Magpie
– #iwritritall | Sarah Cope
Rate it
Oh my lord ! please help !
– Shubham Ahuja
Rate it
Oh my Love!
– Boria Antik
Rate it
Oh my love!
– Ankita Dutta
Rate it
Oh My Love...
– Althaf Husain
Rate it
Oh My Mary Anne
– Jason Mui
Rate it
Oh My Mocombo
– ryan wart
Rate it
Oh my Mother
– Jim Robertson
Rate it
Rate it
Oh my oh dear
– Wendy Mitchell
Rate it
Oh My pain My parasite
– Oh! My pain My parasite
Rate it
Oh my People
– Khadija Maulid
Rate it
oh my young flower
– Adeline Bridgerton
Rate it
Oh Nature
– Abby H.
Rate it
Oh nature oh nature
– A beautiful nature
Rate it
oh no
– James Higgins
Rate it
– Belinda Richmond
Rate it
Oh no, not again.
– Wayne Blair
Rate it
Oh pain , it’s hard
– Doris Thompson
Rate it
Oh past!
– Kavya Padha
Rate it
Oh Please!
– Ian Sawicki
Rate it
Oh Poetic Soul
– David Abraham
Rate it
Oh Poor Heart
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Oh Poor Heart
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Oh Poor Soul
– Riza Diel
Rate it
Oh Pride
– Ahmad Sayed
Rate it
Oh Project
– EStarkman
Rate it
Oh Romano, Romano, Wherefore Art Thou Romano
– RickthePoetWarrior
Rate it
Oh Romano, Romano, Wherefore Art Thou Romano
– RickthePoetWarrior
Rate it
Oh salute!
– William John
Rate it
Oh Satan
– azdi404
Rate it
Oh say not that my heart is cold
– Charles Wolfe
Rate it
Oh so beautiful redhead
– Angelina Rolston
Rate it
Oh So Blue
– Kathy Cabatuan
Rate it
Oh so far away
– Brian J Cheville
Rate it
Oh So Human
– Kevin Larz
Rate it
Oh So Human
– Kevin Larz Phillips
Rate it
Oh Society
– Chrissy.
Rate it
Oh Stay At Home, My Lad
– Alfred Edward Housman
Rate it
Oh stay at home, my lad, and plough
– Alfred Edward Housman
Rate it
Oh Stop The Lonely Calling
– Linda Giffen
Rate it
Oh Sun
– Emmanuel Million Obiajuru
Rate it
Oh Sun
– Emmanuel Million Obiajuru
Rate it
Oh Sun-
– ABruno
Rate it
Oh Sweet P u s s y Cat
– Unknown Author
Rate it
– Shaniyah
Rate it
– Godcan Irek
Rate it
Oh terrible, beloved! A poet's loving
– Boris Pasternak
Rate it
Oh That Death.. He Comes For Us All
– Mary Frances Vick
Rate it
Oh That I Were As In Months Past!
– John Newton
Rate it
Oh that Loves pen had permanent ink
– Leo Long
Rate it
Oh That Sven
– Andrew Garneau Clancy
Rate it
Oh the Guilt
– Shari Sullivan
Rate it
oh the lie
– Edward Gonzalez
Rate it
Oh the love
– Rashera Barger
Rate it
Oh Time Old!
– Roberto Suárez Torres
Rate it
Oh to be
– Sherrie Palmer OBrien
Rate it
Oh to love the one you deserve
– Poetishly
Rate it
Oh to see the dawn
– Royston
Rate it
Oh Valentine
– lauren_catherine
Rate it
Oh Violin
– Faith Embleton
Rate it
Oh Wardrobe-
– zthevenot
Rate it
Oh Well
– Jane Lomas
Rate it
Oh Well
– Lone Alpha
Rate it
– Mrs Janelle D Ginter (B)
Rate it
Oh Wert Thou In The Cauld Blast
– Robert Burns
Rate it
Oh What Beautiful eyes
– Peter Rivera
Rate it
Oh What Beautiful eyes
– Peter Junior Rivera
Rate it
Oh What Could I Be?
– Peyten
Rate it
Oh What Sensations
– Emily Foreacre
Rate it
oh whiskey river
– jody l cooke
Rate it
Oh Who Is That Young Sinner
– Alfred Edward Housman
Rate it
Oh Why Christmas, Why?
– Evelyn Seivers
Rate it
OH WHY POETRY.COM WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They deleted my best poem!! :( :(
– John Lowe
Rate it
Oh wise peasant
– Ms So
Rate it
Oh Woman
– Oscar Auliq-Ice
Rate it
Oh would that I....
– John Petro
Rate it
Oh Yea
– Dante Unknown
Rate it
Oh yeah
– japanesewind
Rate it
Oh Yes
– Charles Bukowski
Rate it
Oh you Pretty Things.
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
– Moses Seiber
Rate it
Oh! Arranmore, Loved Arranmore
– Thomas Moore
Rate it
Oh! Blame Not the Bard
– Thomas Moore
Rate it
Oh! Breathe Not His Name
– Thomas Moore
Rate it
Oh! ce bonheur
– Emile Verhaeren
Rate it
Oh! Cradle! Cradle!
– Ravi Panamanna
Rate it
Oh! Death Will Find Me, Long Before I Tire
– Rupert Brooke
Rate it
Oh! December
– leonard adinya
Rate it
Oh! divine one
– Mubashair Naseer
Rate it
Oh! Doubt Me Not
– Thomas Moore
Rate it
Oh! eyes
– Real abdullah
Rate it
– Li-inks10
Rate it
Oh! Had We Some Bright Little Isle of Our Own
– Thomas Moore
Rate it
Oh! He's Nothing But A Soldier
– Anonymous Americas
Rate it
Oh! if thou wilt not give thine heart
– Felicia Dorothea Hemans
Rate it
Oh! laisse frapper à la porte
– Emile Verhaeren
Rate it
Oh! Mother
– Èl-vàrith Muhammed Qais Bin ashraf
Rate it
Oh! Mr Best You're Very Bad
– Jane Austen
Rate it
Oh! Mr. Malthus!
– Stephen Leacock
Rate it
– Pallabi Panda
Rate it
Oh! my dear one.
– Dania Khan
Rate it
Oh! my soul
– Adebayo Tim Taiwo
Rate it
oh! public works!
– Yukunno Ghirmay
Rate it
Oh! snatched away in beauty's bloom
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
Oh! Susanna
– Stephen C. Foster
Rate it
Oh! tes si douces mains
– Emile Verhaeren
Rate it
Oh! That We Two Were Maying
– Charles Kingsley
Rate it
Oh! The Marriage
– Thomas Davis
Rate it
Oh! The Marriage
– Thomas Osborne Davis
Rate it
Oh! Think Not My Spirits Are Always As Light
– Thomas Moore
Rate it
Oh! Virginia
– Atyathoabe Osakpa
Rate it
Oh! Weep For Those
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
Oh! What a despair
– Nusrat Fatima
Rate it
Oh! Zone Earth
– Samuel Adegbembo
Rate it
Oh!!! Why me
– Awopetu D.C
Rate it
Oh' help me god
– Melissa engeking
Rate it
Oh, Moon
– Emma Marie
Rate it
Oh, Allah The Almighty
– Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker
Rate it
Oh, Banquet Not
– Thomas Moore
Rate it
Oh, Boy!
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Oh, Brother!
– Nobody Nose
Rate it
Oh, Clair
– philip lacey
Rate it
Oh, Could We Do With This World of Ours
– Thomas Moore
Rate it
Oh, dear father !!
– Raj Bhandari
Rate it
Oh, evening let me embrace your glow !
Rate it
Oh, Fair To See
– Christina Georgina Rossetti
Rate it
Oh, fire in my belly
– Lupus (Nick Wildeman)
Rate it
Oh, Fly Not, Pleasure
– Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
Rate it
Oh, foo!
– Dawn Haveman
Rate it
Oh, For a Bowl of Fat Canary
– John Lyly
Rate it
Oh, For The Time When I Shall Sleep
– Emily Jane Brontë
Rate it
Oh, Fortune!
– Queen Elizabeth I
Rate it
Oh, Grand Youth!
– GCThomas
Rate it
Oh, Gray And Tender Is The Rain
– Lizette Woodworth Reese
Rate it
Oh, how beautiful the world is.
– Scorch
Rate it
Oh, how I wish it would rain!
– Whitney Aumack
Rate it
Oh, how I wish it would rain!
– Whitney Aumack
Rate it
Oh, how my week never ends
– Belema Dublin-Green
Rate it
Oh, how things have changed
– Kelley Davies
Rate it
Oh, I wanted you from the start
– Dark Girl
Rate it
Oh, Is It Love?
– Amy Levy
Rate it
Oh, It Is Good
– Robert William Service
Rate it
Oh, joy! at the night sky
– AmyMMosier
Rate it
Oh, Lost Soul!
– Maepail
Rate it
Oh, Mommy and Daddy, Why Couldn't You Raise Me a Lady
– Benjamin Koljak
Rate it
Oh, Mother.
– Sophie H.
Rate it
Oh, Mr. President
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Oh, Mr. President
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Oh, My Beloved Princess
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Oh, my belovèd, have you thought of this
– Edna St. Vincent Millay
Rate it
Oh, my dear heart!
– Archana Agarwal
Rate it
Oh, My Geraldine
– Sir Francis Cowley Burnand
Rate it
Oh, My God
– Dan Garduno
Rate it
Oh, my heart!
– Archana Agarwal
Rate it
Oh, My Land
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Oh, My Land
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Oh, My Life FB
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Oh, My Life FB
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Oh, Nature
– Oscar Auliq-Ice
Rate it
Oh, oh Rosalie
– Lesbia Harford
Rate it
Oh, Oh, You Will Be Sorry
– Edna St. Vincent Millay
Rate it
Oh, Say Can You See
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Oh, see how thick the goldcup flowers
– Alfred Edward Housman
Rate it
Oh, Serey!
– Meshack Bwoyele Keya
Rate it
Oh, Sewer Dove
– Daisy Montgomery
Rate it
Oh, Shades of Color
– Rebecca Acosta
Rate it
Oh, shall I speak to you of longing?
– secretina
Rate it
Oh, star - brightest star -
– AmyMMosier
Rate it
Oh, Tell Me, Ye Breezes
– Henry Kendall
Rate it
Oh, The Memories!
– Debra Brogan
Rate it
Oh, The Memories!
– Debra Brogan
Rate it
Oh, the Shamrock
– Thomas Moore
Rate it
Oh, the Sight Entrancing
– Thomas Moore
Rate it
Oh, They have Robbed Me of The Hope
– Anne Brontë
Rate it
Oh, those gray, slanted eyes!
– Svyatoslav Soloviev
Rate it
Oh, Thy Bright Eyes Must Answer Now
– Emily Jane Brontë
Rate it
Oh, to disagree.
– Wayne Blair
Rate it
Oh, unde esti ....
– Nobody Nose
Rate it
Oh, weeping willows, guardians of grace
– conductor
Rate it
Oh, What A Sweet Girl
– Oh, What A Sweet Girl
Rate it
oh, what a world...
– Aiden hart
Rate it
Oh, when I was in love with you
– Alfred Edward Housman
Rate it
Oh, When Will We Ever Learn?
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
Oh, when will you stand forth?
– Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
Rate it
Oh, Where is Mom, Sister, Brother?
– Chevelle Wernsmann
Rate it
Oh, Where The River Flows
– Adam Long
Rate it
Oh, Where The River Flows
– Adam Long
Rate it
Oh, Why Not Be Happy?
– Victor Marie Hugo
Rate it
Oh, Willow. (spoken from the heart)
– kmrjo
Rate it
Oh, Ye Dead!
– Thomas Moore
Rate it
Oh,Listen To Mary!
– Liam Ó Comáin
Rate it
Oh-- I Love Him
– Rae Arango-Leon
Rate it
OH-OK It's Today
– Robert Brady
Rate it
Oh..!! How I wish...!!!
– Cinderella Gonsalves
Rate it
Oh... How I Remember!
– Heidi L Sayles
Rate it
– Steve Cochrane
Rate it
– Gary Shulman, MS. Ed.
Rate it
Ohde varga
– Kanak Shekhawat
Rate it
Ohh How I miss you so very much
– Ohh how I miss you so very much!!!
Rate it
– Ian Zulick
Rate it
OHIO 2023 Industrialized State
– Presidential Candidate Abraham Lincoln
Rate it
Ohio Board Of Nurses
– ✌ TKO Victorian
Rate it
Ohio Board of Nursing
– Lulu Barrett
Rate it
Ohio State University saw through Ragina Gray
– Never want to go to the capital Hill & Mail to ohio university
Rate it
Ohio Taxes Too Much
– John Paul Jones II
Rate it
Ohms Law
– Doctor Dashaun Rashod Snipes
Rate it
Oíche Shamhna
– John Joseph Sheehy MacSheehy
Rate it
– Seema Tabassum Ali
Rate it
– Lindsay Mayeux
Rate it
Oil & Water
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Oil And Blood
– William Butler Yeats
Rate it
Oil And Blood
– Brian Oliveri
Rate it
Oil is youth
– H. Lock
Rate it
– James Macpherson
Rate it
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
– James Macpherson
Rate it
– Emily Pauline Johnson
Rate it
Ojo ni ibadan (rain ni ibadan)
– Ikeoluwa Ricketts
Rate it
Ojos Azules (Blue Eyes)
– Mark V. Markov
Rate it
Ojos Rojitos
– ilusiones
Rate it
Òjú àppá (blemished)
– Kalejaiye Adeshola Adejumobi
Rate it
Òjú àppá (the blemished one)
– Kalejaiye Adeshola Adejumobi
Rate it
Ojuelegba Sleep
– Benson Chukwueke
Rate it
– Tabitha J. Bryson
Rate it
OK again
– Billy Morgan
Rate it
OK again
– Billy Morgan
Rate it
Ok Missouri
– Rick Wojtala
Rate it
Ok With My Pain
– Phillip Michael
Rate it
– Jet Rood
Rate it
Ok, That is an Ad! Or Two? (Public Service Anncemnt) / Let Not (Title of this Poem)
– Soul_00
Rate it
– Tyrone Gboy
Rate it
– Jaxon Hurst
Rate it
– Gracie Miller
Rate it
– Stronghold
Rate it
Okay, let's talk.
– Rachel Jenkins
Rate it
Okinawa's song
– Caryn P Rakov
Rate it
Oklahoma Clay
– RD McManes
Rate it
– Angela
Rate it
Ol bikers
– Marty Mullins
Rate it
Ol' Anchor Lane
– Desmond Black
Rate it
Ol' Arrowman
– Adam Roachford
Rate it
Olaf trygvason
– Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
Rate it
– Paul Laurence Dunbar
Rate it
– Trevor McLeod
Rate it
Old 2 New
– Nicole Svenson
Rate it
Old Ace
– David Coad
Rate it
Old Adam, the Carrion Crow
– Thomas Lovell Beddoes
Rate it
Old Age
– Arthur Symons
Rate it
Old Age
– Edmund Waller
Rate it
Old Age
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Rate it
Old age
– Mazloom Gill
Rate it
old age
– Alan Green 'Guppyman'
Rate it
Old Age
– Douglas H. Mc Clintock
Rate it
Old Age Help
– Richard Newton Sherrer
Rate it
Old Age. (Sonnet IV.)
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Rate it
Old and Deaf
– Ryahn Gillis
Rate it
Old And New
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
Old And New
– Rabindranath Tagore
Rate it
Old And New Year
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Old And New Year
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Old And New Year Ditties
– Christina Georgina Rossetti
Rate it
Old And New: A Parable
– Charles Kingsley
Rate it
Old And Young
– Francis William Bourdillon
Rate it
Old Aunt Mary's
– James Whitcomb Riley
Rate it
Old Australian Ways
– Andrew Barton Paterson
Rate it
Old Barnard -- A Monkish Tale
– Mary Darby Robinson
Rate it
Old Beginnings
– Chris Curasi
Rate it
Old Bench Tale
– James J Moses
Rate it
Old bird
– Old bird
Rate it
Old Black Jacko
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Black Joe
– Stephen C. Foster
Rate it
Old Bob
– Robert William Service
Rate it
Old Bob Blair
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Botany Bay
– Dame Mary Gilmore
Rate it
Old Boy Scout
– Robert William Service
Rate it
Old Bull
– Joe Strickland
Rate it
Old Burning Bridge
– Harmonie portman
Rate it
Old but not Over
– Janet Muirhead Hill
Rate it
Old Cedar Chest
– Stephanie Mann
Rate it
Old Christians
– Marian Vest
Rate it
Old Class Pictures
– Riven Rose
Rate it
Old Clo
– Francis Ledwidge
Rate it
Old Codger
– Robert William Service
Rate it
Old cotton
– Valiantstar
Rate it
Old Counsel
– Herman Melville
Rate it
Old Covenant priorities.
– Doug Blair
Rate it
Old cowboy
– Michael Califf,Sr
Rate it
Old Crony
– Robert William Service
Rate it
Old Crow
– Mario William Vitale
Rate it
Old David Smail
– Robert William Service
Rate it
Old daybed
– Angela Dale
Rate it
Old days
– Prachii
Rate it
Old days were the best days
– Shreya Pathak
Rate it
Old Dog
– Leslie Kay Lanham
Rate it
Old Dog
– Hi
Rate it
Old Dog
– Analeigh Nelson
Rate it
Old Dog
– Odetosleep3
Rate it
Old dog queenie
– Langston Hughes
Rate it
Old Dog Tray
– Stephen C. Foster
Rate it
Old Dog, New Tricks
– Swati Ravi Nain
Rate it
Old Dusty Road
– Richard Groff
Rate it
Old Dutch Love Song
– Eugene Field
Rate it
Old Ed
– Robert William Service
Rate it
Old Embers Near Extinguished
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Old Engine Driver
– Robert William Service
Rate it
Old English Lullaby
– Eugene Field
Rate it
Old Enough
– Rowine Conley
Rate it
Old Environment
– Franklin P. Adams
Rate it
Old Eyes
– Joe Strickland
Rate it
Old Eyes on Ink
– Esther Jacks
Rate it
Old Fall
– Sean Taylor
Rate it
Old Farmer Jack
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Fashioned Fantasy
– AJ Douglas
Rate it
Old Fashioned Fun
– William Makepeace Thackeray
Rate it
Old Fashioned Roses
– James Whitcomb Riley
Rate it
Old Fighting-Men
– Rudyard Kipling
Rate it
Old files
– Shir Hanochi
Rate it
Old Fires
– John Freeman
Rate it
Old Flame
– Daniel Reeves
Rate it
Old Flower
– Mai K
Rate it
Old Flower
– Maira K
Rate it
Old Folks at Home
– Stephen C. Foster
Rate it
Old Friend
– India Wilridge
Rate it
Old Friend
– Devon Wilson
Rate it
Old friend
– Arman Hoque
Rate it
Old Friend
– Renae Ison
Rate it
Old friend
– H. Lock.
Rate it
old friend
– laura langston
Rate it
Old Friends
– Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton
Rate it
Old Friends
– Ramona Wilson
Rate it
Old Friends
– Joe Strickland
Rate it
Old Friends
– Old Friends
Rate it
Old Friends New Lovers
– Bennerita Martinez
Rate it
Old Genes
– Sarah Rayan
Rate it
Old Genes
– Sarah Rayan
Rate it
Old Glory Tells Her Story
– Lisa Campbell
Rate it
Old Granny Sullivan
– John Shaw Neilson
Rate it
Old Grey Dove
– tj hatton
Rate it
Old Groans
– M.Augustin
Rate it
Old Habits
– Brian Spivey
Rate it
Old Hag
– Marguerite C. Anderson
Rate it
Old heltberg
– Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
Rate it
Old Hunger
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Old Idea Of Choan By Rosoriu
– Ezra Pound
Rate it
Old Ireland
– Walt Whitman
Rate it
Old is gold
– Hasmukh Mehta
Rate it
Old is indeed Gold.
– G.Hansika
Rate it
Old Japan
– Alfred Noyes
Rate it
Old Jim Shore
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old King Cole
– Edwin Arlington Robinson
Rate it
Old lady
– Rafia Asghar
Rate it
Old Letters
– Joe Strickland
Rate it
Old Life
– Cindy Lamb
Rate it
Old life is Gone
– Roland A. Nava
Rate it
Old love
– Nife Arewa
Rate it
Old Lucas in the snows.
– Wayne Blair
Rate it
Old Man
– Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
Rate it
Old Man
– Edward Thomas
Rate it
Old Man
– Joe Giso
Rate it
Old man
– Michael Levertov
Rate it
Old Man Eating Alone in a Chinese Restaurant
– Billy Collins
Rate it
Old man in a tree
– Joanne McKay
Rate it
Old man in mom's care
– Amon Olisi
Rate it
Old man in mom's care
– Amon Olisi
Rate it
Old Man in the Woods
– Bruce Pastor
Rate it
Old Man Platypus
– Andrew Barton Paterson
Rate it
Old Man Rain
– Madison Julius Cawein
Rate it
Old Man Sitting
– Old Man Sitting
Rate it
Old Man Whiskery-Whee-Kum-Wheeze
– James Whitcomb Riley
Rate it
Old Man's Misery
– Marjan Ghazvini Nejad
Rate it
Old Man's Nursery Rhyme
– James Whitcomb Riley
Rate it
Old Man's Road
– Daryl Wayne Baxter
Rate it
Old Man's Walk
– Sonofdel
Rate it
Old Mates
– David McKee Wright
Rate it
Old Memory
– William Butler Yeats
Rate it
Old men
– Ogden Nash
Rate it
Old Men Complaining
– Padraic Colum
Rate it
Old Mother Christine.
– Michael Fisher
Rate it
Old Mother Laidinwool
– Rudyard Kipling
Rate it
Old Mother Seward
– Anonymous Americas
Rate it
Old Mountain Town Cemetery In Snow
– Eugene Michaels
Rate it
Old Mules
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Old Night
– Ashraful Musaddeq
Rate it
Old North Sydney
– Henry Lawson
Rate it
– mad hippie poet
Rate it
Old October
– James Whitcomb Riley
Rate it
Old or New?
– Dana Lyndon
Rate it
Old Pardon, the Son of Reprieve
– Andrew Barton Paterson
Rate it
Old Patterns
– Shawna Hennessy
Rate it
Old Paul and Old Tim
– William Schwenck Gilbert
Rate it
Old People
– Arthur Weil
Rate it
Old Pete Parraday
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Pictures In Florence
– Robert Browning
Rate it
Old Pilgrims Way
– tj hatton
Rate it
Old Poetry
– A.D. Small
Rate it
Old Poets
– Joyce Kilmer
Rate it
Old Red roses
– Jamie Phillips
Rate it
Old Rhythm And Rhyme
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
Old Rinny Tin-Tin
– Robin Loving
Rate it
Old Roger's Travails
– Kalejaiye Adeshola Adejumobi
Rate it
Old Romeo, wherefore art thou?
– Paul Kindlon
Rate it
Old Room
– Joshua Young
Rate it
Old rugged cross
– David Stephens
Rate it
Old Sang I
Rate it
Old Santeclaus
– Clement Clarke Moore
Rate it
Old School
– Chris Curasi
Rate it
Old School
– Douglas H. Mc Clintock
Rate it
Old School Across the Lane
– saffiregreek
Rate it
Old school-love
– Manish Kumar Sharma
Rate it
Old Schooldays
– Andrew Barton Paterson
Rate it
Old Scout
– Robert William Service
Rate it
Old simplicity
– Foyez Syed
Rate it
Old Snake-Doctor
– Madison Julius Cawein
Rate it
Old Soft Eyes
– Esther Jacks
Rate it
Old Softy
– Richard Groff
Rate it
Old Sojourner
– Douglas H Mc Clintock
Rate it
Old Soldier
– Padraic Colum
Rate it
Old Soldiers Never Die, They Just Go Out Of Print
– Stephen Colley
Rate it
Old Song
– Edward Fitzgerald
Rate it
Old Song Re-Sung
– Katharine Tynan
Rate it
Old Sonny Day
– tj hatton
Rate it
Old Soul
– Payton Hayes
Rate it
Old Soul
– Riaan Smit
Rate it
Old Souls
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Old Spanish Song
– Eugene Field
Rate it
Old Spense
– Isabella Valancy Crawford
Rate it
Old Spookses' Pass
– Isabella Valancy Crawford
Rate it
Old St David's at Radnor
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Rate it
Old Stone Chimney
– Henry Lawson
Rate it
Old Story
– Ludy Bührs
Rate it
Old Stuff
– Bert Leston Taylor
Rate it
Old Subject
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Old Susan
– Walter de la Mare
Rate it
Old Sweethearts
– Robert William Service
Rate it
Old Tales I Have Turned
– Christopher Laverty
Rate it
Old Temple
– Ludwig Ritchel A. Kalambacal
Rate it
Old Testament
– Brittany Wilson
Rate it
Old Testament Gospel
– William Cowper
Rate it
Old Things
– George Collett
Rate it
– mad hippie poet
Rate it
Old Times
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
Old Tin Liz
– Alice Guerin Crist
Rate it
Old Tom
– Robert William Service
Rate it
Old Tom Again
– William Butler Yeats
Rate it
Old Tommy
– Ernesto Callahan
Rate it
– Kupoluyi Oluwatunmise Dorcas
Rate it
Old town that I left
– Lee Stopford
Rate it
Old Town Types
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No 20 - Mr Blades the Butcher
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No. 10 - Big Doc Littlejohn
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No. 12 - Mrs Munn, The Nurse
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No. 13 - Larrikin Luke
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No. 15 - Mrs Felix Donnett
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No. 16 - Mr Tank
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No. 18
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No. 21 - Mr Woolin-Wister
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No. 22 - The Baker
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No. 23 - Little Miss Mix
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No. 25 - Black Peter Myloh
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No. 26 - Dr. Andy Deveraux
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No. 28 - Lah-Di-Dah Lane
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No. 29 - Miss Trapp, The Music Teacher
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No. 4 - Our Mr. Trim
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No. 5 - Mr Mead The Printer
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No. 6 - Flash Phil
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No. 7
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No. 9 - Long John, The Snob
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No.1 - The Old Town
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No.11
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No.15 - Mrs Felix Donnett
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No.17- Mr Bodge the Banker
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No.2 - Red Matt
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Town Types No27 - Sergeant Mat McGillicuddy
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Old Trails
– Edwin Arlington Robinson
Rate it
Old Trinket To Compare
– Sprout
Rate it
Old Trouper
– Robert William Service
Rate it
Old Tunes
– Henry Lawson
Rate it
Old Tunes
– Sara Teasdale
Rate it
Old Turtle
– J Justin
Rate it
Old tyme courtesy.
– Jennifer Kersey
Rate it
Old Vets Are The Worst
– Stuart A. Chasmar
Rate it
Old Vicarage, The - Grantchester
– Rupert Brooke
Rate it
old vineyards
– Sean^45
Rate it
Old ways
– Francis De Medici
Rate it
Old well
– Yosa Buson
Rate it
Old Winters On The Farm
– James Whitcomb Riley
Rate it
Old Wise Man
– Rita Hannele Hawi
Rate it
Old Woman
– Cheryl Haulotte
Rate it
Old Woman of the Roads
– Padraic Colum
Rate it
Old wonder flush'd the east anew
– Christopher John Brennan
Rate it
Old Wooden Coffin
– Jonathan A. Lacey
Rate it
Old Wounds
– Anarae Silverwillow
Rate it
old you
– diana
Rate it
Old You
– Sara Miller
Rate it
Old you
– Toni jo Dulaney
Rate it
Old-Fashioned Child.
– Robert Crawford
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
Old-school Lost
– David Cronk
Rate it
Old-Testament Gospel
– John Newton
Rate it
Old; Stale
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
– Seems Tabassum Maqsood Ali
Rate it
– Seema Tabassum
Rate it
oldage-the age of making
– ashish sharma-ansh
Rate it
Olde to mother
– Paul Harmon E.
Rate it
Olden Philosophy
– Quaid- Uz-Zaman
Rate it
– Davis Raydon
Rate it
Older Gentleman
– Lilah Ainsworth
Rate it
Older me
Rate it
Older Than You
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
Older Woman
– Kristin5689
Rate it
Oldest profession
– R P Edwards
Rate it
OldI have reached t
– Ashley Arnold
Rate it
Oldtids huuslige Liv
– Hans Christian Andersen
Rate it
Ole African tale!
– Doctor SoBezzie Gettii-up
Rate it
Ole Aftta can tale!
– Doctor SoBezzie Gettii-up
Rate it
Ole Docteur Fiset
– William Henry Drummond
Rate it
Ole farro
– allan terry
Rate it
Ole gabriel ueland
– Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
Rate it
Ole hallows eve
– Karina D C lay
Rate it
– Nicholas A Villescaz
Rate it
Ole Kate
– Ezra Pound
Rate it
Ole lil boy
– A’Marria
Rate it
Ole Pitch
– Awkwardwriting97
Rate it
Ole Tam On Bord-A-Plouffe
– William Henry Drummond
Rate it
Ole Wirginny
– Anonymous Americas
Rate it
Olentangy River Road Block Ohio Avenue, City of Columbus
– Lulu Bear
Rate it
– Albeej A
Rate it
– Elliot Mills
Rate it
olive green
– Caden Stone
Rate it
Olive Oil
Rate it
Olive Tree
– Summer Jandali
Rate it
Oliver Basselin. (Birds Of Passage. Flight The First)
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Rate it
Oliver Ensconsed
– Neil McLeod
Rate it
Oliver Goldsmith
– James McIntyre
Rate it
– Amir Isa Al-Malik
Rate it
– Edgar Villan
Rate it
– David Cronk
Rate it
– Jaxon Hurst
Rate it
– Roberto Suárez Torres
Rate it
Ollie McGee
– Edgar Lee Masters
Rate it
– Adjekawen A. Jeremiah
Rate it
Olney Hymn 10: The Future Peace And Glory Of The Church
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 11: Jehovah Our Righteousness
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 12: Ephraim Repenting
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 13: The Covenant
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 14: Jehovah-Shammah
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 15: Praise For The Fountain Opened
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 16: The Sower
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 17: The House of Prayer
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 18: Lovest Thou Me?
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 19: Contentment
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 1: Walking With God
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 20: Old Testament Gospel
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 21: Sardis
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 22: Prayer For A Blessing In The Young
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 23: Pleading For And With Youth
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 24: Prayer For Children
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 25: Jehovah Jesus
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 26: On Opening A Place For Social Prayer
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 27: Welcome To The Table
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 28: Jesus Hasting To Suffer
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 29: Exhortation To Prayer
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 2: Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord Will Provide
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 30: The Light And Glory Of The Word
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 31: On The Death Of A Minister
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 32: The Shining Light
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 33: Seeking The Beloved
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 34: The Waiting Soul
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 35: Welcome Cross
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 36: Afflictions Sanctified By The Word
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 37: Temptation
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 38: Looking Upwards In A Storm
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 39: The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 3: Jehovah-Rophi: I Am the Lord That Healeth Thee
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 40: Peace After A Storm
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 41: Mourning And Longing
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 42: Self-Acquaintance
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 43: Prayer For Patience
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 44: Submission
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 45: The Happy Change
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 46: Retirement
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 47: The Hidden Life
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 48: Joy And Peace In Believing
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 49: True Pleasures
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 4: Jehovah-Nissi: The Lord My Banner
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 50: The Christian
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 51: Lively Hope And Gracious Fear
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 52: For The Poor
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 53: My Soul Thirsteth For God
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 54: Love Constraining To Obedience
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 55: The Heart Healed And Changed By Mercy
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 56: Hatred Of Sin
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 57: The New Convert
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 58: True And False Comforts
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 59: A Living And A Dead Faith
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 5: Jehovah-Shalom: The Lord Send Peace
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 60: Abuse Of The Gospel
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 61: The Narrow Way
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 62: Dependence
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 63: Not Of Works
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 64: Praise For Faith
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 65: Grace And Providence
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 66: I Will Praise The Lord At All Times
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 67: Longing To Be With Christ
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 68: Light Shining Out Of Darkness
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 6: Wisdom
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 7: Vanity of the World
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 8: O Lord, I Will Praise Thee
– William Cowper
Rate it
Olney Hymn 9: The Contrite Heart
– William Cowper
Rate it
– Hans Christian Andersen
Rate it
– Donka Kristeva
Rate it
Olympic Games
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
– Coventry Patmore
Rate it
Om Himlen Kunde Gråta (If The Sky Could Cry)
– Mark V. Markov
Rate it
Om Mani Padme Hum
– Joe Strickland
Rate it
– James Weldon Johnson
Rate it
Omar man
– Omar Shake
Rate it
Omar the poet
– Talia Garza Hernandez
Rate it
– Victor James Daley
Rate it
– Guillaume Apollinaire
Rate it
Ombre d'eau
– Henri de Regnier
Rate it
Ombres visiteuses
– Maurice Rollinat
Rate it
– Jessica Bosnich
Rate it
Omen Of Luck
– Davonne Williams
Rate it
– Thomas Moore
Rate it
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
– the glam
Rate it
OMG !!! Its Monday Again!!
– Dr. Medhavi Chourey
Rate it
– James Reid
Rate it
– Joejuan yrd
Rate it
– Nicodemus
Rate it
Ominous Clouds[Haiku]
– Sun Ra
Rate it
Omitted Words
– Sean^45
Rate it
– Robert William Service
Rate it
Omnes Vanitas
– Ambrose Bierce
Rate it
Omnifarious Mirth
– Michael Walker
Rate it
Omnifarious Mirth
– Michael Darrell Walker
Rate it
Omnipotent Almighty
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Omnipotent Raindrop
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
– Richard Groff
Rate it
Omnipresent Mother
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
– Steve Cochrane
Rate it
– Jonathan A. Lacey
Rate it
Omnisciently Ameliorating god.
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
On A Country Life
– James Thomson
Rate it
On A Crushed Hat
– Robert Fuller Murray
Rate it
On streets of gold !!!
– Carl Hatter
Rate it
– Carl Hatter
Rate it
On - On - Poet
– Aleister Crowley
Rate it
On ------ Embroydring
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
On a Baby Buried by the Hawkesbury
– Henry Kendall
Rate it
On A Bank As I Sate A Fishing: A Description Of The Spring
– Sir Henry Wotton
Rate it
On A Bank Of Flowers
– Robert Burns
Rate it
On A Bath, By Plato
– William Cowper
Rate it
On A Battered Beauty (From The Greek)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On a beach near Tokyo
– Evelyn G. O'Hara
Rate it
On a Beautiful Landscape
– William Lisle Bowles
Rate it
On A Beautiful Spring,
– William Lisle Bowles
Rate it
On A Bird
– Gavril Romanovich Derzhavin
Rate it
On a Bust
– Edgar Lee Masters
Rate it
On a Butterfly Doss
– Eferebo Chibuzor Ezekwesiru
Rate it
On A Candle
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On A Cannon
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On A Cattle Track
– Henry Kendall
Rate it
On A Celebrated Event In Ancient History
– William Wordsworth
Rate it
On a certain Lady at Court
– Alexander Pope
Rate it
On A Certain Poets Judgement Between Mr Pope & Mr Philips Don In An Italian Air
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
On a certain Saturday
– Gordon Edmands Myers
Rate it
On a Chair Outside a Church
– Randy Heard
Rate it
On A Change Of Masters At A Great Public School
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On A Chilly Day They Are Warm Inside
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
On A Circle
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On A Clean Book
– Paul Laurence Dunbar
Rate it
On a cloudy day in November
– Tom Kandora
Rate it
On a Columnar Self
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
On A Connubial Rupture In High Life
– Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Rate it
On A Corkscrew
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On A Cornelian Heart Which Was Broken
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On a Dead Child
– Robert Seymour Bridges
Rate it
On a Deserted Beach
– Zera Princ
Rate it
On A Dissembler
– William Strode
Rate it
On A Distant View Of The Village And School Of The Harrow Hill
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On a downward spiral
– Dotty Sauck
Rate it
On A Dream
– John Keats
Rate it
On A Drop Of Dew
– Andrew Marvell
Rate it
On A Faded Violet
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
Rate it
On a Fair Morning as I Came by the Way
– Thomas Morley
Rate it
On a Fan of the Author's Design
– Alexander Pope
Rate it
On A Fart - Let In The House Of Commons
– Matthew Prior
Rate it
On a fateful day, an unlucky time
– Boris Pasternak
Rate it
On a Ferris Wheel
– Carol Ann Pounder
Rate it
On A Ferry Boat
– Richard Francis Burton
Rate it
On A Fete At Carlton House: Fragment
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
Rate it
On a Fine Morning
– Thomas Hardy
Rate it
On a Forenoon of Spring
– William Allingham
Rate it
On a Fork of Byron's
– James Brunton Stephens
Rate it
On A Fortification At Boston Begun By Women
– Benjamin Tompson
Rate it
On A Fowler, By Isidorus
– William Cowper
Rate it
On a Friday
– Lia Calancea
Rate it
On A Friend Who Died Suddenly Upon The Seashore
– J D C Fellow
Rate it
On A Friends Absence
– William Strode
Rate it
On A Gentlewoman That Had Had The Small Poxe
– William Strode
Rate it
On A Gentlewoman That Sung And Play'd Upon A Lute
– William Strode
Rate it
On A Gentlewoman's Blistred Lipp
– William Strode
Rate it
On A Gentlewoman's Watch That Wanted A Key
– William Strode
Rate it
On a Girdle
– Edmund Waller
Rate it
On A Gloomy Day
– James Anthony Kenny
Rate it
On a Golden Evening
– mtoddm
Rate it
On A Goldfinch, Starved To Death In His Cage
– William Cowper
Rate it
On A Good Legg And Foot
– William Strode
Rate it
On A Good Man (From The Greek)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On A Grassy Sidewalk
– eliseo guerrero cervantes
Rate it
On A Grave In The Forest
– Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
Rate it
On A Great Hollow Tree
– William Strode
Rate it
On A Great Warrior
– Henry Abbey
Rate it
On A Group Of Justice And Charity
– Bessie Rayner Parkes
Rate it
On A Handful Of French Money
– Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Rate it
On A holiday
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
On A Honey Bee
– Philip Freneau
Rate it
On A Horn
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
on a hot summer day
– Justin Castello (kalipdro)
Rate it
On a hurt person's back.
– David bilewu
Rate it
On a hurt person's back.
– David bilewu
Rate it
On A Journey
– Hermann Hesse
Rate it
On a Journey
– Faith E. Jackson
Rate it
On A Lady Singing
– Isaac Rosenberg
Rate it
On a Lady Throwing Snow-Balls at Her Lover
– Christopher Smart
Rate it
On A Lady With A Foul Breath
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
On A Landscape Bt Rubens
– William Lisle Bowles
Rate it
On A Late Impiric Of Balmy Memory
– Charles Lamb
Rate it
On A Learning Journey
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
On A Letter
– Mathilde Blind
Rate it
On A Lighter Note
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
On A Magazine Sonnet
– Russell Hilliard Loines
Rate it
On A Matter Of Loss
– Victor Gatenby
Rate it
On A Mischievous Bull, Which The Owner Him Sold At The Author's Instance
– William Cowper
Rate it
On A Miser (From The Greek)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On A Miser, 2 (From The Greek)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On A Miser, 3 (From The Greek)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On A Mission To Defeat
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
On A Mistake In His Translation Of Homer
– William Cowper
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
On A Mountain Top
– Alfred Noyes
Rate it
On A Nun
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On A Pair Of Dice
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On A Palmetto
– Sidney Lanier
Rate it
On A Pen
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On a pencil eraser
– bullbla
Rate it
On a perfumed lady
– Robert Herrick
Rate it
On A Picture Of A Black Centaur By Edmund Dulac
– William Butler Yeats
Rate it
On A Picture Of John D. Rockefeller
– Edgar Lee Masters
Rate it
On A Picture Of Seneca Dying In A Bath, By Jordain
– Matthew Prior
Rate it
On A Picture Of The Finding Of Moses By Pharoah's Daughter
– Charles Lamb
Rate it
On A Picture Painted By Her Self, Representing Two Nimphs Of Diana's, One In A Posture To Hunt, The Other Batheing
– Anne Killigrew
Rate it
On a Piece of Tapestry
– George Santayana
Rate it
On a plane of enlightenment
– Alfonso Camargo
Rate it
On A Plant Of Virgin's-Bower, Designed To Cover A Garden-seat
– William Cowper
Rate it
On a poem called guilt
– Dan Schaller
Rate it
On A Political Prisoner
– William Butler Yeats
Rate it
On A Portrait Of Wordsworth
– Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Rate it
On A Prayer-Book, With its Frontispiece, Ary Scheffer’s
– John Greenleaf Whittier
Rate it
On a Precipice
– Arthur Weil
Rate it
On a Primitive Canoe
– Claude McKay
Rate it
On A Projected Journey
– Charles Lamb
Rate it
On A Proposed Crematory
– Ambrose Bierce
Rate it
On a Proposed Trip South
– William Carlos Williams
Rate it
On A Recently Finished Statue
– Sydney Thompson Dobell
Rate it
On A Register For A Bible
– William Strode
Rate it
On A Roll Again
– The Pinocchiø Poet
Rate it
On A Ruined house In A Romantic Country
– Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Rate it
On a Scale from 1 to 10
– Joseph Donelson
Rate it
On A Sea Wall
– Paul Laurence Dunbar
Rate it
On A Shadow In A Glass
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On A Silver Platter
– Chris Curasi
Rate it
On A Similar Character (From The Greek)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On a Soldier Fallen in the Philippines
– William Vaughn Moody
Rate it
On A Spaniel, Called Beau, Killing A Young Bird
– William Cowper
Rate it
On a Spanish Cathedral
– Henry Kendall
Rate it
On a Street
– Henry Kendall
Rate it
On A Summer’s Day
– Hayyim Nahman Bialik
Rate it
On a Theme in the Greek Anthology
– Alan Seeger
Rate it
On A Thief (From The Greek)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On A Torso Of Cupid
– Mathilde Blind
Rate it
On a Troopship - 1915
– Herbert Asquith
Rate it
On A True Friend (From The Greek)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On a Tuesday
– Taqua
Rate it
On A Tuft Of Grass
– Emma Lazarus
Rate it
On A Very Old Glass At Market-Hill
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On A Very Old Woman
– William Makepeace Thackeray
Rate it
On a Viola D'Amore
– Mathilde Blind
Rate it
On a Vulgar Error
– Clive Staples Lewis
Rate it
On A Watch Made By A Blacksmith
– William Strode
Rate it
On a Wet Day
– Franco Sacchetti
Rate it
On a Whelm
– Crystal Hedspeth
Rate it
On a whim
– Zane Castillo
Rate it
On a whim...
– Robin Aletras with ChatGPT
Rate it
On a wife's death
– Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
Rate it
On a Wine of Horace's
– Franklin P. Adams
Rate it
On A Young Lady
– Anne Killigrew
Rate it
On a Young Lady's Sixth Anniversary
– Katherine Mansfield
Rate it
On A Young Poetess’s Grave
– William Cosmo Monkhouse
Rate it
On Absolute Zero 02
– Ashraful Musaddeq
Rate it
On Accidentally Meeting A Lady Now No More
– William Lisle Bowles
Rate it
On airs
– Desiree Brooks
Rate it
On all Hallows night
– Chloe DiRienzo
Rate it
On an Air of Rameau
– Arthur Symons
Rate it
On an Eclipse of the Moon
– Walter Savage Landor
Rate it
On An Edinburgh Advocate
– Robert Fuller Murray
Rate it
On An Engraving Of Hindoo Temples
– Letitia Elizabeth Landon
Rate it
On An Icicle That Clung To The Grass Of A Grave
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
Rate it
On An Ill-Managed House
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On An Infant (From The Greek)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On an Infant dying as soon as born
– Charles Lamb
Rate it
On An Infant Which Died Before Baptism
– Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Rate it
On an Invitation to the United States.
– Thomas Hardy
Rate it
On an Italian Shore
– Constantine P. Cavafy
Rate it
On An Old Deluded Suitor
– George Moses Horton
Rate it
On An Old Roundel
– Algernon Charles Swinburne
Rate it
On An Old Sepuchral Bas-Relief
– Count Giacomo Leopardi
Rate it
On An Old Sepulchral Bas-Relief.
– Giacomo Leopardi
Rate it
On An Old Woman (From The Greek)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On An Ugly Fellow (From The Greek)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On An Unfortunate And Beautiful Woman
– William Lisle Bowles
Rate it
On and On
– Mathilde Blind
Rate it
On and on
– Emma Fountain
Rate it
– Rev. Dr Jeffry David Camm
Rate it
On Anger
– Amber Wraith
Rate it
On Anne Allen
– Edward Fitzgerald
Rate it
On Another's Sorrow
– William Blake
Rate it
On Australian Hills
– Ada Cambridge
Rate it
On Beautiful Things.
– Caleb Delos-Santos
Rate it
On Beauty
– James Thomson
Rate it
On Beauty
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
on beauty
– Chander Maurya Kumbkarni
Rate it
On Beauty Untamed
– John W. May
Rate it
On Beauty. A Riddle
– Matthew Prior
Rate it
On Becoming Buddha
– Jawahar Gupta
Rate it
On becoming Mother
– Jawahar Gupta
Rate it
On Becoming You
– Brigitte Paje
Rate it
On Behalf of My Deceased Uncle Tom and Aunt Frances
– Lisa Ann Wilson Heath
Rate it
On Behinds Wasting Time
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
On being a heavenly light in an empty closet of hot stuff
– Richard Stephan
Rate it
On being a Poet
– Cindy Roberts
Rate it
On Being A Woman
– Dorothy Parker
Rate it
On Being Asked For A War Poem
– William Butler Yeats
Rate it
On Being Asked To Write In Miss Westwood's Album
– Charles Lamb
Rate it
On Being Asked What Was The 'Origin Of Love'
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On Being Bitter
– Danielle Diew
Rate it
On Being Brought from Africa to America
– Phillis Wheatley
Rate it
On Being Challenged to Write an Epigram in the Manner of Herrick
– Sir Walter Raleigh
Rate it
On being given a piece of edelweiss before visiting switzerland
– Frederick George Scott
Rate it
On Being Human
– Clive Staples Lewis
Rate it
On being human
– Guory
Rate it
On Being In Venice
– Dean Standerwick
Rate it
On belvedere, where I were
– Sam madeyin
Rate it
On Bended Knee
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
On Bended Knee
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
On bended knee
– Joe fritz
Rate it
On Bended Knee
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
on bended knee another song
– Joe fritz
Rate it
On Birthday
– Ashraful Musaddeq
Rate it
On Bishop Atterbury's Burying The Duke Of Buckingham, 1721
– Matthew Prior
Rate it
On Bishop Burnet's Being Set On Fire In His Closet
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
On Board Ship
– Constantine P. Cavafy
Rate it
On Borrowed Time
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
On Both Knees
– Brandy Starks
Rate it
On Both Sides
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
On Both Sides Unseen
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
On Broadway
– Claude McKay
Rate it
On Browning’s Sordello
– Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Rate it
On Bruce Springsteen
– Rick Wojtala
Rate it
On Buddha's deathday
– Matsuo Basho
Rate it
On Building With Stone
– Robinson Jeffers
Rate it
On Burns
– Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Rate it
On Buying and Selling
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On Calais Sands
– Andrew Lang
Rate it
On Carpaccio's Picture
– Amy Lowell
Rate it
On Catullus
– Walter Savage Landor
Rate it
On Certain Elizabethan revivals
– Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Rate it
On Certain Ladies
– Alexander Pope
Rate it
On Certain Pastorals
– William Shenstone
Rate it
On Change Of Weather
– Francis Quarles
Rate it
On Cheating The Fiddler
– Dorothy Parker
Rate it
On Children
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On Chillon
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On Chloris Standing By The Fire
– William Strode
Rate it
On Chloris Walking in the Snow
– William Strode
Rate it
On Christina Rossetti
– Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Rate it
On Christmas Day.
– Ronald Rodger Caseby
Rate it
On Christmas Eve
– William Wilfred Campbell
Rate it
On Circuit.
– Horace Smith
Rate it
On Clothes
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On Cloud Nine
– Shivaranjani Sarkar
Rate it
On cloud#9
– Ameena Beyah
Rate it
On Coming Back
– Tanveer Khan
Rate it
On Como
– George Meredith
Rate it
On Content
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
On Control
– Chloe Tahmasebi
Rate it
On Count Voronstov
– Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
Rate it
On Crime and Punishment
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On Cutting Down The Thorn At Market-Hill
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On Daddy's Shoulders
– Bobbie Natividad
Rate it
On Dale Koller
Rate it
On Dante's Monument, 1818
– Count Giacomo Leopardi
Rate it
On Darwin's Tomb in Westminster Abbey
– Frederick George Scott
Rate it
On Dawlish Beach
– John Roper
Rate it
– Ian Herman
Rate it
On Deaf Ears
– Don Smith
Rate it
On Death
– Anne Killigrew
Rate it
On Death
– George Moses Horton
Rate it
On Death
– John Keats
Rate it
On Death
– Khalil Gibran
Rate it
On Death
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
Rate it
On Death
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On Death. And Life. For Five Years.
– Nathan Day Wilson
Rate it
On Decline of Sun!
– Sadar Ul Azam (Farrukh) Ahad
Rate it
On Delia (Bid Adieu, My Sad Heart)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On demand
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
On Departure For The Caucas
– Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov
Rate it
On Describing You Full On
– Kashif Ali Abbas
Rate it
On Despondence
– Steve Aldrich
Rate it
On Despondence
– Steve Aldrich
Rate it
On Digital Extremities
– Gelett Burgess
Rate it
On Divine Love By Meditating On The Wounds Of Christ
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
On Doctor Gardener
– James McIntyre
Rate it
On donne les degrés au savant écolier
– Joachim du Bellay
Rate it
On Donne's Poetry
– Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Rate it
On Dr. Brown's Death
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
On Dreaming
– John Newton
Rate it
On Dreaming
– John W. May
Rate it
On drinks
– Seema Ali
Rate it
On Eagles Wings
– solmarie miranda
Rate it
on eagles' wings
– haiku artist
Rate it
On Early Trains
– Boris Pasternak
Rate it
On Earth
– Julie Burling
Rate it
On earth I lay me down
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
On Eating and Drinking
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On Entering Switzerland
– William Lisle Bowles
Rate it
On Entertaining Ghosts
– thenotoriouspoet
Rate it
On Envy (From The Greek)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On Ettrick Forest's Mountains Dun {Life In The Forest}
– Sir Walter Scott
Rate it
On Every Morsel Of Food
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
On Exaggerated Deference To Foreign Literary Opinion
– William Watson
Rate it
On Faith Alone
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
On Fame
– John Keats
Rate it
On Fanny Godwin
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
Rate it
On Fayrford Windowes
– William Strode
Rate it
On Female Inconstancy (From The Greek)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On Fields O'er Which the Reaper's Hand Has Pass'd
– Henry David Thoreau
Rate it
On Finding A Fan
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On Fire for Christ
– Richard Newton Sherrer
Rate it
On Fire for Whom
– Raitano
Rate it
On fire for whom?
– Andrew Doan
Rate it
On Fireworks in Residential Areas
– Margaret Rash
Rate it
On First Entering Westminster Abbey
– Louise Imogen Guiney
Rate it
On First Looking into Bee Palmer's Shoulders
– Franklin P. Adams
Rate it
On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer
– John Keats
Rate it
On Flagging (and the rest)
– A Radday
Rate it
On Flatteries (From The Greek)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On Flaxman's Penelope
– William Cowper
Rate it
On Freaky Tuesdays
– Shambhala
Rate it
On Freedom
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On Friendship
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On Friendship
– Elizabeth Moroz
Rate it
On Friendship
– Nathan Wilson
Rate it
On Friendship Through Time
– Elizabeth Moroz
Rate it
On Gay Wallpaper
– William Carlos Williams
Rate it
On George Herbert's Poems
– James Thomson
Rate it
On Giving
– Robert Graves
Rate it
On Giving
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On Giving and Taking
– Khalil Gibran
Rate it
– Sheryl Parker
Rate it
On going
– Valiantstar
Rate it
On Gold
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On Good and Evil
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On Gray Eyes
– William Strode
Rate it
On grief
– Louise Lansdown
Rate it
On grief
– Nofal
Rate it
On grief
– RachelT23
Rate it
On Guido's Aurora
– Mathilde Blind
Rate it
On Gun Control
– BrotherJacob
Rate it
On Happienesse
– Thomas Chatterton
Rate it
On Happiness
– James Thomson
Rate it
On Happiness In This Life
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
On Havana's white shore -
– AmyMMosier
Rate it
On Hearing
– William Lisle Bowles
Rate it
On Hearing Miss Thrale Consulting with a Friend About a Gown and Hat
– Samuel Johnson
Rate it
On Hearing Of A Death
– Rainer Maria Rilke
Rate it
On Hearing of Love
– Constantine P. Cavafy
Rate it
On Hearing Of The Intention Of A Gentleman To Purchase The Poet's Freedom
– George Moses Horton
Rate it
On Hearing that Constantinople Was Swallowed Up by an Earthquake
– Amelia Opie
Rate it
On Hearing That The Students Of Our New University Have Joined The Agitation Against Immoral Literat
– William Butler Yeats
Rate it
On Hearing That The Students Of Our New University Have Joined the Agitation Against Immoral Literature
– William Butler Yeats
Rate it
On Hearing The Bag-Pipe And Seeing
– John Keats
Rate it
On Hearing The News From Venice
– George Meredith
Rate it
On Hearing The Princess Royal Sing
– Victor Marie Hugo
Rate it
on her arrival
– Sai Krishna
Rate it
On Her Dancing
– James Shirley
Rate it
On Her Lightheartedness
– Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
Rate it
On her own she built her kingdom
– On her own she built a kingdom
Rate it
On Hermocratia (From The Greek)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On High
– Susan Mayer Brumel
Rate it
On Himself
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On himself
– Robert Herrick
Rate it
On Himself
– Walter Savage Landor
Rate it
On Himself, upon Hearing What was his Sentence
– James Graham
Rate it
On His Blindness
– John Milton
Rate it
On His Deceased Wife
– John Milton
Rate it
On His Eightieth Birthday
– Walter Savage Landor
Rate it
On His Grotto at Twickenham
– Alexander Pope
Rate it
On His Lady Denys
– William Strode
Rate it
On His Lady Marie
– William Strode
Rate it
On His Own Face In A Glass
– Ezra Pound
Rate it
On His Seventy-fifth Birthday
– Walter Savage Landor
Rate it
On His Seventy-fifth Birthday
– Walter Savage Landor
Rate it
On hold
– Yeah Yeah!
Rate it
On holy ground
– On holy ground
Rate it
On Horses Carrying Lit Torches
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
On Houses
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On how to sing
– Masaoka Shiki
Rate it
On Humankind (By the Sea)
– T. Y. Wicaksono
Rate it
– Judy Clarkson
Rate it
On Huntingdon's "Miranda"
– Sidney Lanier
Rate it
On Imagination
– Phillis Wheatley
Rate it
On Imagining A Friend Had Treated The Author With Indifference.
– Mary Barber
Rate it
On Ink
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On Invalids (From The Greek)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On Its Own--A Universe
– eliseo guerrero cervantes
Rate it
On Jealousy
– William Strode
Rate it
On John Dawson, Butler Of C.C.
– William Strode
Rate it
On Jordan's Banks
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On Journeys Through The States
– Walt Whitman
Rate it
On Joy and Sorrow
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On Juda's Cliff
– Adam Bernard Mickiewicz
Rate it
On Julia's Voice
– Robert Herrick
Rate it
On Keats, Who Desired That On His Tomb Should Be Inscribed--
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
Rate it
On Kiley's Run
– Andrew Barton Paterson
Rate it
On killing a tree :(
– Parv Jain
Rate it
On King Arthur's Round Table at Winchester
– Thomas Warton Jr.
Rate it
On Lac Sainte Ireneé
– Marjorie Lowry Christie Pickthall
Rate it
On Lady Charles Beauclerc's Death
– Walter Savage Landor
Rate it
On Lake Inle, in Shan State, Myanmar
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
On Lake Temiscamingue
– Archibald Lampman
Rate it
On Lamb’s Specimens of Dramatic Poets: Sonnets
– Algernon Charles Swinburne
Rate it
On Landing At Ostend
– William Lisle Bowles
Rate it
On Landor's 'Hellenics'
– William Watson
Rate it
On Late Acquired Wealth (From The Greek)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On Laws
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On Leaving A Place Of Residence
– William Lisle Bowles
Rate it
On Leaving A Village In Scotland
– William Lisle Bowles
Rate it
On Leaving Bath.
– Mary Barber
Rate it
On Leaving Bruges
– Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Rate it
On leaving house
– Bellbell
Rate it
On Leaving London For Wales
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
Rate it
On Leaving Mrs. Brown's Lodgings
– Sir Walter Scott
Rate it
On Leaving Newstead Abbey
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On Leaving Some Friends At An Early Hour
– John Keats
Rate it
On Leaving Winchester School
– William Lisle Bowles
Rate it
On Liberty And Slavery
– George Moses Horton
Rate it
On life
– Brian Kobrenski
Rate it
On Life's Long Round
– Mathilde Blind
Rate it
On Living Too Long
– Walter Savage Landor
Rate it
On Loan
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
On loan
– Nancy Robison
Rate it
On Loathing
– Danielle Diew
Rate it
On Looking Through an old Punishment Book [At Eurunderee School]
– Henry Lawson
Rate it
On Looking Up by Chance at the Constellations
– Robert Frost
Rate it
On Lord Thurlow's Poems
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On love
– Robert Herrick
Rate it
On Love
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On Love
– Ashlee Pigg
Rate it
On Love And Beauty: I: To A Promessa Sposa
– Sydney Thompson Dobell
Rate it
On Loving You
– A Radday
Rate it
On Lucretia Borgia’s Hair
– Walter Savage Landor
Rate it
On Lyce - An Elderly Lady
– Samuel Johnson
Rate it
On Marriage
– Richard Crashaw
Rate it
On Marriage
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On Marriage.
– Robert Crawford
Rate it
On Matter
– kathymc66
Rate it
On May
– James Thomson
Rate it
On meeting a successful poet.
– Richard Daish
Rate it
On Meeting Fabricio
– Mykl Wike
Rate it
On Memory
– Joanna Baillie
Rate it
On Miltiades
– William Cowper
Rate it
On Miss M--'s's Dancing
– William Shenstone
Rate it
On Missing Stephen
– On Missing Stephen
Rate it
On Mistress Nicely, a Pattern for Housekeepers
– Thomas Hood
Rate it
On Monsieur's Departure
– Queen Elizabeth I
Rate it
On monsieur'S departure
– Queen Elizabeth Tudor I
Rate it
On Moonlit Heath and Lonesome Bank
– Alfred Edward Housman
Rate it
On Moore's Last Operatic Farce, Or Farcical Opera
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On Mother day for My Mother
– Zafar Iqbal
Rate it
On Mr Colliers Essay On The Stage
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
On Mr Pope Drawing D: Swifts Picture
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
On Mr. C -- Of Kidderminster's Poetry
– William Shenstone
Rate it
On Mr. G. Herbert's Book, Entitled the Temple of Sacred Poe
– Richard Crashaw
Rate it
On Mr. Gay
– Alexander Pope
Rate it
On Mr. Howard's Account Of Lazarettos
– William Lisle Bowles
Rate it
On Mr. Milton's Paradise Lost
– Andrew Marvell
Rate it
On Mrs Mendez' Birthday, Who Was Born On Valentine's Day
– James Thomson
Rate it
On Mrs. Ar: F: Leaving London
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
On Mrs. Montague's Feather Hangings
– William Cowper
Rate it
– Didar Baizhanov
Rate it
On Music
– Thomas Moore
Rate it
On Music
– Walter Savage Landor
Rate it
On My Aunt Mrs. A. K.
– Anne Killigrew
Rate it
On My Birthday
– Emily Foreacre
Rate it
On My Birthday, July 21
– Matthew Prior
Rate it
On My day
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
On my dear Grand-child Simon Bradstreet, Who dyed on 16. Novemb. 1669. being but a moneth, and one d
– Anne Bradstreet
Rate it
On My First Daughter
– Ben Jonson
Rate it
On my Heart
– Jeremy Tremayne Chinn
Rate it
On My Honor ...
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
On My Mind
– BlackAngel Evo
Rate it
On my Mind
– B.Mathislange
Rate it
On My Mother's Birthday
– Felicia Dorothea Hemans
Rate it
On My Own
– Kassandra M. Konecny
Rate it
On my own
– Valiantstar
Rate it
On My Own
– Rick Wojtala
Rate it
On My Own Feet
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
On My Shield
– Justin A Bidwell
Rate it
On my side
– D.M.M
Rate it
On my Sister Joanna's Entrance into Her 33rd Year
– Major Henry Livingston Jr.
Rate it
On my sleep
– Pearl sethi
Rate it
On My Sleeve
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
On My Son's Return Out Of England, July 17, 1661.
– Anne Bradstreet
Rate it
On My Songs
– Wilfred Owen
Rate it
On My Soul
– Mugilesh
Rate it
On My Street
– Tracy Bollinger
Rate it
On My Terms
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
On My Thirty-Third Birthday, January 22, 1821
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On My Tiny Shoulders.
– Ajayi Sijibomi Yomi
Rate it
On my way
– Jet Rood
Rate it
On My Way
– Dev Parth
Rate it
On my way ..
– kaustav mukherjee
Rate it
On My Way Out
– Richard Groff
Rate it
On my Way to Lunenburg
– Yeshiembet/Yeshi Gemaneh
Rate it
On my way to vagabond
– Teezy Dreamz
Rate it
On my way to you
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
On My Wedding-Day
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On My Wife's Birth-Day
– Christopher Smart
Rate it
On My Writing
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
On Myselfe
– Anne Kingsmill Finch
Rate it
On Naming a House
– Christopher Morley
Rate it
On Napoleon's Death
– Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov
Rate it
On Napoleon's Escape From Elba
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On Nature
– Jerry Jax
Rate it
On Ne Badine Pas Avec La Mort
– Arthur Sherburne Hardy
Rate it
On New Year's Day
– Matsuo Basho
Rate it
On Niobe (From The Greek)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On Now, Although The Year Be Done
– Robert Louis Stevenson
Rate it
On Observing Some Names Of Little Note Recorded In The Biographia Britannica
– William Cowper
Rate it
On Old Man's Thought Of School
– Walt Whitman
Rate it
On Olympus.
– Robert Crawford
Rate it
On one glorious night
– Richard J Edwards
Rate it
On One Ignorant And Arrogant (Translated From Owen)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On One Stone Shall Be Seven Eyes
– John Newton
Rate it
On Opening a Place for Social Prayer
– William Cowper
Rate it
On our knees
– Brian Bevels
Rate it
On Our Toes
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
On Pain
– Khalil Gibran
Rate it
On Pain
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On Pallas Bathing, From A Hymn Of Callimachus
– William Cowper
Rate it
On Paper Dolls
– Nikita Roxane
Rate it
On paper.
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
– Boyet Aurelio
Rate it
On Parting
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On Passing The New Menin Gate
– Siegfried Sassoon
Rate it
On Pedigree. From Epicharmus
– William Cowper
Rate it
On planet J35U5
– Charles Fields II
Rate it
On Platina Prosperus Spiriteus
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
On Pleasure
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On Plucking A Hedgerow Rose.
– Lennox Amott
Rate it
On poetry
– Seema Tabassum Ali
Rate it
On poetry
– Seema Ali
Rate it
On Point
– Mickaela Coleman
Rate it
On Prayer
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On Pressing Some Flowers
– Henry Timrod
Rate it
On Profiteering
– Franklin P. Adams
Rate it
On Promising Fruitfulness of a Tree
– John Bunyan
Rate it
On Queen Anne's Peace, Anno 1713
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
On Quitting
– Edgar Albert Guest
Rate it
On Rainy Days
– Henry S. De Leon
Rate it
On Reading A Dictacted Letter
– Sydney Thompson Dobell
Rate it
On Reading a Recent Greek Poet
– Bertolt Brecht
Rate it
On Reading Ballads
– Arthur Graeme West
Rate it
On Reading Mr. Theodore Watt’s Sonnet, ‘The Sonnet’s Voice’
– William Bell Scott
Rate it
On Reading Omar Khayyam
– Vachel Lindsay
Rate it
On Reading Shakepeare's Sonnets
– George William Lewis Marshall-Hall
Rate it
On Reading the
– Mathilde Blind
Rate it
On Reading The Controversy Between Lord Byron And Mr Bowles
– Barron Field
Rate it
On Reading William Watson's Sonnet Entitled The Purple East
– Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Rate it
On Reason and Passion
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On Receipt Of My Mother's Picture
– William Cowper
Rate it
On Receiving A Book From
– Sydney Thompson Dobell
Rate it
On Receiving A Book From Dante Rossetti
– Sydney Thompson Dobell
Rate it
On Receiving a Crown of Ivy from John Keats
– James Henry Leigh Hunt
Rate it
On Receiving A Curious Shell
– John Keats
Rate it
On Receiving A Laurel Crown From Leigh Hunt
– John Keats
Rate it
On Receiving An Eagle's Quill From Lake Superior
– John Greenleaf Whittier
Rate it
On Receiving Hayley's Picture
– William Cowper
Rate it
On Receiving Heyne's Virgil From Mr. Hayley
– William Cowper
Rate it
On Receiving News of the War
– Isaac Rosenberg
Rate it
On Receiving One Of Gloriana’s Letters
– Vachel Lindsay
Rate it
On Recollection
– Phillis Wheatley
Rate it
On Reflection
– stan brierly
Rate it
On Reflection
– John Huffam
Rate it
On Refusal Of Aid Between Nations
– Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Rate it
On Religion
– Khalil Gibran
Rate it
On Religion
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On Religion
– Drew Gorman
Rate it
On Resigning A Scholarship Of Trinity College, Oxford
– William Lisle Bowles
Rate it
On resisting temptation
– John Burns
Rate it
On Returning To England
– Alfred Austin
Rate it
On Revisiting Harrow
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On Revisiting The Sea-Shore, After Long Absence, Under Strong Medical Recommendation Not To Bathe
– Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Rate it
On Robert Emmet's Grave
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
Rate it
On Rupert Brooke
– Frances Darwin Cornford
Rate it
On Sale For Thee
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
On Satan's Grave
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
On Second Thought
– Steve Cochrane
Rate it
On Seeing a Bust of Mrs. Montague
– Samuel Johnson
Rate it
On Seeing A Certain Advertisement
– Maria Frances Cecilia Cowper
Rate it
On Seeing a Neanderthal in the Natural History Museum
– Elliot Greiner
Rate it
On Seeing a Piece of Our Artillery Brought into Action
– Wilfred Owen
Rate it
On Seeing a Piece of Our Heavy Artillery Brought into Action
– Wilfred Owen
Rate it
On Seeing a Solitary Red Leaf on August 2.
– Dave Tyler
Rate it
On Seeing An Officer's Widow Distracted
– Mary Barber
Rate it
On Seeing an Open Casket
– Christopher Laverty
Rate it
On Seeing Anthony, The Eldest Child Of Lord And Lady Ashley
– Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton
Rate it
On Seeing The Captives, Lately Redeem'd From Barbary By His Majesty.
– Mary Barber
Rate it
On Seeing The Diabutsu--At Kamakura, Japan
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
On Seeing the Elgin Marbles for the First Time
– John Keats
Rate it
On Seeing the Ladies Crux-Easton Walk in the Woods by the Grotto.
– Alexander Pope
Rate it
On Self-Knowledge
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On Sending My Son, As A Present, To Dr. Swift, Dean Of St. Patrick's, On His Birth--Day.
– Mary Barber
Rate it
On Shakespear
– John Milton
Rate it
On Sharing A Husband
– Ho Xuan Huong
Rate it
On Silent
– Charlene Delfin
Rate it
On Silver Wings
– Joey Chaney
Rate it
On Simony
– Joseph Hall
Rate it
On Sir Thomas Savill Dying Of The Small Pox
– William Strode
Rate it
On Sitting Down to Read King Lear Once Again
– John Keats
Rate it
On Six Cambridge Lasses Bathing Themselves
– Thomas Randolph
Rate it
On Snow
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On Solitude
– Lucretia Maria Davidson
Rate it
On some distant world
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
On some lonely park bench
– Severino Rengel Enopena
Rate it
On Some Rose Leaves Brought From The Vale Of Cashmere
– Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon
Rate it
On Some Shells Found Inland
– Trumbull Stickney
Rate it
On Somme
– Ivor Gurney
Rate it
On Spion Kop
– Sir Henry Newbolt
Rate it
On Spoken Wings
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
On Spoken Wings
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
On Spring
– George Moses Horton
Rate it
On Sr Charles Porter The Chancellours Death
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
On St. David's Day
– James Clerk Maxwell
Rate it
On St.Columb's Wall
– Liam Ó Comáin
Rate it
On Stage
– Arthur Weil
Rate it
On Stella's Birth-Day, 1719
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On Stephen Duck, the Thresher, and Favourite Poet. A Quibbl
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On Stone
– Ambrose Bierce
Rate it
On Such a Day
– Mary Elizabeth Coleridge
Rate it
On such a night, or such a night
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
On Suddenly Receiving A Curl Long Refused
– Vachel Lindsay
Rate it
On Summer
– George Moses Horton
Rate it
On Talking
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On Tasso In Prison (Eugène Delacroix’s Painting)
– Charles Baudelaire
Rate it
On Tea
– Edmund Waller
Rate it
On Teaching
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On that dear Frame the Years had worn
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
On the 12th day of Christmas Long Eaton gave to me...
– Unknown
Rate it
On The Air By Peter Gabriel
– Peter Gabriel
Rate it
On The Aphorism
– Charlotte Smith
Rate it
On the Approach of Autumn
– Amelia Opie
Rate it
On the Aran Island
– sonja votolen
Rate it
On The Arrival of Beautiful Spring
– Bashir Abbasi
Rate it
On The Astrologers (From The Greek)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On The Author Of Letters On Literature
– William Cowper
Rate it
On The Banks O' Deer Crick
– James Whitcomb Riley
Rate it
On the Baptized Ethiopian
– Richard Crashaw
Rate it
On The Barrier
– Roderic Quinn
Rate it
On the basics of Love
– Terry
Rate it
On the battlefeild
– Patricia Cole
Rate it
On the Bay
– Lucy Maud Montgomery
Rate it
On The Beach
– A Radday
Rate it
On the beach
– Verlene Y Tyree
Rate it
On the Beach at Fontana
– James Joyce
Rate it
On The Beach At Night
– Walt Whitman
Rate it
On The Beach At Night, Alone
– Walt Whitman
Rate it
On The Beach of Sadness !
– Dr.Mohamed KRAFESS
Rate it
On The Beach of Sadness !
– Mohamed KRAFESS
Rate it
On The Benefit Received By His Majesty From Sea-Bathing, In The Year 1789
– William Cowper
Rate it
On The Best, Last, And Only Remaning Comedy Of Mr. Fletcher
– Richard Lovelace
Rate it
On The Best, Last, And Only Remaning Comedy Of Mr. Fletcher. The Wild Goose Chase
– Richard Lovelace
Rate it
On The Bible
– William Strode
Rate it
On The Big Horn
– John Greenleaf Whittier
Rate it
On the Bill Which Was Passed in England For Regulating the Slave-Trade
– Helen Maria Williams
Rate it
On The Birth Of A Friend's Child
– Ernest Christopher Dowson
Rate it
On the birth of his son
– Su Tung-po
Rate it
On The Birth Of John William Rizzo Hoppner
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On The Birth-Day Of Queen Katherine
– Anne Killigrew
Rate it
On the Bluff
– John Hay
Rate it
On the Border
– Izabela Hinc
Rate it
On the bottom of my heart
– Svyatoslav Soloviev
Rate it
On The Boulevard
– Robert William Service
Rate it
On the Boundary
– Barcroft Henry Thomas Boake
Rate it
On The Brink
– Charles Stuart Calverley
Rate it
On the brink
– Ciera Massey
Rate it
On the Brink
– Lorelei Gerlach
Rate it
On the Brink of Nothingness and Unending Bliss
– Wesley Morin
Rate it
On the brink of the end of the world
– Raitano
Rate it
On the brink!
– Elizabeth King
Rate it
On the Building of Springfield
– Vachel Lindsay
Rate it
On the Burning of Lord Mansfield's Library
– William Cowper
Rate it
On The Bus
– Aldous Leonard Huxley
Rate it
On The Bust Of Helen By Canova
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On The Busts Of Milton, In Youth And Age, At Stourhead
– William Lisle Bowles
Rate it
On The Cackling Of A Hen
– John Bunyan
Rate it
On the Capture and Imprisonment of Crazy Snake, January, 1900
– Alexander Posey
Rate it
On The Castle Of Chillon
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On The Castle Of Dublin, Anno 1715
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
On The Christening Of A Friend's Child
– Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Rate it
On the Cliff
– Frederick George Scott
Rate it
On The Cliff-Top
– Dinah Maria Mulock Craik
Rate it
On the Cliffs, Newport
– Alan Seeger
Rate it
On The Companionship With Nature
– Archibald Lampman
Rate it
On The Conflagration Of The Po
– Walter Savage Landor
Rate it
On The Consequences Of Happy Marriages
– George Moses Horton
Rate it
On The Contrary
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
On The Conversion Of A Sister
– George Moses Horton
Rate it
On the Countess of Burlington Cutting Paper
– Alexander Pope
Rate it
On the Course
– Tara Coon
Rate it
On The Cover Of John B. Tabb's Late London Volume
– John Bannister Tabb
Rate it
On the cow shed
– Matsuo Basho
Rate it
On the Critical Attitude
– Bertolt Brecht
Rate it
On The Danger Of War
– George Meredith
Rate it
On The Dark Height of Jura
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
Rate it
On the Dark, Still, Dry Warm Weather
– Gilbert White
Rate it
On The Day Of The Destruction Of Jerusalem By Titus
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On the Day of Your Death
– Judith Adams
Rate it
On The Dead
– Walter Savage Landor
Rate it
On The Death Bed
– Meshack Bwoyele Keya
Rate it
On The Death Of A Believer
– John Newton
Rate it
On The Death of A Certain Journal
– Charles Kingsley
Rate it
On The Death Of A Fair Infant Dying Of A Cough
– John Milton
Rate it
On The Death Of A Favourite Cat, Drowned In A Tub Of Gold Fishes
– Thomas Gray
Rate it
On The Death Of A Favourite Old Spaniel
– Robert Southey
Rate it
On the Death of a Minister
– William Cowper
Rate it
On The Death Of A Twin
– William Strode
Rate it
On the Death of a Very Young Gentleman
– John Dryden
Rate it
On The Death Of A Youn Gentleman
– Phillis Wheatley
Rate it
On The Death Of A Young Lady
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On The Death Of A Young Lady Of Five Years Of Age
– Phillis Wheatley
Rate it
On the Death of Adrienne Lecouvreur, A Celebrated Actress
– Voltaire
Rate it
On the Death of Amyntas. A Pastoral Elegy
– John Dryden
Rate it
On The Death Of An Infant
– George Moses Horton
Rate it
On the Death of an Old Woman
– Georg Trakl
Rate it
On The Death Of Anne Brontë
– Charlotte Brontë
Rate it
On The Death Of Damon. (Translated From Milton)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On The Death Of Dr. Benjamin Franklin
– Philip Freneau
Rate it
On The Death Of Dr. Lancton President Of Maudlin College
– William Strode
Rate it
On The Death Of Dr. Samuel Marshall
– Phillis Wheatley
Rate it
On the Death of E. Waller, Esq.
– Aphra Behn
Rate it
On the Death of His Eldest Son
– George Canning
Rate it
On The Death Of His Mother
– James Thomson
Rate it
On the Death of J.C. an Infant
– Phillis Wheatley
Rate it
On The Death Of Ladie Caesar
– William Strode
Rate it
On The Death of Leopold: King of The Belgians
– Charles Kingsley
Rate it
On the Death of M. D’Ossoli and His Wife Margaret Fuller
– Walter Savage Landor
Rate it
On The Death Of Mistress Mary Prideaux
– William Strode
Rate it
On The Death Of Mr Aikman
– James Thomson
Rate it
On the Death of Mr. Crashaw
– Abraham Cowley
Rate it
On The Death Of Mr. Fox
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On The Death Of Mr. James Van Otton
– William Strode
Rate it
On The Death Of Mr. Robert Levet, A Practiser In Physic
– Samuel Johnson
Rate it
On The Death Of Mr. Viner
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
On the Death of Mr. William Hervey
– Abraham Cowley
Rate it
On the Death of Mrs. Browning
– Sydney Thompson Dobell
Rate it
On The Death Of Mrs. Elizabeth Filmer. An Elegiacall Epitaph
– Richard Lovelace
Rate it
On The Death Of Mrs. Mary Neudham
– William Strode
Rate it
On The Death Of Mrs. Throckmorton's Bullfinch
– William Cowper
Rate it
On The Death Of Prince Meshchersky
– Gavril Romanovich Derzhavin
Rate it
On The Death Of Pushkin
– Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov
Rate it
On The Death Of Rebecca
– George Moses Horton
Rate it
On The Death Of Rev. Mr. George Whitefield
– Phillis Wheatley
Rate it
On The Death Of Rev. William Benwell, M.A.
– William Lisle Bowles
Rate it
On the Death of Richard West
– Thomas Gray
Rate it
On The Death Of Sir Rowland Cotton Seconding That Of Sir Robert
– William Strode
Rate it
On The Death Of Sir Tho: Peltham
– William Strode
Rate it
On The Death Of Sir Thomas Lea
– William Strode
Rate it
On The Death Of Smet-Smet, The Hippopotamus- Goddess
– Rupert Brooke
Rate it
On the Death of Stephen Grey, F.R.S.
– Samuel Johnson
Rate it
On the death of that most excellent lady,
– Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz
Rate it
On The Death Of The Bishop Of Ely. Anno Aet. 17. (Translated From Milton)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On the Death of the Honourable Mr. James Thynne
– Anne Kingsmill Finch
Rate it
On the Death of the late Earl of Rochester
– Aphra Behn
Rate it
On The Death Of The Queen
– Anne Kingsmill Finch
Rate it
On the Death of the Rev. Dr. Sewell, 1769
– Phillis Wheatley
Rate it
On The Death Of The Right Honourable The Lord Viscount Bayning
– William Strode
Rate it
On The Death Of The Same Revered Nun...
– Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon
Rate it
On The Death Of The Vice-Chancellor, A Physician (Translated From Milton)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On The Death Of W. C.
– Paul Laurence Dunbar
Rate it
On The Death Of William Cartwright
– Izaak Walton
Rate it
On the Deaths of Thomas Carlyle and George Eliot: Sonnets
– Algernon Charles Swinburne
Rate it
On The Dedication Of Dorothy Hall
– Paul Laurence Dunbar
Rate it
On the Departure of Sir Walter Scott from Abbotsford
– William Wordsworth
Rate it
On The Descent Into Hell Of Ezzelino Di Napoli
– Walter Savage Landor
Rate it
On the desert
– Stephen Crane
Rate it
On the Disastrous Spread of Aestheticism in all Classes
– Gilbert Keith Chesterton
Rate it
On The Discoveries Of Captain Lewis (January 14, 1807)
– Joel Barlow
Rate it
On The Divan
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Rate it
On the Doorstep
– Arthur Symons
Rate it
On the doorstep
– Norbert Tasev
Rate it
On the Doorstep of Love
– DanceOfThePoet'sPen
Rate it
On The Downs
– Algernon Charles Swinburne
Rate it
On The Downs
– Edith Nesbit
Rate it
On The Downtown Side Of An Uptown Street
– William Johnston
Rate it
On the Dragon Boat
– William He
Rate it
On the Dunes
– Sara Teasdale
Rate it
On The Dutchess Of Grafton
– Anne Killigrew
Rate it
On The Dutchess Of Newcastle's Picture.
– Mary Barber
Rate it
On the Earl of Essex
– Henry King
Rate it
On The Earl Of Oxford And Mortimer's Giving His Daughter In Marriage In Oxford--Chapel.
– Mary Barber
Rate it
On The Eastern Front
– Georg Trakl
Rate it
On the edge
– Karolina Marszałkowska
Rate it
On the Edge
– D. H. Phoenix
Rate it
On the Edge
– Charles Leblanc
Rate it
On the Edge
– Susanna Elliott-Newth
Rate it
On The Edge
– Doctor Dashaun Rashod Snipes
Rate it
On the Edge of an Old Water
– Georg Trakl
Rate it
On the Edge of an Old Well
– Georg Trakl
Rate it
On the Edge Of The Lonely Shore
– Jack Berrell
Rate it
On The Edge Of The Wilderness
– William Morris
Rate it
On The Ethers
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
On The Eve Of My Retirement
– Gina R. Johnson
Rate it
On The Evening And Morning
– George Moses Horton
Rate it
On the Extinction of the Venetian Republic
– William Wordsworth
Rate it
On the fence
– Meshack Bwoyele Keya
Rate it
On the Field of Kulicovo
– Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Blok
Rate it
On The Field Of Waterloo
– Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Rate it
On The Final Submission Of The Tyrolese
– William Wordsworth
Rate it
On the First Day of Nature
– Arman Hoque
Rate it
On the First Day of Winter
– Arman Hoque
Rate it
On The Five Senses
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On the Flight of Time
– Franklin P. Adams
Rate it
On The Fly-Leaf Of Erckmann-Chatrian's Novel Entitled "Madame Therese."
– Toru Dutt
Rate it
On The Fly-Leaf Of The Rubaiyat
– Arthur Sherburne Hardy
Rate it
On The Forthcoming Volume Of Sidney Lenier's Poems
– John Bannister Tabb
Rate it
On the Friendship Betwixt Two Ladies
– Edmund Waller
Rate it
On the Funeral of Charles the First
– William Lisle Bowles
Rate it
On The Gallows
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On The Gallows Of
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
On the Garden Wall
– Vachel Lindsay
Rate it
On The Gift Of A Book To A Child
– Hilaire Belloc
Rate it
– Ken Bartlett
Rate it
On the Grasshopper (From The Greek)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On the Grasshopper and Cricket
– John Keats
Rate it
On The Grassy Banks
– Christina Georgina Rossetti
Rate it
On The Grave Of A Young Cavalry Officer Killed In The Valley Of Virginia
– Herman Melville
Rate it
On the Gridiron
– Richard Groff
Rate it
On The High Price Of Fish
– William Cowper
Rate it
On the high seas
– Leo Long
Rate it
On the highway
– Satya Pattnaik
Rate it
On the Hills
– Lucy Maud Montgomery
Rate it
On The Hoop
– James Thomson
Rate it
On The Horizon
– Troy Kaneer
Rate it
On the Horizon
– Jonathan Walker
Rate it
on the horizon
– japanesewind
Rate it
On The Horizon
– Jessica Sipes
Rate it
On the horizon the peaks assembled
– Stephen Crane
Rate it
On The Hunt
– Пётр Дубинин
Rate it
On The Hurricane
– Anne Kingsmill Finch
Rate it
On The Ice Islands Seen Floating In The German Ocean
– William Cowper
Rate it
On the Idle Hill of Summer
– Alfred Edward Housman
Rate it
On the Importance of Being Earnest
– Franklin P. Adams
Rate it
On the Infancy of Our Savior
– Francis Quarles
Rate it
On the inside
– Chris Stoneman
Rate it
On the inside
– Alfred Gremsly
Rate it
On The Jail Steps
– Eleanor Agnes Lee
Rate it
On the Just and the Unjust
– Blanche Edith Baughan
Rate it
On the Ladies of Pixton
– Hilaire Belloc
Rate it
On the Lady Elizabeth, and Count Palatine Being Married on St. Valentine's Day
– John Donne
Rate it
On The Lady Manchester
– Joseph Addison
Rate it
On The Lake
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Rate it
On The Lam From The Law
– Jerry Dee Lantz
Rate it
On The Last Day of Love
– Hailey
Rate it
On The Last Epiphany (Or Christ Coming To Judgment)
– Thomas Chatterton
Rate it
On The Last Hour
– Richard Newton Sherrer
Rate it
On The Late Indecent Liberties Taken With The Remains Of Milton
– William Cowper
Rate it
On The Leaf Edge
– john mckiernan
Rate it
On The Life And Death Of Man
– Francis Quarles
Rate it
On The Life Of Man
– William Strode
Rate it
On the Lighter Side
– Rick Wojtala
Rate it
On the Lighthouse at Antibes
– Mathilde Blind
Rate it
On The Line
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
On the Little God
– Hilaire Belloc
Rate it
On The Lord Gen. Fairfax At The Seige Of Colchester
– John Milton
Rate it
On The Lord's Prayer
– Charles Lamb
Rate it
On The Loss Of The Royal George
– William Cowper
Rate it
On The Lotus
– Methmi Mandara
Rate it
On the March
– Henry Lawson
Rate it
On the March to Sinopi
– Constantine P. Cavafy
Rate it
On The Margins Of A Poem
– Jirí Mordechai Langer
Rate it
On the Marriage of a Beauteous Young Gentlewoman with an Ancient Man
– Francis Beaumont
Rate it
On the Marshy Pastures
– Georg Trakl
Rate it
On The Medusa Of Leonardo da Vinci In The Florentine Gallery
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
Rate it
On the Memory of Mr. Edward King, Drown'd in the Irish Seas
– John Cleveland
Rate it
On the Miracle of the Multiplied Loaves
– Richard Crashaw
Rate it
On the Mississippi
– Hamlin Garland
Rate it
On The Moon
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity
– John Milton
Rate it
On the Mount
– Donka Kristeva
Rate it
On the Move
– anonymo magnifico
Rate it
On the Nativity of Christ
– William Dunbar
Rate it
On The Nature Of Love
– Rabindranath Tagore
Rate it
On The Neglect Of Homer
– William Cowper
Rate it
On the Nevada Side
– Mark Kortenkamp
Rate it
On the New Forcers of Conscience under the Long Parliament
– John Milton
Rate it
On The New Year
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Rate it
On the Night of a Friend's Wedding
– Edwin Arlington Robinson
Rate it
On The Night Train
– Henry Lawson
Rate it
On The Number Three
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
On The Other Side
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
On the Outside
– willadean wright
Rate it
On the Outside Looking In
– Nicole Marie Dobrinic
Rate it
On the Outskirts of Antioch
– Constantine P. Cavafy
Rate it
On the Paroo
– Henry Kendall
Rate it
On The Path Of Amergin
– Liam Ó Comáin
Rate it
on the path to the blue book fallen poplars rise
– Sviatoslav Hurhura
Rate it
On the Petals of My Heart
– Eucharia Nwoke
Rate it
On The Photograph Of A Corps Commander
– Herman Melville
Rate it
On The Picture Of Two Dolphins In A Fountayne
– William Strode
Rate it
On the Pillow
– Richard Le Blanc
Rate it
On the Pillow
– Charles Leblanc
Rate it
On the Place de la Concorde
– Amelia Opie
Rate it
On The Plains
– Arthur Henry Adams
Rate it
On The Plains
– George Essex Evans
Rate it
On The Platform
– Ambrose Bierce
Rate it
On The Platonic 'Ideal' As It Was Understood By Aristotle. (Translated From Milton)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On The Pleasures Of College Life
– George Moses Horton
Rate it
On The Poetic Muse
– George Moses Horton
Rate it
On The Porch
– Harriet Monroe
Rate it
On The Portrait Of A Beautiful Woman,
– Count Giacomo Leopardi
Rate it
On the Portrait of Two Beautiful Young People
– Gerard Manley Hopkins
Rate it
On The Posteriors
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On the Precipice of Disbelief
– Ralf M. de Pénnet
Rate it
On the Prodigal
– Richard Crashaw
Rate it
On The Progress Of The Soul...
– John Donne
Rate it
On The Promotion Of Edward Thurlow, Esq. To The Lord High Chancellorship Of England
– William Cowper
Rate it
On The Proposal To Erect A Monument In England To Lord Byron
– Emma Lazarus
Rate it
On the prospect of nothingness and vanishing, as such
– Richard Stephan
Rate it
On the Prospect of Peace
– Thomas Tickell
Rate it
On the prowl
– Riaan Smit
Rate it
On The Purple And White Carnation
– Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton
Rate it
On The Queen's Visit To London, The Night Of The 17th March 1789
– William Cowper
Rate it
On The Qui Vive : A Letter To My Mother
– Tracy
Rate it
On the Range
– Barcroft Henry Thomas Boake
Rate it
On The Receipt Of A Hamper. (In The Manner Of Homer)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On The Receipt Of My Mother's Picture Out Of Norfolk
– William Cowper
Rate it
On The Reed (From The Greek)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On the release of the freedom fighters
– Alastaire Arendse
Rate it
On the Religious Memory of Mrs. Catherine Thomson, my Christian Friend, Deceased Dec. 16, 1646
– John Milton
Rate it
On The Report Of A Monument To Be Erected In Westminster Abbey, To The Memory Of A Late Author (Churchill)
– James Beattie
Rate it
On The Report That A Wooden Bridge Was To Be Built At Westminster
– James Thomson
Rate it
On the Respectrum
– Divya Hirani
Rate it
On The Retirement Of Professor Edgar
– Christine Elaine Gwaltney
Rate it
On The Rising Of The Sun
– John Bunyan
Rate it
On The River
– Paul Laurence Dunbar
Rate it
On The River
– William Vaughn Moody
Rate it
On the Riverside
– Neelu Sood
Rate it
On the Road
– Claude McKay
Rate it
On The Road
– Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Rate it
On The Road
– Paul Laurence Dunbar
Rate it
On The Road
– Kassandra M. Konecny
Rate it
On the Road
– Maddie White
Rate it
On the Road
– Maddie White
Rate it
On the road
– Jet Rood
Rate it
On the Road Again
– Richard Groff
Rate it
On The Road To Destiny
– Ebenezer Ayidana
Rate it
On The Road To Gundagai
– Andrew Barton Paterson
Rate it
On the Road to Jericho
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
On the Road to Nowhere
– Vachel Lindsay
Rate it
On the Road to Nowhere
– Amarachi Ogbonnaya
Rate it
On the Road to T'ien-T- Ai
– Mei Yuan
Rate it
On the Road to the Sea
– Charlotte Mary Mew
Rate it
On The Road To Waterloo: 17 October (En Vigilante, 2 Hours)
– Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Rate it
On The Roads Of Love
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
On The Roughest Sea
– Israel Chinonye Uche
Rate it
On the run
– Raina Nicole
Rate it
On The Run
– Chloe D. Schroeder
Rate it
On the Run
– Riaan Smit
Rate it
On The Run (Blues Poem #14)
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
On the Russian Persecution of the Jews: Sonnets
– Algernon Charles Swinburne
Rate it
On the safe side
– Supratik Sen
Rate it
On the Same
– John Milton
Rate it
On The Same (On Receiving A Crown Of Ivy From Keats)
– James Henry Leigh Hunt
Rate it
On The Same (Oure Ladies Chyrche)
– Thomas Chatterton
Rate it
On the Same - (On the Burning of Lord Mansfield's Library)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On The Same By Palladas
– William Cowper
Rate it
On The Same Occasion
– William Wordsworth
Rate it
On The Same Person (Who Wrote Ill, And Spake Worse, Against Me)
– Matthew Prior
Rate it
On The Same Place
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
On The Sands
– Arthur Henry Adams
Rate it
On The Sands Of Time
– Donka Kristeva
Rate it
On The Sands of Time
– Donka Kristeva
Rate it
On the sandy beach
– Masaoka Shiki
Rate it
On the Sea
– John Keats
Rate it
On the Sea
– Yehudah HaLevi
Rate it
On the Seashore
– Rabindranath Tagore
Rate it
On the Sepulchre of our Lord
– Richard Crashaw
Rate it
On the Shelf
– John Taylor
Rate it
On the ships
– Rae Dooley Johanek
Rate it
On the shop
– Constantine P. Cavafy
Rate it
On the Shore
– Dhirendra Kumar Panda
Rate it
On the shore of river
– Hakikur Rahman
Rate it
On the shore of the river (2)
– Hakikur Rahman
Rate it
on the shores, from which i've come
– Shelina Chapman
Rate it
On the sight of swans in Kensington Gardens
– Charles Lamb
Rate it
On The Silence Of A Young Lady
– George Moses Horton
Rate it
On The Site Of A Mulberry-Tree; Planted by Wm. Shakspeare; felled by the Rev. F. Gastrell
– Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Rate it
On The Slain Collegians
– Herman Melville
Rate it
On The Slaughter
– Hayyim Nahman Bialik
Rate it
On The Soft And Gentle Motions Of Eudora
– Anne Killigrew
Rate it
On The Soil
– On The Soil
Rate it
On the Sonnet
– Matt Dimler
Rate it
On the South Downs
– Francis William Bourdillon
Rate it
On the Stage
– Arthur Symons
Rate it
On the stage of life
– Kafka
Rate it
On The Stairs
– Constantine P. Cavafy
Rate it
On The Star Of 'The Legion Of Honour' (From The French)
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On The Station Of Love
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
On The Steamer
– Boris Pasternak
Rate it
On the Steps of Another Country
– Dennis Michael McNamara
Rate it
On the still surviving Marks of our Saviour's
– Richard Crashaw
Rate it
– Michelle Ritchie
Rate it
On the Subject of Time
– Vadim Dukhovny
Rate it
On the Summit of Mt. Clarence
– Henry Lawson
Rate it
On The Sunny Side
– James Whitcomb Riley
Rate it
On The Supreme Court
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
On The Swallow (From The Greek)
– William Cowper
Rate it
On The Terrace Of The Aigalades. (From The French Of Méry)
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Rate it
On the Threshold
– Amy Levy
Rate it
On The Tips Of White Angel's Wings
– David Smith
Rate it
On the Tombs in Westminster Abbey
– Francis Beaumont
Rate it
On The Tombstone Of James Christopher Wilson (d. April 11, 1884) In Headley Churchyard, Surrey
– George Meredith
Rate it
On the tracks
– Glenn San-dell
Rate it
On The Train
– Harriet Monroe
Rate it
On the train
– Susanna Peremartoni
Rate it
On the Trek
– Andrew Barton Paterson
Rate it
On The Trust
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
On The Truth Of The Saviour
– George Moses Horton
Rate it
On The Twelfth Hole at Pinehurts
– RickthePoetWarrior
Rate it
On The Two Bridal-Biers
– Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Rate it
On the University Carrier
– John Milton
Rate it
On The University Carrier Who Sickn'd In The Time Of His Vacancy, Being Forbid To Go To London, By Reason Of The Plague
– John Milton
Rate it
On the Urge of.....
– On the urge of....
Rate it
On the Uses of Adversity
– Franklin P. Adams
Rate it
On the Vanity of Earthly Greatness”
– Arthur Guiterman
Rate it
On the verge
– venus
Rate it
On the verge
– Kelley Davies
Rate it
On The Victory Obtained By Blake Over the Spaniards, In The Bay Of Scanctacruze, In The Island Of teneriff.1657
– Andrew Marvell
Rate it
On The Vita Nuova Of Dante
– Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Rate it
On The Vowels
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On The Wall
– Muzz
Rate it
On the wall of age
– Norbert Tasev
Rate it
On the Wallaby
– Henry Lawson
Rate it
On The Water
– Rene Francois Armand Prudhomme
Rate it
On the Water of our Lord's Baptism
– Richard Crashaw
Rate it
On The Waves of Lost Memories
– Millard Lowe
Rate it
On the Way
– Edwin Arlington Robinson
Rate it
On the way
– Anna Cellmer
Rate it
On The Way
– Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh
Rate it
On The Way Back Home
– Soumyadip Sardar
Rate it
On The Way To Church
– Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
Rate it
On the Way to Heaven
– Gisela Vigil
Rate it
On The Way To Kew
– William Ernest Henley
Rate it
On the Way to You
– Jowie Fuentes
Rate it
On the Web
– Richard Groff
Rate it
On The Wedding Of An Aeronaut
– Ambrose Bierce
Rate it
On The Wedding Of The Aeronaut
– Ambrose Bierce
Rate it
On The Western Front
– Alfred Noyes
Rate it
On the white horse
– Satya Pattnaik
Rate it
On the white poppy
– Matsuo Basho
Rate it
on the wings
– Gregory Ramos
Rate it
– Maria Williams
Rate it
On the wings of a dove.
– A J C
Rate it
On The Wings of Icarus
– Olaoye Toluwalope Anthonia
Rate it
On the wings of Mercury, Fly me to the Moon
Rate it
On The Wings Of Regret
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
On the wings of the angels
– Michael-LionHeart
Rate it
On The Wire
– Robert William Service
Rate it
On The World
– Francis Quarles
Rate it
On The World
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On the Wye in May
– Amy Levy
Rate it
On The Yong Baronett Portman Dying Of An Impostume In's Head
– William Strode
Rate it
On their own
Rate it
– Derrick E Carey
Rate it
On This Day
– Catina Sherman
Rate it
on this day
– jb
Rate it
On This Day a Son was Born
– K.T. Brown
Rate it
On this day as much as any other
– stephen mason
Rate it
On this Day I Complete my Thirty-Sixth Year
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
On This Day Of Sky-Blue Bears
– Velimir Khlebnikov
Rate it
On This Leader Board
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
On this lonely stretch of highway...(of life)
– Emily Angeloff
Rate it
On this long storm the Rainbow rose
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
On This Mother's day
– Sharon Brown
Rate it
On this President's Day
– Sharon Brown
Rate it
On this road
– Matsuo Basho
Rate it
On This Small Planet
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
On this stage
– Hasmukh Mehta
Rate it
On This Winter's Night
– Jonathon David Svendsen
Rate it
On this wondrous sea
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
On This...Our Wedding Day
– Tabitha J. Bryson
Rate it
On those days.
– Swarup Bhattacharya
Rate it
On Those That Hated 'The Playboy Of The Western World'
– William Butler Yeats
Rate it
On Those That Hated The 'Playboy Of The Western World,' 1907
– William Butler Yeats
Rate it
On Time
– John Milton
Rate it
On Time
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
On Time
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On To Victory
– Anonymous Americas
Rate it
On Torture: A Public Singer
– Hilaire Belloc
Rate it
On Tradition
– Franklin P. Adams
Rate it
Rate it
On Turning 31
– Jennifer Sioux Gemmell
Rate it
On Tweed River
– Sir Walter Scott
Rate it
On two Children dying of one Disease, and buried in one Grave
– Henry King
Rate it
On Two Ministers of State
– Hilaire Belloc
Rate it
On Two Sisters Whose Deaths Were Together
– Padraic Colum
Rate it
On Valentine's Day
– Cristina Kim
Rate it
On Valentine's day & President day by astghick moradkhanians
– Astghick Moradkhanians
Rate it
On Valiance & Beauty
– Benjamin Brantley
Rate it
On Veteran's Day
– Douglas Gillert
Rate it
On Viewing the Skull and Bones of a Wolf
– Alexander Posey
Rate it
On Violet's Wafers, Sent Me When I Was Ill
– Sidney Lanier
Rate it
On Virtue
– Phillis Wheatley
Rate it
On Visiting the Graves of Hawthorne and Thoreau
– Jones Very
Rate it
On Visiting The Spot Where Captain Cook And Sir Joseph Banks First Landed In Botany Bay
– Barron Field
Rate it
On Visiting The Tomb Of Burns
– John Keats
Rate it
On Vital Statistics
– Hilaire Belloc
Rate it
On War
– Augustus Montague Toplady
Rate it
On War
– Abraham Baruch Goldshtein
Rate it
On Waves of Love
– Ludy Bührs
Rate it
On waves of midnight blue -
– AmyMMosier
Rate it
On Wenlock Edge The Wood's In Trouble
– Alfred Edward Housman
Rate it
On Westwell Downes
– William Strode
Rate it
On which I Ponder
– Chase Walker
Rate it
On White Brothers
– James McIntyre
Rate it
On Whose Love
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
On William Morris
– Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Rate it
On William Sommers Of Bremhill
– William Lisle Bowles
Rate it
On Wings From Before
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
On Wings Heaven Sent
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
On wings in flight
– Christina Moore
Rate it
On Wings/Night Wings
– Charles Fields II
Rate it
On winning, a curse on me & watchin' Your six
– Richard Stephan
Rate it
On Winter
– George Moses Horton
Rate it
On wisps of hope alone -
– AmyMMosier
Rate it
On With the Dance!
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
On Woman
– William Butler Yeats
Rate it
On Work
– Kahlil Gibran
Rate it
On writing a file made up of lies!
– Renate Fekete
Rate it
On Ye Bishop Of Meaths Death
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
On Ye Plott Against King William
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
On Ye Queens Death
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
On Your Birthday
– Melissa Calcote
Rate it
On your knees
– Shawnice
Rate it
On Your Midnight Pallet Lying
– Alfred Edward Housman
Rate it
On Your Own
– Mariah C. James
Rate it
On your way
– Ralph cow
Rate it
On Æolus's Harp
– James Thomson
Rate it
On, Of, And For
– Joe Strickland
Rate it
On-The-Spot Death-Without A Helmet.
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
– Murry Priyanshu Rao
Rate it
– Augusta Davies Webster
Rate it
– Trumbull Stickney
Rate it
– Sarah Barsky
Rate it
– Jet Rood
Rate it
– Teresa L. Smid
Rate it
– William A. Kofoed
Rate it
– Alan Scott
Rate it
– Zera Princ
Rate it
– Kelley Davies
Rate it
Once a sea-nymph loved a boy
– Augusta Davies Webster
Rate it
Once Again
– Natalia Carmona
Rate it
Once There Was You and I
– Flo Estrada
Rate it
– Ken Bartlett
Rate it
Once a man clambering to the housetops
– Stephen Crane
Rate it
Once a Monsoon
– Neihoikim Kipgen
Rate it
Once a Mother
– Jessica Sipes
Rate it
once a Mum, always a mum
– Devina Burun
Rate it
Once a Poet, Always a Poet
– Damsel Salatan
Rate it
Once a Soldier, Always a Soldier
– Szymon Rutkowski
Rate it
Once a Soldier, Always a Soldier.
– Szymon Rutkowski
Rate it
Once A Trust Is Broken
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
once a youth
– Regina Elliott
Rate it
Once Again
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Once Again
– John Berch
Rate it
Once again
– Candace Finkelstein
Rate it
Once again
– Candace Finkelstein
Rate it
Once Again
– Sherry Varghese
Rate it
– mad hippie poet
Rate it
Once Again
– Terri Ramsey
Rate it
Once Again
– Terri Ramsey
Rate it
Once again
– Julia Carl
Rate it
– Barry Green Jr
Rate it
Once again (Senryu)
– John Thomas
Rate it
Once again ...
– kaustav mukherjee
Rate it
Once Again Alone
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Once Again Back In The Creator's Heaven
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Once Again tomorrow
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Once again!!!
– Shakil Ahmed Baliyavi
Rate it
Once Again.....
– Brian A. Finch
Rate it
once and future glory
– Victoria Tan
Rate it
Once And Now
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Once Begun Done
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
once bitten,bite back
– Duane Boyd
Rate it
Once Breathless
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Once by the Pacific
– Robert Frost
Rate it
Once Denied
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Once Fool
– Vladislav Martynovitch
Rate it
Once For All
– Christina Georgina Rossetti
Rate it
Once for self now for them
– Chirom kingking Devi
Rate it
Once forbidden sound
– Karolina Marszałkowska
Rate it
Once friends now bitter foes….
– Asim Nehal
Rate it
Once Friends Now Enemies
– Deannea Riedel
Rate it
– mad hippie poet
Rate it
Once I had a Muse
– Hajra Khan
Rate it
Once I knew
– William A Kofoed
Rate it
Once I Loved
– LizaBella Stephenson
Rate it
Once I Met Happiness
– Margaret Widdemer
Rate it
Once I Pass'd Through A Populous City
– Walt Whitman
Rate it
Once I saw a bird
– Hubert Sanchez
Rate it
Once I saw mountains angry
– Stephen Crane
Rate it
Once I thought my love was worth the name
– Lesbia Harford
Rate it
Once I upon o' timm
– Salvatore Fucci
Rate it
Once I Was a Hardened Soldier
– Nathaniel Hackey
Rate it
Once I was a little
– Khaola ashraf
Rate it
Once I was excited
– Barry Green Jr
Rate it
Once I was Mommy now Mom
– Dead or alive
Rate it
Once I'm a Goner
– Jeffrey Powell
Rate it
Once in A Blue Moon
– WR Hays
Rate it
Once In A Blue Moon
– Charles Edward York
Rate it
Once in a Blue Moon
– Gisela Vigil
Rate it
Once in a blue moon best friend
– Jaya Mishra
Rate it
Once In A Life Time.
– Teresa Whitney
Rate it
Once in a lifetime
– Aaron I orth
Rate it
Once In A Lifetime Love
– Colleen Walsh
Rate it
Once in a Saintly Passion
– James Thomson
Rate it
Once In a While
– Teresa Whitney
Rate it
Once in a year
– Hasmukh Mehta
Rate it
once long ago
– Alan Green 'Guppyman'
Rate it
Once More
– James Brunton Stephens
Rate it
Once More
– Norman Wilson
Rate it
Once more
– Beverly Norvell
Rate it
Once more
– Ervin Kelly
Rate it
Once More
– D.R.
Rate it
Once More Again
– Jeffrey Powell
Rate it
Once More I Put my Bonnet On
– Joseph Howe
Rate it
Once More Lively
– Charles Edward York
Rate it
Once more to see you
– Tkai Rouche
Rate it
Once More We Can Fly
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Once more, my now bewildered Dove
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
Once more, once again
– Ruth Genesis
Rate it
Once More.
– Rylee Pruitt
Rate it
– Sanusi Eniola
Rate it
Once More...
– RyleeLikesToWrite3
Rate it
Once More—To Gloriana
– Vachel Lindsay
Rate it
Once on a Golden Day
– Mathilde Blind
Rate it
Once our innocence has been taken.
– Elizabeth King
Rate it
Once Over
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Once Pope Under Jevais Resolvd To Adventure
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
Once Real
– Raheem Muhammad
Rate it
Once saved
– Valiantstar
Rate it
Once Saved Always Saved
– Mark V. Markov
Rate it
Once she has been always she will be
– Thewordking Hljohnson
Rate it
Once Still Voices
– Chevelle Wernsmann
Rate it
Once Strong
– Erwin Jung
Rate it
Once The Bee Has Left
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Once The Circle Breaks Out
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Once The Future Is Gone
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Once The Present Has Died
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Once There
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Once there came a man
– Stephen Crane
Rate it
Once there was a man
– Stephen Crane
Rate it
Once There Was a Stephen
– Steve Cochrane
Rate it
Once There Was A Time
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Once Told
– Poetic ER
Rate it
Once Tomorrow Is Gone
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Once Upon A Beginning (Prayer #1-11/16/2015)
– Tracy Bollinger
Rate it
Once Upon a Chariot
– Beth Gibbons
Rate it
Once upon a Christmas Eve
– Pam Allen
Rate it
Once Upon A December
– Shelina Chapman
Rate it
Once Upon A Dream
– Mark Anthony Schroettner
Rate it
Once Upon A Dream
– Liana Yuditt Diaz #Qbana80
Rate it
Once Upon a Dream
– Terra Baxter
Rate it
– Mark Schroettner
Rate it
Once Upon A Forever Love
– Rachel Lee Khalaf
Rate it
Once upon a girl..
– Prashasti Bais
Rate it
Once upon a maiden
– Segun Adekoye
Rate it
Once Upon A Midnight Dreary
– Shelina Chapman
Rate it
Once upon a midnight dreary
– Mawphniang Napoleon
Rate it
Rate it
Once Upon a Raven's Night
– jody l cooke
Rate it
Once Upon a Time
– Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli
Rate it
Once Upon A Time
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Once upon a time
Rate it
Once upon a time
– Em Williams
Rate it
Once upon a time
– Momina Masood
Rate it
Once Upon A Time
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Once Upon A Time
– Ginny P Binkley
Rate it
Once Upon A Time
– Carla J Suggs
Rate it
Once Upon A Time
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Once upon a time
– Ditchendra Dhanessar
Rate it
– Ephraim Mmesoma
Rate it
Once upon a time
– Zurisha Hasan
Rate it
Once upon a time
– Andrei Smyk
Rate it
Once Upon a Time
– Gemma Gina
Rate it
Once Upon a Time
– Gemma Gee
Rate it
once upon a time
– Breda Krošelj
Rate it
Once Upon A Time
– Beggars maybe winners in gratitude and ability to see
Rate it
Once upon a time
– Seema Ali
Rate it
Once upon a time I was your home.
– Ziyah
Rate it
Once upon a Time in a Cloud of Thought
– Veronica Toth
Rate it
Once Upon A Time In The West
– Race Mahaffey
Rate it
Once upon a time the
– Ditchendra Dhanessar
Rate it
Once upon a time!
– Karthika Venugopal
Rate it
Once Upon A Time!
– Phillips Tayo Damilola
Rate it
– Ayo Jaiyesimi
Rate it
Once upon a war
– Caesar Goveas
Rate it
Once Was A Time
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Once was mine
Rate it
Once was so lost
– Cathy Lynn Andrus
Rate it
Once We Had Forever
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
– Barry Green Jr
Rate it
Once We Played
– Mathilde Blind
Rate it
Once we went Gaily
– William Henry Ogilvie
Rate it
Once we were happy
– Torquato Tasso
Rate it
Once you are gone
– Guilty Pleasure
Rate it
Once You Hit A certain Age
– Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker
Rate it
Once You Won
– Feryal Rashdi
Rate it
Once You're Gone
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Once, I knew a fine song,
– Stephen Crane
Rate it
Once, Now
– Anubrato Ghatak
Rate it
Once, there was a girl
– Pedro
Rate it
– Barry Green Jr
Rate it
– Daisy Misati
Rate it
– Conrad Potter Aiken
Rate it
– Hawley Laine Proctor
Rate it
– Dee Edgett
Rate it
– E.S. Conway
Rate it
– X
Rate it
– Beckham Federico
Rate it
– Michael Matalon
Rate it
– Aria Lindeur
Rate it
– Richard Groff
Rate it
– David P Cronk
Rate it
– Andrew Brough
Rate it
– Yukunno Ghirmay
Rate it
– Jamie Tierney
Rate it
– mad hippie poet
Rate it
– Laura Brooks
Rate it
– Gloriana Smith
Rate it
– Laura Brooks
Rate it
– William brooks
Rate it
– Paul bady
Rate it
– Robert loughran
Rate it
– Ssu-Hao Lu
Rate it
– Carl Hatter
Rate it
– Ken Bartett
Rate it
– Andreea Baker
Rate it
– Carl Hatter
Rate it
– Carl Hatter
Rate it
One star only for Love's heaven
– Augusta Davies Webster
Rate it
– Carl Hatter
Rate it
One 'big' dog
– Manuela Commisso
Rate it
One - Too
– Perry Campanella
Rate it
– 1jessyjamespoems3 (james porter)
Rate it
One Action and All Is Lost
– Gelene Beverly (PathofStars)
Rate it
Rate it
One Against the World
– William Schwenck Gilbert
Rate it
One alike me
– Cynthia novotny
Rate it
One Among So Many
– Francis William Lauderdale Adams
Rate it
One And One Are Two
– Ambrose Bierce
Rate it
One And One Are Two
– Christina Georgina Rossetti
Rate it
One and One—are One
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
One and only
– Aaron S Dietz
Rate it
One And Twenty
– Samuel Johnson
Rate it
One And Two
– Will Carleton
Rate it
One And Two.
– Will Carleton
Rate it
One and You
– Poet The M.Shafiullah
Rate it
One Angel
– Glenn Marchand
Rate it
One Angel
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Angry Storm
– Lawrence H. Pfaff
Rate it
One Anguish—in a Crowd
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
One Answer
– Donka Kristeva
Rate it
one arm man
Rate it
One Arrow Left
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Autumn Morning In '83 (2)
– eliseo guerrero cervantes
Rate it
One autumnal night
– Genesis Ramirez
Rate it
One Bad Apple Spoils the Bunch
– Belinda Richmond
Rate it
One Beautiful Day
– pakiesh
Rate it
One Before the Last, The
– Rupert Brooke
Rate it
One Being Brought From Africa To America
– Phillis Wheatley
Rate it
One Billion Dollars
– Mark V. Markov
Rate it
One Billion Stars
– Autumn Person
Rate it
One bite
– Frizzle Savage
Rate it
One Blessing had I than the rest
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
One Block Over
– Gary Shulman, MS. Ed.
Rate it
One breath
– Maya Nassibian
Rate it
One Bumper at Parting
– Thomas Moore
Rate it
One Burial Too Many
– Ofuonyebi 'Dinobi
Rate it
One By One
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
One by one
– Timtaiwo Adebayo
Rate it
One By One
– kurt philip behm
Rate it
One by One (MAJOR TW for self-injury)
– Gracie Miller
Rate it
One by One the Sands are Flowing
– Adelaide Anne Procter
Rate it
One Byte Pseudo-friendship
– Ashraful Musaddeq
Rate it
One came from another
– Jeevaneyan @ M.Kannadhasan
Rate it
One can do anything
– Sayeda Romaisha Rhida
Rate it
One Candle Burns
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Championship Night!
– The Champ
Rate it
One Chance
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Chance
– Benjamin Joshua Joshua Chandler
Rate it
One Chance
– Sallyann Pearce
Rate it
One Chance
– Mike Daly
Rate it
one child(hood) love
– Yukunno Ghirmay
Rate it
One Choice
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Choice Remains
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Christmas, death showed up
– AmyMMosier
Rate it
One Claim Is Immortal
– Glenn Marchand
Rate it
One Close Moment
– C. Acharya
Rate it
One cold winter night.
– A J C
Rate it
One Collective
– Doug Volgenau
Rate it
One Colorful Galaxy
– Herbert Guitang
Rate it
One Coo Coo Moose
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
One cool Summer's night.
– A J C
Rate it
One Crucifixion is recorded—only
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
One Dark Night
– Tina Boutell
Rate it
One Day
– Archibald Lampman
Rate it
One Day
– Christina Georgina Rossetti
Rate it
One Day
– Rupert Brooke
Rate it
One Day
– Joe Giso
Rate it
One Day
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
One Day
– Christian Smith
Rate it
One Day
– Shana Fiedler
Rate it
One day
– blah blah blahblah
Rate it
One Day
– Irene Akopyan
Rate it
One Day
– Renee Krzewinski
Rate it
One Day
– Deaunte Humphrey
Rate it
One Day
– Douglas William Grawberger
Rate it
One Day
– Salisha Hill
Rate it
One day
– tomrj
Rate it
One day
– Danielle Cristiano
Rate it
One Day
– Dontay Anderson jr
Rate it
– Khyati Chauhan
Rate it
One day
– Hakikur Rahman
Rate it
One Day
– Danesha “NESH” Robinson
Rate it
One day
– Hasan Johnson
Rate it
One Day
– Connie S. Peters
Rate it
One day
– Anju Kumari
Rate it
– Deserai C. Scott
Rate it
– Deserai C Scott
Rate it
– Deserai C Scott
Rate it
– Deserai Scott
Rate it
One day
– Thami
Rate it
One Day
– Jehosheba Sylvestre
Rate it
one day
– Genavieve
Rate it
One day
– Diabolical Rose
Rate it
One day
– Taylor Minkler
Rate it
One day
– Harsh Pandey
Rate it
One Day
– Charles H Fox III
Rate it
One day
– Robyn Hayward
Rate it
One Day
– Amanda K Iessig (Sunshine)
Rate it
One Day
– Sheri Sweet
Rate it
One Day As I Was Walking
– Linda Delores Long Barker
Rate it
One day as my book will culminate
– Krishna Kumar Mishra
Rate it
One Day At A Time
– BlancoBilly
Rate it
One day at a time
– Jeremy Tremayne Chinn
Rate it
One day at a time...
– Alicia Barajas
Rate it
One Day At The Super Market
– William A. Tatum
Rate it
One Day Beyond Mourning
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Day Changed My life
– Envy Morales
Rate it
One day I got a novel idea to celebrate a neighbors' day
– Amir Samji
Rate it
One Day I Saw A Robin
– Dan Jeffrey Hyde
Rate it
One day I will break free
Rate it
One day I will die
– Amir Samji
Rate it
One day I'll be there
– Desiree Brooks
Rate it
One day in Paris - Un jour à Paris
– Philippe ROUSSEAU
Rate it
One Day In Spring....
– Rabindranath Tagore
Rate it
One Day My Friends Will Come (Bussokusekika)
– Edwin Tanguma
Rate it
One Day Of Depression
– Kassandra M. Konecny
Rate it
One Day on a Hilltop
– Charles H Fox III
Rate it
One day one hour one moment
– japanesewind
Rate it
One day somebody asked me
– Megha S. Gupta
Rate it
One Day Someday soon
– Arnita Sydnor
Rate it
One day someone
– Lindokuhle Langa
Rate it
One day someone asked me do you know who I am?
– Amir Samji
Rate it
One day the moon will melt
– Naveen Gupta
Rate it
One day the world will know
– A Wolf
Rate it
One Day Under The Moon
– Vicenta Cruz
Rate it
One day we return everything
– Jawahar Gupta
Rate it
One day when you wake up
– Masol
Rate it
One Day!
– Mr. Issac M. Loven Sr.
Rate it
One Day's Command
– Anonymous Americas
Rate it
One day, an intellectual man said, he can create a man
– Amir Samji
Rate it
One day, I will
– Sairabl
Rate it
One Day, Some day.
– Olusegun Ajayi
Rate it
One Day, The Earth Moved Again
– Michael Phong Mitchell
Rate it
One Day, The Earth Stood Still
– Michael Phong Mitchell
Rate it
One day..
– moonkrow
Rate it
One day...
– Anonymous
Rate it
One Day.....
– Dana M. Jackson
Rate it
One Day..... Soon.
– Dana M. Jackson
Rate it
One Day...Everyday
– Ofuonyebi 'Dinobi
Rate it
One Deep Thrust
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Desire
– Julia Indichova
Rate it
one destination(Haiku)
– Ismet Ozce
Rate it
One dignity delays for all
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
One Dozen Single Days
– Numi
Rate it
One Drop
– Gisela Vigil
Rate it
One Dull Man
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
One Easter Day
– Calista Wagner
Rate it
One Ending and Another Beginning
– Kassandra M. Konecny
Rate it
One Eternity
– Deathofthepoet Neal
Rate it
One Evening
– Guillaume Apollinaire
Rate it
One Face
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Final Bill
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Fire; Two Camps
– Richard Groff
Rate it
One Flake
– Sonja Muckleroy-Gehrmann
Rate it
One Flesh
– Elizabeth Jennings
Rate it
One Flower In My Garden
– Susan K. Hall-Sheppard
Rate it
One Flu Over The Cuckoo's Nest
– RickthePoetWarrior
Rate it
One Flu Over The Cuckoo's Nest 2021
– RickthePoetWarrior
Rate it
One Foot Behind the Other
– Melisssa R. Keele
Rate it
One Foot in the Clouds.
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
One for my Baby
– Marieta Maglas
Rate it
One For One
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One for someone
– Norbert Tasev
Rate it
One for the ashes
– J.D. Mags
Rate it
One For The Ladies
– Khalil Goddard
Rate it
One Formula
– Rick Wojtala
Rate it
One Friday
– Donka Kristeva
Rate it
One from above
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
One From One Leaves Two
– Ogden Nash
Rate it
One Giant Step for Women
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
one glance
– japanesewind
Rate it
One Glimpse
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
One Glimpse Of Heaven
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
One God
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
One God
– Ian Sawicki
Rate it
One goes in straightforward ways
– Anna Akhmatova
Rate it
One good turn
– Cynthia Ezeokoli
Rate it
One Grain
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
One Hand Clapping
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Happy Man
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
One Head
– Richard Groff
Rate it
One Heart
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Heart
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
One heart
– Olive
Rate it
One Heart
– Matthew J Schlueter
Rate it
One Heart
– Christien rougeau
Rate it
One heart
– Elina Falass
Rate it
One Heart, One Soul, Too Much.
– Erin Fitz-Gibbon
Rate it
One Heartbeat
– Lene' Mumaugh
Rate it
One Heart’s Beat
– M.Useless
Rate it
One Hell of a Town
– photocanon2214
Rate it
One her one she
– Guillermo Hill
Rate it
One Hitter and the Two-Toke Kid
– Wesley Morin
Rate it
One home, two bricks
– Scarlett wingate
Rate it
One Honest Lie
– Brian Oliveri
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
One Hour Ater The Dance Of Death
– Franz Werfel
Rate it
One Hour To Madness And Joy
– Walt Whitman
Rate it
One Hump, Two Hump, Red Hump, Blue Hump
– Hump Rump
Rate it
One Hundred and Three
– Henry Lawson
Rate it
One Hundred And Twenty-Seven Days
– Chris Curasi
Rate it
One Hundred Days- A Love Letter
– Susan Mayer Brumel
Rate it
One Hundred Twelve In Las Vegas
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
One Hundred Years
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
One in a Hundred
– James E. Hyler II
Rate it
One in a billion
– Shubhodeep dey
Rate it
One in a million shot
Rate it
One in Christ
– Richard Newton Sherrer
Rate it
One in Heaven, One on Earth
– Kassandra M. Konecny
Rate it
One In Seven Left Our Shores
– Phylip G Barker
Rate it
One In The Same
– Numi
Rate it
One Indian girl
– Ogunniran Gloria Ajibola
Rate it
One Instant
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
One Judge
– Ambrose Bierce
Rate it
One kid floating over the cuckoo'S nest
– Mick Reid
Rate it
One Kiss
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Kiss
– Rowine Conley
Rate it
One Kiss
– joseph mcqueen
Rate it
One Knight's Passion
– Ron VanHooser
Rate it
One Last
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
one last (free) throw*
– Yukunno Ghirmay
Rate it
One Last Beginning
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Last Breath
– Tami Towers
Rate it
One Last Breath
– Tami Towers
Rate it
One Last Call
– Daniel Fernandes
Rate it
One Last Chance
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Last Choice
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Last Dance
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One last dot
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
One Last Drink
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Last Fling
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
One last kiss
– Mayte Marie
Rate it
One Last Kiss
– anonymo magnifico
Rate it
One Last Kiss
Rate it
One Last Kiss
– John W Jackson Jr.
Rate it
One Last Kiss Goodnight
– Charles Edward York
Rate it
One last letter
– Naomi Thompson
Rate it
One Last Line
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One last meet
– Zahra Khan
Rate it
One Last Peek
– One Last Peek
Rate it
One Last Spring
– Joseph Clark Williams
Rate it
One Last Thing
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One last thing on us
– Ashley Nichole Hyde
Rate it
One Last Time
– Bill Kurple
Rate it
One Last Time
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Last Touch
– Dannielle Lydia Heaton
Rate it
One Last Wish
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One last xmas
– Angela g
Rate it
One Lasting Lesson
– Nancy Rodriquez
Rate it
One Lasting Wish
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Less
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
One Less "One To Love"
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
One less player
– Desiree Brooks
Rate it
One less reason...
– Deanna Coghlan
Rate it
One Life
– Paul Laurence Dunbar
Rate it
One Life
– Navia Lavey
Rate it
One Life
– Diane Hull
Rate it
One Life of so much Consequence!
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
One life to live.
– Elizabeth King
Rate it
One Life.
– Diane Hull
Rate it
One Lifetime
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
One Light
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Line
– Oladiran Oluwabukunmi
Rate it
One Little Girl
– Zera Princ
Rate it
One little lie (original by Simple Creatures)
– Sholnyshko
Rate it
One Lone Goose (revised)
– Dee Edgett
Rate it
One Long Stare
– Anthony Eleazer
Rate it
One Look
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One look
– Gichu
Rate it
One Look
Rate it
One Love
– Jocelynne Sandra Pelletier
Rate it
One Love
– Mark V. Markov
Rate it
One love
– One love.
Rate it
One love
– Mohammed thariani
Rate it
One Love of Roses
– Veronica Juliet Toth
Rate it
One Love, One Union
Rate it
One Lovely Name
– Walter Savage Landor
Rate it
One Man
– Keba Rendi Parker
Rate it
One Man One Night
– Charlis J Edwards
Rate it
One Man's Dance
– Tom Janca
Rate it
One man's junk is another man's jewel
– Mike D Johnson
Rate it
– AM Chung
Rate it
One Mare
– Fiona Mondana Kelm
Rate it
One Memory
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Mind, Body and Soul
– Bev Rogers
Rate it
One minute in time.
– A J C
Rate it
One Mission
– Kristen Nichole Lore
Rate it
One Misstep
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Moment
– Ronald Schorr
Rate it
One moment
– Daniel Slack
Rate it
One moment
– Elizabeth King
Rate it
One Moment
– Jennifer Rene Vargas
Rate it
One Moment in Time
– Moon Johnson
Rate it
One Moment In Time
– Jean Philippe Gibson
Rate it
one moment in time
– angelag
Rate it
One moment take thy rest
– Walter de la Mare
Rate it
one moment unreal
– Audrey Cook
Rate it
One moment was enough.
– Ravi Panamanna
Rate it
one moment with you
– angelag
Rate it
One Mood's Expression
– Ambrose Bierce
Rate it
One moonlit night
– Amit Singh
Rate it
One more
– Internet love
Rate it
One More Again
– Phil the rogue poet
Rate it
One More Angel God Has Gained
– Sharon Lagueux
Rate it
One more beautiful day
– Shagufta nazneen
Rate it
one more chance
– Dawn D Mitchell
Rate it
One more chance
– Arpan Dey
Rate it
One more day
– Chris Puchot
Rate it
One More Day
– Richard Thomas
Rate it
One More Day
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One more day
– Mealica Agard
Rate it
One More Day To Live
– Adonis De Jesus
Rate it
One More Day To Live
– Ramon P. De Jesus, Jr.
Rate it
One More Day's Work for Jesus
– Anna Bartlett Warner
Rate it
One More Dream
– Sarah Rose
Rate it
One More Endless Night
– Kassandra M. Konecny
Rate it
One more kiss
– One more kiss
Rate it
One more kiss
– Alo Ayokunle Jesutofunmi
Rate it
One more life
– Kaynat zahid
Rate it
One More Message
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One More Phone Call
– Tonya Shadd
Rate it
– Ram Krishna Singh
Rate it
One more reason
– Shivam Joshi
Rate it
one more ride
– Curtis Allison
Rate it
One More Shot
– Joe Strickland
Rate it
One More Sip
– Jeremiah Van Allen
Rate it
One More Smile
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One More Step
– Stbrians or baby police
Rate it
– mad hippie poet
Rate it
One more Story
– Harriet A Shea
Rate it
One More Thing
– Sad green prophet Eyes
Rate it
one more time
– nissa hart
Rate it
One more time
– Robert Munoz
Rate it
– Debra K Middaugh
Rate it
– Kenneth Nkhukuzalira
Rate it
One more time
– Robert Christenson
Rate it
One More Tomorrow
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One More Tomorrow
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
One More Tragic Tale
– Emile Pinet
Rate it
One more try
– Alok Kumar Yadav
Rate it
One More Wish!
– Mr. Issac M. Loven Sr.
Rate it
One Morning
– Ambrose Bierce
Rate it
One Morning, While You Slept
– Jen Helmer
Rate it
One mould!!!!
– Shakil Ahmed Baliyavi
Rate it
One Must learn
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
One Mythical Sonnet
– Moin Serneabat
Rate it
One nation
– clifton redmond
Rate it
One Nation
– Richard Groff
Rate it
One Nation of Strength
– Wendy Bradley
Rate it
– D'Poetic Princess
Rate it
One need not be a chamber to be haunted,
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
One Night
– Constantine P. Cavafy
Rate it
one night
– Larry e cherry
Rate it
One Night In Paris
– Dee Edgett
Rate it
One night my love
– Brian J Cheville
Rate it
One night of love
– Brian J Cheville
Rate it
One Night of Love
– Melody Moreno-Vazquez
Rate it
One night One day
– Kenneth Maese
Rate it
One Night Outside the Bus Station
– Sean Harrington
Rate it
One Night Stand
– Pat Bautista
Rate it
One Night Stand
– Lady J
Rate it
One Night Stand (in the Gray Pew)
– Censored2Death
Rate it
One Night With You
– The Pinocchiø Poet
Rate it
One Night...
– Darius L. Leek
Rate it
One O One! (Part 1)
– eliseo guerrero cervantes
Rate it
One O One! (Part 2)
– eliseo guerrero cervantes
Rate it
One O'Clock in the Morning
– Charles Baudelaire
Rate it
One Ocean
– Naveed Akram
Rate it
One Of A Kind
– Sandra Meadows
Rate it
One of a Kind
– Ronna Kelly
Rate it
One of a Kind
– Tylor Menard
Rate it
One of a Kind
– Tylor Menard
Rate it
One of a kind friend
– Cynthia novotny
Rate it
One of Browning’s Best. Missed in This Forum
– Douglas Blair
Rate it
One of few
– Hayley Kristine Miller
Rate it
One of Fifteen
– Tibe Patrick Jordan
Rate it
One of Life's Hard Truths
– Marcus T. Johnson
Rate it
One Of Many Faces
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
One of my colleagues is trying to develop mind reading software
– Amir Samji
Rate it
One of my darkest days
– Kevin Clark
Rate it
One Of My Fellow Kind
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
One Of My Hero's
Rate it
One Of That
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
One of the books God has written
– Royston
Rate it
One Of The Boys (Part 1)
– A Radday
Rate it
One of the Fallen
– Kassandra M. Konecny
Rate it
One Of The Redeemed
– Ambrose Bierce
Rate it
One Of The Saints
– Ambrose Bierce
Rate it
One of the Shepherds
– Lucy Maud Montgomery
Rate it
One Of The Signers
– John Greenleaf Whittier
Rate it
One Of The Unfair Sex
– Ambrose Bierce
Rate it
One of Their Gods
– Constantine P. Cavafy
Rate it
One Of Those Days
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
One of those Days
– Abby Kesington
Rate it
One of three
– Wendy Rice
Rate it
One Of Time’s Riddles
– Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Rate it
One Of Twain
– Algernon Charles Swinburne
Rate it
One of Two
– Richard Groff
Rate it
One Of Us
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Of Us
– Curtis Johnson
Rate it
One Of Us Two
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
One of us will age gracefuly
– Aldo kraas
Rate it
One passionate night
– Marko Popovic
Rate it
One Path
– Erwin Jung
Rate it
One peak into the past.
– dianejean57
Rate it
One Percent
– Joshua Paullus
Rate it
One perfect me
– Christina Oberst
Rate it
One Perfect Rose
– Dorothy Parker
Rate it
One Perfect Summer's Day
– Robert Haigh
Rate it
One Person
– Christine Conant
Rate it
One Phrase
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
one piece
– Wesley gardner
Rate it
One piece at a time
– Jonathan Sims
Rate it
One Place Well Known
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
One Planet
– Suspended Arrow Poetry
Rate it
One Pleasant Night
– Garrett Fishwick
Rate it
One Plus Three Equals Sixteen
– Eugene Hetler
Rate it
One point, one man
– Amaiso Nensy
Rate it
One prayer I have -- all prayers in one, --
– James Montgomery
Rate it
One Present
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One President
– Ambrose Bierce
Rate it
One Public Embarrassment
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
One Purchase Away
– Wallace LaBenne
Rate it
One Purchase Away
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
One Qualifying Factor
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
One Question From World
– Kirandeep Kaur
Rate it
One reason you should become a writer
– Mikel Sanders aka THE PICASSO OF POETRY
Rate it
One Red Rose
– Sheila King
Rate it
One Regret
– Elaine C. George
Rate it
One Ride
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Risky Drive
– Gaurav Das
Rate it
One Rock
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Rumor Done
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
One Saturday Morning Atop A Guava Tree
– eliseo guerrero cervantes
Rate it
One Sea-Side Grave
– Christina Georgina Rossetti
Rate it
One Season
– Inge Meldgaard
Rate it
One Season Then When Summer Wakes
– William Edward Night
Rate it
One Short Life
– Kassandra M. Konecny
Rate it
One Shot
– Trevor T McCauley
Rate it
One Shot
– Trevor McCauley
Rate it
One shot
– shinerra ward
Rate it
One Shot
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Should Understand
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
One Should Understand
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
One Shown Nut Known
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
One Side of Love
– Charlie McFadzen
Rate it
One Sided
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
One sided
– Igotbored8888
Rate it
One sided
– Alex Muñoz
Rate it
One sided hiccup
– Hitesh singla
Rate it
One Sided Love
– Jordan Goodwin
Rate it
One Sided Love
– ugenteraan
Rate it
One sided love
– Arpita Aparajita Sahu
Rate it
One sided love
– Shazia..
Rate it
One sided love
– Pushpanjali
Rate it
One sided love
– Oloriire Samuel Oluwasomo
Rate it
One sided love
– Catherine Sara Mammen
Rate it
One silent sunset
– Angela Griffith's
Rate it
One silent tear
– Angela g
Rate it
One Single Tear
– Courtnie Mckern
Rate it
One Sister have I in our house
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
Rate it
One Size Fits All
– Loren Brunken
Rate it
One Small Pearl
– Laurent Cousineau
Rate it
One Soil, One World, One Country, One Humanity
– Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh
Rate it
One Solitary Drop
– Vernon F. McCarty
Rate it
One Song at Glorious Downhill.
– Wayne Blair
Rate it
One Song, America, Before I Go
– Walt Whitman
Rate it
One Sorrowful Truth
– Matthew Franklin Allen
Rate it
One soul
– katlynn kirkwood
Rate it
One Soul to Love
– Navia Lavey
Rate it
One Source
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
One Spark
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Spirit
– Fidelis Peter Olowu
Rate it
One Starry Night
– Elma Bautista Cornell
Rate it
One step
– Seema Tabassum Ali
Rate it
One Step
– Gary Brooks-Davis
Rate it
One step at a time
– Ailsa wright
Rate it
Rate it
One Step forward
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
One step forward
– One step forward
Rate it
One Step From Grace
– Iron Donato
Rate it
One Step From Perdition
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One step off the ground
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
One Stormy Night
– Amber Smith
Rate it
One Street One Beat
– Sonibare Bose
Rate it
One Structure (Haiku)
– Donka Krsteva
Rate it
One Struggle More, And I Am Free
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
One Struggle, Two Struggle
– Matthew Greiner
Rate it
One such evil
Rate it
One Sudden Summer’s Evening: Ballad
– Journey Smith
Rate it
One summer day
– Karolina Marszałkowska
Rate it
One Summer Morning
– Dinah Maria Mulock Craik
Rate it
One Summer Night View
– doreka vaughn
Rate it
One Sunday Afternoon
– Susan Lina Kampanatsanyakorn
Rate it
One sung of thee who left the tale untold
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
Rate it
One Sweeps By
– Walt Whitman
Rate it
One Tear
– Robert Fuller Murray
Rate it
One Thing In Common
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
One thoughtful evening
– C. Acharya
Rate it
One thoughtful March morning
– Nigel Mundee
Rate it
One Thousand Birds
– lauren_catherine
Rate it
One Thousand On The Road
– John M. Broadhead
Rate it
One Thousand Thoughts In Rhythm
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
One Through Ten
– Adam Roy Carrigan
Rate it
One Time Forever
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Tip
– Capitain Hook
Rate it
One To Care
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Rate it
One to Infinite/dr.k.g.balakrishnan
– Drkgbalakrishnan
Rate it
One to Remember
– Kaydri Bennett
Rate it
One Toke Over The Line
– Mario William Vitale
Rate it
One Too Many
– Chris Curasi
Rate it
One Touch
– Nancy Lynn Rodriquez
Rate it
One track
– Robert loughran
Rate it
One True Christian
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
One True Light
– Robert Owen
Rate it
One True Love
– Frances Palumbo
Rate it
one true love
– angelag
Rate it
One True Love
– Elizabeth Hughes
Rate it
One true love
– Barb Navarro
Rate it
One True Sin (revised)
– Rosco daw
Rate it
One Truth
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Truth
– Kassandra M. Konecny
Rate it
One Two Ten
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
One Unknown
– John Jessup Kennan
Rate it
One unpopular song of india
– Gaurav Das
Rate it
One Verse
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Viceroy Resigns
– Rudyard Kipling
Rate it
One Voice
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Voice
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Vow
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Walk...
– Donald Vess
Rate it
One wall up; one wall down.
– Doug Blair
Rate it
One Way Home
– Richard Lance Finn
Rate it
One Way Jazz Club
– Ax.Barajas
Rate it
One Way Love
– Rick Rhythm
Rate it
One way love
– Lilly Emery
Rate it
Rate it
One Way Mirror
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One Way Of Love
– Robert Browning
Rate it
one way or another,still love me
– Nadine M.oraby
Rate it
One Way Street
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
One Well
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
one whim at a time
– Yukunno Ghirmay
Rate it
One Whisper of the Beloved
– Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi
Rate it
One Who Asks
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
One who Died: In Memory of E.W.T.S.
– Leon Gellert
Rate it
One who gets you.
– amy elizabeth hand
Rate it
One Who Is Unaware
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
One Who Is Unaware
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
One Who Rejects Christ
– John Crowe Ransom
Rate it
One who’s without love
– Chloeannec
Rate it
One winged muse
– Karolina Marszałkowska
Rate it
One wish
– Curtis Allison
Rate it
One Wish
– Tommy Edwards
Rate it
One Wish
– Penny MacGillivray
Rate it
One with the fire
– Markus Lucas
Rate it
One With The Ruined Sunset
– William Ernest Henley
Rate it
One with Water
– Markus Lucas
Rate it
One Within Christ
– Richard Newton Sherrer
Rate it
One Without The Other
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
One Without the Other
– Sam B Maldonado
Rate it
One Woman
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
One Woman's History
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
One Woman's Memory
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
One Woodsy Morning
– Cas Wilson
Rate it
– mad hippie poet
Rate it
One Word Is Too Often Profaned
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
Rate it
One Word More
– Robert Browning
Rate it
One Word Of Hope
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One World
– Henry Van Dyke
Rate it
One World
– Sonya Hrbek-Avaux
Rate it
One World
– Sonya Avaux
Rate it
One World
– Sonya Hrbek/Avaux
Rate it
One world
– Haad Hussain
Rate it
One World One God
– Ian Sawicki
Rate it
One Worse Thing
– Margaret Widdemer
Rate it
– Debra K Middaugh
Rate it
One Year After
– Claude McKay
Rate it
One Year Ago
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
One Year ago—jots what?
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
One year life
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
One Year Older
– Frederic William Moorman
Rate it
One's Journey
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
One's Life
– Tesfaye Waktola (Tewabe)
Rate it
one's modern tradition
– Yukunno Ghirmay
Rate it
One's Only Obligation
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
One's Opinion
– Michael Hellwig
Rate it
One's Own Breath
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One's Own Company
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
One's Self I Sing
– Walt Whitman
Rate it
One's warm smile
– Emile
Rate it
One, (two), three, four, five
– Tom Hendy
Rate it
One, Two
– Hayyim Nahman Bialik
Rate it
One, Two, Three And More
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
– Christopher David Mears
Rate it
One-Legged Foe
– Dr David Livesey
Rate it
– Hailey
Rate it
One-Way Mirrors
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
One-Word Garments
– Dimitris P. Kraniotis
Rate it
– Alina Moneeb Shaha
Rate it
oneday i will forget you.
– oneday i will foget you
Rate it
– Emile
Rate it
– Ambrose Bierce
Rate it
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
ones and zeros
– Richard T. Reece Jr.
Rate it
– Jamie Tierney
Rate it
– Paul Ashley
Rate it
One’s character depends upon his education and inheritance!
– Kanniappan Kanniappan
Rate it
ong have I made these hills and valleys weary
– John Wilbye
Rate it
Ongoing Is The Process
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
– Roman Stadtler
Rate it
– Onions
Rate it
– Jennifer Ilene Oliver
Rate it
Onions are better than the invisible. God
– S Ravichandran
Rate it
– Diego Berrios
Rate it
Online class
– Thaamarai Selvi SP
Rate it
– LadyVylette
Rate it
Online Dating
– Online Dating
Rate it
Online Friends
– Danyale Nees
Rate it
Online Identity
– Rook (At time of publishing)
Rate it
Online Lovers
– Kay Schuette
Rate it
online school
– Lakeesha Dhiman
Rate it
– Vibhuti
Rate it
– Yukunno Ghirmay
Rate it
Only .. Urs
– Prince Saremu
Rate it
Only 6 feet of land remains
– usha amulya narem
Rate it
Only A Boche
– Robert William Service
Rate it
Only a body
– Emma Seijas
Rate it
Only a Curl.
– Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Rate it
Only a Dancing Girl
– William Schwenck Gilbert
Rate it
Only A Dream
– Dinah Maria Mulock Craik
Rate it
Only A Dream
– James Whitcomb Riley
Rate it
Only A Dream
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Only A Dream
– Kerry Santana
Rate it
Only a Dream
– Anonymous
Rate it
Only A Fiction
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Only a Flower
– Iriana Ramirez
Rate it
Only A Fool
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Only a Heart Could Know
– Barbara Cadogan
Rate it
Only a Jockey
– Andrew Barton Paterson
Rate it
Only a Matter of Time
– Christopher Morley
Rate it
Only A mother
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Only A Poet
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Only A Sad Mistake
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
Only a short drive in the jungle
– Louis Joseph Barbier
Rate it
Only a Shrine, but Mine
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
Only a Simple Rhyme
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
Only A Slight Flirtation
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
Only a Smile
– Mathilde Blind
Rate it
Only A Sod
– Henry Lawson
Rate it
Only A Soldier's Grave
– S A Jones
Rate it
Only A Soldier's Grave
– Sidney Alroy Jonas
Rate it
Only A Tiger (Nursery Rhyme #48)
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Only a Woman
– Dinah Maria Mulock Craik
Rate it
Only a woman
– Romelitiezer Cedric
Rate it
Only After
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Only Aim
– Methmi Mandara
Rate it
Only An Illusion
– Lisa Bartlett
Rate it
Only Answer I Get
– rjr440
Rate it
Only As Sacred
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
– Barry Green Jr
Rate it
Only Babies Sing The Blues
– Don Stephens
Rate it
Only Birds of the Same Feather…
– Abu-Ubaida Sani
Rate it
Only blue...
– Shantanu Chindhade
Rate it
Only Breath
– Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi
Rate it
Only But A Man
– Numi
Rate it
Only Common In Expiration
– Jessie Ní Leacaí
Rate it
Only Dreams
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
Only earth is our hearth.
– Ifediata Kosisochukwu Techla
Rate it
Only enough room for you
– Heaven Sanford
Rate it
Only Feel
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Only Feel
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Only Feel Me
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Only Feel Me
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Only Feel To Feel
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Only Follow Your Heart.
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Only For Itself
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Only for one day
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Only For Show
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Only For You
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Only For You
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Only For You
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Only for you
– Satya Pattnaik
Rate it
Only for you
Rate it
Only For Your Immortal Beats
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Only God
– Doreene Felder
Rate it
Only God Can Answer That (Bussokusekika)
– Edwin Tanguma
Rate it
Only God Can Command
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Only God knows
– Brandi Greene
Rate it
Only God Knows
– Brandi Greene
Rate it
Only God's Way(Haiku)
– Tom Kennedy
Rate it
Only God—detect the Sorrow
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
Only Half Sane
– Anna Fanelli
Rate it
Only He
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Only He Knows the Bitterness of Love
– Mirabai
Rate it
Only Heartache
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Only hearts seem to beat
– J J
Rate it
Only heaven knows
– AudreyElla
Rate it
Only her
– Aldo Kraas
Rate it
Only her I have known
– Adam Jones
Rate it
Only Her Mom
– Bryanna Hudspeth
Rate it
Only Her Mom
– Bryanna Hudspeth
Rate it
Only HIs Hands
– Alima Bahshoota
Rate it
Only His Hat
– Reese P
Rate it
Only hope
– Svetlana V Zimina
Rate it
Only Human
– Jennifer Lisa Mandeville
Rate it
Only Human
– Charles Edward York
Rate it
Only I Have Seen
– Parul Begum
Rate it
Only If
– Animus Vox
Rate it
Only if
– Yang cho
Rate it
Only if
– Melissa king
Rate it
Only if
– Melissa king
Rate it
Only If I Would
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Only If She Was Mine
– Kamryn Tanner
Rate it
Only if you knew part 2
– Nicole S Allen
Rate it
Only IF You…
– Mahesh Wadhwani
Rate it
Only if...
Rate it
Only Imagine
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Only Imagine 1000
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Only in a Jeep o=o
– Marlo Irene Hill
Rate it
Only in America
– Rick Wojtala
Rate it
Only in Dreams
– J.D. Tanquary
Rate it
Only in my country
– Lanre Samuel
Rate it
Only in my memories
– Sima Tee
Rate it
Only In My Memories.
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Only in USA
– Rick Wojtala
Rate it
Only In Your Priceless Heart
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Only innocent die
– Saroj Gupta
Rate it
Only just
– Amy Nagypaul
Rate it
only knew
– Jaxon Hurst
Rate it
Only Love
– Ashraful Musaddeq
Rate it
Only Love
– Brandon Thorne
Rate it
Only love is the answer
– Royston
Rate it
Only man
– Hasmukh Mehta
Rate it
Only Man Knows
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
only maybe?
– haiku artist
Rate it
Only me
– Pin Lim
Rate it
Only me and the wind
– Gabriel Stoodley
Rate it
Only Mental
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Only Miracle can Save the Earth.
– Brijmohansajal
Rate it
Only Morning
– Arthur Weil
Rate it
Only Mortal.
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Only Mules
– Katharine Lee Bates
Rate it
Only My Soul” (Darkness Falls)
– Jimmy Dean Hensley
Rate it
Only My Words
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Only My Words
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Only Now
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Only number one left
– Edward Snow
Rate it
Only number one left
– Edward Snow
Rate it
Only occasion
– Hasmukh Mehta
Rate it
Only Once
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
only once
– japanesewind
Rate it
Only One
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Only One
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Only One
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Only one
– Gajanan Mishra
Rate it
Only one
– Vasudha Pulukuri
Rate it
Only one
– geneva cuthrell- huycke
Rate it
Only one
– Valiantstar
Rate it
Only One Came Back
– Steve Cochrane
Rate it
Only one day between the beginning and the end
– Richard J Edwards
Rate it
Only One door
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Only One Foundation
– Richard Newton Sherrer
Rate it
Only One I'm Hurting
– Gary Ferris
Rate it
Only One Man Killed Today
– Anonymous Americas
Rate it
Only One Past
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Only One Place On Earth
– Mark V. Markov
Rate it
Only One True Christian
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Only Positive Views
– Sadar Ul Azam (Farrukh) Ahad
Rate it
Only Prayer Shall Bring Us To Our Knees
– Jamal Upshaw
Rate it
Only Roses
– William Schwenck Gilbert
Rate it
– Yukunno Ghirmay
Rate it
Only Salvation
– Patrick Alan Thompson
Rate it
Only Savior
– Richard Newton Sherrer
Rate it
Only Seven
– Katherine Rodgers
Rate it
Only star
– Hasmukh Mehta
Rate it
Only stars collide
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
only stones' stones' innocent throw steal dogma's free throw
– Yukunno Ghirmay
Rate it
Only Survivor
– Sean Lee
Rate it
Only Survivor
– Sean Lee
Rate it
Only Sweatpants and Sweatshirts (MAJOR TW for SA)
– Gracie Miller
Rate it
Only That the Sun Sets
– Eugene Osowski
Rate it
Only the beauty of the moon can be compared.
– Swarup Bhattacharya
Rate it
Only the Beginning
– Rachel RW Radtke
Rate it
Only the best friends will do
– Aldo Gabbay
Rate it
Only the Blind Can See
– Richard Groff
Rate it
Only The Dead
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Only the good get flagged
– Gone Fishing
Rate it
Only the Lovers
– dannypape
Rate it
Only the Shepherd need see.
– Doug Blair
Rate it
Only The Shroud
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Only the truth
– Yukunno Ghirmay
Rate it
Only the Wind Goes On
– Christopher Commodore
Rate it
Only Thee
– Rabindranath Tagore
Rate it
Only thing I want in this world is you!
– Taleshia G MCcray
Rate it
Only thing you need is u
– Shaun farr
Rate it
Only Those
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Only Those
– Dafydd davies
Rate it
Only Those - part 2
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Only thou could know
– Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh
Rate it
Only Through Faithfulness
– Jamal Upshaw
Rate it
Only time
– Joseph Mark Ippolito
Rate it
Only Time Can Tell
– Paula Jefferson
Rate it
Only time will tell
– Shriya Bajpai
Rate it
Only time will tell..
– Geni Kelepouris
Rate it
Only to be with you
– Aldo Gabbay
Rate it
Only to Live
– Francis William Bourdillon
Rate it
Only To prove
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Only To Remind
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Only To the Brave
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Only To You
– Ahmad Al_khatat
Rate it
Only Two
– Brady Bowen
Rate it
Only Two Ways
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Only until this cigarette is ended
– Edna St. Vincent Millay
Rate it
Only Us
– Charllynne Berry
Rate it
– Yukunno Ghirmay
Rate it
Only Way
– Keziah Faith A. Calambro
Rate it
only way to get her
– K C
Rate it
Only What I Can Handle
– Kassandra M. Konecny
Rate it
– Elizabeth Njeri Waweru
Rate it
Only With You!!
– Karen Hill
Rate it
Only Write poetry
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Only You
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Only you
– Brandi lee
Rate it
Only You
– Donna Young
Rate it
Only You
Rate it
Only You
– Kay Schuette
Rate it
Only You
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Only You
– Lenamarie Clark
Rate it
Only you
– Vandana
Rate it
Only You
– Payton Hayes
Rate it
Only You
– Christina Shanell
Rate it
Only You
– Christina Shanell Leigh
Rate it
Only you
– Valiantstar
Rate it
Only You
– Luis A Estable
Rate it
Only you
– Nicole Minnick
Rate it
Only You Can Define What Life is To You
– Ofuonyebi 'Dinobi
Rate it
Only You For Me
– LoveBond
Rate it
Only you girl
– Maneast
Rate it
Only You O! Beloved
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Only you!
Rate it
Only your eyes
Rate it
Only. Comes. Daylight.
– Only. Comes. Daylight.
Rate it
Onn John A Dalbenie
– Thomas Chatterton
Rate it
Onn Oure Ladies Chyrche
– Thomas Chatterton
Rate it
Ontario, a province of wondrous delight
– Ethan La Fortune
Rate it
Ontario, Canada Detroit Racer Indiana
– Stingers
Rate it
– Henry Abbey
Rate it
Onto my lonely hour
– Mgbada chukwudi cletus
Rate it
Ontological Masque of Scales - Nature's Thespian Ruse
– Mawphniang Napoleon
Rate it
Onus Probandi
– eliseo guerrero cervantes
Rate it
– Charles Harpur
Rate it
– Sydney Pierce
Rate it
– Karl A. Shiffer
Rate it
– Jonathan A. Lacey
Rate it
Onward Christian Soldiers
– Sabine Baring-Gould
Rate it
Onward in Growth
– Autumn Ficklin
Rate it
Onyedikachi Eche
– Onyedikachi Eche
Rate it
Oo Raahi
Rate it
Oo Traveler
Rate it
– The Oof Master
Rate it
– The Oof Master
Rate it
ooga booga
– liam hamm
Rate it
Ooh, ooh ohh ah ooh ah ahh!
– Sey, yes, no, on
Rate it
– Spike Milligan
Rate it
OONA a light
– Mary Anne Mangano
Rate it
– Rudyard Kipling
Rate it
– Dunstan Samantha Thomas
Rate it
Ooops, I did it AGAIN
– Dana Moon
Rate it
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Ootcast Kirk
– Douglas Blair
Rate it
– Opmd
Rate it
Op til de vaade Øer, hvor Vinden blæser koldt
– Hans Christian Andersen
Rate it
– Amy Lowell
Rate it
Opal moon
– Annabelle sleba
Rate it
Rate it
– Arthur Symons
Rate it
– Tavares M. GILL
Rate it
– Darlene concepcion
Rate it
– Tammy Temen
Rate it
Open air
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Open an Ear; He Still Loves You
– Richard Groff
Rate it
Open and Close.
– Lillian Valentine
Rate it
Open Arms
– Wendy Nichols
Rate it
Open Book
– Allison Orkney
Rate it
Open Book
– Ash Barnard
Rate it
Open Chords Played on Steel Strings
– Ana M. Bogdanov
Rate it
Open Country
– Elle McRae
Rate it
Open Discussion For Presiding Judge (Amended)
– Edwin Tanguma
Rate it
Open Door
– Paul Eluard
Rate it
Open Door
– Michael W. Evans
Rate it
Open End
– Ludy Bührs
Rate it
Open Existence
– Carmen M Matias
Rate it
Open Eyes
– Joseph Schneekloth
Rate it
Open Eyes
– Thomas Molitor
Rate it
Open eyes
– Mollie Pickett
Rate it
Open Fields
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Open Fields
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Open for business
– Muzz
Rate it
Open Gifts
– Ian Sawicki
Rate it
Open hands want more
– Allawy Mian
Rate it
Open Heart God
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Open heart poetry
Rate it
Open hearts
– Ronald Tirino
Rate it
Open heaven
– Wendy Rice
Rate it
open invitation
– Zahara
Rate it
Open Letter to the Bird Girl
– Emily J Williams
Rate it
Open me up
– Royston
Rate it
open mirrors
– jody l cooke
Rate it
Open Mouthed yawn
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Open my eyes
– Falaisha Boulris
Rate it
Open Plains Open Road
– Richard J Edwards
Rate it
Open Road
– stan brierly
Rate it
Open Road
– skitheeast
Rate it
Open roads
– Ronald Tirino
Rate it
Open Sea
– Lenny Muroff
Rate it
Open Season
– Laura Goodale
Rate it
open secret
– Markus Kiener
Rate it
– Nworu Uchechukwu
Rate it
Open Sewers, Bloated Rats
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Open Soul
– Payton Hayes
Rate it
Open Source
– Emilio Phoenicio
Rate it
Open Speech
– John Le Gay Brereton
Rate it
Open Table
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Rate it
– mad hippie poet
Rate it
Open the curtains
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Open The Door
– George Collett
Rate it
Open the Door!
– Al-qahira Bakra
Rate it
Open to a recieving sun
– Ronald Tirino
Rate it
Open to Attack
– Barbara Johnson
Rate it
Open Up
– Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh
Rate it
Open Up Your Heart
– Jae Lorenda
Rate it
Open Wall
– Cassandra Baker
Rate it
Open water!
– Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
Rate it
Open wide the Freedom Gates!
– Taleshia G MCcray
Rate it
Open Windows
– Sara Teasdale
Rate it
Open Windows
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Open Wound
– Emma Brunow
Rate it
Open Wound
– Elijah Ramos
Rate it
Open Wounds
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Open wounds
– Oluwatobi Moremi
Rate it
open your eyes
– C Castro
Rate it
Open your eyes
– Shir Hanochi
Rate it
Open Your Eyes
– Brian Michael Watts
Rate it
Open Your Eyes
– Richard Groff
Rate it
Open Your Eyes
– Zera Princ
Rate it
Open Your Heart
– Margaret Barton-Wahl
Rate it
Open, Time
– Louise Imogen Guiney
Rate it
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Opened Up To Explanations, Please!
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Opened Wider
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
– david holmberg
Rate it
– Dennis R Wolke
Rate it
– Sam madeyin
Rate it
Opening a private window
– GG
Rate it
Opening Hymn
– James Brunton Stephens
Rate it
Opening lines of Eþandun: Epic Poem
– William G. Carpenter
Rate it
Opening Morning
– Alex Cope
Rate it
Opening Night
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Opening Night
– Connie Hess
Rate it
Opening Ode
– James McIntyre
Rate it
Opening of the Railway Line
– Andrew Barton Paterson
Rate it
Opening Pandora’s Treasure Box
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
Opening Poem To Book 'Short Poem'
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Opening Poem To My New Novel: 'Death From The Sky'
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Opening the Bird Cage
– Jesus Penaranda
Rate it
Opening The World's Hearts
– Robert Catron
Rate it
Opening up
– Coenraed de Waele
Rate it
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
– Philip Smith
Rate it
Opera Ghost (O.G.)
– Ehab Khalifa
Rate it
– William Ernest Henley
Rate it
Operator Information.
– Teresa Whitney
Rate it
– Elinor Morton Wylie
Rate it
– Maria I. Aslanidi
Rate it
– Gabrielle Vaughn
Rate it
Ophelia (renewal)
– Elizabeth Schwarcz
Rate it
– Quaid-Uz-Zaman
Rate it
Opiate Bohrs
– Raido Rafn
Rate it
– Thomas Edward Brown
Rate it
– George Chapman
Rate it
– Suleiman al-fulayyih
Rate it
– David Abraham
Rate it
Opinion Be Damned
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
– Txpoet65
Rate it
– Letitia Elizabeth Landon
Rate it
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Opinions Of Love
– Parul Begum
Rate it
Opinions' Reign : The Path Uniquely True
– Mawphniang Napoleon
Rate it
– ilusiones
Rate it
– Jenn Cisneros
Rate it
Oppidan in the waterside
– Sam madeyin
Rate it
Oppisite of me
– Allison L
Rate it
– Brian J Cheville
Rate it
Opportunistically Optimistic
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Opportunistically Speaking
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
– Jet Rood
Rate it
– Pranav Joshi
Rate it
Opportunities Come To Go
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
– Helen Hunt Jackson
Rate it
– Paul Laurence Dunbar
Rate it
– Melita Catalina Warren
Rate it
– Kevin Anderson
Rate it
– Hakikur Rahman
Rate it
– Rick Wojtala
Rate it
– Ehizojie Comfort Omonigho
Rate it
Opportunity's Knocking
– Matthew Franklin Allen
Rate it
Opportunity- Senryu
– Asim Nehal
Rate it
– Robert Crawford
Rate it
– Sun Ra
Rate it
Opposing Emotion Generals (Haiku)
– Nick Adegwe-Oshomah
Rate it
Opposing thoughts
– Flowerchild
Rate it
– Marcus Phelps
Rate it
Opposite Elements
– Christina Peskowa
Rate it
Opposite Roads
– Sherry Caayupan
Rate it
Opposite To Meloncholly
– William Strode
Rate it
– Katherine Mansfield
Rate it
– Alisha Shurtleff
Rate it
opposites attract
– victor dyck
Rate it
Opposites Attracts
– Lamont Bennerman
Rate it
Opposites Stir Up A Flow
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
– Sidney Lanier
Rate it
– saa
Rate it
– Messiah Ingram
Rate it
– SaltShackles .com
Rate it
– Kassandra M. Konecny
Rate it
– Atmos
Rate it
– Ehoche Christabel Ebo
Rate it
Oppression and freedom
– Murry Priyanshu Rao
Rate it
Oppressions Havoc
– Andrea Jacobs
Rate it
Optic Deities
– Boghos L.Artinian
Rate it
Optical Illusion
– Jonathan A. Lacey
Rate it
– Ajay Bakhda
Rate it
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
– Israel Chinonye Uche
Rate it
– Aleister Crowley
Rate it
Optimistic Approach of Life
– Davidson
Rate it
Optimistic Illusion
– Valerie Whitworth
Rate it
Optimistically Missed
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Optimistically Optimistic
– Pahaldeep
Rate it
– Foyez Syed
Rate it
Optimus Amicus
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
– Options
Rate it
Optipience or They already Know or Same time.
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Opus 1
– Caleb Miguel
Rate it
Opus for the Pilgrim
– Doug Blair
Rate it
Opus Null
– Jean Arp
Rate it
Opus Three
– Román Ortega-Cowan
Rate it
– John Henry Newman
Rate it
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
– Void
Rate it
Or am I..
– Acsah Chacko
Rate it
Or Both
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Or Did It
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
– Barry Green Jr
Rate it
Or Else become
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Or From That Sea Of Time
– Walt Whitman
Rate it
Or nah
– Krystal Thompson and Tom obrian
Rate it
Or she balls, ah do ya say? What!
– Lovestunn Manor
Rate it
Or So I Thought
– Angela Crabtree
Rate it
Or So I Thought
– Elysia Laidlaw
Rate it
Or So I'm Told
– What-If Poet
Rate it
Or Turn You Out
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Or Voy-Je Bien Qu'il Faut Vivre En Servage
– Jean Antoine de Baif
Rate it
– SaltShackles .com
Rate it
– Jasleen Kaur
Rate it
Oración a la vida
– Lou Andreas-Salomé
Rate it
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Oracle of Omaha
Rate it
Oracle of the povo
– Dambudzo Marechera
Rate it
Oracle of Thine
– Dr.Amal Kumar Ghosh
Rate it
Oracle of Thine
– Dr. Amal Kumar Ghosh
Rate it
– Valiantstar
Rate it
Oracles and Miracles
– Kaushik Ghosh
Rate it
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
– Jean François joubert
Rate it
Oral Sex
– Luis A. Estable
Rate it
– Maria Celina Montiano
Rate it
Orange Afterglow
– Thomas Ryan Di Chiara
Rate it
Orange And Green Will Carry The Day
– Thomas Davis
Rate it
Orange And Green Will Carry The Day
– Thomas Osborne Davis
Rate it
Orange Citrus
– Courtenay Lee Althouse
Rate it
Orange Eye
– Alyssa Fields
Rate it
Orange Fanta
– Payton Hayes
Rate it
Orange is you
– Skye,Lee
Rate it
Orange Juice And Apple Sauce
– Jason Mui
Rate it
Orange Leaves
– Sarah Newcomb
Rate it
Orange peel
– John Milton Hayes
Rate it
Orange Sky
– Jared Dan Lemmon
Rate it
Orange soda, whiskey, lime
– Christopher David Mears
Rate it
Orange Speckled Swing
– Lucas Sotozoono
Rate it
Orange Sunsets
– Lena Smith Carter
Rate it
Rate it
Orange, black, and green.
– H. Lock.
Rate it
– Hemlock.
Rate it
– KDeRogatis
Rate it
Oranges And Lemons
– Leonard Leslie Brooke
Rate it
Oranges are not the only fruits
– Jawahar Gupta
Rate it
– Henry Kendall
Rate it
– Roberto Suárez Torres
Rate it
Orb & The Forbidden City
– Mario William Vitale
Rate it
Orbit of My Heart
– Omajean Lewis
Rate it
orbital love
– japanesewind
Rate it
Orbs of Past
– Victoria Lamphear
Rate it
– Hilda Doolittle
Rate it
Orchard Grass
– Barbara Peabody Pouliot
Rate it
Orchard's boughs
– conductor
Rate it
– Theodosia Garrison
Rate it
– Mariah Lichty
Rate it
– Roberto Suárez Torres
Rate it
– Ada Cambridge
Rate it
– Keilani
Rate it
Ordeals over the seas
– Victor obinaa
Rate it
– Centra
Rate it
– Terence Cummings-Smith
Rate it
Order and Chaos
– David A Whitfield
Rate it
Order and Chaos
– David Whitfield
Rate it
Order In The Court
– Bex Gunn
Rate it
Order of merit
– K.V Srikanth
Rate it
Order of Operations ( A math rhyme)
– Stanley Pitchford
Rate it
Order of Operations (PEMDAS)
– Brayden F
Rate it
Order of Peace Ragina is being demanding Again
– Polar Bear
Rate it
Order of the Logos
– Jonathan Walker
Rate it
Order of things
– GCThomas
Rate it
Order Versus Chaos
– Satyender Yadav
Rate it
order!?! how on earth I can order a goal or many?!
– Yukunno Ghirmay
Rate it
Ordered discord
– Ryan Blackborough
Rate it
ordering ones once own very death with full accessories
– Yukunno Ghirmay
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
Ordinary Day
– Dee Edgett
Rate it
Ordinary Extraordinary People
– Louise Buckle
Rate it
ordinary human being
– Yukunno Ghirmay
Rate it
Ordinary Life
– Douglas H. Mc Clintock
Rate it
Ordinary Man
– Robert Haigh
Rate it
Ordinary Man Special
– Charles Edward York
Rate it
ordinary or non-ordinary avenging is outdated,( ignore it not)x2
– Yukunno Ghirmay
Rate it
– Norbert Tasev
Rate it
Ordinary Things
– Kent Krauss
Rate it
Ore Run
– Pearcemelville
Rate it
– Hilda Doolittle
Rate it
Oregon Trail
– Evelynn
Rate it
Oregon Trail
– Nate Marshall
Rate it
Oreheus To Beasts
– Richard Lovelace
Rate it
Oreheus To Woods
– Richard Lovelace
Rate it
Ores, plus que jamais, me plaît d'aimer la Muse
– Joachim du Bellay
Rate it
– Stephen Phillips
Rate it
– Stephen Phillips
Rate it
Organ Donor
– Babydoll06
Rate it
– Lori A. Powell
Rate it
– Lori A. Powell
Rate it
organic keys
– Jaxon Hurst
Rate it
Organic Music
– Ian McCleary
Rate it
Organisational Culture
– Lee Chambers
Rate it
– Dunstan Samantha Thomas
Rate it
Organizedly Disorganized
– Theresa Williams
Rate it
– Terence Cummings-Smith
Rate it
Orgy Vomit Sex Slaves
– Eugene Hetler
Rate it
– Guillaume Apollinaire
Rate it
Orient Ode
– Francis Thompson
Rate it
– William Ernest Henley
Rate it
Orietta Song
– Sean L Sanders
Rate it
– Siddharth Singh
Rate it
Rate it
Origin and the healing process.
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
– Yukunno Ghirmay
Rate it
Origin Of The Liquor Dealer
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
Origin philosophy
Rate it
– Douglas H. Mc Clintock
Rate it
– Sarah Brower
Rate it
– Yukunno Ghirmay
Rate it
Original Owners of The Planet
– Dr Jay
Rate it
Original Perception
– Stephen Knox
Rate it
Original Selves
– Jessikah Bailey
Rate it
Original Sin
– Robinson Jeffers
Rate it
Original Sin
– kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
original sin
– bill watts
Rate it
Original Sin
– Richard Groff
Rate it
Originally Written
– Mark V. Markov
Rate it
Originate from
– Jet Rood
Rate it
– Greyson Bomar
Rate it
– Roberto Suárez Torres
Rate it
Orillia Funeral (Lightfoot)
– Wayne Blair
Rate it
Orinda To Lucasia Parting October 1661 At London
– Katherine Philips
Rate it
Orinda upon Little Hector Philips
– Katherine Philips
Rate it
– K. Marie
Rate it
Orkney Lullaby
– Eugene Field
Rate it
Orlando Furioso Canto 1
– Ludovico Ariosto
Rate it
Orlando Furioso Canto 10
– Ludovico Ariosto
Rate it
Orlando Furioso Canto 11
– Ludovico Ariosto
Rate it
Orlando Furioso Canto 12
– Ludovico Ariosto
Rate it
Orlando Furioso canto 13
– Ludovico Ariosto
Rate it
Orlando Furioso Canto 15
– Ludovico Ariosto
Rate it
Orlando Furioso Canto 16
– Ludovico Ariosto
Rate it
Orlando Furioso Canto 17
– Ludovico Ariosto
Rate it
Orlando Furioso Canto 18
– Ludovico Ariosto
Rate it
Orlando Furioso Canto 19
– Ludovico Ariosto
Rate it
Orlando Furioso Canto 2
– Ludovico Ariosto
Rate it
Orlando Furioso Canto 20
– Ludovico Ariosto
Rate it
Orlando Furioso Canto 21
– Ludovico Ariosto
Rate it
Orlando Furioso Canto 22
– Ludovico Ariosto
Rate it
Orlando Furioso Canto 3
– Ludovico Ariosto
Rate it
Orlando Furioso Canto 4
– Ludovico Ariosto
Rate it
Orlando Furioso Canto 5
– Ludovico Ariosto
Rate it
Orlando Furioso Canto 6
– Ludovico Ariosto
Rate it
Orlando Furioso Canto 7
– Ludovico Ariosto
Rate it
Orlando Furioso Canto 8
– Ludovico Ariosto
Rate it
Orlando Furioso Canto 9
– Ludovico Ariosto
Rate it
Orlie Wilde
– James Whitcomb Riley
Rate it
Ornamental princess.
– Brijmohansajal
Rate it
– Letitia Elizabeth Landon
Rate it
– Joshua Young
Rate it
– Ambrose Bierce
Rate it
– Iliyan and Nellya Yurukovy
Rate it
Ornithology For Beginners
– Dorothy Parker
Rate it
– Constantine P. Cavafy
Rate it
– Danny
Rate it
– Amber Kolm
Rate it
Orphan Of Wind
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Orphan On The Street
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Orphan School
– Robert William Service
Rate it
Rate it
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Orphaned Moments
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Orphaned Shadows
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Orphaned Silent
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Orphaned Time
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Orphaning The Moment
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Orphaning Winds
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Orphans And Scions
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Orphans of the living
– Sharry Monks
Rate it
– Edith Wharton
Rate it
– Emma Lazarus
Rate it
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
Rate it
– Robert Herrick
Rate it
– Sir Osbert Sitwell
Rate it
– William Shakespeare
Rate it
– Albert F. Moritz
Rate it
– Mysti Rayne
Rate it
Orpheus I am, Come from the Deeps Below
– John Fletcher
Rate it
Orpheus with his Lute Made Trees
– William Shakespeare
Rate it
Orpheus's Song
– Sritama Roychoudhury
Rate it
– Sãyandeep
Rate it
– Spike Milligan
Rate it
– Ezra Pound
Rate it
– Jessie Mackay
Rate it
Orville Redenbacher’s
– Wayne Blair
Rate it
Os Confins de um Homem
– Renato Sakate
Rate it
Oscar Hummel
– Edgar Lee Masters
Rate it
Oscar Lee Singer
– Babydoll06
Rate it
Oscar Lee Singer is a Rapist
– Oscar Lee Singer is a Rapist
Rate it
Oscar Lee Singer OSU
– Babydoll06
Rate it
Oscar Of Alva: A Tale
– George Gordon Lord Byron
Rate it
Oscar Pistorius
– David Smith
Rate it
Oscar Wilde
– Dorothy Parker
Rate it
Oscar Wilde
– Joe Strickland
Rate it
Oscar Wilde in Prison (Pantoum)
– Marieta Maglas
Rate it
– Robert Zwilling
Rate it
Osculations Deprived
– Jessie Ní Leacaí
Rate it
Osho the Great
– Shashikant Nishant Sharma 'साहिल'
Rate it
– john mckiernan
Rate it
Osirius Has Risen
– Wesley Morin
Rate it
Oskar Schindler, Shindler's List
– Alexander Kreynin
Rate it
– John King-Scott
Rate it
– John King-Scott
Rate it
Ossian’s Grave
– Robinson Jeffers
Rate it
– Chrissy.
Rate it
Ostrich, So Silly
– Douglas Blair
Rate it
OSU Marching Band "surprise at /Ricart Thursday!
– Lens
Rate it
OSU Showings
– Spur Bruce
Rate it
Otal Rurt Cion
– Unmasked Superstar
Rate it
Rate it
Other Children
– Paul Eluard
Rate it
Other May Praise What They Like
– Walt Whitman
Rate it
Other Men
– Sara Teasdale
Rate it
Other part
– Javeriya Khan
Rate it
Other part
– Javeriya Khan
Rate it
Other reflections
– Gray Zen
Rate it
– Molly Sumba
Rate it
Other Side,
– Arman Hoque
Rate it
Other than that I'm fine
– Andrew Sanny
Rate it
Other types of grass though none the greener
– Jamie Tierney
Rate it
Other Verses
– Arthur Henry Adams
Rate it
Other's Fear
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
– Roberto Suárez Torres
Rate it
– Jeevaneyan @ M.Kannadhasan
Rate it
Others Feel...
– Donald Vess
Rate it
Others, I Am Not the First
– Alfred Edward Housman
Rate it
– Henry Lawson
Rate it
– Oskar
Rate it
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
Rate it
Otho The Great - Act II
– John Keats
Rate it
Otho The Great - Act III
– John Keats
Rate it
Otho The Great - Act IV
– John Keats
Rate it
Otho The Great - Act V
– John Keats
Rate it
– Stronghold
Rate it
Otra vez
– The Silent Poet
Rate it
Otro ritmo
– Mar_Ina
Rate it
Otro ritmo
– Mar_Ina
Rate it
Ottava Lemona
– Myself
Rate it
Otter Hunting In Ribblesdale
– Cicely Fox Smith
Rate it
– Padraic Colum
Rate it
Ou es tu
– Claudine Baudoux
Rate it
Où que je tourne l'oeil, soit vers le Capitole
– Joachim du Bellay
Rate it
Où vais-je?
– Maurice Rollinat
Rate it
– Ben Oksiuta
Rate it
– Samantha O'Dell
Rate it
Ouch !
Rate it
Ouch, bit my tongue again!
– Mark E. S.
Rate it
Ough''A Phonetic Fantasy
– William Thomas Goodge
Rate it
ought a be a law
– Billy Meek
Rate it
– Carl Hatter
Rate it
Our "Disemba"
– King kObOkO
Rate it
Our "I"
– Makgakga Nare Elline
Rate it
Our Abyss
– Paula Farias
Rate it
Our Actions Are Ripples Upon the Human Pond
– Nicholas Regan
Rate it
Our Affair
– Yovette Mumford-Markey
Rate it
Our Aims.
– Brijmohansajal
Rate it
Our Alignment With the Planets
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
Our Alma Mater
– arcee calma
Rate it
Our almighty freedom fighters
– Riya and nomita
Rate it
Our American Truckers
– Lisaann Grace Danilla
Rate it
Our ancestors the best
Rate it
Our Ancestors the Great
Rate it
Our Angel
– Molly Sinclair
Rate it
Our Angel
– A Mellowed Mind
Rate it
Our Anniversary
– Gina Danielle Tressler
Rate it
Our Apostle and High Priest
– Richard Newton Sherrer
Rate it
– John Lars Zwerenz
Rate it
Our Asylum
– Richard Newton Sherrer
Rate it
Our Atlas
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
Our Aunts Missed Ma's Funeral
– Nun. D A Best[CNA-NP]
Rate it
Our Aunts Missed Ma's Funeral
– Nun. D A Best[NP-CNA]
Rate it
Our Autocrat
– John Greenleaf Whittier
Rate it
Our Babies
– Christina Jane Maria Wright
Rate it
Our baby bloomed Us
– Joe Kelly
Rate it
Our Ballad, Our Cadence
– Joe Strickland
Rate it
– Jean Gorney
Rate it
Our Becoming (s)
– Crystal Ford-Nelson
Rate it
Our Beloved Son
– Stephanie Noble
Rate it
Our Best To Do
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Our biggest fish
– Eugene Field
Rate it
Our Birthright
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Our Black Brudder
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Our black virgin mary
– Busywork Ruimbe
Rate it
Our Blessings
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
Our Blood Will Drain
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Our Boat Starts At Night
– Li Ching Chao
Rate it
– Debbie Middaugh AKA TURBO1904
Rate it
Our Bodies Don't Water Down the Truth
– Steve Cochrane
Rate it
Our Bond
– Chittovious Coleman
Rate it
Our Boomerang Love
Rate it
Our boy
– D Han
Rate it
Our Boyhood Haunts
– James Whitcomb Riley
Rate it
Our Boys
– Alan L Strang
Rate it
Our brains is one of God's creations
– Astghick Moradkhanians
Rate it
Our Breath
– Teresa Sauvage
Rate it
Our Canadian Woods In Early Autumn
– Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon
Rate it
Our Canal
– Harriet Monroe
Rate it
Our Captain's Last Words
– Henry Clay Work
Rate it
Our ceased forever
– Nabo
Rate it
Our century does not run with windmills
– Joseph Berolo
Rate it
Our Children
– Janis Binning
Rate it
Our Children
– Naomi Buote
Rate it
Rate it
Our Choice Makes All the Difference
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
Our Choices
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Our Cold Friend.
– Oloyede Akorede Ibrahim
Rate it
Our colored world
– Gracie ball
Rate it
Our Comfy Corners
– Mani S. Kavuru
Rate it
Our Commander, God, at the Helm
– Melita Catalina Warren
Rate it
Our Common Bond
– B Doo
Rate it
Our Complement
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Our Conquering Swords
– Christopher Marlowe
Rate it
Our Constitution ( HAIKU)
– Tom Kennedy
Rate it
Our Contemporaries
– Ezra Pound
Rate it
Our Country
– John Greenleaf Whittier
Rate it
Our Country 1859
– Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
Rate it
Our Country Will Be True
– Krissy Lynn Parfait
Rate it
Our Cow
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Our Creator Giveth
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Our Crown Of Praise
– Katharine Lee Bates
Rate it
Our Cruel Kind
– Ludy Bührs
Rate it
Our Daily Bread
– Clive Staples Lewis
Rate it
Our Daily Bread
– Robert William Service
Rate it
Our Daily Bread
– Dimas Pamsolle Makka
Rate it
Our Dance
– Willie Carter
Rate it
Our Days Are Numbered
– John Leinberger
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
Our dead love
– Poojal07
Rate it
Our dear loved one
– Rhonda Caratti Feick
Rate it
Our Dear Poppa, The Patriarch
– Kari Michele Chrichlow
Rate it
Our Dear Poppa, The Patriarch
– Kari Michele Chrichlow
Rate it
Our Declaration
– Richard Newton Sherrer
Rate it
Our Deeds
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Our Demise
– Matthew Morin
Rate it
Our depths
– David Toth
Rate it
Our Desires
– Tommy L. Maddox
Rate it
Our Digitus Secundus Manus
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
Our Dirty Little Secrets
– Steven Bowman
Rate it
Our divinely honeymoon.
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Our Dream
– Bobby Ferguson
Rate it
Our Duty
– Bernard O'Dowd
Rate it
Our Dystopian Present
– Jimmy Ash
Rate it
Our Earth
– Reyna Milene Martinez
Rate it
Our Earth
– Barbara Tedesco
Rate it
Our Emblem...
– Our Emblem
Rate it
Our Entireties Under The Blankets
– The Prophet Obblonge
Rate it
Our Era
– Abaz
Rate it
Rate it
Our Essence To Bear
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Our Eternal Revolutionary
– Liam Ó Comáin
Rate it
our existences
– Jana Satterlund
Rate it
Our Expanding Universe — It is Us!
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
Our Family
– Denis E. Forest
Rate it
Our Fated Selves
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Our Fated Selves
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Our Father
– Tanwir Phool
Rate it
Our Father
– arcee calma
Rate it
Our Father
– Brantley Ditto
Rate it
Our Fathers
– G Paul Hartman
Rate it
Our Fathers Also
– Rudyard Kipling
Rate it
Our Fathers of Old
– Rudyard Kipling
Rate it
Our Father’s Business:
– Dinah Maria Mulock Craik
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
Our Firemen
– James McIntyre
Rate it
Our First
– Evan J. Soltys
Rate it
Our first adventure.
– Big Head
Rate it
Our first and last fag
– Royston
Rate it
Our first and last summer
– Ash_0311
Rate it
Our First Families
– Katharine Lee Bates
Rate it
Our First Time
– Jude Lawrence Ansah
Rate it
Our First War-Christmas
– Katharine Lee Bates
Rate it
Our First Wedding Anniversary Today at He is in UK and I am in USA The Anniversary
– Prithvi Datta
Rate it
Our forefathers
– Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
Rate it
Our Fortress
– Richard Newton Sherrer
Rate it
Our Fragile earth
– Nell Talavera
Rate it
Our Friend Damyra
– Maria Clavo
Rate it
Our Friend Robin Loving
– Steve Dupere
Rate it
Our Friendship
– Nina C. Stewart
Rate it
Our friendship
– Our friendship
Rate it
Our Future
– Megan Rogers
Rate it
Our Future Imperiled
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Our Future Life
– Mark V. Markov
Rate it
Our Garden
– Star Twlya Mae
Rate it
Our gardener
– Hillary Davids -Christians
Rate it
Our Gateway
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Our Gem, Our Pearl
– Equilibrium
Rate it
Our Genesis and Revelation
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
Our Gift
– Anne Rutherford
Rate it
– Dr. Idowu James ADEKUNLE
Rate it
Our GOD Reigns
– Richard Groff
Rate it
Our Good Side
– Gelene Beverly
Rate it
Our Grandson
– Karen Hill
Rate it
Our Great Escape
– Brian Oliveri
Rate it
Our Great London City
– Tomisin Joel
Rate it
Our great mother
Rate it
Our Greatest richness
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Our Greatest Test
– Steve Lee Siegel
Rate it
Our Groom
– Laura Elizabeth Flora
Rate it
Our Growing Love
– Patricia Happel
Rate it
Our Guardian Angel
– Robert M Connors
Rate it
Our Guardian Angel
– Robert Joseph Morgan
Rate it
Our Guardian Angel
– Robert Joseph Morgan
Rate it
Our Guardian Angels and Their Children
– Vachel Lindsay
Rate it
Our Hands Build A Road
– Kayla Bailey Jay
Rate it
Our Hands Have Met
– William Morris
Rate it
Our Happiness!
– Taleshia G MCcray
Rate it
Our Hard Times
– Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker
Rate it
Our Heads (Haiku)
– Faheem Jawaid
Rate it
Our Heads (Senryu/Haiku)
– Faheem Jawaid
Rate it
Our Heart
– Paul Hicks
Rate it
Our Heart
– sl jane
Rate it
our heart keep shining
– Curtis Allison
Rate it
Our Hearts
– Jimmy Savala
Rate it
– Barry Green Jr
Rate it
Our Helen
– Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
Rate it
Our Heritage
– William Henry Ogilvie
Rate it
Our Heritage Dies
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Our Hero
– Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
Rate it
Our Hero
– Robert William Service
Rate it
Our hero's- Men
– Rishika Kavade
Rate it
Our Heroes
– Harry C. Craft III
Rate it
Our Hills
– Sidney Lanier
Rate it
Our Hired Girl
– James Whitcomb Riley
Rate it
– Alhassan Maryam
Rate it
Our Home
– Projesh Maity
Rate it
Our Hopes
– Our Hopes
Rate it
Our House
– Christopher Morley
Rate it
Our House
– Didar Baizhanov
Rate it
Our House
– Angela Jane Stocks
Rate it
Our House
– Ravi Panamanna
Rate it
Our incomplete love story
– Thaamarai Selvi SP
Rate it
Our Indomitable Human Permanence
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
Our Inherent Uniqueness
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
Our Invincible Creator-Sun God
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Our Jack
– Henry Kendall
Rate it
Our Journey
– William J Stewart
Rate it
Our Journey
– Anne Rutherford
Rate it
Our journey had advanced;
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
– Hirendra Kumar Meher
Rate it
Our kids.
– Elizabeth King
Rate it
– Robert William Gruhn
Rate it
Our Kind Of A Man
– James Whitcomb Riley
Rate it
Our kingdom
– Tshifhiwa Lavhengwa
Rate it
Our Kitten
– doodlegirl
Rate it
Our Lady
– Mary Elizabeth Coleridge
Rate it
Our Lady of the Mine
– Eugene Field
Rate it
Our Lady of the Sackcloth
– Rudyard Kipling
Rate it
Our Lady Peace
– Mark Van Doren
Rate it
Our Lady's Well
– Felicia Dorothea Hemans
Rate it
Our Land
Rate it
Our language
– Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
Rate it
OUR LAST ADIEU - In Conclusion of our dalliant love
– Gouldie Anne Oliveros
Rate it
Our Last Amen
– Jeanette McIntyre DeHart
Rate it
Our last comedy
– Oscar Hernandez
Rate it
Our last comedy
– Oscar Hernandez
Rate it
Our Last Goodbye
– Nicole Carroll
Rate it
Our Last Grand Camping Ground
– Henry Clay Work
Rate it
Our Last Song
– Ashlyn Brena
Rate it
Our last time
– Karolina Marszałkowska
Rate it
Our Last Winter Together
– Melissa Klock
Rate it
Our last words
– Kameron M.
Rate it
Our leader.
– Shalom Bravo Solomon
Rate it
Our Life
– Paul Eluard
Rate it
Our life
– Our life
Rate it
Our Life
– Krisha Bhanushali
Rate it
– Elizabeth Hyang Hughes
Rate it
– Elizabeth Hughes
Rate it
Our life and four seasons
– Vasco M. Resendes
Rate it
Our Life Together
– andy guidry
Rate it
Our Life Together
– George Cook
Rate it
Our Life, Our Lives
– Val Cabral
Rate it
Our Light
– Nzerobzerody
Rate it
Our Lips and Ears Poem No. 605)
– Ging Alburo D.
Rate it
Our Little Baby Fell Asleep
– Christina Georgina Rossetti
Rate it
Our Little Dog
– Sandra Meadows
Rate it
Our Little Ghost
– Louisa May Alcott
Rate it
Our Little Girl
– James Whitcomb Riley
Rate it
Our Little Home
– The Poetic Preacher
Rate it
Our Little House
– Thomas Walsh
Rate it
Our little Kinsmen—after Rain
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
Our little secret
– Komal m
Rate it
Our little secret
– James Allison-Booth
Rate it
Our little surprise
– Nicole S Allen
Rate it
Our Littlest Angel
– Thelma Parry
Rate it
Our Lives
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
Our Lives
– Glamorosa
Rate it
Our Lives (what it is right now)
– Lea Leavelle
Rate it
Our Lives Are a Garden (Bloom Where You Are Planted)
– Joy Krumdiack
Rate it
Our Lives Are Swiss
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
Our Lives As Stories
– Wallace LaBenne
Rate it
Our Living Creator
– Nicola Baxter
Rate it
Our Living Hope
– Richard Newton Sherrer
Rate it
Our Lord
– Robin Lyons
Rate it
Our Lord
– Debbie Lowell
Rate it
Our LORD Reigns
– Richard Newton Sherrer
Rate it
Our Love
– Frank Anthony Cimino jr
Rate it
Our Love
– Karen Gagliano
Rate it
Our Love
– Seema Tabassum Ali
Rate it
Our Love
– Marcus DeStorm
Rate it
Our Love
– Donna Vignapiano
Rate it
– John L. Zwerenz
Rate it
Our Love
– Melissa Wasserman
Rate it
Our Love
– Apollo_SilverStorm
Rate it
Our Love
– Seema Tabassum Maqsood Ali
Rate it
Our Love Blossoms
– Eden
Rate it
Our love blossoms..
– Shantanu Chindhade
Rate it
Our love can power galaxies
– Bex Gunn
Rate it
Our love died
– Hope Themba Twala
Rate it
Our Love For Each Other
– Nicolas Simpson
Rate it
Our love for GOD
– Nana Eku Bonney
Rate it
Our love is like a bed of roses
– Melissa R king
Rate it
Our Love Is Like...
– Stacey Akers
Rate it
Our love of life
– Charles Fields II
Rate it
Our Love Song
– Kim Einhorn
Rate it
Our Love Starts in Abuja
– Remy Ringia
Rate it
Our Love Stays the Course
Rate it
Our Love Still Etched In Stone
– Jamal Upshaw
Rate it
Our Love still grows
– Brian J Cheville
Rate it
Our love story
– Stephanie Omoruyi
Rate it
Our love story
– Vasile Serban
Rate it
Our Love Story Was Being Perpetually Written
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Our Love Was That Spirit
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Our Love Will Last Forever
– gee_gall
Rate it
Our love will never come to be
– LC
Rate it
Our love will never part
– Corey lee allen
Rate it
Our Love Would Immortally Conquer.
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Our love ❤
– Awartika
Rate it
Our Love's Journey
– Gary L Smith
Rate it
Our Love's Twist
– Ikeoluwa Ricketts
Rate it
Our love...
– Shantanu Chindhade
Rate it
Our Lovely Enmity
– Ruchika Mohata
Rate it
Our Lovely Summer Sonnet
– William Shakespeare
Rate it
Our Lovely Summer Sonnet.
– William Shakespeare
Rate it
Our Loving and Kind God yeshua!
– Briana jaramillo
Rate it
Our loving Salvation.
– Briana jaramillo
Rate it
Our Madam
– Nithin Kumar
Rate it
Our Maecenas
– Victor James Daley
Rate it
– Kushi Achi
Rate it
Our Many Lives
– Christina marie potts
Rate it
Our Martyrs
– Mohd. Shoeb
Rate it
Our Master
– John Greenleaf Whittier
Rate it
Our Mat
– Andrew Barton Paterson
Rate it
Our Meat had a Soul of Gods Light.
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Our Men
– William Watson
Rate it
Our Middle East.
– Michael A Watkins
Rate it
Our Mimi and Chipop
– Margay Cook
Rate it
Our Mind is Imaged in the Cosmos
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
Our Mind Is The Control Tower Of Or life
– Mario William Vitale
Rate it
Our Mind.
– Wayne b. Forrest
Rate it
Our mission
– Hasmukh Mehta
Rate it
Our Mission
– Maxwell Sebastian Burchett
Rate it
Our mistakes
– Charles Fields II
Rate it
Our Mistress and Our Queen
– Henry Lawson
Rate it
Our Mom
– Shirley Ann Cogen
Rate it
Our moms talent
– Our moms talent
Rate it
Our Mother
– Jimmy Savala
Rate it
– Ruby Yvette Jenkins
Rate it
Our Mother ( Mathematics)
Rate it
our mother earth and our father god
– anna stephanie
Rate it
Our mother mary is the mother of jesus
– Liam Ó Comáin
Rate it
Our Mother Pocahontas
– Vachel Lindsay
Rate it
Our Motherland
– Meghneel Dhar
Rate it
Our Mothers Endless Love
– Jay A Rake
Rate it
Our Mountain Cemetery
– Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon
Rate it
Our Movie
– Robert Shaun Henry
Rate it
Our Nana
– Karen Kelly
Rate it
Our nation is educated in manipulation.
– Iverson Taylor Smith
Rate it
Our nation is educated in manipulation...
– Iverson Taylor Smith
Rate it
Our National Cake
– Mustapha Qudus Olawale
Rate it
Our Native Birds
– Nathan Haskell Dole
Rate it
Our Native Earth
– Anna Akhmatova
Rate it
Our Natural State”
– Sky blue
Rate it
Rate it
Our New Beginning
– Kurt philip Behm
Rate it
Our New Beginning
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Our New Eden
– Storm
Rate it
Our New Horse
– Andrew Barton Paterson
Rate it
Our New Neighbor
– Edward D. Hughes
Rate it
our next meal
– Berry H
Rate it
Our Odyssey
– Roger Byrd
Rate it
Our One True Hope
– Zack Slaughter
Rate it
Our orbits, itineraries; the days of our past
– HN Yousif
Rate it
Our Orders
– Julia Ward Howe
Rate it
Our Own
– James Whitcomb Riley
Rate it
Our Own Flag
– Andrew Barton Paterson
Rate it
our own little world
– Angel Edyvane
Rate it
– mad hippie poet
Rate it
Our Own Song
– Amanda K lessig (Sunshine)
Rate it
Our Own Worse Enemies
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
– Emily sims
Rate it
Our Paper Ending
– Maria Cristóvão
Rate it
Our peace
– Spyros Koroniotis
Rate it
Our pharmaceutical history
– Amna T
Rate it
Our Pilots
– William Henry Ogilvie
Rate it
Our poetry
– Maresal Musca
Rate it
Our Politicians Care Less No Doubt
– Fred Monte Lassonde
Rate it
Our Pote
– Robert William Service
Rate it
Our pounding Earth
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Our Power
– Mary Maxim
Rate it
Our powerful blessed mother
– Maria Thompson
Rate it
Our Prayer
– Jessica Miller
Rate it
Our Prayer of Thanks
– Carl Sandburg
Rate it
Our Prayers
– Oryana Bravery
Rate it
Our Prayers' Prisoner
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Our Prayers' Prisoner
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Our Presents Lay
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Our President
– Katharine Lee Bates
Rate it
our pride
– Julie Amo
Rate it
Our Primary Duty
– Richard Newton Sherrer
Rate it
Our Prithee
– Joe Strickland
Rate it
Our Prophet Muhammad
– Doctor: Hassan Sultan (Egyptian poet) Translated by: Hassan Hegazy Hassan Hegazy
Rate it
Our Protector
– Richard Newton Sherrer
Rate it
Our Protector The LORD
– Richard Newton Sherrer
Rate it
Our Purpose
– Don Takewell
Rate it
Our purpose
– Kelly Anne Shurtz
Rate it
Our Queen In My Words
– Donna Styles
Rate it
Our Quiet Time
– Charles Edward York
Rate it
Our Racial Oneness
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
Our Rampant Coat-Of-Arms
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Our Red Road
– Donovan Kūhiō Colleps
Rate it
– Oluwaseun Favour OYEDIRAN
Rate it
Our Redeeming God of Grace
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
Our Refuge
– Richard Newton Sherrer
Rate it
Our Relation
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Our Relationship
– Ayden Harvey
Rate it
Our Relationship.
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
Our Requirement.
– Liam Ó Comáin
Rate it
Our Rights And Privileges.
– brijmohanpoply
Rate it
Our Ripening
– Scott R. Hadley
Rate it
Our River
– John Greenleaf Whittier
Rate it
Our Rustic Hearts
– Patrick Weinstein
Rate it
Our Sacred Cows Are Showing
– Wuncie
Rate it
Our Savior King
– Richard Groff
Rate it
Our Saviour And The Samaritan Woman At The Well
– Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon
Rate it
Our Saviour’s Boyhood
– Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon
Rate it
– Masayuki
Rate it
Our Secret
– Ashley Hutcherson
Rate it
Our Secret Garden
– Don Stephens
Rate it
Our Secret Selves
– Conrad Potter Aiken
Rate it
Our Secret Space
– Stephen D Arias
Rate it
Our Sensation
– Ahmad Al_khatat
Rate it
Our Shameful Legacy
– Brian Oliveri
Rate it
Our share of night to bear
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
Our Silly Ending
– Clownhead
Rate it
Our Sins
– Justin Baker
Rate it
Our Sirens Are Wailing
– Afolabi Adesanya
Rate it
Our Social Security Checks Together
– Robert Joseph Mattingly
Rate it
Our Society
– Kirk W. Spencer
Rate it
Our Soldier Boy
– Alan L Strang
Rate it
Our Soldier Cousin
– Arlouine
Rate it
Our soldiers, Our pride
– Tanisha Kithaniya
Rate it
Our Song
– Carmen Tejada & Gerald Hierro
Rate it
Our song
– Austin Phillips
Rate it
Our song
– Olive
Rate it
Our song
– afnanelmhlawy
Rate it
Our Song Stopped
– Jonathan A. Lacey
Rate it
Our sorrows
– Zahid Nasim Khattak
Rate it
Our Souls Have Touched Each Other
– Mathilde Blind
Rate it
our souls togther
– sarah gray
Rate it
Our souls, place
– Charles Fields II
Rate it
Our Southern Sun (Part 4)
– Marcus DeStorm
Rate it
Our Special Friendship
– Teresa Whitney
Rate it
– Mark Gryner
Rate it
Our Spirit Within - Senryu
– tj hatton
Rate it
Our Spiritual Vacuum
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Our Spiritual Vacuum
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Our Standard Flies Above the Crowd
– Oscar Auliq-Ice
Rate it
Our State
– John Greenleaf Whittier
Rate it
Our State Tree Is A Ghost
– Michal Sextion
Rate it
– Tinalyn
Rate it
Our story
– Thandeka Simelane
Rate it
Our story about tommy
– Lucian Tower
Rate it
Our Street
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Our sweet sin
– Anna Cellmer
Rate it
OUR Ten Commandments
– Norman Gerald Stewart
Rate it
Our Things
– Our Things
Rate it
Our Thoughts Are A Link
– Sprout
Rate it
Our throne
– Roberto Suárez Torres
Rate it
Our Time To Mourn
– Elinor Sheehan
Rate it
Our Time To Spend And Get
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Our time together
– Rebecca Arnold
Rate it
Our town
– stan brierly
Rate it
Our Town Awakes
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Our Tragedy
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Our Treasured Words
– Brandon Recio
Rate it
our tree
– Sabit Kamal Sourav
Rate it
– Flora Sweeney
Rate it
Our Truth
– Joe Giso
Rate it
Our Truth
– Cat Madron
Rate it
Our Truth
– BrotherJacob
Rate it
Our Two Opinions
– Eugene Field
Rate it
Our Unbreakable Bond
– Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker
Rate it
Our Venomous End
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Our very first day
– Shir Hanochi
Rate it
Our Very First Wedding Night
– Nikhil Parekh
Rate it
– Badal Pal
Rate it
Our visitor
– Barcroft Henry Thomas Boake
Rate it
Our way
– r212818h
Rate it
Our Well Never Dry
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Our Wild World
– Rohtash
Rate it
Our Will To Answer
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Our Willie
– Henry Timrod
Rate it
Our Wine Autumn
– Joe Strickland
Rate it
Our Wish
– Harold James Hagen
Rate it
Our Wonderful Children
– Cynthia novotny
Rate it
Our Word
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Our Words
– Savannah Bollenbaugh
Rate it
Our Words
– Craig Childers
Rate it
Our Words Come Crashing Towards The Floor
– Jamal Upshaw
Rate it
Our world
– The M. Shafiullah
Rate it
Our world
– Our World
Rate it
Our world
– Danielle Whitford
Rate it
Our World A Wonderous Place Once Again
– Michael Walker
Rate it
Our World and Jesus
– Tonjarina
Rate it
Our World Diplomacy
– Mary I. Owens
Rate it
Our World of Ponder.
– Our World of Ponder
Rate it
Our wrongdoings are cause of imbalances in the system
– Amir Samji
Rate it
Our year
– Karolina Marszałkowska
Rate it
Our Zeitgeist Culture: A Meditation
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
– Mavis Chan, XIU
Rate it
– Allyson Paige
Rate it
– Iampoem
Rate it
Ours was a friendship in secret
– Lesbia Harford
Rate it
Rate it
Ourselves To Keep
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Ourselves were wed one summer—dear
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
– Marella Troyer
Rate it
– Jaxon Hurst
Rate it
Out along the silver-stream
– mtoddm
Rate it
Out at sea
– Brian Z. Jackson
Rate it
Out Back
– Henry Lawson
Rate it
Out Beyond Ideas
– Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi
Rate it
Out From Behind His Mask
– Walt Whitman
Rate it
Out from Concord
– John W. May
Rate it
Out From The 'Norm'
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Out from the Chair Prison.
– Douglas Blair
Rate it
Out From The Shadows
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Out From The Woodwork
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Out in a Downpour
– Mirabai
Rate it
out in space
– aryan choudhary
Rate it
Out in the Cold
– Frances Ellen Watkins Harper
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
Out in the Garden
– Katherine Mansfield
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
Out in the Open
– Ludy Bührs
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
Out In The Woods
– Amy Nicole Sher
Rate it
Out into in the world once more (love)
– Marisol Rodriguez
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
Out life Together
– Andy Guidry
Rate it
Out o'Doors
– Lucy Maud Montgomery
Rate it
Out Of A Career Goal Rut
– Theresa G. Mack
Rate it
out of a crystal sea
– japanesewind
Rate it
Out of action
– Hasmukh Mehta
Rate it
Out of blue
– Shantanu Chindhade
Rate it
Out of body sonars
– Marquis nelson
Rate it
Out Of Box Thinking
– Meena Somasundaram
Rate it
Out Of Breath
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Out of cage
– Hasmukh Mehta
Rate it
out of control
– Myah
Rate it
Out of Control
– Ludy Bührs
Rate it
Out Of Control
– Doctor Dashaun Rashod Snipes
Rate it
Out of Dark Places
– Kassandra M. Konecny
Rate it
Out of Darkness Into Light”
– Karl Constantine FOLKES
Rate it
Out of Equilibrium
– Al Austin
Rate it
Out of Everywhere
– Klaus Jensen
Rate it
Out Of Gas — Again (unedited)
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Out Of Greek
– Thomas Parnell
Rate it
Out Of Greens!!
– Christopher McKay
Rate it
Out of his hand and into his dream.
– Richard J Edwards
Rate it
Out Of His System
– Robert Joseph Mattingly
Rate it
Out Of Hope
– Edith Nesbit
Rate it
Out of Jealousy
– Richard Newton Sherrer
Rate it
Out Of Khaki
– Edward George Dyson
Rate it
out of medicine
– Ash McPeek
Rate it
Out Of My Hands
– Jerry Stringer
Rate it
Out of my head
– Dust
Rate it
Out Of My System
– LaToya McEachern
Rate it
Out of my window
– Pota
Rate it
Out Of Nazareth
– James Whitcomb Riley
Rate it
Out Of Order
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Out Of Place
– Liz Blue
Rate it
Out of Pompeii
– William Wilfred Campbell
Rate it
out of print
– Jody Serey
Rate it
Out Of Reach
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Out Of Reach
– Patricia Tallington
Rate it
Out of reach
– The Lone Ranger
Rate it
Out Of Reach
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Out of reach
– Tyler Gibson
Rate it
Out Of Reach
– Nico Parker
Rate it
Out Of Siberia
– Katharine Lee Bates
Rate it
Out of Sight
– Andrew Barton Paterson
Rate it
Out Of Sight
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Out Of Sight
– Paul Ekdahl
Rate it
Out of sight
– Shantanu Chindhade
Rate it
Out of Sight
– Antonio Soler
Rate it
Out Of Sight, Evermind
– Brady Bowen
Rate it
Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind
– Barnabe Googe
Rate it
Out of Sight, Out of Mind (Excerpt)
– Amit Rahman
Rate it
Out of sight? What of that?
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
Out of single roots
– Lindokuhle Langa
Rate it
Out of Sorts
– William Schwenck Gilbert
Rate it
out of spite
– Jason Gentry Jones
Rate it
Out of step with Love
– Royston
Rate it
Out of Superstition
– Boris Pasternak
Rate it
Out of the air
Rate it
Out Of The Anthologie
– Richard Lovelace
Rate it
Out of the Ash
– Robin Loving
Rate it
Out of the blue
– Knoa Sivan
Rate it
Out of the box
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Out of the cage
– Rebecca Yeo
Rate it
Out of the cold
– Jo parker
Rate it
Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking
– Walt Whitman
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
Out Of The Darkness
– DBIHargrave
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
Out of the Darkness
– Dorrissa Luckett
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
– Ruby Yvette Jenkins
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
Out Of The Depths
– Abram Joseph Ryan
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
Out Of The Depths: Written After The Reformation Of A Brilliant And Talented Man
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
Out of the fog
– Out of the fog
Rate it
Out Of The Fulness Of The Heart The Mouth Speaketh
– Edith Nesbit
Rate it
Out of the furnace
– dougb.72572
Rate it
Out of the Hall
– Tomin Mooney
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
Out of the heap and stumble.
– A J C
Rate it
Out Of The Hitherwhere
– James Whitcomb Riley
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
Out of the Night
– Norman Wilson
Rate it
Out Of The Night That Covers Me
– William Ernest Henley
Rate it
Out Of The Norm
– Brian Oliveri
Rate it
Out Of The North
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Out of the ocean
– Saul Palti
Rate it
Out Of The Rain
– Jane Lomas
Rate it
Out of the Rolling Ocean, The Crowd
– Walt Whitman
Rate it
Out of The Rye
– Devin Michaels
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
Out Of The Silence
– George Essex Evans
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
Out of the streets
– Out of the streets
Rate it
Out of the stump
– Adelyn McPeters
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
Out Of The Void
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Out Of The Wilderness
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Out of This World
– Nancy Rodriguez
Rate it
Out of This World
Rate it
Out Of Time
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Out of time
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Out of time and space
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
Out Of Touch
– shaniah williams
Rate it
Out of Town
– Amy Levy
Rate it
Out of Tune
– Jacqueline SoS
Rate it
Out of Your Love
– Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi
Rate it
Out of your shell
– Emmanuel Akor
Rate it
Out On A Limb
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
– Badal Pal
Rate it
Out on the Roofs of Hell
– Henry Lawson
Rate it
Out on the Veranda
– wind_up_bird
Rate it
Out There
– Jason Pastore
Rate it
Out there in the distance
– Shawn Dowell
Rate it
Out To Rage Us
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Out to Sea
– Ashley B. Akenson
Rate it
Out to Sea
– Roberto Suárez Torres
Rate it
Out Upon It
– Sir John Suckling
Rate it
Out upon it, I have lov'd
– Sir John Suckling
Rate it
Out West
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Out With Old, In With The New
– Kristin5689
Rate it
Out with the old
– Richard J Edwards
Rate it
Out with the Old,In with the New
– Cocoa Shawnee
Rate it
Out, Out
– Robert Frost
Rate it
– Louisa yiew
Rate it
Out-slept the Womb
– Iain McLean
Rate it
– Henry Lawson
Rate it
– Brooke O'Donovan
Rate it
– Ellis Parker Butler
Rate it
– Ada Cambridge
Rate it
– Claude McKay
Rate it
– Michael Fisher
Rate it
– Lita Frost
Rate it
– Bryan Kiser Jr
Rate it
– G-Tso
Rate it
– LisaLove Butler
Rate it
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Outcome Of Courage
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Outdated Ideas
– Joe Strickland
Rate it
outdated orphanage
– Yukunno Ghirmay
Rate it
Outdated Purpose
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Outer And Inner
– George Meredith
Rate it
Outer space
– cave_man
Rate it
Outer SPace
– ThePoetryKing
Rate it
Outer Space
– Generro Walker
Rate it
Outer Space
– Rosario
Rate it
Outgrowing a Lovely Life
– Arden Chase
Rate it
– Hayley Courington
Rate it
– Alexander Edward Chamberlain
Rate it
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Outlaw Tears
– Tony LaBona
Rate it
– Debbie Henry
Rate it
– Robert Graves
Rate it
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
– GG
Rate it
– Harriet S Twinklenurf
Rate it
– James Martin Devaney
Rate it
Outlines of Life
– Gary Knouse
Rate it
– Archibald Lampman
Rate it
– Censored2Death
Rate it
– Samara
Rate it
– Gauri Jauhar
Rate it
Outre Mer
– Henry Kendall
Rate it
– Henry Lawson
Rate it
– Chris Curasi
Rate it
– Shinerra Ward
Rate it
Outside and inside
– Angela M Franklin
Rate it
Outside Church Conduct
– Richard Newton Sherrer
Rate it
Outside Hell's Open Gate
Rate it
Outside I am free
– Ashley Houle
Rate it
Outside I see
– Samuel Aguilar
Rate it
Outside In
– William B Stauffer
Rate it
– Phil Roberts
Rate it
Outside My Window
– Brenda Catherine Bailey
Rate it
Outside of the planners…
– Ameena X Beyah
Rate it
Outside Orchestra
– doodlegirl
Rate it
Outside The Crowd
– George Meredith
Rate it
Outside the Gates of Heaven
– Neil Bridgens
Rate it
Outside the House
– Constantine P. Cavafy
Rate it
Outside the Lines
– Mariah Lichty
Rate it
Outside The Moment
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Outside The Village Church
– Alfred Austin
Rate it
Outside The We-Dom
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Outside the window
– Abiodun Adebola
Rate it
Outside The Womb
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Outside the Womb
– Joet Jones
Rate it
– Danielle McGee
Rate it
– Bryon Poe
Rate it
– Qanita Amer Khan
Rate it
Outsider I
– Parul Begum
Rate it
Outsider II
– Parul Begum
Rate it
Outsider of Society
Rate it
Outsong in the Jungle
– Rudyard Kipling
Rate it
– Charles Edward York
Rate it
outstanding beauty*
– Yukunno Ghirmay
Rate it
Outstanding Disappointment
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
outstretched hands
– Yon Escu
Rate it
– Barry Green Jr
Rate it
– Ade Richardson
Rate it
Outward and Inward
– Ehsan Sehgal
Rate it
Outward Bound
– Charles Harpur
Rate it
Outward Bound
– Dinah Maria Mulock Craik
Rate it
Outward Bound
– Sir Henry Newbolt
Rate it
Outward Bound
– Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Rate it
– Jonathan A. Lacey
Rate it
– Kamran Minder
Rate it
– Arian Moharari
Rate it
– Valiantstar
Rate it
Over The Hillside
– Dinah Maria Mulock Craik
Rate it
Over & Out
– Riaan Smit
Rate it
Over a year in quarantine
– Ryan W.
Rate it
Over And Done
– Edith Nesbit
Rate it
Over and Over
– Ludy Bührs
Rate it
Over and over, like a Tune
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
Over And Undone
– Edith Nesbit
Rate it
Over Cast
– dougb.72752
Rate it
Over come your heart
– Joseph stachelski
Rate it
Over hundred years
– Pallab Behari Chaklanabis
Rate it
Over It
– Toni-Ann
Rate it
Over My Head
– Miguel Then
Rate it
Over my mind, all in my head
– Mubarak Babatunde, ADEBAYO
Rate it
Over Night
– airton parra sobreira
Rate it
Over Populated
– Danny Bandanna Danals
Rate it
Over that hill
– Ronnie L Ponder Sr
Rate it
Over the ages
– Richard J Edwards
Rate it
Over The Alley
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
Over the Banisters
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
Over The Border
– Ambrose Bierce
Rate it
Over The Border
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Over the Bridge Drinking Wine
– George Walter Duszak
Rate it
Over The Carnage
– Walt Whitman
Rate it
Over The Darkened City
– Conrad Potter Aiken
Rate it
Over The Eyes Of Gladness
– James Whitcomb Riley
Rate it
Over the Fence
– Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis
Rate it
Over the fence
– Emily Dickinson
Rate it
Over The Field
– Donka Kristeva
Rate it
Over The Hills
– Edward Thomas
Rate it
Over The Hills
– George Meredith
Rate it
Over The Hills
– Paul Laurence Dunbar
Rate it
Over The Hills And Far Away
– Dinah Maria Mulock Craik
Rate it
Over the hills and far away
– Eugene Field
Rate it
Over the Hills and Far Away
– William Ernest Henley
Rate it
Over the Hills and over the Plain
– Kimberley Hamilton
Rate it
Over the Hills and Over the Plain (Revised)
– Kimberley Hamilton
Rate it
Over The Horizon
– Jason Mui
Rate it
– Maryam ishaq
Rate it
Over The Horizon (Haiku)
– Brett Sharp
Rate it
Over The Land Is April
– Robert Louis Stevenson
Rate it
Over The Lofty Mountains
– Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
Rate it
Over The May Hill
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
Over the Moon
– Maria De La Gandara
Rate it
Over the Moon
– Zebulun Wade Swalboski
Rate it
Over the Moon and Under the Stars
– John Leinberger
Rate it
Over the Moon.
– miamiromance
Rate it
Over The Parapet
– Robert William Service
Rate it
Over The Rainbow
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
Over The Rainbow Bridge
– Over the rainbow bridge
Rate it
Over The Rainbow Bridge My Jack Goes
– Christin Black
Rate it
Over The Range
– Andrew Barton Paterson
Rate it
Over the Ranges and Into the West
– Henry Lawson
Rate it
– Kenneth Bartlett
Rate it
Over the Sea our Galleys Went
– Robert Browning
Rate it
Over The Trace
– Ahmad Al_khatat
Rate it
Over The Water
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Rate it
Over the Water
– Kalynn Green
Rate it
Over The Way
– Mary Mapes Dodge
Rate it
Over The Years
– Ginny P Binkley
Rate it
Over the Years--What Remains?
– Wayne Detzler
Rate it
Over There
– Thomas W. Case
Rate it
Over There
– ThoughtsFromB4
Rate it
Over thinking
– joanna scott
Rate it
over this
– Val Warren
Rate it
Over this
– Malishia
Rate it
Over turned tables
– Gypsy Woman
Rate it
Over You
– Kimberly Selena Moreno
Rate it
Over You
– Michael Melton
Rate it
Over you
– Heart hurt
Rate it
Over You ( Part 1 )
– Stronghold
Rate it
Over You ( Part 2 )
– Stronghold
Rate it
Over you again
– Brandi S
Rate it
Over-Powering Fear
– Shyaisha77
Rate it
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
– Funny Prajapati
Rate it
– Jessica Wheeler
Rate it
– Blessing Tembo
Rate it
– Charles Baudelaire
Rate it
– Aeron Andrew Kopriva
Rate it
– Warren Joe Hartung
Rate it
– Lloyd G. Cresci
Rate it
– Barry W Smith
Rate it
Overcome and Adhere
– Nancy McDonald
Rate it
Overcome Every Fear!
– Paarth Wassan
Rate it
Overcome the Fear
– Romario B. Osborne
Rate it
Overcome the Hurt
– Albertina Theresa Cameron
Rate it
Overcome With Sex Glands
– Arthur Weil
Rate it
– Tania thompson-Spencer
Rate it
– Dr. Pearline Sturdivant
Rate it
Overcoming Adversity: The Power of Choice
– Mawphniang Napoleon
Rate it
Overcoming Betrayal
– Alexander Rohman
Rate it
Overcoming Disabilities
– Mike
Rate it
Overcoming life'S challenges
– guneet kaur
Rate it
Overcoming Obstacles
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Overcoming Our Struggles
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Overcoming the woe
– Matthew Franklin Allen
Rate it
Overcoming yourself before tomorrow
– Jesse Joseph
Rate it
Overconfident negligence
– Jenna Binns
Rate it
– Shatana Brown
Rate it
– Mae
Rate it
– Lazarus Mphande
Rate it
– Wesley Morin
Rate it
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
– Anonymous123
Rate it
– Charles Edward York
Rate it
overflowing cups
– Michelle G Andonaegui
Rate it
Overflowing Hearts
– Richard Newton Sherrer
Rate it
– Tom Adams
Rate it
– S. Hade
Rate it
– Aden
Rate it
– Aden
Rate it
Overhead the Tree-Tops Meet
– Robert Browning
Rate it
– Ben Ridley
Rate it
Overheard in a conservatory
– Alice Duer Miller
Rate it
Overheard on a Salmarsh
– Harold Monro
Rate it
Overheard On A Saltmarsh
– Harold Edward Monro
Rate it
– Chris Curasi
Rate it
Overlapping Interest
– Sentirra Sorra
Rate it
Rate it
– Emily Pauline Johnson
Rate it
– Michael W. Evans
Rate it
– Jonathan A. Lacey
Rate it
– Kristin5689
Rate it
Overlooking The Obvious
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Overlooking the Peaceful, Green Pasture on the Farm
– Ted Maybury
Rate it
Overlooking the Peaceful, Green Pasture on the Farm
– Theodore John Maybury
Rate it
Overly Ambitious
– Rick Wojtala
Rate it
Overnight Celebrity
– latrice mclean
Rate it
– Norbert Tasev
Rate it
Overrated California
– Katie Odell
Rate it
– John Greenleaf Whittier
Rate it
– Brian Oliveri
Rate it
– Pluto
Rate it
Overseas Filipino Workers
– Joan Pacinabo
Rate it
Rate it
– Jessica Trobaugh
Rate it
– Sphatheeanimal
Rate it
– Neel Topkar
Rate it
– Antonio Soler
Rate it
– MShepley
Rate it
– Angel ly
Rate it
– Leo Hamrick
Rate it
– Regolebogile Lerato Malatji
Rate it
Overthrow (thoughts on transition in faith)
– Douglas Blair
Rate it
– Barbara DiLorenzo-McCormick
Rate it
– Walter Savage Landor
Rate it
– David Abraham
Rate it
Overture to a Dance of Locomotives
– William Carlos Williams
Rate it
– John Crowe Ransom
Rate it
– P. Wilson
Rate it
Overweight Feline”
– L. Stawikowska
Rate it
– Megan Garcia
Rate it
– Cassandra Gonzalez
Rate it
– Chigo
Rate it
– Taren Rice
Rate it
Overwhelmed to no End
– FaithfulServant
Rate it
– Cathleen Kendall
Rate it
Overwhelming Depression
– Takoda Miller
Rate it
Overwhelming Evidence
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Overwhelming Power
– Jacey Mitchell Booth
Rate it
Overwhelming Thoughts
– Sonia Walker
Rate it
Overworked, stressed and, exhausted
– LowEnergyCanOfBeans
Rate it
– Cole
Rate it
– Elias Foukis
Rate it
Ovid In Exile, At Tomis, In Bessarabia, Near The Mouths Of The Danube
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Rate it
Ovid. Trist. Lib. V. Elegy XII.
– William Cowper
Rate it
Owed in Generations
– Angel Price
Rate it
Owed To Fudd
– Robert Butler
Rate it
Owed to the Whirled
– Tom Towle
Rate it
Owen Aherne And His Dancers
– William Butler Yeats
Rate it
– Dee Edgett
Rate it
– Shoshana Vegh
Rate it
Owl Against Robin
– Sidney Lanier
Rate it
OWL by Antigone
– shelina denise chapman
Rate it
Owl of Woe
– Divine poet
Rate it
Owl whisperer
– stan brierly
Rate it
– Victoria Marykatherine Reed
Rate it
– Yuva Adithi
Rate it
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Own Dream:
– Jesus Penaranda
Rate it
Own home - superior
– Hakikur Rahman
Rate it
Own Interpretation…..
– Jennifer Brannock
Rate it
Own Life
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
Own my Own
– Perpetua Aperocho
Rate it
Own space
– Ashik Chhetri
Rate it
Own Thinking.
– Abhishek Ashok Kamble
Rate it
Own wings
– Own wing
Rate it
own words
– Satya Pattnaik
Rate it
Own your part
– Richard J Edwards
Rate it
Rate it
Owner Of My Beliefs
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
– John Shaw Neilson
Rate it
– Heather Lydia Thornhill
Rate it
Ownership in reverse
– Norbert Tasev
Rate it
Ownership Of Our Actions
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
Owning Tomorrow
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
– Clive Staples Lewis
Rate it
Oxford Cheese Makers Song
– James McIntyre
Rate it
Oxford Cheese Ode
– James McIntyre
Rate it
Oxford in Rain
– Quraysh Shabbir Hussain
Rate it
Oxford Revisited
– William Lisle Bowles
Rate it
Oxford shall bleed
Rate it
– Richard Groff
Rate it
– Bhumika
Rate it
– Payton Hayes
Rate it
– Robert Morrison
Rate it
– SK Jobied Hossain Rohan
Rate it
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
– Wallace Dean LaBenne
Rate it
– nick
Rate it
– K.V Srikanth
Rate it
– Shari Sullivan
Rate it
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Rate it
– Kurt Philip Behm
Rate it
– Jonathan Swift
Rate it
Oyvind's Song
– Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
Rate it
– Midnight Strange
Rate it
– Olivier Dochez
Rate it
– Percy Bysshe Shelley
Rate it
– Arman Hoque
Rate it
O’ Children of Adam! Yearn to earn Paradise!
– Ishtiyaq
Rate it
O’ Father
– HMRyan
Rate it
O’ Gate Keeper
– jody l cooke
Rate it
O’ Mirror O’Love
– Dr Sumit Seth
Rate it
O’ Naturale
– RickthePoetWarrior
Rate it
O’er The Wide Earth, On Mountain And On Plain
– William Wordsworth
Rate it
O’erweening Statesmen Have Full Long Relied
– William Wordsworth
Rate it
O’Grady’s Little Girl
– Alice Guerin Crist
Rate it

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