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Poetry Forms

Read about the various poetry forms and types including definitions and examples below.

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  • tashad.83752
    Very informative, explains different types of forms of poetry writing styles very well
    LikeReply 28 months ago
  • Laurelmlee
    Why isn't formal verse an option on the poetry forms for submission?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Lissa
    Studding is wonderful! One new thing each day, if even a word, is a blessing.
    LikeReply 21 year ago
  • dameion_m
    Great to see that other Poets are studying the frame of Poetry and therefore creating
    a great example of Practice.
    LikeReply 12 years ago
  • PJGamma1234
    Fascinating to learn about these various forms of writing.
    English / language Teachers should include such content in their courses, so that students would become more aware of all of this.
    LikeReply 53 years ago
  • Murph Lov
    Murph Lov
    FORM - is the name of the text type that the writer uses. For example, scripts, sonnets, novels etc. All of these are different text types that a writer can use. The form of a text is important because it indicates the writer's intentions, characters or key themes. 
    LikeReply 54 years ago


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"Poetry Forms - Definitions and Examples" Poetry.com. STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 2 Dec. 2024. <https://www.poetry.com/poetry-forms.php>.

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Who wrote the poem One Art?
A Elizabeth Barrett Browning
B E. E. Cummings
C Elizabeth Bishop
D Sylvia Plath