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Help me out!

Looking for a lost poem? Having a problem editing your profile? Looking for ways to get more exposure for your work? Let our community of poetry experts help you out!

Additionally, consider visiting our FAQ page, as your question might have already been answered!

Submit your inquiry or join the discussion here:

  • ThuGPoetry
    I entered poetry contest and was said to have won 8 th place for poem in 2004 called" under cracks of the poor man's door" but I can't find it on here at all by title or name. Where is my work? 
    LikeReply19 days ago
  • MoonGoddess
    I was looking for an old poem of mine i wrote back in school junior high or high school, im 34 now. i don't remember the name but i still have the award paper. my name is alexandria creighton
    LikeReply26 days ago
  • Raykevelle
    I submitted a lot of poems years ago on Poetry.com
    I had them written down but I lost them a few years ago when my basement flooded. I would like to retrieve them but I don't remember what my login information was. My name is Jose R. Velez if that's any help. Thank you in advance. 
    LikeReply1 month ago
  • brandonh.84889
    Looking for my high school poems , my name is Brandon Harrington, I don't have anything more than that to go on and my email is gotawayfromphat@gmail.com if anyone can help me locate or login to my ancient account please and ty 
    LikeReply1 month ago
  • georget.59828
    If I submitted a poem here in 2002 can it be found
    LikeReply 11 month ago
  • kowei_c
    i have a poem that i like to submit into the contest. It's a villanelle but i can't find the option for this form on the submission page. can anyone please help me out?
    LikeReply1 month ago
    • acronimous
      Hi there! We've just added Villanelle as an option for poetry forms. Good luck with the contest!
      LikeReply1 month ago
  • Autumn1219
    I’m looking for my poem I submitted and had published in 2001 called illusion by Crystal Lynn park…
    Please help me find it!!
    LikeReply1 month ago
  • thedriftinglight
    Hello, I'm looking for all of my poems that I submitted from 1994-2000. I cannot remember the titles, but many of them went into those ILP books. Thanks! Eileen Johansen
    LikeReply1 month ago
  • raven_p
    I am looking to see if anyone knows of any books containing poems by Oscar Pumarejo, he was my grandfather and I am trying to piece together all of his works
    LikeReply1 month ago
  • Theduster
    Looking for 2 poems published around 2004 1st one EGNIMATIC 2nd one PROVERBIAL WOMAN . Both written by Dawn Jackson
    LikeReply1 month ago
  • georges.42131
    Hi my mane is George Smith and I submitted 2 or 3 poems years ago and I don't know how to find them. I can't remember the name of the poems. Can you help me?
    LikeReply1 month ago
  • allcarfan
    I had a poem published here around 2003. The title was "Our Mars." I had found it again years ago...and I have since lost it again. It was written by Shane Jackson. I have searched using google and Bing...I keep coming up empty. 
    LikeReply2 months ago
  • nunna007
    Looking for a poem that was written by my daughter Sarah Nicole Brady called "girl " published 1996...1997. Can anyone help me find it please.
    LikeReply2 months ago
  • justinb.94109
    I'm looking for a poem called the darkest things inside of me by Justin Michael Burgess it would have been between 2000 and 2004
    LikeReply2 months ago
  • monicaa.82989
    I submitted a poem many years ago! It was about my uncle suicide!I don’t remember the name of the poem but it may have been under the names Sharon Monica Perez Almaraz.
    LikeReply2 months ago
  • ilovepoetry
    My poem I wrote for my daughter is missing I wrote it in 1997 and submitted it to poetry.com I won editors choice award the poem is called "my little rose" I need that poem back so I can show my daughter I wrote it when she was a baby now she's all grown up please help me thank you. Do you still have the books called internal flame? 
    LikeReply2 months ago
  • jasons8783
    Do they still publish the poetry in books so you can purchase the books also?
    LikeReply2 months ago
  • Tsmallz98
    I just submitted a poem for a contest. I want a refund please I didn’t know the cost was that expensive.
    LikeReply3 months ago
  • kashia_t
    My name is Kashia Thies and in the 2000s I wrote a poem ( I live for you ) and I can't find it anywhere it was published in the world book of poems but I can't find it help me please
    LikeReply3 months ago
  • Bobsandvegan
    Hey Back in 2023 I wrote a poem on this website with my name in it . But I wrote it without creating an account . Is there a way for me to delete it.
    LikeReply3 months ago
  • kaythooft
    I submitted a poem in 2001 or 2002.
    My poem was published in a book
    I would love to know the book and purchase it. Please help!!!
    Thank you in advance!
    LikeReply3 months ago
  • harriskristy
    Poems by Kristy Harris
    LikeReply3 months ago
  • RyanBlackborough
    Can we have an edit button please? Unless I'm missing it.
    I'm always too far ahead of what I'm typing and miss words.
    LikeReply3 months ago
    • acronimous
      At the bottom of the poem's text, you'll find an EDIT button...
      LikeReply1 month ago
    • RyanBlackborough
      I meant for comments.
      It's all good, I probably should just proof read stuff.
      LikeReply1 month ago
  • ACD421
    Andrew Dorman early 2000s possibly under a pseudonym contains "I thirst for air no more" cannot find it no matter how hard I look.
    LikeReply4 months ago
  • thornebelee
    So I just joined and logged in with my icloud account but it’s saying that my icloud password isnt the password. And I don’t see an option to reset my password via email. Please help lol
    LikeReply4 months ago
  • cherim.99452
    Cheri Monger poems trying to retrieve from mud 2000
    LikeReply4 months ago
  • robertm.06281
    I lost my poem I submitted now I wasn't finished
    LikeReply4 months ago
  • vickiec.89286
    I wrote a bunch of poems and submitted them a long time ago. How long till they go away?
    LikeReply4 months ago
  • carmenw.22546
    Trying to locate a poem I submitted and I won some award and it was selected to be published wish I could locate it.
    LikeReply 24 months ago
  • ChristopherAnosike
    How do I delete an old poem?????
    LikeReply4 months ago
    • alanswansea18
      if you click on the poem and underneath it hit edit then look at the bottom and it should say delete in Orange.
      LikeReply4 months ago
  • robyn_y
    How do I find poems I submitted years ago?
    LikeReply 24 months ago
  • LinYoest
    What does "Bronze Member" mean?
    LikeReply4 months ago
    • lovingempath
      I think it's 'Rookie' status Linda! :)
      LikeReply 14 months ago
    • jeanmardn
      I'm definitely a rookie so yeah I think you're right lol
      LikeReply 14 months ago
  • abam_n
    I'm a student..so I don't have money.
    Is there any other way to make an entry?
    LikeReply4 months ago
  • jeanmardn
    Looking for anything under the name Nancy Jeanmard from the first and original poetry.com website in the early to mid 2000s
    LikeReply4 months ago
  • adib.76110
    Hello, I do not have the required $25 to enter the competition. How can I see that your website says that you accept five free entries for those who do not have this fee. How can I access this opportunity on your website? 
    LikeReply5 months ago
  • theqreativenue
    How can I enter the poetry contest being that I'm financially out of reach?
    LikeReply5 months ago
  • monicag.32204
    I wrote several poem around 2013 and 2014 then I had a stroke and can’t remember the old log in information or any of the names of my poems. They were written under my name Monica Gibbs
    LikeReply5 months ago
    • lovingempath
      This site has new owners 'STANDS4'. The old owners took everything with them Nobody can seem to retrieve their old information or poetry from the past owners. It looks like a lot of people (including myself) wonder what happened to my lost poetry. 
      LikeReply5 months ago
  • monicag.32204
    Several years ago I joined and wrote several poems but I had a stroke and forgot about the site. Now I can’t remember my log in thus I cannot access my poetry. Is there a way to help me?
    LikeReply5 months ago
  • lisac.98482
    Looking for my poems from 2001 about the Twin Towers disaster. One was called Lost In The Darkness
    LikeReply 15 months ago
    • alanswansea18
      try to sign up again and maybe they'll all come back.
      LikeReply5 months ago
  • krista_e
    I am looking for a poem I wrote and was published on poetry.com in 2007-2008 by Krista Nicole Nix. I do not remember the title but if I could get a copy of it or I would be completely willing to buy a copy of the book that contains it (if it were ever printed). 
    LikeReply 15 months ago
  • desmond.hannah
    Is there a subscription option? I don’t have $25 to submit my entry because I just lost my job.
    LikeReply5 months ago
    • lovingempath
      I'm sorry to hear you lost your job. Once a month up to 5 poems can get a free ride if they qualify. You will receive an email letting you know if you are one of the 5 .
      LikeReply5 months ago
  • roberts.76283
    I am looking for poems written by William Bortree. One of his poems that was on this site was Irish Mom. Most of his poems were written before 2011
    LikeReply5 months ago
  • tiffanyd.94586
    How do I find a poem that was a winner in contest and prize was having poem published and for $66 can buy copy of book with poem
    LikeReply5 months ago
  • beckymichelle75
    I got 2 of my poems published under my maiden name, but I cannot find that name in the database. I'm trying to find the name of the poetry book I was published in.
    LikeReply5 months ago
  • ammie_k
    Can’t find my old works. Didn’t have the account stuff when I was younger. I entered two contests from here. 98 for one I think and I think the other is in 2000 or 2001. witchymommy83@gmail.com. I don’t really remember a lot from that time bc of trauma. I just want a copy of my poems. Please. 
    LikeReply5 months ago
  • Aismith1983
    Im looking for 2 poems I submitted back in 2001-2004 time frame. One is "September 11, 2001 A Day of Horror" and the other is "Tears Shed"
    LikeReply5 months ago
  • alanswansea18
    How do I change my profile picture? Every time I change it to a new one and it save the old one comes back.
    LikeReply5 months ago
  • lisak.67570
    I lost a poem called uncharted heart by Lisa King
    LikeReply5 months ago
  • lizz115
    I cant find any of my old poems
    LikeReply 25 months ago
  • carollee1955
    Around 2001 I wrote a poem titled Joy by Carollee Moorefield. It was published in a collection. I want to find the I'm and also see if the book can still be purchased.
    LikeReply5 months ago
    • cindyr.88414
      Did you find out any info on the publication? I had several published late 90's , early 00's
      LikeReply5 months ago
  • Orchidblues
    I wrote a poem back in 1998 or 1999 can you help me find my poem called untitled by Elsa Christian
    LikeReply 16 months ago
    • Mechell
      I cant find none of my old poem how do i locate the please
      LikeReply5 months ago
  • amandab.24019
    I'm looking for the book or where my mom's poem was in. It was for a contest back in 2001. It was called My Angels hands her name was Angelita (Angie) Blanco
    LikeReply6 months ago
  • Lynn#1124
    And im trying to enter this month and still having issues
    LikeReply6 months ago
  • Lynn#1124
    I thought i submitted a poem last month for the contest. Maybe,I'm not doing something right. I am on a fixed income and it states $25 but then asks about $10 fee to have others read it. I don't understand exactly what its asking for! Are there seperate fees for different things?
    And poetry type, im confused on. I really don't understand that either, I can't judge what type or style. 
    LikeReply6 months ago
  • Symmetry60
    There appears to be a glitch in the system. Each time I enter a poem for the January (2024) poetry contest, the poem is being broken apart into fragments.
    LikeReply6 months ago
  • Plumeria1275
    What happened to my account with all my poems? Did they go into an archive or something?
    LikeReply7 months ago
  • Chalcis
    I received an editor's choice award for "Night Owl". I'd like to find it in the website.
    LikeReply7 months ago
  • tonyascheurich4
    I passionately wish to submit my poem. I currently have no income as I am awaiting a disability hearing. Is there a hardship provision by chance? Would be exponentially grateful if there is. Thank you
    LikeReply7 months ago
  • lorettam.18720
    i just wrote a poem ang its gone
    i am loretta mitsuing
    LikeReply7 months ago
  • kellim.65636
    I wrote a lot of poems back years ago on poetry.com and now I can't find them. How do I locate my poems
    LikeReply 17 months ago
  • louisa_c
    How can I find my poems here if it's been over 20 years ago?
    LikeReply7 months ago
  • iank.23085
    I am trying to submit a poem but the poetic form I am looking for is not there. What can I do?
    LikeReply7 months ago
    • Symmetry60
      Enter without choosing a form.
      LikeReply6 months ago
  • MoniqueG
    Hello my name is Thaia Powell and I am looking for a poem that I submitted here on poetry.com between 2006-2007. It was placed in one of your books and now I cannot locate it. Can you please help?
    LikeReply7 months ago
  • sanjay.kumbkarni
    I submitted a poem for the November contest but am unable to pay from my international credit card issued by a bank in India. It says "We are currently not processing payments from India" I am at sea! Please Help! 
    LikeReply8 months ago
  • wayner.44202
    Can anyone let me know how to get my old poems back. They were archived in poetry.com by Lulu.com in 2012-2014. I published them from 1997-2014.
    LikeReply8 months ago
  • MadManMark80
    How do I find my poems from 1999-2000. Three were published and I can’t remember the book names.
    LikeReply8 months ago
  • Shadalynn
    All of my poems are lost how do I find them? They were submitted in the early 2000s
    LikeReply8 months ago
    • Soulwriter
      the site was run and owned by different people then. This isn't the same site. But check out the faq as they have some ideas of how o track down stuff from the old site
      https://www.poetry.com/faq.php good luck! 
      LikeReply7 months ago
  • dinelle
    i am trying to find a couple poems that were entered into the contest back in 03 and 04. one of them was published in eternal portraits. that one was "The Easiest Way" the one in 004 was "The One Thing" both written by me. these two poems mean alot to me. this is the first time that i have been able to seek them out. if anyone knows how i would go about finding them i could use all the help i can get with this. the search on this site was not helpful. so please iif anyone knows whene to look i would appreciatte it. thank you 
    LikeReply8 months ago
  • judgesantiagoburdon
    How do I edit my submitted poem
    LikeReply8 months ago
    • Soulwriter
      Hi there! Firstly, make sure you're logged in. Go to the poem page, then at the end of the page you will have an option to click edit.
      LikeReply8 months ago
  • judge_s
    I'm indigent most of the time and would appreciate waving the contest entry fee.
    Thank you
    LikeReply8 months ago
    • Soulwriter
      https://www.poetry.com/contact.php. fill in the contact us form and let them know of your circumstances. In the meantime, you can display all your work on the site free of charge!
      LikeReply8 months ago
    • judgesantiagoburdon
      I sincerely appreciate your help and information to familiarize myself with your policies.
      Thank you
      LikeReply 18 months ago
    • Soulwriter
      With pleasure. Best of luck
      LikeReply8 months ago
  • Twinpossible
    Hi there. I have 122 drafts, and all I see are like 4, and it says 122 so I never questioned it. My phone is busted, this is the only place my poems were fully stored. Where are all of my poems at?? I’m freaking out!! Thanks in advance! 
    LikeReply8 months ago
  • corrina_h
    Attached pictures are for a poem in which was published in a collection of poem through Poetry .com and Simon Schuester and copywrite in 2005 under my name. Any information about publication would be great!! 
    LikeReply8 months ago
    • NightingalePrince
      greetings. yeah, just FYI: this poetry.com is a different parent company then the one you were published with. good thing you have your poem printed out!
      LikeReply8 months ago
  • yancongliu
    Hello, I have a problem with the page for publishing a new poem. I have filled in all the necessary items, but when submitting it, it shows that I can't confirm whether it is a real person operation or not. At first, I thought it was because I hadn't registered yet, but I encountered the same problem when I registered. How can I solve it 
    LikeReply8 months ago
    • Symmetry60
      Are you using a VPN or some sort of firewall, malwarebytes, ESET, etc? If so, try turning them off to see if that helps.
      LikeReply6 months ago
  • jeanettebrewin2014
    I also would like to enter the competition, but am not financially well off. Not sure. I emailed before, but did get a response
    LikeReply9 months ago
  • ananyasnair1
    I'm not financially well off and need to enter the poetry writing competition for free. What do I do?
    LikeReply9 months ago
  • donnamarie_d
    whom do i contact in your organization in order to place my poetry for free on your website?
    LikeReply9 months ago
    • NightingalePrince
      I understand your question was directed to the management, but I thought I'd tell you as a fellow poet that submitting poetry to the site does not cost anything. The only things that cost are contest entries, and promotions, and possibly some AI reviews. You may want to look more into it, and you'll discover what I am talking about. 
      LikeReply 39 months ago
  • thomasc.35413
    How do I get more views and comments on my poems?
    LikeReply9 months ago
    • NightingalePrince
      you can do a little promotion yourself with social media, or you can purchase promotions on the site to increase your views. When you submit a poem, you should look at the options at the bottom of the submission form, where you can choose to promote your poem for $10. You may find more info there. 
      LikeReply 19 months ago
  • Prisma
    I joined yesterday. My comments on other poets' work don't show. What's happening?
    LikeReply9 months ago
    • Soulwriter
      the first time you ever comment on the site - the comments are screened -soon you'll see them showing up immediately. Enjoy the site!
      LikeReply8 months ago
  • alib.91611
    I was wondering if the archive is up or intending on going up and if you start a new account will you merge the accounts if you ever load archive and do you have rights the archive and please let us know
    LikeReply9 months ago
    • Soulwriter
      Hey on the FAQ page it states they don't have rights or access to the archive when they got the site it was just the name
      LikeReply8 months ago
  • Arch2306
    how can i edit a submitted poem please?
    LikeReply9 months ago
    • Soulwriter
      Hi there! Firstly, make sure you're logged in. Go to the poem page, then at the end of the page you will have an option to click edit.
      LikeReply8 months ago
  • Amandaj88
    I'm looking for a poem that was published called caged by Amanda judy at poetry.com 2008 or 2009
    LikeReply9 months ago
  • nabena_e
    I am looking for a poem submitted between 2004 to 2007 by Ebibowei Nabena
    LikeReply9 months ago
  • jodis.78912
    I'm looking for poems I submitted between 2000 and probably 2013 Jodi N or Jodi Nichole Stains was my name then
    LikeReply 19 months ago
  • Lisachance7620
    I am looking for a poem from years ago called the chest from Lisa botkin please help
    LikeReply10 months ago
  • Katmargaret4
    I see my poem but it doesn't show as *submitted* is it in contest? I paid $5
    LikeReply10 months ago
  • LadyVixen
    Can a member block you
    LikeReply10 months ago
  • B.mathislange
    I.m also trying to update my profile photo and it is not there
    LikeReply10 months ago
  • bonnie_c
    I haven't wrote in years on this website and would like to start writing more poems but would like to find my old poems that were on here and have access to them as well .. How would I find them ???
    LikeReply 310 months ago
    • Soulwriter
      check out the FAQ which provided some leads. Enjoy the new site!
      LikeReply8 months ago
  • B.mathislange
    I'd like to delete my Sept. entry and promote a differant one..Is there away I can delete one and replace it with another?
    LikeReply10 months ago
    • npirandy
      While entries are still being accepted, you are allowed to edit yours. You should be able to delete it as well.
      LikeReply10 months ago
  • poetiklysence
    I voted once and tried to cast another vote. The site doesn't let me cast a vote again. How can I do that before the closing date
    LikeReply10 months ago
    • MaxwellBurchett
      As I understand it, each nominee can only vote for one poem.
      LikeReply 110 months ago
    • B.mathislange
      Once you vote its final. You only get one vote.
      LikeReply 110 months ago
  • atryanski
    How do I get to read the entries and vote
    LikeReply11 months ago
    • lovingempath
      If you are a contestant in that months contest, the reading and voting process begins on the 1st of the next month. If you entered your poem in the August contest; that means you may begin reading the other poems on the 1st of Sept. and have until the 7th to cast your vote. You'll be notified. It's an 'in-house' thing...possibly to avoid a lot of outside influence...it's judged by the other poets. I once belonged to a writing site that was more dependent on how many friends and family members they could rally to garner votes; than the actual quality of the person's work...so I like this platform. If you are NOT in the contest, you're still able to read all of the submitted poems after the voting process is completed :). 
      LikeReply 111 months ago
  • B.mathislange
    I keep adding a profil picture but it never appears on my profil .Can anyone help?
    LikeReply11 months ago
    • lovingempath
      I can see you now :).
      LikeReply11 months ago
    • rachel_radtke
      I’m having the same problem with my profile picture, how did you fix it?
      LikeReply11 months ago
    • lovingempath
      I'm seeing a profile picture Rachel...are you seeing it now?
      LikeReply11 months ago
    • B.mathislange
      Hi The wonderful glitch team i call them did it. But I see you have a face now did it stay?
      LikeReply11 months ago
    • MaxwellBurchett
      I had the same issue a few weeks ago, but eventually the system support resolved it.
      LikeReply10 months ago
  • docxrohr
    I don't see where I can verify that my poem was added to the contest. Is there a specific place to look.
    I also can't correct the orientation of my profile picture, any suggestions?
    LikeReply11 months ago
    • lovingempath
      If your poem was submitted successfully...you will receive an email letting you know. Another option might be to just look to the left and hit on the highlighted 'entries submitted', to see if you can spot your poem in the contest. But I'm pretty sure you would have been sent an email if your poem made it in. If for some reason it didn't...try again next month. Good luck. 
      LikeReply11 months ago
  • Debo1953
    Looking for a poem published in the book "Forever Spoken" called A Message from Heaven
    LikeReply11 months ago
    • B.mathislange
      is this it?

      ConditionUsed - GoodBindingHardcoverQuantity Available5SellerThriftBooks he International Library Of Poetry, 2007. ~
      LikeReply11 months ago
  • bevgeorge
    On the voting page I read all the entries and was only credited with reading 17 out of 150. How will this effect my chances in the contest?. B. George
    LikeReply11 months ago
  • Chaauku
    Hi! I know this may sound crazy but does anyone here worry about plagiarism or poem theft? Do you guys feel this is a safe poetry space?lol. Thanks!
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • Soulwriter
      I certainly feel safe. My work is posted on this site in my name with the date too. That is now evidence of it being my work and intellectual property. Same for everyone else here- happy writing!
      LikeReply8 months ago
  • dorothy.14441
    I'm looking for a poem that I submitted in a contest quite some years ago it's called love by Dorothy King they put it in the book poetry.com
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • satheesan_r
    I posted two poems today but both are missing. Where can I find it
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • kersha_t
    I signed up with my Facebook account and now I can't access my poems and it won't let me reset the password.. what to do?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • precious_w
    Looking for my list poems.
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • baways
    My photo is sideways is that standard for being new or am i not entering it correctly?
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • lovingempath
      Hi Barry, I'm thinking this might have something to do with the 'pixel' size? Try going back to your original photo and make it a little smaller. This is all I can think of; and would appreciate any other comments to help correct this 'awkward' problem :) 
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • CRPSwarrior!
    Is there a way to add a poem already on this site to the poetry contest? I wanted to submit my poem "Heavy Chains", but it said there was already a poem with that title. To promote you can select your already written poem, but I don't see this as an option for the contest page. Can someone help me with how to upload an existing poem from the site to the contest page? "Submit an original poem or choose one of your existing poems from the site." 
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • lovingempath
      Hi Dawn...from what I understand, you can't submit a poem that has already been published; and especially if it's been promoted and received attention. One way to get around that might be to change the title and rework the poem a little, but I'm not sure if that's good advice or allowed either :). Good luck with this. I actually DO love the title; as is. 
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • CRPSwarrior!
      Thank you for your response. When you click on "Enter Here" under "Poetry Contest" and read from the "How does it work?" paragraph, you will find this sentence..... "
      Submit an original poem or choose one of your existing poems from the site."..... This suggests that you can submit a poem already on the site to the contest. Someone also sent me an email informing me that this site has not worked out all their kinks yet. That person then also suggested that I delete my poem. When I resubmit it, I will then be given an option to add it to the contest. I would rather not delete my poem. I hope this site finds a way for us to actually submit it to contest without me having to do that. 
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      You're absolutely right, Dawn, there should be a more convenient way... I'm happy to inform you that we've added a new button on members' profile pages called 'Nominate'. By simply clicking on this button, you can easily submit one of your existing poems to the contest.

      We hope this new feature enhances your experience and streamlines the submission process. Give it a try and let us know how it goes! Wishing you the best of luck with the contest!
      LikeReply 31 year ago
    • lovingempath
      Thanks for this new feature! I think a lot of the members will be satisfied, and hopefully ignore the silly answer/advice I posted above :).
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • ekingsley7570
    What happened to AI that gave feedback? At least then there was a place to get advice.
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • ekingsley7570
      Does ANYONE know?
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      Still there -- are you not seeing it at the bottom of your poems?
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • isabella_j
    I'm trying to enter the poetry contest for this month and I've filled everything in correctly, but it keeps saying "We're not sure you're human, try again" and I don't know what to do. 
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Ccolbyjl
    Trying to access my account on here with five editors choice awards, and cannot seem to find my established philosopher poetry under my name as a poet
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • lovingempath
      I'm pretty sure that everything submitted before STANDS4 acquired the site is gone. And the prior owners of the site didn't leave a trace of where they may have 'archived' anything. I also lost several 'editors choice awards' poems. STANDS4 is a new era, and their policy to preserve the submissions on file, indefinitely is very notable. Scroll down here and view the post from 'acronimous'. He is the current CEO of the site, and through my own experiences with him I find him to be very trustworthy and helpful. 
      LikeReply 21 year ago
    • Ccolbyjl
      they have sent me two separate links that go back from 97 till the year they purchased it of old publications that I need to go through that are archived.
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • HECATE51
      That would be awesome. Would you please post the links so others can try to find their older work? Thanks,
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • lovingempath
      Wow...let us all know how that turns out and if you find what you are looking for. Thanks!
      LikeReply 21 year ago
    • Ccolbyjl
      I haven’t had time yet to search, but definitely will if you inquire on their contact form and fill out like I did they’ll send you the link.
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • seanj.57648
    I am noticing a number of users looking for the old Poetry.com archives from before they shut down for a few years. Has anyone found any good answers to if those archives still exist?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • cynthiak.38544
    How long does this site keep submissions on file?
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      There are no limitations when it comes to keeping submissions on file. Our intention and aspiration are to preserve them indefinitely.
      LikeReply 11 year ago
  • npirandy
    Please note! I'm very pleased with the opportunity to display my work with some success. I recently placed "Honorable Mention" for my poem "Winners Never Cry" and was told that I would receive a coffee mug. Is that still in the works?? I have not yet received it. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but just curious. 
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      Hello Randy,

      Congratulations on your honorable mention in the May contest! You are indeed entitled to receive a personalized mug with your poem printed on it. We have been contacting the winners to collect their mailing addresses for shipping, but it seems that we haven't received yours yet. Would you be so kind as to fill out the form with your contact details? Once you provide the information, we will send the mug to you shortly. Please use this link to access the form: https://www.poetry.com/contact-details/14620

      Thank you for your cooperation!
      LikeReply 11 year ago
  • jeanettebrewin2014
    Hi, I have entered a poem for the MAY 2023 contest. I noticed that you consider people who cannot afford the fee. I am only working part time and get minimum wage. I wondered if it would be possible to take my poem into consideration? as I do like to enter poetry on your sight.

    With thanks,
    LikeReply 11 year ago
    • acronimous
      On your contest submission page, you will find a designated box where you can enter your inquiry regarding waived entry fees. Please be aware that we receive a high volume of inquiries, and we can only approve up to five free entries. 
      LikeReply 11 year ago
  • djhoteltrasher
    how do i apply for the waived entry fee?
    LikeReply 11 year ago
    • acronimous
      On your contest submission page, you will find a designated box where you can enter your inquiry regarding waived entry fees.
      LikeReply 11 year ago
  • Laurelmlee
    Where can you access the poetry contest rules? I've seen them before, but always because I just stumbled upon them.
    LikeReply 11 year ago
    • lovingempath
      I know you can view the 'Guidelines' if you hit the 'enter contest' button Laurel, and then scroll down a bit. Then if you're not ready to enter quite yet, you can just exit the page. Good luck! :) 
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • dennisb.63011
    I'm not sure how long ago it was, but I've had at least 2 poems published maybe 20 to 25 years ago, but can't find it online here. Is there a reason? I'm only asking because I lost myself for a long time and would like to connect with the past I lost. At least a small part. 
    LikeReply 11 year ago
    • EtiquetteLearner
      this poetry.com is of a different parent company than the former, although they share similar names. as a general rule of thumb, you could search the archives for your former work, however, although i wish you luck in that endeavor, I'd say the odds are pretty slim that you will find anything 
      LikeReply 11 year ago
  • lovingempath
    I've seen multiple question about locating lost poems. From what I've gathered; when STANDZ4 network took over, all of the poetry from bygone eras were no longer accessible to those poets who had submitted material before their acquiring the site. I also lost some poetry, but I know it has nothing to do with the current organization. I feel a little uncomfortable that the previous 'owners' didn't leave a bread-crumb-trail we could follow. I hope people take this to heart and email a dated copy of each poem to yourself, so that you don't lose your work, as well as having some sort of proof that it's yours. (I think it works that way?); before submitting it in the future. But I honestly do trust this new team; and believe they're honest. 
    LikeReply 21 year ago
    • flapkatt
      Sadly, I have to agree. For me, I lost everything. I mean, the total body of work, over some 5 years and more. In that bygone decade pre-takeover, it wasn't a "thing" that the site would just disappear overnight. And it did. A cross country move resulted in every single self-printed copy of my work was also lost to time. I spent several hours searching and found one result only because I had emailed it to a friend who requested it. That's all I have left. You give very solid advice. Poets, send yourself your own work. Don't trust a site, or a friend, or even your closest family members. This is a new age of data, and we few dinosaurs have been run out of town on the rails of technology and oversight. It's sad, but as an amateur author, I now know no one will protect and save my work except myself. Two tiny shining stars are the obit I published when my Father passed, and the other was a short story I wrote that actually made publication in an international journal. I have those. Thank you for sharing your information and supportive comments. I think it helps to know I am not alone. This is one quest I have had to surrender, but at least I remember I was once a fairly skilled poet and author. Life. Who knew? 
      LikeReply 21 year ago
    • NightingalePrince
      At least STANDS4 sends a copy of your poem to your email when you post it. In that way, just in case anything happens to the network, we have our poems backed up.
      LikeReply 11 year ago
  • nikkimav
    How do I find poems that I submitted in 2004? Are those entries archived?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • cynthiadhowell
    Hi all, I’ve been looking more than 18 years for 19-20 poems I had published and was awarded for. Unfortunately at the time they were published I couldn’t afford to buy the books. If anyone has any poems under the name Cynthia Howell or Cynthia D Howell or C Howell it could also be under Cindy Howell. Please let me know. 
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Wilsonrn2011
    So I’m fairly new to this site and I write a little here and there. I submitted a poem before creating my own profile and I wanted to link my poem to my profile and I am not sure how to do that if it’s even possible. I was wondering if anyone knew how to do it if so could you please explain to me. Thank you. 
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • brianr.53662
    I submitted some poems but I can't find myself Brian Rosales
    LikeReply 11 year ago
  • mcks
    Ron McKinnon

    I tried to enter the March poetry contest when there was still openings but there seemed to be a problem. I got help from a former poetry.com submitter who believed that the poem "Hind and Hound" had been accepted. This does not look to be the case. What is the procedure? Did I miss something? 
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Christinaholford
    Looking for a poem by Christina holford back in November 2007 she won the editor choice award
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Ladybusme
    I'm searching for any of my poems under the name Elizabeth Simmons I believe there are three that were published through poetry.com many years ago. I'm just wondering if anybody out there might have a copy of my poems since I have lost my hard copies. I would love to share them with my family 
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • ekingsley7570
    I submitted the same poem twice and can't seem to find help on taking one version off.
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • darlenec.23915
    I have lost old poems from contest with poetry. Com I am trying to find them the year goes back all the way to 2003-2004 I was invited to Washington D.C. I was one of the winners of a 100 word poem the poem is called a rainbow of colors and many more that I can not even find since they changed everything online with the new website please help me find all of my poems there are a lot thank you for your time Ms. Darlene concepcion 
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • melaniec.68301
    I had a cpl poems published by poetry.com back in the earlier 2000s. Can't find them. Can anyone help?
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • flapkatt
      I can only tell you what I had to find out the hard way. Nothing remains from the former poetry.com site. Nothing. Not one piece of work, regardless if it was contest, published in one of the anthologies, openly submitted or reviewed. It's ALL GONE. If you did not save a copy to any other form of retrieval, you will never find it again. You could try friends or family, if you are the type of person who shares on those levels. Otherwise, give yourself a quiet "Atta-girl" and move forward. There is nothing to be found in any search engine post take-over from poetry.com or poets.com, not even poets workshop.com. It's all been wiped clean. Sorry. It hurts but it taught me the hard lesson to save my own work on drive, disc, email, docs, or even flash drive. If you value your work, save and send to yourself before ever submitting to an external site. These sites disappear overnight and once your work is gone, it will be as if you never wrote anything at all. So sorry. 
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • lovingempath
    How does this new 'poem analysis' robot work?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Getting2short
    i use to post poems at poetry.com in around 2002 to 2012. i posted quite often so would love to find those poems since i no longer have any proof of them now. i know the name of some of them and some i dont but cant find them on here so if anyone knows how to find them older poems. i would love to find them so please if anyone knows i would love to hear it thank you so much 
    LikeReply 11 year ago
  • marykhazak_g
    I am searching for any poems here by Mary Grant or Cheryl Gabler (myself) published, honored and recorded by Poetry.com since 2004.
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • AdmCorrington
    I am in search of any poems by Corry Andrews or Corry D Andrews that were posted bergen 2001 and 2010. I'm hoping that at least maybe one of my poems from back then came over from the previous website owners. Any help in finding any of my poems from back then will be greatly appreciated 
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • maxime_d
    16 years ago, in 2007, I published a poem here called Heart Beat by Max Duchesne. It won a national competition hosted by this website and was published in a book of poetry. I never had the chance to purchase the book, but I was hoping maybe it could still be in archives ? I know it's a long shot but I would love to read it again for old times sake. 
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Jesse.prg
    I deleted two poems by accident off of my page. Is there anyway of recovering that? One of them I wrote on here
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • lenadrwilson
    How do I access my complete poems and edit? How do I read others and comment?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • BlieDove
    Hello, in the early 2000s I submitted several poems on here. The names they may be posted under are Betty Jo Blystone, Betty Blystone, BlueDove, or Betty Jo Shotts.
    I am trying to retrieve them as I lost them . I would like a copy of them to give to my children Could you help me retrieve them ?
    Thank you
    Betty Jo Pozzini
    LikeReply 11 year ago
  • tiffanyb.24226
    Looking for my poems I submitted years ago by Tiffany brookhouser to retain a copy due to a flood in my house and lost them can anyone help please their was two published in my name thank you
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Evea1
    I was looking for 2 or 3 poems I put on here years ago. The ones I want are , Art Dreams and Sweet Song
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • barbaraann_g
    Looking for poems by Barbara Mitchell
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Jeremybrown307
    How do I delete my poems and my account?
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      Sorry to see you go... poems can be deleted by clicking on the trash icon near the desired poem on your profile, or poems page. Your account can be deleted from your profile page via Edit My Details -> Close Account. 
      LikeReply 11 year ago
    • Jeremybrown307
      thank you
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • JokerGem
    Real quick, something l've been wondering about that it seems may have been overlooked: once a poem has been submitted, if you edit the title or content in any way, it seems the site deletes the poem's genre selections and does not allow them to be restored or denoted again going forward—which is discouraging...
    Could there be a way to fix, or get around this circumstance? 
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      Hey JokerGem, thanks for being on top of things -- this is now fixed!
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • ldrum
      I don't remember making any changes to my poem. But if this is a possible problem....has anything been done to correct it? Poem Submitted was "Match and Me'.
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • JokerGem
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • paular.53328
    I'm trying to locate a copy of the book that my deceased Son had a poem in ....his name is Benny Chriscoe....please help me with this if at all possible....Thanks so much for your time
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • kayem.66405
    I had 2 poems over 20 years ago, but I cannot find it, My name was Kaye Stevens
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • selvarajoovedamuthoo
    looking for the poems written by Selva Rajoo in may 21 2002
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • ldrum
    How do I find out why a poem that I submitted with proof of payment does not show on the "New" submiited poem lists?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • mlh1213
    Hello,. I had a poem published over 20 yrs ago. I cannot find it. The title was "Bruises" - Michelle Hamlin Grant
    LikeReply 11 year ago
  • ldrum
    I submitted a new poem for the current contest and rec'd a e-mail confirming the submitted poem and payment. I had also promoted a previous poem and also rec'd confirmation for that and it's payment. However today I've rec'd an e-mail saying that I have not submitted anything for the current contest. Can you check this out for me? Submitted poem is entitled: "Match and Me". Promoted poem is entitled: "Rubbing the Ring" Author is: Lona L. Drum 
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      Hi, I've checked and your poem is confirmed for the February contest -- good luck!
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      Poems submitted for the contest will not appear on the New Poems page until the contest is over...
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • ldrum
      I still have not found the recent poem I submitted for the February 2023 Contest. I see it is in my poems file but not in the contest . Are you sure you saw it's entry?
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • ldrum
      In the past all the poems I submitted for a current contest has appeared under
      "New Poems Submitted" and then after the contest is over we have a 7 day period to allow us to vote. Any other ideas? If I submitted it again for the March 2023 contest will I have to pay again. Poem Submitted was "Match and Me". 
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • Stylz1996
    I submitted a poem or two many years ago. I can't seem to locate any history of mine. How do I find poems from 8 or 10 years ago? The poem I'm looking for was titled "Crown of Thorns". Everything was published under Charlie Stout. 
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • richieesolomon
    How to change password
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • katys.56582
    I am trying to vote on the Poetry.com January contest, which id did enter. I used the email link but there is no way to read the poetry or to vote. I checked your answers below and followed them. How do I find an active link that will allow me to read and vote on the poems? 
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      Hi Katy, it seems like a different account was used when you entered the contest, named: 'katyjsmith' -- please log in with the original account, so you can access the voting page.
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • Bridgenslaurie18
    How do I vote for the January contest
    LikeReply 11 year ago
  • LBCollins
    Hello- I am looking for the books in which I was published quite some time ago- between 1996-2002 I had 3 poems published - laurabeth Zilnicki and I can’t seem to find which books they were in. Please help? 
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Simeon5
    Other than through the Poetry Contest, how else do you consider unpublished poetry or poetry published by an unknown author and with very limited distribution (i.e., at a poetry reading or social event?)
    LikeReply 11 year ago
  • deanepride112
    Unfortunately I don't have the fee but if you could just give me feedback I'll appreciate that.. Deane Pride
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Chevygurl73
    I'm trying to find my Best Friend's poems she has submitted over the years. How do I do that??
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • saadahh_k
    i lost my poem if you only knew and it takes knocks by saada ramadhan
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • billy_w
    Forgotten Voices
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • ldrum
    I added a poem a few months ago but mispelled my name. As a result, this particular poem does not list with the other poems I have added. How do I change the poets name on this poem so that it can appear with my other writings? 
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      Hi, we've just fixed that for you...
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • Michaelesheahan0322
    How do I change my picture on my phone that I join the contest with?
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      On your profile page click on "EDIT MY DETAILS" and then you'll have the option to upload a new photo.
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • Chewy2083
    I have a poem I wrote in 2003 or 2004 my name is Daniel d Keith it is in one of books from them but I don't remember what one please help me out with this
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • AngelinaKristine
    I am searching for all the poems I submitted to poetry.com between 2004 and 2018.
    LikeReply 11 year ago
    • acronimous
      Please check out our FAQ for some possible ways to recover poems from the old website: https://www.poetry.com/faq.php
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • kellyd.32065
      I need some help! I had to sign up under a new profile because I can not recover my email address used to sign up previously. Is there a way to delete the other and resubmit my poems? Or can you merge the 2? Help please 
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      Please use our Contact Us page with details on your old and current accounts, and our technical support staff will help you out: https://www.poetry.com/contact.php
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • Nixa
    It says I can join the poetry competition for free if I don't have the money (I'm a minor), how can I do that?
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      After you submit your entry you'll receive an email that contains a link to your submission page where you'll have the option to request a fee
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • abq_l
    I'm trying to find my old poetry, How do I do so? Amanda V Sanchez Amanda Victoria Sanchez
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • adrieng.00566
    I want my poem to be taken off. Nobody's doing it yet, I sent an email already. I cannot take it off for some reason. I know the email address I used. Can you help me out?
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • johng.11376
      May I ask why you would like them to pruge/remove a poem you publicly posted in the past?

      Should I be having the poems I and everyone who’s created and publicly posted a poem request the removal of those items for some legal reason or nefarious misuse reason that we agreed to in the past but now we should all change our minds?

      I am honestly asking so I can tell my parents and the elderly to be aware of the reasons and tell kids I know the reasons to never ever participate.

      I am honestly now worried I have missed something due to you requesting the removal of your items.

      Thank you.
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      The poem has been removed per your request.
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • cat_l
    I can't afford 25.00 payment cause I have no income right at the time,
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      Every contest we'll be accepting up to 5 free submissions.
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • Julielee90
    Trying to find my old poem the was published in 2008 "Secret Holidays" by Julie Tinnell
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Rayerofavour
    The amount I have is not up to 25 dollars right now and I have it in crypto. Can I be allowed to participate in the competition? Again how to I credit you with crypto?
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      No, sorry -- we don't accept crypto.
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • adrianna_s
    I'm looking for a poem I wrote when I was a kid probably like 10 or so but am unable to find it, the poem was called "If All Things Could Talk", it got printed in a poetry book, but not sure how to find it since that's been years ago, does anyone know how I should go about finding it?, I can't remember what site I used at the time. 
    LikeReply 11 year ago
  • yoohoodle37
    I have been looking for poetry that I posted a while back 90s early 2000s and I can’t find them is there anyway to research and reconnect with my poetry? Grace Pounds
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • mr.68422
    I had a poem published in a Middle School poetry contest; a big company published winning poems from multiple schools in a book between 2013-2015. Miranda Ruesch mrueschbusiness@gmail.com
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • michaelr.38949
    I sent in a lot of poems in the middle of the 90's under this name and under Michael Frederick Rogers. How can I find them.
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • kricket
    Is it possible to find a poem I submitted in 2006? I was presented with an Editor's Choice Award.
    LikeReply 21 year ago
  • augustb.73831
    Looking for all my poetry... My name is August Beck
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • binit_j
    Is there any free submission remaining for October contest?
    LikeReply 11 year ago
  • lavonne_r
    How do I find my old collection from poetry.com
    LikeReply 21 year ago
  • Tawana1956
    How do I find my poems if I can't remember my old email? Is there a way to search by poet?
    LikeReply 11 year ago
  • shobha_s
    Can I submit hindi poem also
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      Yes, we accept poems in every langauge.
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • l.palyutina
    Good afternoon! I want to submit my poem to the September’s competition but my finances don’t allow me to pay the fee (since I’m currently a Ukrainian refugee). Are there any free-application spots left? It matters for me to participate specifically this month. Who shall I contact? Thank you. 
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      Every contest we'll be accepting up to 5 free submissions.
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • terribel
    Looking for a published poem from 2005-2008 called Grandmother by Terri Belton. Thank you
    Email terribelton@yahoo.com
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • dianne.98307
    In 2004 my father wrote a poem which won editor choice award. His poem was going in the hardbound edition. I was wondering if there is anyway of getting this book. He passed away in July and I just came across the letter. Thank you Diann 
    LikeReply 11 year ago
  • Des1mea3
    There’s something very off about this site. There’s a pattern in questions from poets that have submitted works they cannot see and a lack of response from this site. Why has no comment referencing all the lost / missing works been given in response to all the poets asking WHERES MY WORK. 
    LikeReply 11 year ago
    • EtiquetteLearner
      if you cannot tell by now, the company that put this poetry.com website together is different than the prior company. people don't seem to be understanding that, and that's why they are looking for their old work 
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • robesp123
    Poetry API: getting only a small part of all poems. (both .xml and .json format)

    Query: "https://www.stands4.com/services/v2/poetry.php?uid=1**36&tokenid=C3h1**YMf9tKUJ6v&term=beard&format=json"

    title: "A Dead Boche"
    poet: "Robert Graves"
    poem: "crop-haired, \nDribbling black blood from nose and beard."

    Could you please tell me what I am doing wrong? I suppose I should get the whole poem? Thanks
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Judithpoolson
    How can I search for a poem in my name that may have been published in the 1990's?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Pyrn98
    I'm looking for my poem published "Lamby sits alone.".Pyrn98@gmail.com
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • jerrylogie
    I just submitted a poem for the monthly contest. After paying I brought up the poem to view. I found a mistake in the printing of this poem. The 16th line in the poem was supposed to start with the word (Everyone). That word was there but it was on the far right side of the poem by itself instead of leading the sentence. I do Not know how to fix this, someone please help me... 
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • omehjude02
    I submitted my poem but was asked to pay 25USD and I read from the site that first 5 entries are free
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      Please read again, and more carefully this time... :-)
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • omehjude02
      I have read it and I believe I am among the first five...... I am still waiting to get my poem approved
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • Liv1816
    How do non-members vote for my Pom?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • scrimtalk
    On submitting my poem I received a notice saying a poem by this title had already been submitted. Wrong! I started to submit this poem at an earlier time including the title "Woman in Motion", but never completed the submission. But later I did complete a second submission with the same title. Again the first attempt was never completed 
    LikeReply 11 year ago
  • Mike8720
    I'm looking for a poem I submitted between 2004 and 2006 my name is Michael hutchings
    LikeReply 21 year ago
  • cherish_b
    I used if you have more on the original website what I want to know is why do I only have one posted on your account and what happened my other 19 poems
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • uayatullah579
    Has voting began for the August contest
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      Not yet... it will begin on Sept 1st.
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • BradyB999
    How do I enter an existing, posted poem into the monthly contest?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Adetoys
    Good day acronimus, please pardon my using that. I tried submitting my poem for the contest but not financially buoyant to pay the contest fee. Kindly add me in the five list and let me know if nominated.
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Supamom17
    I submitted a poem quite a few years ago that was chosen to be published in a book that I think was through this web site. The name of said poem was The Bipolar Hole. I can never find it not was I able to purchase the book at the time can someone help me with this?
    My name is Kimberly Brockington-Hernandez 
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Shalese7
    I am looking for my poem “ perfect love”
    From 2006 October 17, any help it’s appreciate ❤️
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • krowary
    I want to submit a poetry however I am not in a position to pay the entry fee. Is there a way i can enter for free submission?
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      Every contest we’ll be accepting up to 5 free submissions from writers that are financially out of reach. Do note we receive many requests for a free submission so chances are not very high...
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • Idea2019
    I won the 2008 Editor’s Choice Award from poetry .com for the poem Light, and lost it. Can you help me find it?My email address used to be elisa9158@outlook.com.

    Thank you.
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • sffarooquishadma
    I am financially weak.I have learned about the 5 entries for financially weak section but I couldn't able to find out how to apply in that.I really want to enter into this monthly competition.
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • sheila.mcmillan41219
    I am one of the 5 runners up. Where do I go to submit my info for the prize??
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • maryhetrick
    I had many poems on this site listed under Mary Hetrick and Mary Pinkerton. They are all gone now.
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Neel02
    I wrote a poem some years back with name 'neelima' how to search my poem ?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • RhymingVibes
    I entered a poem Yesterday for July competition. But it’s not showing in the submitted poems section on profile page. Was wondering if i could edit it now.
    Kindly guide.
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      Hi, your poem is now approved and you can see it under the Contest Nominations section on your profile page. If you'd like to edit it please contact us here and we'll try to squeeze it before the contest starts: https://www.poetry.com/contact.php
      LikeReply1 year ago
    where can i retrieve my poems from the poetry.com back in 2006
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Addie48
    Yesterday I tried to add a poem and seemed to have lost it can you retrieve it I forgot to save it called What is it…
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      Sorry, we don't see the mentioned poem in your account records...
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • donswanson39
    I just added two different poems on here and one of them turned out great but for some reason the second one I posted when I click on it it only brings up half of the poem I checked to see if it was too long for the editorial but it was under the amount any ideas 
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • liza_p
    My dad's poem "Awake O Bards" seems to no longer appear on poetry.com. My current e-mail is liza2311@gmail.com. Any pointers as to how to check the archived poems will be appreciated.
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • rob_d
    I wrote poem on here years ago and I can’t find it, do you guys have an archive on here.
    LikeReply 12 years ago
  • Jffinch4181
    I have received an Editor's choice award in July 2005 and was wondering if my poem is lost forever?
    LikeReply 12 years ago
  • EtiquetteLearner
    I need to make an edit to my contest entry, but there doesn't seem to be an option for this.
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • shawns.65317
    I wad awarded amature poet of the year several times plus I received several letters telling me that my poems (over 13 of them) where published and they where copyrighted to me also I payed to publish a book(Sounds of Solitude) and never received it.
    I had a house fire and lost everything so I came back to get my works and they are gone. 
    LikeReply 12 years ago
  • terryt.73319
    My poem "Horses of the Wild" seems to no longer appear on poetry.com. My current e-mail is terrytrice1957@yahoo.com.
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Creekgirl2010!
    Hi, I have a new phone number/facebook, and my old facebook/ phone number was connected to my old poetry.com account. I can prove that my poems are mine. Thanks, BK
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Ic3coff33girl
    I had two poems on here that I can't find now.I dont really remember what email was used though.Is there anyway I could be looked up?Jen Cummings could have been angel_baby_looking_4_wings@ yahoo.com or lookingtosoar@ yahoo.com.I cant get into lookingtosoar anymore.I can get on angel_baby.I just made Ic3coff33girl@gmail.com to talk to you guys 
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • shannon_d
    I had a few poems published in the great american poets society but I can't find them, the most important one was, He's on a mission.
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Ethereal_One
    I’m looking for my poetry page I had one a poetry pin I had a lot of poems on here I don’t know if I went by ethereal or Erikaobritis but I’ve typed in lines from my poems to search for them and nothing comes up, are they gone? This was 2012-2015 
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Jpickett84
    My poems are published under Jerry Pickett and they were from 2001 and i need help locating them. They were all published through this site.
    LikeReply2 years ago
    • tazzytaz
      This is a new site from this year. I lost my poems that were on the old site. There is a link in the faq section that you can try and see if your poems are there. It's a lot of work going through every single day that's highlighted, but it's okay to try. 
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • Reapseh
    I had a poem around 2002-2004 'to lose you again' which netted me a ticket to America at the time. Is there anyone who could help me recover it?
    LikeReply 12 years ago
  • DarthLoki
    I had a poem here between 2004-2008, titled "Gazing at the Moon", author Josiah Joedeman. If someone can help me recover it, I'd really appreciate it.
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • DStepp84
    I had a few poems published back somewhere between 1998-2006 under Dayna Stepp and Dayba Stepp or possibly Dayna Stepp I would really like to see them
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Lbutler88
    My teacher posted a poem of mine back in 2000-2002. Lance C Butler. The poem was called “To Know Love”
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • tunes
    I am looking for my son's Poem from 2005.
    Title: In The News
    Author: Sean P Knudsen
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • dawnd.86799
    I had a poem published in 2002. It was titled "Still Gone" by Dawn Danero Cortez
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Mommying
    I submitted poetry during the 2000s - and, still have email: natahnya7@yahoo.com. I notice that my name yields 0 searches. My name is Natahnya Rollins-Harper. I used both names, when submitting poetry, from about 2004 to 2010. 
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Ancella
    I am looking for a poem that my daughter had written in 2007.
    It was titled “it is you “ by: Angi Gragg
    She had received a certificate from you for this poem.
    As her being a mother now , I thought it would be a great gift for her . Thanks 
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • mariahl.41178
    how do you apply for financial help when entering the monthly contest? I'm disabled with almost no income but I'd like to enter
    LikeReply2 years ago
    • abielias1
      Hi! When you enter the competition, you should receive an email confirming your entry, with a link to your entry. Follow the link, and under the 'Pay Now' button there is an option to submit your poem for free. During each competition, up to five poems that have been entered for free are selected. Good luck with your entry! 
      LikeReply2 years ago
  • polgarawisdom
    I am looking for two of my poems. I submitted them around 1999-2000. My name is Dawn Hendricks. My poems are Reflection and Surrender (this one won an Editors choice award). Thank you for your time and efforts. Dawn Hendricks 
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • cheri_n
    I had a poem published on here in 2000 Entitled "Easter" by Cheri Neill. I would love to find a copy of it
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Dye5052
    Looking to buy two book with my poems in them where do I go to buy the books 1-(The Blush of Morning ISBN 1-58235-152-X) and 2nd. (America At The Millennium my name was at that time of both books Betty Brown Oct 30, 1999 VIP P1780254 237 ) 
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • AmberS
    I'm looking for a poem that I posted and was eventually published in an Edition Book sometime between 2000 and 2004. Does anyone on here know how or where I can possibly find it? The poem is called "Someday" by Amber Swenson

    Thanks for any help!
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Tonyacarlisle63
    I've added my poem twice.
    Both times it deleted more than half of my poem why?
    LikeReply 12 years ago
  • delphia_g
    I wrote a poem for one of your contest and won, was offer a chance for me to read my poems at a forum in Texas and have it published in one of your books. i lost my poem book and lost the poem after allowing it to be published. It is called My Hair, under Delphia Green. Later that year a singer was singing the verses in my poem. I would love to find this poem. i wrote in the late 90's early 2000's. 
    LikeReply 12 years ago
  • Odinn1975
    I had some poems on here around 2005/2006 and I can't find them. They were under James/Jamie Maldonado or James/Jamie Douglas. How can I find them?
    LikeReply 12 years ago
  • thec.11942
    I submitted a poem on poetry.com November 6 2007 entitled Mom.
    I won the editors choice award. Where can I find that poem again?
    I tried typing it in but it says no results
    LikeReply 32 years ago
  • Yelw1
    I want to use my poem in my the dedication in my upcoming book. My poem was published in Spoken Word 2008
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Betzer
    I’m looking for my poem under Historical ID:2356933
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Angelfly63
    Hello, I am looking for a poem I wrote that was published in "Touch of Tomorrow" 2004. Winds of Change by Angelia Lloyd. I cannot find it on your site. Is there an archive for older books that I can scroll through? 
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • AlyssaFox
    Hello. I know I was published in the 2007 edition of A Celebration of Young Poets, but I know there are several versions of that book and I was hoping to find out which one. Thanks
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • oldoccpu
    I am curious. Why are the posted poems not parsed correctly? I've had to proofread and correct lines and verses always. Is there a way to select font and font size?
    LikeReply2 years ago
    • acronimous
      Currently we don't support selecting a particular font type or size... but we'll certainly consider adding such feature in the future.
      LikeReply2 years ago
  • lovina_m
    I am looking for some poetry i published back in the late 1990's early 2000's several different ones. How would i access them if they are in archive?
    LikeReply 22 years ago
  • johny_k
    I'm look for lost poems I published over 80 plus over the years and got a couple of editor awards. for I Pray.
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Meredith-g
    My name is Meredith Goolsby. I put a lot of poems on here a few years ago. And I can't find any of them. Please help me find them.
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • msellars
    I'm looking for a few poems I had written then published & copyrighted on poetry.com waay back in the 1900's (1994-1996 maybe). Would these be archived somewhere or searchable somewhere else? They don't show up in the search & I don't remember creating an account. It's driving me insane so any help would be appreciated greatly!! 
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Azzy_Hang
    How do i edit my published poems?
    There seems to be no options or am I just blind?
    LikeReply2 years ago
    • acronimous
      There’s an EDIT button at the bottom of your poem’s text….
      LikeReply2 years ago
  • Drinkbleach
    Hi there on August 31 2004 i had a poem publish i was very young and have the award for it i was just wondering if u can tell me where i can find or is it just gone? Please let me know i have been fighting cancer for years i just wanted it for my daughters.... 
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • JhainDoh
    Without the email link I can't seem to find any of the Contest Entry Forms. Neither can anyone else I know
    LikeReply2 years ago
    • rinat
      The contest entries will be revealed after the contest ends -- currently they are only accessible by the submitter and the nominees on the voting page.
      LikeReply2 years ago
  • ludy_b
    Where do we find the poems to be voted for in the contest for January 2022?
    LikeReply2 years ago
    • rinat
      Every contest participant should have already received an email with details on the voting stage and directions on how to access the voting page -- please let me know if you didn't receive it...
      LikeReply2 years ago
    • ludy_b
      It's ok now!
      LikeReply 12 years ago
  • VelvetWelds
    My fiancé had received an Editor's Choice Award in February of 2004. He passed away in June 2021. I found the award while going through his things. Unfortunately, I cannot find the poem on this site. Could someone PLEASE reach out to me and assist me in finding this? I'd love to ensure his kids see his work & how beautiful his words were. Many thanks! 
    LikeReply 12 years ago
  • michaelc.15980
    I had many poems written back in the day on poetry.com and can't find them now. It was probably during 2003 and 2008
    LikeReply 12 years ago
  • yucar
    I'm looking for a old poem call A Peaceful Life
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • melissad.37249
    I’m looking for a poem I submitted many years ago 96-97- before online was even really a thing. I might’ve even mailed it in. I won editors choice for it. It made it to the website -as I have seen it on there years ago, however I cannot find it now.
    M.Donia I believe is how I signed it and the title was “Alone”. If anyone can help me locate it. I would appreciate it. Ty 
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Poetofheart2022
    How do I save a poem so I can work on it?
    LikeReply2 years ago
    • acronimous
      There's currently no way to save a draft copy of your poem, but we'll certainly consider adding such a feature in the near future -- for the meantime you may submit your unfinished poem, and edit it later...
      LikeReply2 years ago
  • rzwilling
    How do I find the stats for my published poems
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Mugsy
    I had a poem published in 2000 in the America at the Millennium Book and I can't find my poem. My name is Rose McIntyre.
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • PrincesaMystic
    The contest going on now. To enter is$25 dollars is that per month until contest is over
    LikeReply2 years ago
    • Soulwriter
      It is a one-time fee per contest entry
      LikeReply 12 years ago
  • MDriver
    I'm looking for my poems written somewhere around 1997. They were saved on a laptop but that computer was stolen. I'm particularly interested in my poem called "The Moth" by Michelle Driver. Any assistance is appreciated. 
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • RickthePoetWarrior
    When I add a poem the picture and part of information that is auto-filled by the system is not the same as display on author profile. How do I correct
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • APoet&Didn'tKnowIt
    I became a member of 'poets.com' 11/9/2004, Under the pen; poetrynmotion60. The site rated me a National Poet Laureate (5664 Poet stars) and a National Judge Advocate (4015 Reviewer Gavels), writing 58 poems, and giving 1057 reviews. It seems nothing exists of the site any longer, and wondered if this site was in any way connected to it? 
    LikeReply 12 years ago
    • Soulwriter
      Love your username :)
      Amazing to read your commitment and success with the old site. Unfortunately not, this site has no affiliation with the former.
      LikeReply 12 years ago
  • ALMa
    Do you assist with the publication of poems?
    LikeReply 12 years ago
    • Soulwriter
      Hi Alma! We are brand new at hosting this site and have lots of exciting dreams and plans for our users and poets! Although we're not publishing yet, do keep posted as we're releasing new features all the time! 
      LikeReply2 years ago
  • brijmohanp.51277
    Respected Sir, Atleast now I could submit my newly written poems but the two poems that were submitted on 31-10-2021 are not shown in my list. The poems are;
    1. Fun only fun. 2. Forms of Eyes. You are requested to please look into this matter. Thanks. 
    LikeReply 12 years ago
  • dannyc.32185
    Im looking for a poem i submitted back in 2003 or 2004 called Kid sister her funeral is Friday and id like them to read it at her funeral
    LikeReply 22 years ago
    • Soulwriter
      Hi Danny, I'm so sorry for your loss :( Take a look at the faq section for ideas on how to locate poetry that was posted on old versions of the site. I pray you find it.
      LikeReply2 years ago
  • Soulwriter
    Heads-up friends - checkout our new FAQ page right here for answers to many commonly-asked questions: https://www.poetry.com/faq.php
    LikeReply 12 years ago
  • smidland
    How do I make a collection and add my poems to it? I want to use some that I already have on the site.
    LikeReply 22 years ago
    • Soulwriter
      Hi! Have you claimed the ones you already have on the site as your own? Collections are created by poet name so if you attribute your new poems to the same poet name, they will be grouped together. Hope this helps! 
      LikeReply2 years ago
  • Pkaldone
    Looking for my old poems my name is Patrick Joseph I’m a professional writer now and would like to have the poems that I published on the site.
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • equaljustice187aolcom
    My name is Linda Rhinehardt. I have an account with Poetry.com however, it has been years since I posted another poem and I can't find my way back to my poetry site. I posted under the name Linda Rhinehardt and I have received a couple of your Editor's Choice Award in the past signed by Howard Ely. I would like to find my site and post new poems again. Please help. Thank you. 
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Humblebillbeucher
    I submitted a poem and then saw the last line of it was not printed, can this be corrected?
    LikeReply 22 years ago
  • Adam2adam1984
    How do I make money for my 250 short poems
    LikeReply 22 years ago
  • Tmo58
    Looking for a poem I wrote 20 years ago entitled A better place inspired by the 9/11 attacks and I can’t seem to find it. It was published and/ or posted on your website. Can you help me please? I’m Timothy Moser. Thank you. 
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • monalisa251daring
    I want to change my email id
    LikeReply 22 years ago
  • rocky42970
    I had a few poems here, the name was Rosanne Byers, I hope you can find them and restore them so I can find them.
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • Cluscier
    I'm looking for my old poems black rose and as long as your near and Papa like gram Eunice and much more by corine Rose Luscier
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • ladycakes37
    my name is crystal Huber and about 20 years ago i wrote a poem and had it put on here, however i can now no longer find it. please help me
    LikeReply 42 years ago
  • Roxie8907
    I'm having the same issue as a lot of other people on here I cannot find my phone from a few years ago it's called "Time" and my name is Randi Grainger
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • CaptWood
    I published several poems on Poetry.com from 1996-2010. I have not been able to retrieve them.. please help..
    My name Is
    Ronald Woods
    My email is woodmanronou81200@gmail.com
    The email I used then was ronald.woods86@yahoo.com.
    Unfortunately am having trouble accessing that email. Can't remember the password and yahoo is no help.. please 
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • CTripp
    I had 2 poems published around 2000. I would really like to buy the books they were published in. I did a search for my name AND by the poem names and they aren't showing. Is there any way to get them?
    LikeReply 52 years ago
  • micheler.18313
    I cannot log in. I do not have the old email address that was linked to the account. How do I go about recovering the poems that I did write and publish on here?
    LikeReply 32 years ago
  • Tdiacon9
    I'm looking for some poems I wrote in 04 or 05 but I don't remember the names I gave them and can't figure out how to search by author I would really like to have them if anyone can help me I want them my name is Terry E Diacon 
    LikeReply 62 years ago
  • jade_d
    @soulwriter can you help me find my poem. I wrote it. I don't remember the year but I think it was called fantasy dream and my name is Joshua mootry. There maybe some misspelling. It's been years like early 2000 or before. I recently looked it up. Like 7 yrs or so ago but recently it's not anywhere 
    LikeReply 22 years ago
    • Soulwriter
      Hi jade, I apologise - material seems to have vanished before we came onto the scene as the new owners of the site. Unfortunately we don't have access apart from through public internet records which only go back so far... 
      LikeReply 12 years ago
  • Tigresss
    Can't find any of my older poems (Admiration and Universal Power) here. Very frustrating!
    LikeReply 12 years ago
  • mariand.44879
    I am looking for the poet Rach Dcruz
    LikeReply 12 years ago
  • rodger_b
    I'm having the same problem as many others on here. I can't find my poem on here from several years ago. It's called "Just me".
    LikeReply 12 years ago
  • BobHuang
    I wish to find my poem published in 2004, at page 1 "Never Old to Me". Thanks.
    LikeReply 12 years ago
  • anjana_d
    Yes, I cannot find my old poem "Smiles Benighted" . Please retrieve it for me, I need it urgently. If O find this poem I'll start writing/posting my poems again.
    LikeReply 12 years ago
  • avid_m
    Btw my name is Andrew Brough my poem was called The One I can’t find it on the site anymore
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • Jwballthat06
    I made a huge mistake and need to edit / fix it and can't seem to figure out how to edit my poem .. Can someone help me please!
    LikeReply 13 years ago
    • Soulwriter
      Hi! Don't worry; make sure you're logged into your account, then look at your submitted poems. At the end of each poem there is an edit button. Hope this helps!
      LikeReply 13 years ago
    • Jwballthat06
      Thank you very much!
      LikeReply 13 years ago
  • Bridget89
    Hi my full name is Bridget Marie Tyler and I had many poems from your original site If I could get those that would be great
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • BlueFunDude
    Sure was disappointed when they shut down with no warning.

    Can't remember my username from 2007. Much less the poem titles.
    Only had about a dozen, more or less.

    How can I find my lost poems?

    Are they cataloged by email, username?
    Only way to find them for sure if associated w/ email.
    LikeReply 33 years ago
  • Sherielaine
    I have been putting my poetry out here on poetry.com since the early 2000's. I cannot locate anything. Where did they go? I've written under Sheri Elaine, Sheri Jensen, Sheri E. Hanson. I know they have to be here somewhere. I have 5 published books of poetry in my living room. I am wanting to find my poems as my summer students are now interested in poetry. I'm needing more than just a little help. 
    LikeReply 43 years ago
  • Renzo96
    I had poems on here some time back. Are they lost forever or am I able to retrieve them
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • Dreamer81
    I've been putting my poetry on poetry.com since before and after 2001. Now, I can't find any of them. Assuming this is the same sight is there an archive?
    LikeReply 43 years ago
  • reference_d
    I wrote poems on this site in 2010; I came back to view to find no record of it. Are my poems archived? Marquette Charles Costen
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • What_Ed_Said
    My new profile picture is not showing up. The one I have is sideways. Is the file maybe too large? This has been incredibly frustrating, so any help would be much appreciated.
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • acshultz
    I am trying to locate my poems written by Adam Shultz, Adam C Shultz, A C Shultz. I used to have an account linked to my facebook account.
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • DeeLiteFull
    I'm trying to locate a poem from a book Poetry.com published in 2002. Apparently, the book was called Letters from the Soul. My poem was titled "Still". I can not seem to locate the book. Are you able to assist? 
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • MoldyTundra
    I wrote some poems back in early 2000 and I can't find them. How do I go about finding them?
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • johnsonape
    I wrote a few poems some years back and I think under a different e-mail address. I sure would like to find my poem My Dad by Lawrence Gilbert Williams or Gil Williams. Not sure where to look on this site now. 
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • patrica_w
    I'm looking for a poem that was to be published in national library of poetry contest by watermark publishers Owings Mills Maryland around1970-1980amaturepoet Pat Keller that is all I can remember
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • MarthaK
    My complete poem didn't upload! How can I edit it? The poem is called Morning Glory!
    LikeReply 23 years ago
    • Soulwriter
      Glad it's sorted now Martha :)
      LikeReply 13 years ago
  • edwardc.85723
    I was an old poet lost 75% of my work. Would love if some of mine could be found. Like.. the rose. Double meaning. love sick or the mighty pen
    LikeReply 23 years ago
  • kyra_n
    I can’t find any of my poems. They were published under Kyra lynn fehr. I was published in a few books as well I have been submitting my poems since 2001. Why can’t I find them. I updated them not even 3 yes ago. Why can I not be found now. 
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • Pam37841
    I found some pages of the old site using this webpage. It didn't help me but maybe someone else will get lucky. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wayback_Machine
    LikeReply 33 years ago
    • Soulwriter
      Thanks for sharing
      LikeReply 13 years ago
    • Pam37841
      No problem.
      LikeReply3 years ago
    • BlueFunDude
      Just tried wayback. Nothing left of my contributions from 2005-2014.
      LikeReply3 years ago
  • kristie_m
    How do I find my poem from 2006 "True Love Will Never Die"! By Kristie McDonald. It was Editor Choice Award. Thank you and I believe it was put in a book Sound of Poetry but I can't find it.
    LikeReply 13 years ago
    • Soulwriter
      I hope you submit it here for us all to appreciate. I wonder if someone has the book and can photograph your poem for you...
      LikeReply3 years ago
  • Brokenhearted333
    I was published in some of the old poetry.com books- are those still available to purchase anywhere?
    LikeReply 23 years ago
    • Soulwriter
      Hi there! It might be worth checking out eBay or Amazon marketplace for used copies...
      LikeReply3 years ago
    • Brokenhearted333
      i suppose its worth a shot. Ty!
      LikeReply 13 years ago
    • Soulwriter
      Best of luck!
      LikeReply3 years ago
    • Pam37841
      You are welcome
      LikeReply3 years ago
  • roberte.20810
    My stuff was copywritten under “Robert Edward Koffman” and I’ve signed every poem with my poet name, Black Knight.
    One entry was “The man” a few were untitled.
    Please help me find my poetry.
    I search my name, and poem name, and poet name.
    Nothing was found.

    It’s as if I, nor my work has existed.
    I used to tell ppl to search my works here on poetry.com.
    Now, if anyone goes to look for me, they will never find me.

    These works are at least 2 or 3 decades old.
    I’ve written stuff after that too.

    Please help.
    LikeReply3 years ago
    • Soulwriter
      HI Robert, internet archive records don't go back that far to the best of my knowledge, at least for us as the general public - it might be best to consider them lost (sadly.) Do consider building up your collection here - I'd love to read your work. 
      LikeReply 23 years ago
    • roberte.20810
      hello, thank you for responding to my comment. Though I know my works have been published, copyrighted, and scattered in books over the past 30 years, I am just wondering if they are still safe.

      I do have my original works, I’m wondering since they already have status, if I should not re enter them. 
      LikeReply3 years ago
    • Soulwriter
      I hear you...I suppose it's up to your discretion - although now I'm intrigued so I hope you decide to go ahead :)
      LikeReply3 years ago
  • Pam37841
    I was on the old website under a different accout. How do I find my poems?
    LikeReply 13 years ago
    • Teela.rinehart
      you and many others. Myself included, are wondering the same. I have not received any information about my inquiry and I'd really like to know where my poetry went.
      LikeReply 23 years ago
    • Soulwriter
      Hi Teela and Pam - such a shame about the poems from the previous site :( some content was available from internet archives, and some not. I hope you consider posting your work here on the new site for poetry lovers like me to appreciate. 
      LikeReply3 years ago
  • TwoMeterTroll
    can this be searched by authors name? i was a few thousand miles off shore when this site closed down.
    LikeReply 13 years ago
    • Soulwriter
      yes, poems can be searched by title, author name, or even words that appear within the poem
      LikeReply3 years ago
  • randyl.78662
    Y'all remember Allan guppyman? He was always in the top 15 he was a poem machine
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • Nokutenda
    What happens when I upload my poems
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • roberte.20810
    Hello, I have written into and submitted poetry to the old site. Some were selected for contest entries. I was wondering if I could get my list archived poetry back.
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • dawne.18109
    Hi glad to be back. One question ? Can we submit french poem ?
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • msb.58813
    I was a member of the old poetry.com and submitted several poems. None which I have found by searching my last name Brasley. Please help in trying to locate these for me. A lot of my original work on paper was lost in Katrina and I started writing them on here never thinking that they may ever disappear. Please help! 
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • 33klassik
    Hey now, please help, years ago I wrote and submitted to the original poetry.com Web site titled "A Mother's Love" and a rough draft titled "Mother's Love" please help me find them again. I wrote them the night my mother passed away on Mother's day, thank you Michael Kinnamon 
    LikeReply 23 years ago
  • Coleru.10
    Hi will you guys please help me I'm looking for a poem my uncle wrote called my best friend his name is mark fries and it was in 2004 thank you
    LikeReply 23 years ago
  • daphnesiocheng
    I am looking for PATTERNS OF LIFE (2003), a poem titled 'A black past with a whiter future'
    LikeReply 23 years ago
  • Humpty1
    I was a former poetry.com poet, how do I get my old poems back?
    LikeReply 103 years ago
  • M.Useless
    Where do I go to edit my poems? Thanks in advance, Museless.
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • Litheri
    So I wrote a poem and I want to add it to the account I made. However, I submitted the poem before making the account. Can I move it onto my account somehow?
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • stevew.27283
    i also have 2 poems that i submitted back around 1994 - 1996 and i can't find them
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • Thesongbird1954
    Thank you for letting me register with you. But I was a poet under the old poetry.com under the name of Roxanne Lea Dubarry.
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • Elbowmac11
    Trying to access my poem, that I won the editor's choice award for, in 2005. There used to be a way to access archives on here but, I'm not seeing it anymore.
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • panama_h
    Trying to find my poem I wrote
    Death written by panama debeaulieau
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • Counterpoint
    I Would like to get my older poetry how can I go back that far started From 2005 and 2017? My Name is Lisa M. Thomas and I would like to put it in my collection again how do I go about this? Does The old archive still exist from the old poetry.com Last Question Do you still have the poetry contests Like you used to? 
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • DORLENE0001
    My name is Dorlene Bloom .I wrote a poem back in the 90;s It is called The Tree . It's about a child who imagines all kinds of adventures in the tree .
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • NancySBaker
    I’ve lost how to get to my poems. I’ve changed my username and password...my name is Nancy S Baker or Nancy Baker...plz help me find them. It’s been several years since I’ve posted them.
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • guin_m
    As far back as 1998 I submitted some poems on the old Poetry.com site. One of the titles was Lotto Fever. Please help me to retrieve all of the poems. Thank you.
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • conversion_s
    Like many of the people here I too am in search of lost poems from when I was younger, may have posted them under Maria Gomez or Mafi Gomez . Or simply Mafi, it would be great if poetry.com would allow us to search by name of author and not just by poem name! Thank you so much in advance ! 
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • conversion_s
    Is it possible you guys can alphabetize the authors ? Not the poems
    LikeReply 13 years ago
    • rinat
      LikeReply3 years ago
    • conversion_s
      thanks so much !!! I’m going crazy searching but still can’t find them ! I will Cashapp whoever finds my poem !
      May be under Mafi, Maria Gomez, Maria de Fatima, or an old email ludaishot@hotmail.com embarrassingly enough 
      LikeReply3 years ago
  • sadeeem
    Hello. I submitted around 7-8 poems back in the early 2010s and was really hoping I could get access to them. I still have the notification emails and tried to follow the links to find the poems, however, it didn't work. Is there a way I could find copies of them? I used the same email back then as I've used to make this current account which leads me to believe that my entire account was deleted. I hope this is not the case and that there is some archive of sort that I may access to find my work. Looking forward to a response. Thank you in advance! 
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • longlostpoetspoems
    i submitted a couple poems back in the late 1990's and cannot remember the titles. one had EYES in the title. how can i find them? they would be under Alexis Chirila. thank you
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • Eramsey1957
    My name is Edward A. Ramsey I use to submit poems in the old Poetry.com they had a archive of past poems. I would like to know if they still exist.
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • MarsCosmos
    Hello My name is Martin Zuniga or Martin Zuniga II I have some old poetry on here and idk how to retrieve it one of my titles was Love is in my Blood the old email used was ariesmage17@yahoo.com it’s been 13 or so years since I’ve used your website 
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • tuesdae_l
    Hello! I posted my daughter’s poem on her in 1992 to be published. I tried to find the poem, because I wanted to add it in her obituary. Please help!
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • Teela.rinehart
    My name was Teela Stepniak. I posted several poems on here: Battle Moment, Drips in a Glass, Empty Shell, etc. Been over a decade since I've seen them, I would really like them back.
    LikeReply 23 years ago
  • skeet
    one of my poems was called God help the child. Looking for all of my poems though. Name again is Dereck Stone another one was called love is
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • brandonb.76565
    I'm searching for my poetry that I put on this website years ago my name is Brandon Boykin and I believe I have like 5 or 6 poems I put up here 1 of the poems is called safe place
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • joeben099
    Looking for 20-30 poems I posted around 1998-2002. Back when Carol Brady and Merlin Olson were supporters of your site. My name is Joseph Benshetler Thank you.
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • nicoleb.88725
    I posted 2-3 poems near 2008-2010 time under the name Nicole Rehberg. I am specifically interested in the one I wrote about my mothers death. Unfortunately, I cannot recall the title, but I’m hoping my last name will help with your search. I have been trying to find it for years and am so glad you guys offer access to the old poetry.con archives.

    Thank you,

    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • Famiglia
    How long do you keep poetry on site? I joined years ago and wondered if my work was still here.
    LikeReply 13 years ago
  • star1959
    I posted several poems on a website called poetry.com. Can not find them on your site. beginning to believe the site no longer exists.
    LikeReply 43 years ago
  • joselin_d
    My name is Joselin Diaz-Abreu and I wrote a poem by the title:
    This desert that belongs to God and nobody else.
    I can not find it. I really need to retrieve it since it represents a period of time while I was serving in the US ARMY in Kuwait.
    I will appreciate very much for your time and your help!
    Have a wonderfully blessed day!
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • Mysticshadowman
    How do I change my password?
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • denisem.80920
    Looking for my poem I Gave by Denise Monroe
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • Humbird
    I submitted a poem as a non-member yesterday. I joined poetry.com today and want to add that poem to my collection. Is there a way I can claim the poem as mine, or delete it and add it anew?
    LikeReply3 years ago
    • Counterpoint
      all I know there's a way but doesn't mean you are there try
      poet finder.com or if you are published try finding the book you were In. Yes I do miss the old schematics of poetry. com
      LikeReply3 years ago
  • AQueen2215
    Lost poem by Amanda Little titled bottle of lies written for an alcoholic father
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • Taodoug65
    Looking for poems written by Douglas Hansen. I have links to here. But they are broken.
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • jamison_m
    I want to purchase the poem called Valerie by Scott Missler 2007 you published it.
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • jerome_t
    Looking for a poem title time after time written by Jerome Todd
    LikeReply3 years ago
  • michele_t
    lost poem Called Passion By M.Tanner
    LikeReply3 years ago

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