Contest » Contest Summary & Results

Congratulations to the winners of the June 2023 monthly contest. There were 150 poems submitted to the contest — thank you to everyone who entered and participated!

Winners By popular vote


Nominees By random order


Share your thoughts about the June 2023 Contest with the community:

  • parrysteven35
    How do you check on how many votes we received for our entry??
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • FLi
      Hi, Good Day! You'll be notified through email for every vote your poem receives.
      LikeReply 21 year ago
    • parrysteven35
      so my poem did not receive any votes whatsoever I find this hard to believe..
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • FLi
      Sorry to hear that but I do hope you won't feel discouraged. Trust me when I say, it's just a matter of preference. :)
      LikeReply 21 year ago
    • lovingempath
      Hi Steven...One suggestion I have might be to try doing an AIDA review. You'll find that link under your submitted poem. It can give you insights, that might be helpful in the future; as well as telling you what is admirable about your poem. Best of luck with your future submissions. 
      LikeReply 31 year ago
    • parrysteven35
      Thankyou really grateful for your help and advice ..
      LikeReply 41 year ago
  • FLi
    A blastful congratulations to all the winners and a job well done to all of us here! :)
    LikeReply 21 year ago
  • Jewoo525
    Hey there everyone, congratulations to the winners this month! As promised here are my favorite 10 from this contest Due to my comment being way too long last time, I will be putting my thoughts for each poem on their respective individual pages instead of cramming them all here. I will be excluding the one I voted for on the list, I like to keep some mystique and I'm sure if one is inquisitive enough they can find the poem I voted for. Cheers!

    (In no particular order):
    1. Leaves 2. One More Time 3. Tequila Or Chasing The Worm 4. New Land 5. Oldest Profession 6. The Bowl of Ice Cream 7. My Unfinished Song 8. Hunger 9. Double Whopper 10. Youthful Regret

    I hope to see you all competing again next month. Keep Writing.
    LikeReply 31 year ago
    • lovingempath
      You are a multi-dimensional Gem Jewoo. Thank you for taking the time to give insight into some of the poetry each month! Cheers! :)
      LikeReply 21 year ago
    • jeremyt.40101
      Indeed, Thank you. Feedback is a poet's best friend.
      LikeReply 41 year ago
    • parrysteven35
      Thankyou so much for taking the time to read and review my poem...
      Your feedback is greatly appreciated..
      It wasn't about the winning as we are all winners...
      It was purely to see the reviews/ feedback from people like yourself who took the time to read my poem ... 
      LikeReply 21 year ago
  • jeremyt.40101
    How long does tallying take?
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • Timrek00
    Hadn’t received any votes could someone read I hear the words you cry
    LikeReply1 year ago
  • FLi
    Had a great time reading all the entries. Don't forget to cast your votes. Wishing all of us the best of luck! :)
    LikeReply 21 year ago
  • graham_nikole
    First timer here, when do we get to vote? I can't seem to be able to open the poems to read them.
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • parrysteven35
      it should come up
      Go to vote? If not..not sure
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • lovingempath
      Hi Jessica! Welcome! :). Unless you've entered a poem in the contest, you're not able to vote. Next month; if you submit a poem (this month actually, July) you'll be able to read and vote on your favorite. If you have a poem ready to can submit it now. Entries are viewed for approval up until the end of the month; or until 150 poems have already been approved, and then there are 7-days at the beginning of the next month to read and vote for your favorite (that would be August 1st-7th). I hope I didn't confuse you. You'll be able to view the poems that were submitted for this contest after the voting process is finished (8th of July). Maybe someone else can jump in here with a clearer vision for our new friend:)? We're glad you're here! 
      LikeReply 11 year ago
    • FLi
      Hi, Good Day! If you entered a poem, paid the $25 entry fee, and received an email confirmation that your poem had been approved, it means you're in for this competition.

      Just refresh the page and click the "GO TO VOTING PAGE" button. You'll be able to read all the poems there. You can pin a poem you want to read again and once you are ready to cast your vote, just simply click the trophy button on the right side of the poem of your choice. Hope this comment of mine would help. :) 
      LikeReply 11 year ago
    • lovingempath
      YAY! Francelle to the rescue! :)
      LikeReply 11 year ago
    • FLi
      Hi there Robin, one of your poems made me changed my mind to take a break from writing. :) So to be honest, my entry for this competition was inspired by one of your works. Cheers to that!
      LikeReply 11 year ago
    • lovingempath
      Wow Francelle! If I was able to inspire someone; then my work here is done! :)
      LikeReply 11 year ago
    • meheditosher
      "Tosher." STANDS4 LLC, 2023. Web. 6 Jul 2023. . This is my poem. And participated june contest for a free submission, that I beg of. But it isn't nominated i think because it is not in the list above. What should I do? 
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • meheditosher
      FLi"Tosher." STANDS4 LLC, 2023. Web. 6 Jul 2023. . This is my poem. And participated june contest for a free submission, that I beg of. But it isn't nominated i think because it is not in the list above. What should I do? 
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • lovingempath
      Hi Tosher...There are many people who apply for a free entry into the contest, and they only select 5 of those poems each month. If you didn't receive a confirmation email; saying that your entry was one of the five that had been approved; then chances are that is the reason your poem doesn't appear above. If you DID receive a confirmation email for the June contest, then I don't have an answer for that. Try again for the July contest; if that's the case. Good luck! 
      LikeReply 21 year ago
    • FLi
      Hi Tosher, they only approve 5 poems for free on a monthly basis. Given there are countless of people trying to avail that free submission, there is indeed a slim chance of getting your poem approved that way. But you can always try again. 
      LikeReply 21 year ago
    • CBeatty660
      i have found it difficult to navigate this site as well. You are not alone. Keep your head up and keep trying. I don't have a common sense answer because I honestly still find it difficult and unfriendly. I found my way eventually by just being repetitive and tenacious. If you find the secret or some wisdom key that I am missing please be sure and share with me? Good Luck..
      Chandler Beatty 
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • lovingempath
    I am totally blown away by the talent on display this month. I had 50 'pinned' poems, but finally narrowed it down to 2. Both were perfect examples of excellence; IMO. And yes came down to a 'coin-toss' :). I was very much moved by the deep emotional impact many of these poems had on me: Thank you for sharing a part of yourselves. And the only thing(s) I hope to take away from this contest are...humility and lessons on how to improve myself. 
    LikeReply 31 year ago
    • FLi
      Hi Robin, I share the exact sentiment. As of now, I haven't voted yet. Still contemplating which of the poems I pinned will I vote for.

      I initially plan to take a break from writing but I ended up joining. Good luck to all of us! :) 
      LikeReply 11 year ago
    • Jewoo525
      I voted already and am waiting for voting to finish so I can post my favorites. It was hard to choose between my top 10 this month as well… but I had to rip the bandaid off and get back to writing!
      LikeReply 21 year ago
    • FLi
      Hopefully my poem made it to your top 10 so I can read some good insights about my work from you.

      Makes me wonder who'll be the winners this month. Good luck to all of us! :)
      LikeReply 21 year ago
  • dougb.19255
    I am really looking forward to a modicum of attention and support in this Competition from the voters and writers. Does a democratic process mean that I am to be ignored each time by people in a rush, making knee jerk decisions? Or flipping coins. My Gold standing amounts to little in this process, Acronimous. 
    LikeReply 11 year ago
    • Jewoo525
      Hey Doug, I’m really excited to read your entry this contest. I feel very blessed knowing that every month we get so many entries from both fresh newcomers, and veteran writers like you. It makes it all the more fulfilling to participate in.

      To respond to your concern. You are unfortunately correct, the Gold status means nothing during the contest. Considering the anonymous format of the contest where all entries are to be judged by their subjective merits alone, I think it may disrupt the process if distinctions like your Gold level membership status are displayed or taken into account when people are voting.

      The best we can do is have faith in the democratic process and hope that everyone at least gives every entry a shot. The anonymity protects newcomers and veterans alike in somewhat ensuring that their work may be read without prior bias. If people are rushing through and “flipping coins,” they very much run the risk of the same thing done to their entry right? A prisoners (poets) dilemma perhaps. So I think the best we can do is have faith that everyone competes in good spirit.

      Do I think there needs to be better ways to enforce, or at least encourage, people to read all the entries? Yes, absolutely. I think I’ve been advocating for this for a while now, seeing how consistently not even the winning poems have everyone reading them.

      Reading through some of your prior work, if there truly are people making those “knee-jerk” decisions or skipping your entry, I believe they would be losing out on reading some fantastic poetry. Truly their loss.

      I think the real ones will read your entry and recognize your talent, but for them to do so, you must first trust and respect the community. I know the process may feel frustrating, but I hope this helps. Keep writing!
      LikeReply 31 year ago
    • dougb.19255
      thank you for all of this. In latter years numbers and readership have become less and less an issue for me. I love writing . The subject. The form. The irony. The succinctness of verse. The surprising choice of words. What excites me is an aspect of worship and inspiration…Doug. Getting wakened in the night with the first two or three lines by the impetus from On High. I do not boast. Self assurance will pull the rug out rom the Limner. It will feel like disappointing tin, and not silver. 
      LikeReply1 year ago
  • parrysteven35
    Good luck everyone we are all winners ...
    LikeReply 41 year ago
  • IndigoHeart
    Wow so many entries but looking forward to enjoying all the creative voices. Good luck all!
    LikeReply 61 year ago
  • parrysteven35
    I really hope I have enough time to read all the entries?
    Would be better if all entries where available to read now ..
    LikeReply 11 year ago
  • lovingempath
    I'm looking at these titles and wondering to myself: Why didn't 'I' think of that"?. And where at one time in my life I didn't really have a lot of patience or desire to read other people's poetry...I think this site has helped me look beyond myself and realize I can actually grow spiritually as a person AND as a poet, if I take the time to do that. Good luck friends! :) 
    LikeReply 21 year ago
  • Jewoo525
    Hey hey hey everyone happy June! Another month, another exciting round of poetry. Looking forward to reading plenty of Pride and Juneteenth inspired poems this month. As always I’ll be reading every single entry and posting a list of some of my favorites after voting has elapsed, but this time I’ll post my comments on the poem’s themselves and just have the titles here- it got too long last time haha. Good luck everyone, keep writing! 
    LikeReply 21 year ago
    • lovingempath
      You and your insights are a treasured part of this site! Thanks for being here! :)
      LikeReply 21 year ago
    • Jewoo525
      You too!
      LikeReply 11 year ago
  • Laurelmlee
    It Would be nice to have the ability to start reading the June entries before they’re all submitted because there are so many to read. We also have a limited time to read the 150 entries in order to get our votes in. Thanks in advance for considering. :) 
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • lovingempath
      Hi Laurel...A lot of people have brought this up in the past; but I'll give just one scenario of why this wouldn't be such a great idea: Suppose you wrote a poem that inspired another poet and they 'spring-boarded' from your idea and made 'YOUR' poem better, and submitted it the same month? And one week might not seem like a very long time for people who are busy; but if you allow yourself a small amount of time each day and save the final 2-days to re-evaluate your top should be OK. I know it's rough, but 'such is life' :) Good luck! 
      LikeReply 21 year ago
    • acronimous
      Good point, Robin -- I'd like to add that our aim is to ensure a fair and equitable experience for all participants. Allowing voters to read some of the poems before the others could potentially create an unfair advantage for those who submit their work first... 
      LikeReply 21 year ago
  • jeremyt.40101
    Why is my submission not included above. I submitted the poem and paid the fee. My account tells me that my poem is entered into the competition, but it does not show up with other 82 nominees? I don't understand. 
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • rinat
      Hi there, your poem is now approved and listed -- our apologies for the delay in getting it in...
      LikeReply 11 year ago
  • CBeatty660
    Does anyone else find that this site is difficult to navigate or is it just me? Am I missing something?
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      Sorry to hear that you're having trouble navigating the website. Your feedback is valuable to us, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused. We constantly strive to improve user experience, so we appreciate your input. If you have any specific suggestions or areas where you're facing difficulty, please let us know, and we'll do our best to address them. We want to ensure that everyone’s experience on is smooth and enjoyable. Thank you for your patience and feedback! 
      LikeReply 11 year ago
    • Godtcis
      So, I guess I did not get any votes for my Poem Concert Pianist???
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • lovingempath
      I'll jump in here...I looked for your poem, and didn't find it anywhere. I was going to read it and try to give you a little feedback.Have you removed it?
      LikeReply1 year ago
    • lovingempath
      I actually found your poem in the July contest, which is still being judged until the 7th of August. Hang may still get a vote! :)
      LikeReply 11 year ago

Enter the competition

Submit your best poem to the contest for an opportunity to win cash prizes and gain worldwide recognition for your talent!

Our monthly contest

In a nutshell…

Opens: 1st of every calendar month.
Closes: End of every calendar month.
Results: Within 7 days of closing.
Entry fee: 25 USD.
Max. participants: 150 entries.
First Place Badge + 500
Second Place Badge + 300
Third Place Badge + 200
5 Runners-up Personalized Mug
POTY Badge + 1,000

September 2024

Poetry Contest

Join our monthly contest for an opportunity to win cash prizes and attain global acclaim for your talent.


Previous Contests

Here are direct links to our previous contests' summary pages.

 What people are saying

“Thank you for the wonderful gift that I received as a runner up for the January contest. The competition has inspired me to go and get my collection of poetry that I have written for my family — you are an amazing group!”

Janette Marais, South Africa

 Worldwide Recognition

We’re delighted to announce that we've been named one of best writing contests for 2022 and 2023 by Reedsy!

Reedsy Best Writing Contests 2022 Reedsy Best Writing Contests 2023