Contest » Contest Summary & Results

Congratulations to the winners of the April 2024 monthly contest. There were 150 poems submitted to the contest — thank you to everyone who entered and participated!

Winners By popular vote


Nominees By random order

Share your thoughts about the April 2024 Contest with the community:

  • blake.edward.mccool
    hi so I received a few votes for my piece, but only one showed up when the results of the competition were posted. I received more votes than the winner of the competition did, and id like to know what happened? was i supposed to approve the votes or something? i noticed that 1st and 2nd place each got 2 votes, while 3rd place got 4?? how does this competitions voting system work? 
    LikeReply2 months ago
    • acronimous
      Hi Blake!

      The stars scorings on your poem page represent votes made by members after the contest concluded, they are not the official contest votes. Contest votes are those received during the contest voting period, and winners are notified via email for every contest vote received.
      Your poem received two contest votes, unfortunately falling short of placing among the winners this time.

      For the full contest rules and guidelines, please visit:

      Wishing you the best of luck in our upcoming contests!
      LikeReply 12 months ago
    • blake.edward.mccool
      awesome, thank you so much! I wasn't expecting to receive any votes, so the fact that I got some makes me a winner in my book! I'm trying to build the courage to put my work out there, so this little encouragement has been more than I could of asked for! thank you for your time and understanding. This time next month.. I'll have a mug with my name on it!! Lol 
      LikeReply 22 months ago
  • asiphenicholasfeni
    Will the results be up this week?
    LikeReply2 months ago
    • Vixility
      The results should be up sometime today.
      LikeReply2 months ago
  • skippym.29584
    Doh! Ignore my question. I can't see trophies because I already least that's what I assume has happened. Newbie here. Sorry!
    LikeReply2 months ago
  • skippym.29584
    Is voting still open? Can't see any trophies to click on?
    LikeReply2 months ago
  • alexiss.24716
    I wish we could see the comments for our poems as they happen, this is my first ever entry and I'm anxious for the results haha
    LikeReply 22 months ago
  • Caroline_courtney
    I never received an email and I can’t open any nominee.
    LikeReply2 months ago
  • jn.selvadurai
    When will the poems be released for review? Closing time has passed. Will there be an email sent. Thank you.
    LikeReply2 months ago
    • acronimous
      The contest is officially underway, and nominations are now open for reading and voting. An email containing voting instructions has been sent to all nominees. Best of luck to all participants!
      LikeReply2 months ago
  • asiphenicholasfeni
    Can people outside, who are not participants in this competition vote as well?
    LikeReply2 months ago
    • acronimous
      Unfortunately, only contest participants are permitted to vote.
      LikeReply2 months ago
  • Courtnie.mckern
    Can’t wait to read everyone’s poems! It’s fun to see all the different styles of writing. There’s no right way to write a poem and no one should be judged for the way they choose to present theirs.
    LikeReply 22 months ago
  • dougb.72572
    So far on 26th total of 114 poems competing.
    Have done this several times in the past. Stunned by the strangeness and low quality of many of the winning entries. Is there something other than quality cadence detail of description or adventure or humour to it all? And Haiku is usually unworthy of attention or time. Sorry. Doug Blair of Kitchener ON. 
    LikeReply3 months ago
    • Vixility
      Respectfully and sincerely: I think the key is to remember that you’re reading poems that are being put forth in the style of that given poet. You may or may not like that style, but it doesn’t mean—just because of your preference—that that poem isn’t a good poem. Otherwise, why would those winning poem (that you deem inferior) be winning? 
      LikeReply 33 months ago
    • dougb.72572
      I cannot fathom the criteria. reminds me of a one eyed dart thrower in a dizzy spell. Call me cranky but certainly not sweety pie. Nyuk nyuk.
      LikeReply3 months ago
    • jasons8783
      I can say that just because the name of the poem isn't pleasing doesn't mean it's not meaningful I have written a few here but had to create a new profile and everything I have written is when I'm going through major life altering things

      One poem I wrote so many didn't like the name which was bang bang but went deep into veitnam veterans
      LikeReply 42 months ago
    • tiny_joys
      do not dis haiku, they can be the best poems out there
      LikeReply 32 months ago
  • Caroline_courtney
    I’m trying to read them. Is there a reason I’m not able to open them? Thanks!
    LikeReply3 months ago
    • jasons8783
      I'm assuming maybe because voting hasn't started?
      LikeReply3 months ago
    • acronimous
      Reading and voting for the contest will start in 6 days on May 1st.
      LikeReply 23 months ago
    • Caroline_courtney
      thank you. First time on here.
      LikeReply3 months ago
    • Caroline_courtney
      thank you! Makes sense!
      LikeReply 13 months ago
    • jasons8783
      no problem I was on here years ago but can't remember any log in info so I created a new one and site has changed for sure
      LikeReply 13 months ago
  • judith_g
    Lots of Interesting Titles.
    LikeReply 43 months ago

Enter the competition

Submit your best poem to the contest for an opportunity to win cash prizes and gain worldwide recognition for your talent!

Our monthly contest

In a nutshell…

Opens: 1st of every calendar month.
Closes: End of every calendar month.
Results: Within 7 days of closing.
Entry fee: 25 USD.
Max. participants: 150 entries.
First Place Badge + 500
Second Place Badge + 300
Third Place Badge + 200
5 Runners-up Personalized Mug
POTY Badge + 1,000

July 2024

Poetry Contest

Join our monthly contest for an opportunity to win cash prizes and attain global acclaim for your talent.


Previous Contests

Here are direct links to our previous contests' summary pages.

 What people are saying

“Thank you for the wonderful gift that I received as a runner up for the January contest. The competition has inspired me to go and get my collection of poetry that I have written for my family — you are an amazing group!”

Janette Marais, South Africa

 Worldwide Recognition

We’re delighted to announce that we've been named one of best writing contests for 2022 and 2023 by Reedsy!

Reedsy Best Writing Contests 2022 Reedsy Best Writing Contests 2023