dougb.19255's Saved Poems

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The Syrian and Family Beloved

Met him after sundown
His smoke break
Back of our building
Cool and quiet
One mourning dove
Serenading from lamp post
On the street.

A Syrian, here eleven years
Shy about his English usage
Studying at an ESL group.
Making progress but

Wayne Blair
The Mountains Make Us Seem Smallish

Lake at Geneva Switzerland
(inspired by a beautiful Geneva image)

Just call into the empty

And echo sings back soon

The Alps are all around you

The sunny warmth of June.

The alpen flowers sparkle

Released from icy hold


Wayne Blair
Yes it’s cancer…Sorry.

I can waste a body
I can shatter dreams
I can raise my threat
Through a thousand schemes.
I can rob a home
I can stunt a life
I can tear the bond
Of a man and wife.
I can pull the blind
Down on hope or joy
And the neighbours’talk
I will...

Wayne Blair
At a Baby Shower…with joy.

The smiles and gifts

And games they play

The love they come to share

The hope of miracles anon

The food that's made with care.

The waiting and the learning now

Seem right as days reflect

A couple have brave journey soon


Wayne Blair
Fellow Traveler

Comes along a traveler

In this common track

Steeped in simple kindness

Bringing goodwill back.

Just a little simple

Does he seem at first.

But he's real, compassionate.

Yes for same I thirst.

Oh the flaws are found there


Wayne Blair
Presenced by Paraclete

A link to a website posting.

Many churches receive little understanding of the person and power and imparted wisdom and guidance of the Holy Ghost. This website offers...

Wayne Blair
A Cry from an Indian Wife

By Pauline Johnson

My forest brave, my Red-skin love, farewell;
We may not meet to-morrow; who can tell
What mighty ills befall our little band,
Or what you'll suffer from the white man's hand?
Here is your knife! I thought 'twas...

Wayne Blair
Critique of poetry of Canadian Rienzi Crusz (born in Sri Lanka)

Crusz's preoccupation with poetics recurs in numerous poems. Of particular relevance in the present context is his own recognition that poetry revolves around metaphors. He says in the title poem of The Rain Doesn't Know Me Anymore
(which I read in...

Wayne Blair
Can it be now a wrapup?

Can it be my work
In this place is done?
Had some ideas
Some metaphors
Som zany word choices
Some fun.
Some friends who gave
Real comment
Time to time.
Or asked an honest issue
That we might climb.
Thanks and sayonara.
All who love this...

Wayne Blair
Psalm 37 at so many times…

John Wesley’s favourite Psalm.

British horseback Evangelist

Many uncertainties on

The Road of Witness.

But God was there

His constant provider, protector and


Fret not.





Wayne Blair
Susan Boyle Discovered…and how!

Coming from a small Scottish town

A might frumpish, ungarnished

Nervous sense of humour showing.

But then a pause

Entire audience still, eager


And Susan's voice exploded

Like incoming beams from Heaven.

With all...

Wayne Blair
Jimbo the Busker, all smiles and tunes.

Knew him years before
Playing by the Grocery Store
Good guitar
And folk songs
Most would know.
Tambourine, harmonicas too.
Any time of day would do

Misty, chilly times too.

This his source of cash
His store.
Handyman yes, on the...

Wayne Blair
So Go Ahead Lord

So go ahead
Disturb my sleep
Implant your lines
and phrases deep.
The topic has been
Bugging me for days.
A Mother’s fortitude
Undying Love
And tireless ways.

A little is my own
My Momma’s care.
She knew the words
The comfort...

Wayne Blair
Thrill, Timing and Trouble of Heavy Sailing

Clearly coming it was

The dark wedge over Huron

Gusts, rage and rains

In a storm.

And the Race only

Half done with trusty

Crew of four.

Not a novel thing

Many storms battled before.

But each one its

Own pack of...

Wayne Blair
Deepest Places of Worship

I have been in cloistered places

Where the atmosphere is grave

Once a murder in Cathedral

That the King could not stop, save.

But acoustics, Man they’re special

And the loneliness not bad.

Bringing worship’s deepest utterance.


Wayne Blair
Boulevard Montmartre, Paris, 1850s

A famous print
Hangs in our living room
Luxury and ease pervade
No automobiles clutter
Much before that.
But elegant wagons
Walkers. Attendants.
Top hat or sweeping gown.
Poodle or whippet leashed.
Light poles with hanging flowers.


Wayne Blair
I am formed from what?

I am nothing very special
Little bits of history, music, art
Deposits from my parents
Their equity of heart.
Their laughter at a story.
Their entertaining yen.
Their ears inclined to listen.
Oh to see them again.

To have a kitchen

Wayne Blair
Rita MacNeil, genuine and warm.

In a former time

She was Belle of the East

Chanteuse Cape Breton

And Celtic the Feast.

Mellow her alto voice

Mellow her mien

Praising the salty air

Bracing and clean.

Praising the miners brave.

Down to the deep.

Men who...

Wayne Blair
A trace of e e cummings

freedom is a breakfastfood
or truth can live with right and wrong
or molehills are from mountains made
-long enough and just so long
will being pay the rent of seem
and genius please the talentgang
and water most encourage flame


Wayne Blair

Here Miss Para legal
Take this proof of death
Obituary sent to London Free Press
Notarized copy of Mom’s Last Will.
Morticians invoice.
Names and addresses of loved ones
Nothing complicated here.
Make things happen


Wayne Blair
There’s a Friend who…

There’s a Friend who
Did me much good
His wife as well.
Both on disability.
Lay ministry in the past.
Storefront Church. Downtown.
Mostly the attendees had
Mental issues and grievous
Emotional needs.

Our two friends sparkled

Wayne Blair
Hot Again

Yep, the complaints have returned.
Days in the thirties
Sweat tickles under the arms.
On the forehead and upper lip.
Women pat themselves
With talc, tsk, tsk.

The workmen around
That big street hole
Flaunt their orange

Wayne Blair
Sad Confinement. Years long and weary.

My hair is grey, but not with years,
Nor grew it white
In a single night,
As men's have grown from sudden fears:
My limbs are bow'd, though not with toil,
But rusted with a vile repose,
For they have been a dungeon's spoil,
And mine...

Wayne Blair
Prisoner of Chillon (tribute to lord byron, charles gordon)

A sad look at oppression by the state over faith

My hair is grey, but not with years,
Nor grew it white
In a single night,
As men's have grown from sudden fears:
My limbs are bow'd, though not with toil,
But rusted with a vile...

Wayne Blair
The Affirmation Essential

Do you get the simplicity?
Letting that Other Guy
Know he matters.
A smile or kind word removes
The grief and tatters.

Sit down face to face
Family is simply

Wayne Blair
Petersburg, 1979.

October calm
and earlier dusk.
Anton on bicycle
Scurries home.
Bread and some cheese
Picked up.
And four oranges.
Costly as silver.

Betje cooks the soup
Up on fifth floor.
Her partner is coming.
Her life
Her laughter.
He’s been at

Wayne Blair
Sorry Fire Story, Manhatten NYC, 1911.

From Wikipedia

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City, on Saturday, March 25, 1911, was the deadliest industrial disaster in the history of the city, and one of the deadliest in U.S....

Wayne Blair
A Wiser Rescue

Upsets, turnarounds, stumbling
Happen every day
And much too soon
We take our tools
To fix it in some way.
No time to stop, reflect
A bit and hear the word of God
Why that is just delay, unwise
And to the world quite odd.

But why we...

Wayne Blair
Harry Brown, devastotor.

Lives on a meagre

Military pension.

Former operative, British Marines.

Modest apartment.

Unseemly neighbourhood.

Close by favourite pub

For chess contests

With best friend Leonard.

The friend has a tough walk home


Wayne Blair
Why church schism?

Can we just leave out

Denominations ?

What you do

What you don’t

With the Lord?

In the Elect, assuredly

Or a job to stay holy.

Speaking tongues

Or some prophetic word?

All these things

Making much for schism.


Wayne Blair
A sampling of John Masefield (brilliant long narrative poems)

Slow up the hill the plough team plod,
Old Callow at the task of God,
Helped by man's wit, helped by the brute,
Turning a stubborn clay to fruit,
His eyes forever on some sign
To help him plough a perfect line.
At top of rise the plough team...

Wayne Blair
Senor Wences.

He came on stage
All courtesy, smiles
And dapper outfit.
Ed* would give him
The enthused intro.

The man threw
His voice into puppets
Or a strange
Talking box…”sawright.”
Humour was always
Clean and current.
Seemed like voices

Wayne Blair
Boy crippled, but not at all stopped…at age six.

I remember him
Very clearly
The bum legs
And magical trike.
The smile ever
Showing in challenge.
The sidewalk he liked.

I would be on
My way to the
Court House.
Some case full of
Ennui and pain.
But there was that kid

Wayne Blair
Queen Vicky, bless her soul.

She calls us
To the skirmish.
She calls us
From our leave.
The women say their goodbyes.
Scarce time to gripe
Or greave.

Our kit is packed
right quickly.
Blades all sharp and shine.
And rifles are Martinis
No better friend of mine.

Wayne Blair
This Lamb a-wandering.

This little One
Caught a whiff
Of another pasture.
Sweeter it seemed.
Immensely inviting.
Before sun-up
Shepherd dozing.
He was off for
The Adventure.

Hordes of mosquitoes
In the low places.
Coyotes lurking
Behind bushes....

Wayne Blair
Why this Mess? Psalm 44

All the cards

Are against us now

So it seems.

God of Jacob

You attend elsewhere.

Forget all our

Resolute obedience

Through the years.

Oh sure, there were slip-ups.

But tears and repentance

Worked their work.


Wayne Blair
Angel Armies

Do I think of them much
Heavenly creatures
Immensely capable.
Assigned to protect
Those who stand as
Heirs of salvation.
The angelic bunch
Who guide, provide
Protect, advise, forewarn.
Warriors, messengers, supporters.

An angel gave...

Wayne Blair
Banged Up Pup

Took to me
No time at all
Damp stairwell
Downtown Memphis.
Sort of a Doberman
Mixed with standard Poodle
I think.
An attractive dark brown.
But matted with
muck of the streets
Near misses
And neglect.

The bath was a battle.


Wayne Blair
Horse Hand

They kept him around

The stables, corral

And Range leading

To the hills of history.

He grew up here

New Mexico days.

Boy no longer.

His 74th year.

There had been round-ups

From the wild places.

Herds free to run...

Wayne Blair
Orillia Funeral (Lightfoot)

Here comes the Box

From polished black car

Handled slowly, respectfully

Weepingly by friends.

Gordy was the best.

Songs, images of Love

Doubt, Tragedy, Pursuit

Courageous doings

And carings.

“Pussywillows, Cattails, Soft...

Wayne Blair
The Dog Takes the Cake

The dog thinks I’m alright
And I must get to
The Man through his pet.
No other way than that.
Wouldn’t work with a cat.
Main floor apartment building
Off the Elevator.
Pooch is all smiles
And overmuch tail wagging.
“Oh you’re just such a...

Wayne Blair
At His Feet

It is enough that
He designs the Pathway.
Trials overcome by
Leaning on His power
Self-assurance just
A fool’s game with
Sad endings.
Clinging, yes unto
this very hour.
Comes to mind
Past times when
Rescue seemed doubtful.
God showed in...

Wayne Blair
Prayer Closet

Again to be here
When none other might care.
Be the motive of fear
Or of gratitude rare.
I will run to this space
Just to unload my heart;
Yes a quieter place
Set a little apart.
And You come through the gray
In the brilliance of love

Wayne Blair
Night Janitors

All day long in bushes
Baby rabbit slept.
But with darkness coming
Little female lept.

Subdivision pavements
Room to jump and run.
Brother showed her play-time
Exercise and fun.

But a teenage driver
Home from party wild
Didn’t see the...

Wayne Blair
Streetwise and a cardboard sign

With his second Wife.
Baby Son.
Guy in his fifties.
Housing up and down.
Questions and more questions.
Children’s Aid?
Disability watchdogs also.
He is at his post
On a traffic island
Under stoplights.
Casting down shame
And anger and...

Wayne Blair
Oh, to disagree.

There is room to disagree
If the tempers stay in check
Fully canvas what we see
Not about one’s own red neck.
But it seems the Town’s gone soft
Wouldn’t dare to make some waves
Placid, milquetoast
Now the norm
Zest-less neutrals show most...

Wayne Blair
Calvary: the rendering up.

Had He been able
To write with His own blood
and Fingers.
On tablet.
The import of His final services
And self-offering, passively.
The Testimony would have
Been complete.
The giving up of Himself.
Un-assisted by hateful,

Wayne Blair
Suffer Little Children

Children bound to toil and tears.Thought the shame of former years.
Woe, the heart that never hears.Some are fettered still.
Children bent to rake and hoe;Torn from play by plague's death-throe.
Scratching dust to make it grow.
Some are fettered...

Wayne Blair
Malorie. Exceptional Suspense.

Sam and Mary Walsh
Actual names of parents
Living in North Peninsula, Michigan.
At the outset of horrors
Seventeen years ago.
Malorie read the purported
Book of Census.
And wondered. A reunion.

Four of those years spent
By a Mother with...

Wayne Blair
Isaiah the sixty-fifth.

None will hurt nor destroy
In all my holy mountain
Having peace, praise
Purpose and plenty
Names of the godless
Forgotten by curse
Fire and destruction their wages.
But my people
The remnant who earnestly
Sought me with tears
They shall...

Wayne Blair
And Now, King Charles III.

Long live the King!

May 6th, 2023.

Westminster Abbey.

The Robe was heavy

Upon donning.

The Crown a thought

Upon the mind.

Leaving all commonplace behind.

It’s duty, long awaited

Commonwealth contemplated.


Wayne Blair
Among the Hogs

Came to myself
And the sight was not pretty
Came to myself
In a mud-spattered mess.
Father had rendered
My share in the family
Knowing full well
That it scarcely could bless.
Friends had been fast
As I opened the purse-strings
Life had...

Wayne Blair
To Converse in real terms…

How many times is conversation
Stripped to the bone?
One eye looking for
A way of escape?
Lists of to-do being
The compelling Master.
Words offered mere truisms
Neutered expressions of convention.
Silly filler convention.
No value added.


Wayne Blair

Mamma Moses
We all thanks ye
Trips and trips
You runned up North.

Grabbing captives
Pressed for freedom
Letting dignity come forth.

Common name
You hardly had one.
Chattels simply come
When hailed.
Or the Whip is
Quick to follow.


Wayne Blair
Sampling E. Pauline Johnson (Low Tide at St. Andrews)

New Brunswick

The long red flats stretch open to the sky,
Breathing their moisture on the August air.
The seaweeds cling with flesh-like fingers where
The rocks give shelter that the sands deny;
And wrapped in all her summer harmonies

Wayne Blair
William Montgomery Clemens, 1860-1931

He was a genealogist.
Newspaper guy.
Nephew of Mark Twain. Samuel Clemens.

The oldest book in
My possession is his creation, 1899.
“A Ken of Kipling.”
In it he describes Rudyard Kipling’s
Intense yearning for knowledge.

Wayne Blair
Agreement, Anointing in Song.

Power of Agreement, Anointing

Something happened on that floor.

Auditorium .

Beat and expectation.

Unavoidable smiles.

Yearning to sing.

Oh, but I’m not a Singer.

Yeah, so what, Girl?

Let it out.

In this place we get it.

Wayne Blair
Je ne sais quoi poem.

Coming to create
Not yet knowing
Topic or style
Nifty words or cadence.
It might take a while.

But you have gotten me past
Readership, numbers
Following of note
Let it not be Doug.
But rather words you wrote.

Some topic troubling

Wayne Blair
Saying something to a poet who has lost altitude

It happens and
You think your world is shifting
Once you had the brave
Tales, scenes, values.
Now all is drifting.
Words were novel, catchy
They came from sources
Now the dullness, sameness
Is so very testing…

So just pause....

Wayne Blair
Do You Love?

Do you love?
Not with the glands.
Not from some needs list
With gaps showing.
Not to silence
Echoes of loneliness.
Not in the panic
To parent.
Not to conform.
Not for that patient
Listening ear,
Willing to hear
Yours and yours alone.

Wayne Blair
I’m OK. Sucks to be You.

Gary was the newbie.
Summer student with
The Grounds Crew on campus.
Early spring clean up.
Fallen branches mulched
Brooming the sand accumulations
In the parking areas.
Setting out, securing of
Seasonal furniture.
Replacing severely...

Wayne Blair
I met a man backslidden…

I used to have His Glory
Feeling His warmth
Touch, whispers.
But the one unanswered prayer
Repeated oftentimes.
One stinging disappointment
Stole it all.
Darkened the mornings.
Made the words of Gospel friends
Seem shallow, feigned
Out of...

Wayne Blair
Featuring Scottish Mettle (poem by douglas blair)

Alexander Peden, outcast

It was that Sabbath.
Last one inside the Kirk.
Preacher Peden shook hands
Smiling with that slight hint of courage…
Brethren, women this is it.
Thanks for showing
In spite of drizzle.
So what is drizzle

Wayne Blair
Surprising Lunch

We were having a “business lunch”
Couple of audit projects
At the Office.
Pleasant, quiet little Bistro.
Tried a few times.
French onion soup and buns.
Delicious butter.
Delightful newfound herbal teas.
Each time here, feeling more relaxed.

Wayne Blair
But I will remember. (psalm 77)

My sore ran in the night
Sleep denied
Wept and cried.
Why Lord
This abandonment and shame?
I have not denied your Name.
And villains mock
They taunt my faith in You
And now my life pursue.

Do you not arise
For sake of the meek?

Wayne Blair
Never Alone in Your Plight

Never alone
They said at the starting
You would be there
Through thick and through thin
Never a chance
Your ever departing
Happy to hear this
I just walked right in.

Heard of your shame
And pain on the Hilltop
Heard of the folk

Wayne Blair
Cafeteria Crush

We have this time
Classmates in English Lit.
Chairs adjoining.
But now Cafeteria
Eleven AM Wednesday.
Warm coffee, muffins
And Neil Young, Joni Mitchell
On the Radio.

Intimate corner of the room.
Your essay topic
Has brought on the...

Wayne Blair
In a Shell Hole, 1916

The system is racked with strain
Sleep scarcely brought relief.
Too much grief. Too much grief.
All yesterday spent
Advancing on the Hun.
Thought we had them on the run.
A crazed momentum of
Dreamed bleeding conquest.
We gave our best.

Wayne Blair
A Kiss (selection from Bernard Freeman Trotter, WW One poet)

She kissed me when she said good-bye—
A child's kiss, neither bold nor shy.

We had met but a few short summer hours;
Talked of the sun, the wind, the flowers,

Sports and people; had rambled through
A casual catchy song or two,


Wayne Blair
Strange Intersection of Mercy (the Cross)


It makes little sense.
Finding a place of co-existence
For mercy and truth
For righteousness and peace.
God is so lofty and pure.
We are smudges
Of disappointment and doubt.
But at the Cross, reconciliation.
God abandoning His...

Wayne Blair
Lydia at Philippi

He’s new to this district
And found us in prayer
All down by the river
Our burdens to share.
We women were needy
We women were dry
We women were hopeful
That God would come by.

And fresh from the harbour
There came this strange man

Wayne Blair
Crows in Spring

There is a spot
Next to Wendy’s Fast Food.
Lots of trees
Awaiting leaves.
Next to a small
running clear
And lyrical.

The crows are above
Many of them.
Black and boisterous.
But their cries hold
The magic and promise
Of May...

Wayne Blair
Potter’s Wheel

His Hands are wet with my clay.

Spinning, spinning.

Shaping, shaping.

His Mind already holds

The beautiful Design.

The figure and fascination.

That I am yet to be.

His Way.

His Peddle pumping.

There has been no squeezing...

Wayne Blair
Tryst with Truth

I love you Jesus
Love you. I will start with this.
Each day I am confident
Of your Compassion.
Courage. Calm.

There is not a place for
Self -serving

You have...

Wayne Blair
First World War in Forlorn Verses (Wilfred Owen 1893-1918)


What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?
Only the monstrous anger of the guns.
Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle
Can patter out their hasty orisons.
No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells; ...

Wayne Blair
J. L. Hooker, Detroit, autumn 1967

Illicit sidewalk trades.
John Lee passed through.
Guitar case, folding chair
Hat for the money
That oughta do.

Drummer with his rolled joint.
Keyboard scampering true.
Handshakes from some crowd friends
Loving Hooker so blue.


Wayne Blair
Grandma of Faith

She was at the concert, alone.
Night time
Heart of Detroit
By the River.
Cobo Hall.
Many Gospel events.
This one, Morris Cerullo
And team.
Morris just a little man.
Jewish, born again, Messianic.
Voice and heart large, deep.
Like a lion....

Wayne Blair
The Bus Wait and Ride

It is good that the bus
Will take few minutes more
You have started this route
On a new job.
I have been going
To mine over twenty five years.

Many are faces never
Having volunteered
A name or a fact.
Just that acknowledging

Wayne Blair
Lone Pine Story

Small rock Island
Cottage fits four
Rudest of docking
Summer bids more.

Georgian Bay calling
Westerly wind
Wavelets add beauty
Pine scented kind.

One lonely pine there
Used to be two
Lightning had business
Cottagers rue.

That storm...

Wayne Blair
Mickee Dee’s all-nighter

Students gang up here

All night in studies/laughter

April papers, exams

Bunch of crams.

Bunch of hopefuls.

Bigger debt fed.

Burger, fries fed.

Career ideas, Daddy led.

Lots of theory.

Hands on, where?



Wayne Blair
Those Pentecostals

They are outside Town

With their strange noisy Church

And the tongues might

Be heard from the street.

It’s all signs and wonders

Just like Swaggart and friends

Must admit his piano was sweet.

We have our doubts


Wayne Blair
Castaway for real…Selkirk.

The bonfires stoked
The night stars dreamed
Mid hopelessness
The touch of God
It seemed.

To not let go.
To curb the tongue.
To write rich memory
Of days when young.
And scan that line, yes
Friend, in each spent day.
To persevere and...

Wayne Blair
Mary at rest. Smiling.

This was to be a simple evening
The Babe at rest, breathing deeply
Perhaps dreaming vaguely
Of Heavenly origins
But only sifted through
A babe’s awareness.

The Mother re-visiting
The strenuous journey
Now days past.
And pressing sense...

Wayne Blair
Simple Transaction. All is Changed.

Let the Word live for you.

In you.

Through you.

Bringing a kinship

With many ransomed.

Hurting and begging

They came.

You came

And observed compassion



By Fashion's push and pull.

The Master...

Wayne Blair
Bench Buddies

Close to one another
Gramma holding tight
The market basket.
Teenage flipping repeatedly
Skateboard into his hands.
Gramma giggles
With gloved hand covering.

So you like that
Do you Ma’am?
Watch this one then

Wayne Blair
Homeless Ones

They have composure
All things considered.
The cold and rejection.
Jokes about joblessness
Infection and skin cancer.
Loneliness sore aching.

So now they make
“Tent City”
Close to Train Station
Community of like minded.

Wayne Blair
Kitchener in Transition.

My place of residence
These last 36 years.
Formerly Berlin Ontario
Fights over the Kaiser’s statue
Dumped in Victoria Park Lake.
Re-named after
First world war hero.
Largely stock of Scottish, Irish
Polish, Russian, Slavic

Wayne Blair
A new website compiled by DWB.

The link

Nights of joy
Just tapping
As images appeared
Poems and songs in video.
Providing help with fears.
With unbelief so nasty.
Or confidence shot to hell.
This website...

Wayne Blair
The Village Blacksmith

Under a spreading chestnut tree
The village smithy stands;
The smith, a might man is he,
With large and sinewy hands;
And the muscles of his brawney arms
Are strong as iron bands.

His hair is crisp, and black, and long,
His face is like...

Henry Wadsworth Lon…
A talker from the get-go

“Has that poor woman delivered
Her baby yet. Three
days now.”
April 6, 1951.
London St. Joseph Hospital.
Came out bawling right away.
At the indignities.
This one’s a talker.

April of 1956
Kindergarten class.
Doing face in the corner...

Wayne Blair

If rhyming you desire
When soul is set on fire.
The hallowed heights
Where nothing could go wrong.
Then let these words
Bring heart
In someplace far apart
Where you and God
Review His works so...

Wayne Blair
Up a Mountain (with chris tomlin)

Thinking such images
Early evening after
Violent flu bug.
Music video.

Chris gets into
His old pick-up.
Driving up the elevation.
Thriving conifers.
Then a stretch of fire burnout.
Followed by the peaks.
Running wild horses

Wayne Blair
Recollect, Colette.

Yes do so Colette.
That bank of the Seine.
Where we had espresso
Time and again.
Tarte aux cerises.
Accordian played.
I wore that old suede

And scarcely we noticed
One pain. (Unemployed)
Your ear rings so big
You turned like a rig.

Wayne Blair
To Recoup

(Wrote this piece while dreaming.
Seemed so real
But the tablet was in the Living Room.
Distant, resting.)

Flu bug badly
Aching stumbling
Muscle cramps
Balance bad.
Fell twice from
Lousy balance.

Body said, “get you down
In yo bed...

Wayne Blair
I goofed up…

Last week
Harmonica Group
Rockway senior centre.
Ninety minutes
Or thereabouts.
I threw in some Improv.
Not in the list
Strict list for performing.

Rick stopped full
Dead in his solo.
Could not adjust, continue

Wayne Blair
Telling it like it is. Life with Jesus.

You have heard me out

I’m a Friend devout

And I take this time

To tell you Jesus lives.

He has hope in store

Healing, comforts more

And assurance heavenly

He gladly gives.

Dump the long list sad

Deeds and words so...

Wayne Blair
Gospel at Night (Elvis in the hotel)

The had-it-all King
Basic Training. Korea.
Endorsements in
crazy places.

But then memories of
Sister Rosetta (Tharpe).
Smooth throaty Gospel.
Guitar mastery.
Didn’t it Rain Children?
Martin Luther...

Wayne Blair
Every Easter, a visitor.

Big backyard in primary years
Grassy, spacious, lilies near.
Looked expecting
Yes again
Bunny visits without fear.
Nuzzles grasses
Pads large f
Floppy ears don’t skip a beat.
Robin trots beside him bold.
Back from Chesapeake, I am told.


Wayne Blair
Harold Fry (movie coming)

Going up to see Queenie
On sore cramped feet.
Channel to Berwick upon Tweed.
Big hike.
Meeting many people, many districts.

Hospitality or leering looks.
Maureen is angry
About it all.
Left behind in our retirement.

Wayne Blair
Battered Buddies

A Border Collie something
Now leashed and in the rain.
The Old Man’s constitutional
No pain. No gain.
He talked to her in low tones.
She seemed to take it in
The path rehearsed
The mile traversed.
They made like young.
Time and again.

Wayne Blair
Robert Penn Warren (pulitzer guy)

A tribute to his masterful poem narrative…”Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce” true aboriginal history.

I have read of

The mindful retreat of

Younger Chief Joseph

Of the Nez Perce

Before Howard, Sturgis

And Miles, the one with


Wayne Blair
Featuring Duncan Campbell Scott (The Half-Breed Girl)

The Half-Breed Girl

1She is free of the trap and the paddle,
2 The portage and the trail,
3But something behind her savage life
4 Shines like a fragile veil.
5Her dreams are undiscovered,
6 Shadows trouble her breast,
7When the...

Wayne Blair
A little stuck on the Lake District, England?

It blew me away!
For some favourite
North American poets…

E. Pauline Johnson (next to nothing; brilliant aboriginal princess)
Al Purdy
Archibald Lampman* (decent listing but…)

Duncan Campbell Scott ...

Wayne Blair
Drawing into Triune (as Jesus prayed)

Oh might we hear from you today
Speak dear Lord, now as we pray
Come alongside these bits of clay
We supplicate, we praise your Heart
Twas for this joy
You set apart
Involve us in Compassion’s Art
All else is loss
We see the Cross
And hear...

Wayne Blair
Remembering Enoch Arden (tennyson)

A castaway
And hope stretched thin
The storm, the wreck, the digging in
Two shipmates lost
Their hearts broke first
The loneliness, the chill and thirst.
The gulls would teach
One errant mind
To dig the clams
And seaweed find.


Wayne Blair
Bird on the shoulder…Shopping.

Told me that the little guy
Was six years.
Beautiful shades of blue.
Spots of emerald
On head and breast.
About starling size.
Man was simply
Wandering, searching
For some hardware item.
Bird would NOT FLY OFF.
Jostle some inventory.

Wayne Blair
Go for the marrow in the Book of Amos.

Amos was a farmer, a shepherd and a tender of sycamore fruit in the Southern Kingdom of Judah. His very name meant "Burden" or "Burden-bearer".

He was destined by the will of God to deliver a message of warning and rebuke to the idolatrous...

Wayne Blair
Believer’s Death/Transition.

When I have slipped this shell
And kissed each loving face once more
And find strange buoyancy
To float weightless
To that distant shore.
When pains have fled
And duties suit a former time.
And eyes new-sparkling
Marvel at all joys now mine....

Wayne Blair
Featuring Philip Levine

He observed
Time split between
Fresno and NYC.
Places where people crowded
Jostled, ate, fought
Loved and mourned.
His was a clarion horn.
Jewish born in Motown.
Knew of assembly line
And colour line
And homes so fine in Dearborn.
Not his...

Wayne Blair
Lord willing. That tiresome phrase.

Pastor stood up there

Looked straight ahead to them

Said to them.

'I stand here only by God's mercy

His protection provision.

Wisdom and solace.

Second and third

And however many chances.

Stabilizing Hand in storms.

Had a...

Wayne Blair
Anointing in song and agreement

Something happened on that floor.

Auditorium .

Basketball gym converted

For another night.

People from many churches

Or not.

Beat and expectation.

Unavoidable smiles.

Yearning to sing.

Oh, but I’m not a Singer.

Yeah, so...

Wayne Blair
Canoe by Back Point.

Love this place
Special space
And waters trickling
Down my paddle.
Precious sound
Freed from ground.
Nothing here to hurt
Or rattle.
Need the time
Dusk sublime.
And here come the peepers.(frogs)
Stars will show
Names I know
Cinema clear...

Wayne Blair
Blithe Spirit

Second marriage going famously.
First Wife passed on.
Or did she?
Betimes in darkness
There’s a whisper. A chair moved.
Book tipped over.
Cooling breeze, but no window
It’s her.
Won’t leave this House.
Her house.
New wife is...

Wayne Blair
Closet of Prayer

Again to be here
When none other might care.
Be the motive of fear
Or of gratitude rare.
I will run to this space
Just to unload my heart;
Yes a quieter place
Set a little apart.
And You come through the gray
In the brilliance of love

Wayne Blair
Willie plus guitar (nelson)

“South of the Border
Down Mexico way
That’s where I fell in love
Stars above
Came out to play.”
Get the picture?
Nasal voice
Tired tenor sound.
But guitar, inflection,
Nobody better. Ageless.
farm aid fundraisers.
IRS on...

Wayne Blair
Youthful, but…

In the restaurant
Illumined by the window
Smartly coiffed
And skin so clean.
She’s a looker
Shows advantage.
But do I know
Where she’s been?

Slits on wrists
Scars persevering.
Broken ribs
Not once, but twice.
Memories haunt
And foul...

Wayne Blair
This was a computer talking back to me. Yeesh. AIDA

Wow, what an inspiring poem! Your words truly resonate with the love and compassion that Jesus taught us to have for one another. Your empathy towards those who are hurting is truly admirable, and it's clear that you have been blessed with the gift...

Wayne Blair

You come to me limping
Bur never no mind
You’ve come to know Jesus
In service so kind
You weep with folks hurting
Have been there in spades
But now you have comfort
To show what Christ made.
Quite humble, a listener
A shoulder to lean

Wayne Blair
Of Andrew’s Spirit (the first missionary)

We have found Him
And know that He is truth
Distilled and pure.
A Certain Spring,
'Though damp and slush
Delay the budding.
A Prince with yarns
Of fields and flowers
And feathered trust.
Unspoiled by gold
Or other trappings
Of convention....

Wayne Blair
Love of the Bay

Easy to write about
The beloved.
A deep blue Bay
Against coniferous glory.
Stablished on Igneous Rock.
Aromas unforgettable.
I take a walk.
Come near a precipice.

Dizzying height.
Lean over to catch
Shimmering waters.
One canoeist way

Wayne Blair
Next Dance?

Could I have it
This next dance
Celine Dion selection
Always a favourite.
You are so beautiful
Sparkle to your blue eyes.
You don’t talk
Just sway
Perhaps giggle.

This is our thing
Comes naturally.
The embrace a treasure....

Wayne Blair
Dunkirk Duty. Done.

Bit choppy tonight
Little twenty four footer
Takes the shakes.
PM’s call
Admiral’s too.
What might civvies do?

Thousands of our boys
Nazi pinched.
French shoreline?
Messerschmitts just come
Down on our bigger boats.
We use the...

Wayne Blair
Cramming the Studies

I am tired
Robot now
Waited too late
Rushed and how.
English History
Test has come.
Feel unready
Really dumb.
Loved the topics.
Kings, revolts.
Battled Island
Salty always
Sea’s the thing
Rule Britannia.
Limeys sing.

Wayne Blair
Cathy with Cancer. Terminal.

She loved the words of Paul
Had gobbled up them all
And Jesus was her
Constant Friend and Aid.
In palliative care.
Husband often there.
Reciting for him
Rapture’s bliss portrayed.
Not gonna die, not her.
She would very much prefer

Wayne Blair
Busker, addressing his instrument of choice.

I love you
And I must relax.
I will draw
Beautiful, healing
Music from you…
In that...

Wayne Blair
Department Store Canine

Dog attached, leashed to stroller.
Inside seven month old femme fatale.
Young tannish Lab.
Not quite developed.
Intuitive and guarding
The precious mewing package.
Back home lying still
While Lily grabs the fur
Climbs the tan mountain

Wayne Blair
In the Style of E. Pauline Johnson.

I have pushed from shore

Like some Indian lore

And the birch craft

Takes over my need.

To be on the Lake

For some reverie’s sake

As the bush fells its amber


But the moment lifts

As my craft just drifts.


Wayne Blair
Men who have shorn me. Tribute to Stephen Leacock, (of the gentle jab.)

He gestures to a chair
Flips gleaming white bib of custom.
Pedals up the height
Perhaps resuming topic
Of last visit.
Six weeks ago.
Other patrons
At the sidelines.
Pretending no evesdropping.
But cannot resist
Occasional insertion to the...

Wayne Blair
One Song at Glorious Downhill.

Down the Guelph Line

With summer a-greening

Horse farms and golf links

And fine homes abound.

Parts to a sub-trade

The pick-up runs smoothly

Radio Gospel

Its rich hopeful sound.

Soon comes the grand stretch

Descent to the...

Wayne Blair
St. John of the Cross. Poesie paraphrased.

It was night
Tossing and turning
Moment of Soul’s excavation.
Burning with Love’s deep hungers.
I was made to waken.
Whole house asleep.
Downstairs so quietly.
Others not disturbed.
Down and down.
Oh happy, happy chance.
Finding the Lord

Wayne Blair
Psalm the 71st

Old guy talking, un-named.
Reverence always in the lifeline
Slander and naysaying
Godlessness still taking jabs.

Getting up there in years.
Grey hair, wrinkles
Aches and pains.
Well used carcass.
Great and sore troubles.

Wayne Blair
Leonard, age 74

He comes onstage
Slowly, meekly, smiling
Rumpled black fedora
Three beautiful female singers
One masterful lead guitar
Harmonica, saxaphone, keyboard
Percussionist drummer.
Others all excellent craftsmen.
Been together for years.
This was...

Wayne Blair
Sisters Raised Right

Father was once a Preacher
Mother had taught home school
Living in blessed sunlight
Knowing of Christ’s Golden Rule.
Both girls had grown up, married.
One with two kids to nurture
Husband a Prince of a guy.
Other had dumped her parents.

Wayne Blair

Vision, clarity, direction,
Life gently weaves a web of wholeness,
and what the locusts have devoured
now, with courage gained in Christ,
from ruined harvests I depart.

Holding on to persons
taking things for granted,
halts the wheel of...

Donka Kristevan - 3
Another Road

Always told that I
Would make a good lawyer.
Had the public speaking, paper writing
History Major.
I listened to them
And not to my own heart.
Hurried my start
To Law School.
Although the Dean
Called me to his office.
Told me to slow down

Wayne Blair
Accountancy Classes and Passes

Gestating for CGA.

He would be attending
The Big Night. Reunion.
Got a couple of invitations.
The Group had once been
So productive, attractive.
Second and third years
University Maths and Sciences.
Queens University, Kingston.


Wayne Blair
More than hope

When I can no longer cope
Your perfect words
bring back my scope
I love you more than I can hope
You break free my hands
From the ropes
On magical a journey
from a horoscope
We share together
Our hearts elope
To climb higher
than any...

Heather Lydia Thorn…
Leonard Cohen, seventy four, not a prophet, Oh No.

There ain’t no cure for Love.
Suzanne takes you down
Place near the River.
Feeds you tea and oranges.
The Dice are loaded. Every body knows
No way to say goodbye.
Crack in Everything.
A thousand kisses deep.
Dance me to the End...

Wayne Blair
Moody, D. L with that good News.

He saw them bleed, scream
Blue coats torn open
Limbs removed, calling out to
Mother, stupefied,whiskey.
Doctor head down, sawing.
He felt their pain and outrage.
Could imagine all the
Spiritual wounding and loss.
War between the states.

Wayne Blair
Black Walnut Folk Group. Kitchener

Been bound by COVID
Three years now
Nasty bastardly FEAR.
Now back on track
Coffee at the back.
Run by some animated souls
Bettering the goals.
Three bucks, just three
For hours of fun.
Sign your name
To the list.
Strictly list run.

Wayne Blair
Prayer Nexus.

I love you Lord
Start with that
Don’t have the rest
Down pat.
But I know
You see it all
You are Love
Reducing the distance
From Above.
Requests I blurt
But not right now
I focus on your Touch
Your Vow.
Will be enough
Beholding warmth...

Wayne Blair
Poem by Billy Collins: The Lanyard.

The Lanyard
The other day I was ricocheting slowly
off the blue walls of this room,
moving as if underwater from typewriter to piano,
from bookshelf to an envelope lying on the floor,
when I found myself in the L section of...

Wayne Blair
Affirmation in the Everyday

Can I lighten up your load?

With a word or service small?

Times are tough as paths get crossed

Does somebody care at all?

But I have this chance with you

Spirit urges, 'Yes go ahead'

Give a listening ear so calm

Turn one's...

Wayne Blair
Bats, Trembling

Myriads of bats upside-down
Dreaming cool, fresh fruitage
My skin is crawling.



(So that is haiku. Midget messages. Often vague, and intentionally so. Most times without impact. Suggesting an intellectual pride restrained....

Wayne Blair
Oh no, not again.

Through the Knothole
On that point.
Mustabeen six years back.
And now I face conundrum
A similar attack.
I pine and whine my worries.
Oh God how can this be?
I hear a marvellous whisper.
Don’t you start doubting me
Don’t you forget

Wayne Blair
Satisfied? Or not?

The ads produce the lusting
The neighbour has one now
It makes some tasks so simple
It’s so terrific. Wow.
And travel is the ticket
New places spark the heart.
The credit card will do here
And give our trip its start.
The wanting never...

Wayne Blair
Peruse the Creation, imaginative and very much so.

It sets in with increments
Of shock, wonder, beholding
Specimens include
Sunset on the Veldt.
Mangrove swamp.
Swiss city lakeside
Grand mountains overlooking.
Birthing of impala
On the run.
Larva into...

Wayne Blair
Gospel Gems. Each Seven Words in Length. Many.

THE HOLY GHOST SHALL COME UPON THEE – Before Christ is formed in any individual the Holy Ghost will come, drawing, convicting and offering wisdom and comfort.

Little Mary freely offered herself into the agenda of God without reservation. She...

Wayne Blair
Without Limit. But not into hyper-faith. Beckoning God as delivery boy.

Without Limit

You came in time
yes just in time
and ransomed
my poor being
I knew that blood
as cleansing flood
had offered
hopeful seeing.
a yoking fast
with Jesus taking
large part.
had made the job
to plow the sod
and rocks that...

Wayne Blair
Nodding Off

Rested in my car

Outside Zehrs Groceries

Light snow falling

Pretty and mesmeric

Wipers on intermittent slow speed

I remember the movie

Greg Kinnear invented the feature

Tried to cut a deal with Ford

They tried to steal the...

Wayne Blair
Watching Creed III

Two punky kids at Liquor Store
Rumble ensues with an enemy
One draws gun
The other runs.
Cops arrive to witness.
One pulls twenty years
In the joint.
Other named Adonis
Grows in pros Boxing.
Gets the belt, luxuries.
Beautiful wife,...

Wayne Blair
Friend reports on Cuba Visit. (Ulysses Pereira)

But on this journey that I don't enjoy at all, nostalgia treats me mercilessly, stabbing me mercilessfully at every step

and I'm traveling through time again and again without a damn break.
I know I need to go to Cuba again. I still have family...

Wayne Blair
Isaiah Sixtieth

“Arise. Shine.
For thy Light is come.”
You see it in
The settled Home.
The youngsters come.
The oldster’s poem.
In Dad’s briefcase.
A cozy table vase.
With lilies.

And God had promised
As Isaiah related.
A City of Victors.

Wayne Blair
1883. Pioneer wagon train…

They had set out from the East

Wagon train ill gathered

Emigrants from Europe.

Dreaming of Montana, meadows.

Free land for the working.

Leadership fell to Shea.

Haunted Union Army officer.

Widowed by the cholera.

Soon joined...

Wayne Blair
Dearest Mom. Bev.

Thinking about you now.
Mom. Gone September last year.
Not too thrilled as I recall.
My behaviour, latterly.
Short of patience.

At your terrible memory.
Asking questions
Asking questions?
Needing a kiss, and
Then another five.

Wayne Blair
Up Yonder

I know that
I have visioned
When we meet on that
Beautiful Shore.
Saints embracing
Gone the threat
Or irritant of
Slewfoot’s many schemes.
Come the Joy and Peace
Of Faith’s best dreams.
Father in the midst
Bright smiling Face....

Wayne Blair
Isaiah 54

Prophet is in love
With a City
A place of peace and assurance.
Zion of his dreams.
And visions.
Adorned with precious stones.

Delighted with children’s laughter.
Safe and eagerly
Learning the things of God.
Not a single weapon will

Wayne Blair
Zacchaeus Up the Tree

Still standing.Beside the main street.
Feeling the pulseOf spring rains,
The crown of summer,
The testing pullOf autumn storms.
Children exploreMy limbs and shelter.
Adventurers pass,
Out to new possibilities.
Some, retracing steps

Wayne Blair
Focus Change

I have this bad lower back.
Hurts all day long.
Must govern my activities
And spontaneity of movement.
Accident on motorbike.
My bad luck, I guess.
My days are “hamstrung”.
My nights are tossing and turning.
My horizons going nowhere.

Wayne Blair
The Shantyman (working, sharing Christ’s best)

The Shantyman


It is good to toilWith the men I know;
And to trim the treesAnd to lay them low;
And to haul their bulkTo the stream below;
I am glad that the Lord sent me here.
And from time to time
When the mood is right,
In the vaulted...

Wayne Blair
Teen Jibberish .

“She was like in his face.
Most bodd, very bodd
Ending r’lationship.
Cussing, f~~king
Like whatever.

Listener, boy, fifteen
Throws an oyster gob (spit).
Right at the feet of an Old Gramma.
Next to them on the Bus.

Wayne Blair
Little one on my shoulders.

You’re up on my shoulders
And tugging my hair
And laughing
For all you hold dear.
And Daughter
I’d carry you anywhere
Delighting that you
Cling so near.
The sun is at apex
And waves wash my feet
And time has been
Frozen it seems.
Oh will...

Wayne Blair
Hear Him Out Fully

Have you ever wanted
To interrupt a lengthy
And say, Stop it
That’s wrong.
Well don’t.
You are missing facts, background
Tone of emotion.
Do not pop to
The worst possible
Spin of it.
Wait. Assess.
Be fair-minded.
Think no...

I Am From...

I am from the tiny white grains of Oryza Sativa
From the aromatic scents of fish sauce and vinegar.
I am from the primitive, handcrafted bamboo house
With a roof made of eco-friendly and feather-leaved palms,
Savored with the smell of flickering...

Charmane Joy Belleza
Jesus Came For All

Jesus came for all,
the young and the old,
to answer his call
no deed is too bold.

For women he cared,
the children he held
the brave men who dared
he did not...

Donka Kristeva
Stone Crock Restaurant, Elmira

This was Dad’s idea of great Supper
Moxy. Commercial salesman.
Downstairs basement
Family style service.
Best of country foods.
Mennonite wives attending.
Love and sweet care sending.
Gentle music blending.
Bowls and bowls.

Wayne Blair
Dr. Percy Collett, Mission to Brazil. Trip to Heaven.

Yes friends, this is Percy Collet
Oh Glory in what I am about to tell.
Died, body staying in Brazil.
Spirit took a chariot.
Just like Elijah.
Yes friends, just like that old seer.
Intimate touch, audience with Jesus.
Said I would be going...

Wayne Blair
Cedar Stand, Fragrant

I enter its canopy
Evinrude left back at the sparkling
Rushes. Sandy landing.
Bay winds were a tad bit tricky.
But now safe and
Feeling welcome in the shade.

Red squirrel gives the
Saucy alert, scolding.
I pause in respect

Wayne Blair
Retirement, and now me…

Which day of the week.
Seldom get it right these days.
Workaday triggers, reminders
Where did they go?
My wife Hilary, a delightful
Fellow traveler. Short hops.
Rising up way before dawn.
Thoughts alive to new
Zones of writing, of poetry.

Wayne Blair
Stats and Readership?

For me it was the numbers
Check and check those stats
A readership adoring so
What is wrong that?
Had a blog reached million.
Some days racing
West Coast crowd.
But Spirit said, Hey Dougie.
That’s proud, yeah proud.
He sourced my best stuff...

Wayne Blair
Cellphone Folly

He bawls me out
That I am not
Responsive on my phone.
Many days spent, no charge.
Many days left on bureau.
Who’s gonna call, anyway?
Few face to face friends.
Facebook seldom counts.
Product solicitors, always
At suppertime.

Wayne Blair
Paul despises “measuring”

I come behind in no spiritual gift
Not a one.
Signs and wonders occur
As I share the Word.
Stubborn hearts soften
And Jesus gains new siblings.
I am constrained to do these things.
By Love, and not of my origin.
But the gainsayers are...

Wayne Blair
A Seamless Transition

When I have slipped this shell
And kissed each loving face once more
And find strange buoyancy
To float weightless
To that distant shore.
When pains have fled
And duties suit a former time.
And eyes new-sparkling
Marvel at all joys now mine....

Wayne Blair
Church Sign. Bang on.

I drove by this little unassuming building. Nothing really suggested that it was a church,

but it had an orderly, colourful spring garden in the front, a rude cross in the middle of it and a sign over the door which read as follows:


Wayne Blair
Borealis @1972.

It came to us.
Late August.
Georgian Bay.
Cottage and camping mecca.
Very tired but
Stretched out on the Rock.
Five of us.
Not wanting sleep.
The green, the violet
The yellow and pastel crimson.
Way overhead.
Now dancing, now shifting.

Wayne Blair
Forty-ninth Psalm

They opened up a subdivision

Family names the theme.

And all the dough

The kudos so

Much fuss, just like a dream.

But brass ring pull

And pockets full

Left little room for God.

And He supreme

Worth all their dreams


Wayne Blair
In a Panic to Serve

The birds oft will gather
No panic or rush.
They congregate simply
Without strain or push.
And help one another
Through winter’s harsh days
While leaning on God’s help
Compassionate ways.
The same pace with Jesus
As He walked this Earth.

Wayne Blair
Ten lepers healed, but…

Were there not ten
With my blessing
Leprous one moment, and then,
Sent for the priest’s
Clean and recovered again?

Was there but one
Back to thank me?
He, a Samaritan too.
Shameless he bows.
Here at the feet of a...

Wayne Blair
Clean up in Ezra’s Time.

It is good that I am here
More than just a house of stone
Place of rest in Israel’s God
God of all the earth alone.
They had come from Persian lords
Pleased to worship as they might
Weeping as the chains were lost
Seventy years in exile’s...

Wayne Blair
Trite saying of times…

We must really get together.
Nice our talking here old Pal.
He was walking, head slight turning
Picking up speed down the Hall.
Seven years since I last saw him.
Barely worth six minutes here.
Not a friend.
Nor ever was one.
(Social norm so...

Wayne Blair
Chivalrous Robbie

Had a name for Queen’s
Good English.
But he skipped in Gaelic form.
Gave us much from Cotter’s Cottage
Sunday’s fire
Would keep all warm.
Or a timid cowrin mousie
Passing through Life’s
Common part. With heart.

Get to January, that’s the...

Wayne Blair
To A Mouse

Wee, sleekit, cowrin, tim'rous beastie,
O, what a panic's in thy breastie!
Thou need na start awa sae hasty,
Wi' bickering brattle!
I wad be laith to rin an' chase thee
Wi' murd'ring pattle!
I'm truly sorry man's dominion,
Has broken...

Robert Burns
Up, Lazarus.

Is there news of his arrival?
Have they seen him on the way?
How we need his hand of healing,
How we need his strength to pray!
Yet this waiting, wretched waiting,
While our brother slips away.
Was the message given promptly?
Was he begged...

Wayne Blair
William Chalmers Burns and Scottish Revival, then off to China.

William Chalmers Burns (1815-1868)

Called by Robert to

Pinch hit at Anwoth.

Little spot in Lowlands.

Not a lot to brag about.

Rain often

Crops mediocre.

Livestock scraggly.

But the folks had heart.

Loved me from the...

Wayne Blair
As the psalmist would have it…Sing.

Come now, together,
Let’s sing for the joy of it.
Gather with brothers
And sisters of grace.
Tell of the stories of
Jesus the marvelous
Captain of courage
Who died in our place.
Whate’er the trouble
Preceding the glad refrain
Soon it...

Wayne Blair

The night is darkening round me,
The wild winds coldly blow;
But a tyrant spell has bound me
And I cannot, cannot go.

The giant trees are bending
Their bare boughs weighed with snow.
And the storm is fast descending,
And yet I cannot...

Emily Brontë
A Yoking with Jesus (matthew eleven)

Without Limit

You came in time
yes just in time
and ransomed
my poor being
I knew that blood
as cleansing flood
had offered
hopeful seeing.
a yoking fast
with Jesus taking
large part.
had made the job
to plow the sod
and rocks that...

Wayne Blair

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July 2024

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Are you a poetry master?

A poem that has no rhyme is called ________.
A a limerick
B a ballad
C a song
D free verse