Dougb.19255's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by dougb.19255  —  There are currently 391 poems total — keep up the great work!

The Syrian and Family Beloved

Met him after sundown
His smoke break
Back of our building
Cool and quiet
One mourning dove
Serenading from lamp post
On the street.

A Syrian, here eleven years
Shy about his English usage
Studying at an ESL group.
Making progress but

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Is the Separate Loneliness Passing?

I find it hard to go outside
To meet the Human Race
Some still wear masks
Their talk is scarce
And fears stay on their face.

A strange civility that sponsors
Stay alone.
Keep those six feet
And do your part.
Keep King Health on his...

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Dizzy Sessions Recently

Are you alright there Mister
Your balance seems amiss?
The walking stick is helping
But not for all of this.
Help you to your car Sir?
Call your Doctor, yes.
Otherwise you seem fit
Until you hit this mess.
You say your meds have increased.

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Yes it’s cancer…Sorry.

I can waste a body
I can shatter dreams
I can raise my threat
Through a thousand schemes.
I can rob a home
I can stunt a life
I can tear the bond
Of a man and wife.
I can pull the blind
Down on hope or joy
And the neighbours’talk
I will...

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Robert Browning addresses the zany poet.

Calls him a Corregidor.

See this link


by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
At a Baby Shower…with joy.

The smiles and gifts

And games they play

The love they come to share

The hope of miracles anon

The food that's made with care.

The waiting and the learning now

Seem right as days reflect

A couple have brave journey soon


by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Mrs Mavor

From Britain for adventure
She came with husband new
Lewis with family fortunes
But devilish bottles too.
She prayed for his conversion
But took a baby’s charms
To deaden his addiction
With rapture in his arms.
A year and half so joyful

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
The Mountains Make Us Seem Smallish

Lake at Geneva Switzerland
(inspired by a beautiful Geneva image)

Just call into the empty

And echo sings back soon

The Alps are all around you

The sunny warmth of June.

The alpen flowers sparkle

Released from icy hold


by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
The Poet

This our craft
This is our hope
Silly as it may appear…

Our line of work

Is to produce ideas

Formulate them as words

Printed on paper

Distributed to friends

And perhaps...

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Anna and Refuge, 1965.


And in a new place

One carryall

Off the bus

Little cash and

One name and address.

Aunt Ida had given this out

Along with sixty bucks.

In her precious letter.

Anna, 235 Porter Street.

Bridgewater, NS.


by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Fellow Traveler

Comes along a traveler

In this common track

Steeped in simple kindness

Bringing goodwill back.

Just a little simple

Does he seem at first.

But he's real, compassionate.

Yes for same I thirst.

Oh the flaws are found there


by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Presenced by Paraclete

A link to a website posting.

Many churches receive little understanding of the person and power and imparted wisdom and guidance of the Holy Ghost. This website offers...

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
A Cry from an Indian Wife

By Pauline Johnson

My forest brave, my Red-skin love, farewell;
We may not meet to-morrow; who can tell
What mighty ills befall our little band,
Or what you'll suffer from the white man's hand?
Here is your knife! I thought 'twas...

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Waterloo Master Poet: rienzi crusz

The link to website posting.


by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Amazing Life of Robert Louis Stevenson, novelist and poet.

Robert Louis Stevenson was born on November 13, 1850, in Edinburgh, Scotland. His father, Thomas, was a lighthouse engineer and the Stevenson family built a good portion of the deep-sea lighthouses along the Scottish coast. Margaret Isabella...

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Critique of poetry of Canadian Rienzi Crusz (born in Sri Lanka)

Crusz's preoccupation with poetics recurs in numerous poems. Of particular relevance in the present context is his own recognition that poetry revolves around metaphors. He says in the title poem of The Rain Doesn't Know Me Anymore
(which I read in...

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Can it be now a wrapup?

Can it be my work
In this place is done?
Had some ideas
Some metaphors
Som zany word choices
Some fun.
Some friends who gave
Real comment
Time to time.
Or asked an honest issue
That we might climb.
Thanks and sayonara.
All who love this...

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
An Excerpt from Archibald Lampman…Snow

White are the far-off plains, and white
The fading forests grow;
The wind dies out along the height,
And denser still the snow,
A gathering weight on roof and tree,
Falls down scarce audibly.

The road before me smooths and fills

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Parking in Dawning’s Peace and Quiet

Sitting in Walmart

Parking lot

Rising Sun alerts

Crows clean up

Overnight mess.

One Staffer here

Dropped off early

Curbside chain smoking

We have said nothing

To this point

Sharing cool and quiet

An odd brotherhood

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Psalm 37 at so many times…

John Wesley’s favourite Psalm.

British horseback Evangelist

Many uncertainties on

The Road of Witness.

But God was there

His constant provider, protector and


Fret not.





by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Paul. Retired.

No longer at the Bank's entrance

Cardboard sign in hand

"Some change would be appreciated."

This was a vocation.

Dedicated hours.

Standing and keeping up

Positive attitude.

And the smiles.

Usually genuine.

Rain or shine.

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Susan Boyle Discovered…and how!

Coming from a small Scottish town

A might frumpish, ungarnished

Nervous sense of humour showing.

But then a pause

Entire audience still, eager


And Susan's voice exploded

Like incoming beams from Heaven.

With all...

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Jimbo the Busker, all smiles and tunes.

Knew him years before
Playing by the Grocery Store
Good guitar
And folk songs
Most would know.
Tambourine, harmonicas too.
Any time of day would do

Misty, chilly times too.

This his source of cash
His store.
Handyman yes, on the...

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
A Challenge for Mel Gibson (to act, to direct)

Remember Passion of the Christ

Remember Braveheart

Remember Apocalypto?

All wonderful films

Birthed by Mel.

Redeeming messages.

In a trashy Hollywood

Of silly superheroes.

Then came his shameful impaired


by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Day’s Journey from Kent. Sept. 1979.

Evening getting late

Third hotel try

Coastal town Rye

On English Channel

Smugglers’ hangout

Stories of Scarecrow of

Romney Marsh.

Raining and booming

Surf amplified.

Earlier at Canterbury Cathedral.

We apologize to...

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Presenced with Paraclete

I know your presence

Spirit Friend

And Guide, Protector

You happily send

The best of uplift

Every day.

Some whispers heard

Oft’ As I pray.

How marvelous your

Wisdom from Above.

Never push

Never shove.


by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Who turned off the little gray cells?

For the last fifteen minutes
Auto pilot holds the wheel
No awareness of where, or how
Just feel.
Been this way too often.
That Building’s brick cover.
Driveway getting asphalt this month.
Over back fence a schoolyard.
Catholic and noisy.

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
So Go Ahead Lord

So go ahead
Disturb my sleep
Implant your lines
and phrases deep.
The topic has been
Bugging me for days.
A Mother’s fortitude
Undying Love
And tireless ways.

A little is my own
My Momma’s care.
She knew the words
The comfort...

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Thrill, Timing and Trouble of Heavy Sailing

Clearly coming it was

The dark wedge over Huron

Gusts, rage and rains

In a storm.

And the Race only

Half done with trusty

Crew of four.

Not a novel thing

Many storms battled before.

But each one its

Own pack of...

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Deepest Places of Worship

I have been in cloistered places

Where the atmosphere is grave

Once a murder in Cathedral

That the King could not stop, save.

But acoustics, Man they’re special

And the loneliness not bad.

Bringing worship’s deepest utterance.


by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Stranded was Selkirk

A castaway
And hope stretched thin
The storm, the wreck, the digging in
Two shipmates lost
Their hearts broke first
The loneliness, the chill and thirst.
The gulls would teach
One errant mind
To dig the clams
And seaweed find.


by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Boulevard Montmartre, Paris, 1850s

A famous print
Hangs in our living room
Luxury and ease pervade
No automobiles clutter
Much before that.
But elegant wagons
Walkers. Attendants.
Top hat or sweeping gown.
Poodle or whippet leashed.
Light poles with hanging flowers.


by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
God, As Things Are

He knows of His Power
Its limitless depth
He knows of our journey
Its length and its breadth
Each heart has His trademark
He made; He can fix
But suffering crops up
Its burrs and its tics.

A portion of sunshine
A portion of storm

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
I am formed from what?

I am nothing very special
Little bits of history, music, art
Deposits from my parents
Their equity of heart.
Their laughter at a story.
Their entertaining yen.
Their ears inclined to listen.
Oh to see them again.

To have a kitchen

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Primordial on the Waters, and Diving

I can hear him

And I am nowhere near

Comes with pine fragrance

This time of year.

Comes with the memories.

Paddling of old.

Comes as the Father

Fakes some kind of injury.

Snake-like, bold.

Been with us always.


by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Schools might as well be out.

They are out with

The school nearly closing

Summer break

And the prospects are good

Part time work

City Park

Or the cottage

Robins singing "Summer Time"

As they should.

Kids are kids

And the classroom is stifling


by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Walrus, just lolling?

They just loll and roll
The Ocean backdrop
Calling tales to mind
Passing ships and sailors
Playing at the shore.
Touching ground, laughing.
Walrus pay no mind.

Nope, they stick to sex
And child care, eating large.
Trips offshore, feeding

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Pastor gets a little dirt on his message…

Sitting down with my
Strawberry pie
June season it was.
And the prospect of chilled
Fruit delights
Woke me up.

Went online and
Quickly saw
Facebook comments
About the worldly touches
Of a certain renowned Preacher.
The one commenting...

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Uncommon Church Visit

Never before been here

But today it just clicks

Been having much trouble

And I hope Church might fix.

Tried it online before.

But community is lost.

Sitting in jammies

And having some toast.

Folks at the door


by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Rita MacNeil, genuine and warm.

In a former time

She was Belle of the East

Chanteuse Cape Breton

And Celtic the Feast.

Mellow her alto voice

Mellow her mien

Praising the salty air

Bracing and clean.

Praising the miners brave.

Down to the deep.

Men who...

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago

Going through
Boxes and boxes
Family snapshots.
Each child a wrinkled
Pink bundle in
Hospital nursery.
School at home
And playgrounds
Where Dad got involved.
Mom mastering
Their daily needs.

Now all grown.
Pictures a...

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Special Music Video…glorious unfolding (with steve curtis chapman)

Gets to me every time.
Quiet, organized Den.
Dad’s Den.
On the table his Last Will.
Daughter almost afraid to
Inside an airline ticket
To England, Scotland, northern isles.

And a clue wandering challenge

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Rain Ahead

Some dark foreboding clouds

Farmers say it’s dry

Do not see things

As those who scurry about

City sidewalks.

We have our parks

June events long planned

Picnics with those loved.

Potato salad, chips, sausages

Ready to go.

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
A trace of e e cummings

freedom is a breakfastfood
or truth can live with right and wrong
or molehills are from mountains made
-long enough and just so long
will being pay the rent of seem
and genius please the talentgang
and water most encourage flame


by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
The Men of the Deep

The Men of the Deep

It’s a job at least
Only one around
And it starts in dark
Leading to the Dark
As the Cage lets out
complaining sounds.

Will the runs stay clear
Of gas?
Will the passages
All hold fast.
Will my Buddies

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
A Trip “Home”, June.

Back from three days’
Travel to the Home Town.
Familiar roads.
Lush new fields
Redwing blackbirds..
Dairy cattle.
Seemingly we’re on auto pilot.
And delighted.

Through Stratford
And the swans in the Park.
Pilgrims to the Avon

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Robust Hiking Day. Beausoleil Island. July.

This would be the full
Day’s excursion.
Tuesday, July, beautiful sun.
Peeking shyly through
The fragrant cedars
To our hiking group.
Packed with supper foods
For campfire meal

Discordant banter en route.

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Quiet One. Park Bench.

She refuses eye contact
Much too shy and
wounded in the past.
A bench in the shade.
A magazine up and down.
Smiles so subtle
And frequent.
As two little boys
Turn a swing gym
Into noisy battlefield.
Complete with screams, falls
And rat...

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
Home Town, London.

Took three days to visit
London Ontario.
Old streets
Familiar homes
Brick and trees and yards
Preserved, perhaps improved.
Surprised at height
Of trees, once middle size.

But the people
Loved have moved on.
Both our sets of parents

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago
A Father, Graduated

He had passed
And grieving impulses
Worked to batter.
On waking, thoughts
Would blurt out
He is gone.
Someone had removed
The trusty Back-stop.

No other death of
Any other relative
Had hit as hard.
I doubted my
Judgment and balance.

by Wayne Blair

added 1 year ago

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"I walk down the garden paths, and all the daffodils are blowing"
A Emily Dickinson
B Amy Lowell
C Elizabeth Barrett Browning
D Gwendolyn Brooks