Dougla$Irishman's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by Dougla$Irishman  —  There are currently 61 poems total — keep up the great work!


There was a heavy knock on my door
Seven knocks, I counted them,
Now who in the world would do that ?
He must be some character to think of that !

On opening he door
I saw something very unusual to my eyes,
A very tall man, dressed in white...

by Douglas Hugh Mc Clintock

added 1 year ago

There is a different world out there
And they are living on a hospital mental floor,
For people who couldn't quite make it,
Hospitals full of woe and hatred !

I know because I was there
Even twice,
They said, shape up
Or ship out !


by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 1 year ago
Two Visitors

When I lost my wife
My life fell apart
Twice on a mental floor
And had to start my life over again 1

Knee transplant and passed out
For 3 days, my life was in ruin,
Lost my car license
Had a very bad bicycle accident !

My ill health ...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 1 year ago
Living to Die

Don't become sick and old
And be a nuisance to others,
To touch my body, it seems very cold,
My life is like an unpainted canvas !

In bed more than out,
My life has become a derelict,
Once an athlete, never in doubt
Can't hear and losing my...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 1 year ago
A Modern Canadian Haiku

Be it so ever clear
There is no place like home
Especially on a foggy night...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 1 year ago

My new girl friend worked at a hospital
As a nurse's aide,
She asked me to meet someone she really liked
And I said " yes" !

An older gent with white hair,
Very gracious and well spoken,
He made you feel like a friend
This was no run of...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 1 year ago

Bette and me were married about a year,
Two days before pay day, not much food
She packed my lunch bucket to go to work
My bucket seemed light, but what the heck !

At work when it was lunch time
Took my lunch bucket to the table with the...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 1 year ago

Death is not always a harbinger of bad news,
To those in Christ, we bid farewell
To our loved ones without excuse,
Our final home without parallel !

We arise and take our final journey
A black and stormy river called Death,
In a micro...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 1 year ago

I once knew a cat named Lance,
He had a sister named Loretta
He visited select houses and not by chance
Fluffy orange and white, he was quite the fella !

Lance was a cat very street smart,
Looking both ways to cross the street
To the woods...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 1 year ago
Life's Little Stories

God, can you give a brother a helping hand ?
Give me strength to be your able soldier again,
I know in your heart, you always understand
This is me calling, I am no stranger !

It is clear to me
My time is numbered,
My soul tells me, it...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
Life's Intervals

As the June Bug has a sense to live
The industrious squirrel hides a nut,
To survive is paramount for both
Even our animal friends think of tomorrow !

A prudent man saves for tomorrow
Too many drops, you can't work,
Ask any carpenter man,...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
Ask God

God, when you designed the human body
You got it all wrong,
Us seniors are sick, sad and very groggy
To being not able to go places with the strong !

We have found out, pain is the last frontier,
And who can fix it ?
No one, we must suffer,

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago

The other day something new happened
That I had not done for awhile,
Tears swelled in my eyes and made me smile,
It caught me by surprise, it was a time of being silent !

Living for the past 10 years alone
And the last half with chronic pain,...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago

Can you ever imagine
When your life is or,
Knocking on Heaven's door
On that golden shore ?

I have tried the broken cisterns, Lord
And ah the waters fled,
Hearing the grim reaper whisper
Put your affairs in order !

To be an elder...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago

I woke up the other day
I realized I was doing a poor job
On dying,
I was doing it, inch by inch !

Now dying can be a complex thing,
Our bodies are slowing down to become an elder,
The senior's plight is he can't fight
The good fight...

by Douglas Hugh Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
Young Life

Don't sweat the big things
It's the little things
That count for many blessings,
Like owning your very first jack knife !

A boy's dream - flying your first kite
So high, you could not see it,
Made of newspaper and sticks so light
I flew it...

by Douglas Hugh Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago

I always steered my ship
By the light of the old lighthouse,
Those rocks would not get me in it's grip
I trusted the Keeper, hook, line and sinker !

His light shone far and clear,
A welcome sight for all sea faring salties
And even a fog...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago

Most of us will suffer in life
With our health problems,
When you are old and grey
A test of a lifetime !

But when was the last time
You suffered for the cause of Christ ?
The Bible of old
Like Job, Paul, Peter or the disciples !

But you...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago

What is happening to my body ?
I am at a loss for words,
All day long I am very groggy
Listen, this is no joke, I have become rather absurd !

Is this a life worth living ?
Body, mind and spirit, they say,
Everyday I get that old feeling

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
Blood is Thicker than Water

Blood is thicker than water
Blood is thicker than water
When you have an Earth Angel for a daughter.

Blood is thicker than water
When your son brings a coffee, donut to his old father.

Blood is thicker than water
When your friend sees your...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago

I once knew a man named Bill, Bill Lucas, that is,
Delivering mail to my country store.
Of all people, he was God's witness
He was no one to ignore !

With his wife, Mary, they were a loving couple,
He dressed in black, Mary in long skirt...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
Little is Much

To err is human,
To believe is divine,
In life is anything certain ?
To look beyond and not on the sideline !

Should we plan for the future
And not just for today ?
We are not promised tomorrow
To day is a gift called the present !


by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
Life's Proverbs

A bird in the hand
Is worth more than two in the bush,
What you see
Is what you get.

Puppy love is
Holding hands and a kiss or two,
But to have and hold
Till death do us part.

Age before beauty they say
It's what is inside you that...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
Boys vs Girls

Boys play marbles,
And fly a kite,
Ride a bike
And have a jack knife.

Girls are pretty
And have pig tails,
Play with dolls
Skip and jump,
Are sweet and nice.

Some gals like to knit, crochet and needle point
Read a book and love to...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
The Old Sojourner

Oh to be a poet and write an ode
Inspiration comes in deep moments of thought,
For vital words that make you think, I am told
Must be in a life, tried and tested, to be sought.

Sometimes things are not always what they should be,
The seasons...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago

It is what it is,
But what it is
It should not be,
And it should not be so hard
So hard for you
So hard for me
For you and me, it just is !

Can we change what it is ?
Not if you sell it, as is,
What you see
Is what you get !

Life is...

by Matthew, Doug & Abigail

added 2 years ago
His Return

Don't you think it's time
For God's Son to return,
Don't you think it's time
For God's Son to return ?
like people killing each other, like it's no crime,
Countries needs a champion to stop the acts of wanton

Ever since Cain's famous words

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
The Race

Six riders coming home from an evening ride
About 4 blocks away from the coffee shop,
Let's have a race, someone said to decide
Who gets a free coffee, turning the pedal non stop !

Only one rider liked the idea,
Off we went riding side by...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
Ordinary Life

You'll lived your life
Had three children and a wonderful wife,
Years of bliss but lots of heartache,
Our life was planned and not a mistake !

On that day in 1957 in June the fifteenth
Our marriage vows were expressed,
I was 22, Bette was...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago

Can you imagine
The thrill of riding your bike,
You make it go for you are the engine
No slow spoke, speed is of the essence !

The bicycle is meant to go fast
And you are the rider to obey it's command,
One word is you will never be last,...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
Springtime Focus

The red tulips and yellow daffodils are there
And in the green grass so fair
The lowly yellow dandelion wants to share
So smart, it always seeds itself everywhere !

Blue sky and bright sun to filter in,
Morning dew on the grass clover so...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago

There will come a day
When your enemy is yourself,
You can't hide it, it's on display
But sometimes on a book shelf !

It wasn't always that way
My life's trials were always defeated,
Youth with it's strength and no decay,
My life went...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
5 Senses Part 2

My fellow poets
May I ask you a question ?
About the 5 senses that we have
Hear, see, touch, taste and smell !

If we could only have one
Which one would it be ?
Someone would say, none
I want my voice !

But what good is a voice
If you...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
Knowing God ( revised )

God is the alpha and the omega,
The beginning and the end.
There is no beginning and no end
To God who is eternal.

God, the Father, the Son and Spirit,
He is a triune God ,three in One,
1+ 1+ 1 = 3 1x 1 x 1 = 1
Father is God,...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
To Forgive is Divine

To forgive can people really do it ?
An easy word for us to say,
But we must have the right spirit
In order to put it in actual play.

God forgives with no traces for Him to see
But can us mortals do the same ?
With God our guilt is gone to...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
The Battle

I serve in God's Salvation Army
A lowly soldier footman no less,
It's been a very stormy journey
Lots of heartache but also success.

The kinship of Saints allowed me
To give me strength to march on
No turning back will be my final plea

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago

I think I shall never see
Spring's green grass and pine trees as white as snow.
It is a winter wonderland for it to be
It's April, could it be winter's last storm to show ?

But there is a mystery in all this layer of snow,
No two snowflakes...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago

Is it a crime
To be sick and old,
Than I am guilty
As charged.

Is it a crime
My phone seldom rings,
Than I am guilty
As charged.

Is it a crime to pray
A sinner saved by grace,
Than I am guilty
As charged.

Is it a crime to be left...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
Boys and Girls R Us

Pain is no respecter of persons
Pain is the great equalizer,
From babe to elder, it inflicts like a surgeon,
Makes you realize in life, you are not an actor !

As a youngster riding your bike
You must stay on to be a good rider !
You must...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago

When I was a wee little lad,
My dad always called me a pipsqueak,
That term did not make me very glad
I was determined to be someone a little unique.

Another name I got was Little Lord Fauntroy
Because I rode my tricycle so daring and...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago

We came into this world from mom and dad,
A little babe destined to grow.
The first few years we were seldom bad,
Delightful discoveries, learning words to know.

But as we got older
We noticed we could be bad rather than good.
Life seemed...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
A Boy's Tomorrow

Remember as a kid we played so hard ?
Skinning our knees, playing on our tricycle,
Never playing in my backyard
And sucking on an orange pop sickle !

Life was meant to be play and fun
On swings, tidder totter, scooters, wagon and high bar

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
Its Time Again

Time moves so slowly
And time can do so much.
From the refrain, Unchained Melody,
It brings back memories to keep you in touch.

Life is fleeting when you look back,
Was it always about me or others ?
Life is not a straight line, you can get ...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
Good Fight

As a young man I was in a day to day battle
For the direction of my life.
I was sold on God's plan like block and tackle
My biggest asset for me was my beloved wife. ( Bette )

She was the one who pointed the way,
I shutter to think, where...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago

What fools these mortals be
To think there is a God really here.
To claim that salvation is fully free
To say in Heaven there is no sorrow or tear.

What fools these mortals be
To think that Jesus died on the cross,
My only option was to...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
Two Artists

One artist with brush and paint
The other with pen and paper,
The finished product sits on the wall,
The other on a page inside a book.

The painting on the wall will dazzle your eyes,
The written page will stir your emotions.
The painting...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
Two of a Kind, Friend or Foe

God says we should love our enemies,
But I say that is against the grain.
It is so easy to love our family
Because blood is thicker than water !

It is easy to love our friends
Because we have so much in common.
Our words are sincere and...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago

Them : You are not doing your best.
Me : I am doing the best I can.
Them ; Your best is not good enough.
Me ; What you see, is what you get.
Them ; I don't like what I see.
Me ; It is what it is.
Them : So, what are your plans ?
Me ; Just...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
Time is of the Essence

60 seconds to a minute,60 minutes to an hour,
1440 minutes to a day, 24 hours to a day,
Time never stops even on a museum tour,
Sincere time is when you pray.

Can you spare a dime, and what is the time?
Time is fleeting, it waits for no man.

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago
There will come a day

There will come a day
When the word "alone" will be your friend.
There will come a day
When all memories will dim in the end.

There will come a day
When your body is weak and old.
There will come a day
When blood is thicker than water, it...

by Douglas H. Mc Clintock

added 2 years ago

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Are you a poetry master?

What is the term for the continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, couplet, or stanza.
A A turn
B Dithyramb
C Enjambment
D Line break