Abbykesington's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by Abbykesington  —  There are currently 33 poems total — keep up the great work!

Unwanted Visitor

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!
The wind hammers at my window,
Rousing me from a dreamless sleep.
Hurricane Beryl, the unwanted guest,
Unstoppable and uninvited,
Breaks through with torrential rain,
Its landfall is inevitable.

Peering through...

by Abby Kesington

added 18 days ago

Destiny, hold on, it's me,
Open the door and let me in!
I've been through a tempest none could see,
Divinity's light, my compass within.

Thrown overboard by raging storms,
Adrift with thoughts as my lifeguard,
Wading through waters on...

by Abby Kesington

added 22 days ago
Decades On A Treadmill

Decades spent on a treadmill's grind,
Miles on the track, yet progress I can't find.
Energy spent, effort so grand,
Yet, slipping down on the same old strand.

Decades on a treadmill…
Aging in circles, no progress in sight,
Chasing the...

by Abby Kesington

added 1 month ago
Dancing King

The king dances naked in the city center
Prancing at the ka-ka -ka-ka, pap-pap and boom sounds

 of rifles and missiles!
Joined in a massacre jig by allies…
Hopping unceremoniously to the tune of war!

Tone deaf to the cries and shouts for ...

by Abby Kesington

added 1 month ago
The Cost of a Head

Heads sprawled everywhere...
Small heads, big heads,
Women’s heads, children’s heads,
Forming a pyramid of sorrow.
Eyes barely shut,
Tears of blood streaking down
Ruddy cheeks of infants
Who will never see tomorrow.

 “Off with their...

by Abby Kesington

added 2 months ago
Prayer Answered

In this fleeting moment, a prayer finds its way,
Learn to love, learn to live, learn to give each day.
See, it’s not so tough, this journey’s gentle sway.

Embrace grace, inhale favor, and in joy, stay.
Let love’s tender whispers light the...

by Abby Kesington

added 2 months ago
Walking Your Path

Until I wore your over sized scrawny shoes…

 Scuttling through harrowing dark tunnels,

 Dodging bullets and bombs,
I never knew where it pinched.

 Until my roof was scalped...
Like a bald vulture in rain, drenched,
Flapping its wet wings,...

by Abby Kesington

added 2 months ago
The Moon seeks Attention

Like a spurned lover, the moon turns from the sun,
Casting its opaque shadow over the earth, its adversary.

 Despised for reflecting light, not emitting its own, It is jeered and taunted.
In anger, it traces a path of totality, Weary of the...

by Abby Kesington

added 3 months ago
The Power Game

In the game of love, we dance on life’s battlefield,
In the silent spaces where frustrations yield.
He, a lion, exudes dominance and might,
While I, a deer, caught in his gaze, take flight.

His presence, a predator’s stealthy stare,
I feign...

by Abby Kesington

added 3 months ago
The Moon Seeks Attention

Like a spurned lover, the moon turns from the sun,
Casting its opaque shadow over the earth, its adversary.

 Despised for reflecting light, not emitting its own, It is jeered and taunted.
In anger, it traces a path of totality, weary of the...

by Abby Kesington

added 3 months ago
A Letter to Mother

Iyani ni iya mi”, my mother!
Your love for me transcends this border!

Every flower, I behold, a reminder of your persona.
The yellow tulips of spring, like your beauty;
Vibrant and sweet natured.
Marigold of summer enlivens like sunshine…

by Abby Kesington

added 1 year ago
Life is Boss

Peace, my mind knows peace

When life shouts in no uncertain term, “she is Boss” ….mnh
Brags and brandishes her crimson-stained fingers,
An angry wave slaps me in the face like a lone rock at sea.
My mind knows peace!

When she viciously...

by Abby Kesington

added 1 year ago
I am Woman

I am soft, I am hard
I am kind, I am stern
I am shy, I am bold
I am naïve, I am shrewd
I am modest, I am sexy

What really am I?
I am Woman.
Multi faceted,
Can’t put a label on me.

I am the reaction to every of your action.
You give...

by Abby Kesington

added 1 year ago
Love, what are thou?

Love, what are thou?

 Abby Kesington.

Is it a flutter in the pits of your stomach?
Or a blush on your plump cheeks
Perhaps, it’s that sparkle of light in your eyes?
This thing called love!

Does it make you shiver with cold on a hot summer...

by Abby Kesington

added 1 year ago
Reckless Amigo

How do I stay calm
Without praying a psalm?
When you gave a frantic call
Grasping and couldn’t breath at all

You hold your chest in distress
And say it’s nothing when I fret
Fully aware it’s triggered by stress
From extreme thrills that’s...

by Abby Kesington

added 1 year ago

Stung by folks with hidden plots
Wary I am to label one a friend
Like sea cucumbers, they spill their guts
And secrets become the trend
They lie in wait, and wish you’d rot
But grovel back to make amend

Trust earned you this great spot

by Abby Kesington

added 1 year ago
The Sun in the Fog

The fog falls heavy and low today
Alas! I am the sudden burst of sunshine.

 I am bold, bright and beautiful
The foggy mist can’t dull my shine.

Like the sun, I dare shine bright
Bold, yellow and in all gold
Emitting light to all who cross...

by Abby Kesington

added 1 year ago
Window With a View

The Window with a view of the night sky
Floods my mind with gratitude
Tonight, I can touch the sky
As sprawling buildings carries my soul to new altitude .

Grace lifts me from the doldrums of self pity
And desire inflates my heart like a...

by Abby Kesington

added 1 year ago
The Shopaholic

Oh! The thrills of a good bargain
Push the worries behind my brain
The lure of buy one, get one free
Emancipates an entrapped frame

New deals on bags and shoes
A welcome distraction from my moods
Forty percent discount from Michael Koors

by Abby Kesington

added 1 year ago
One of those Days

Today is one of those days
Everything spirals south
From waking to zero balance account
To dodging rush hour traffic
And the barrage of life many troubles.

Today is one of those days
When relying on wits fail
When life outsmart the...

by Abby Kesington

added 1 year ago
This Time

This time there was no pretense
The cold breeze slapped with a sense of clarity
This time the sky was dark and gloomy
The stars had gone to sleep.

This time there was no audience.
But ones conscience to act as judge
This time the quiet...

by Abby Kesington

added 1 year ago
An Ode to Wine Country

Fredericksburg, town on the hill
that cannot be hidden.
Its vineyards and wineries boast a thrill
Awakening the palate with flavors unbidden

Crisp-whites, full bodied reds, or sparkling wine

 A variety of choices at tasting
Inducts virgin...

by Abby Kesington

added 1 year ago

Pretend- Abby Kesington

Pretend you are far from Houston
Nice weather under the nightsky
Lights defying Newton
Music serenading the blue sky

I think that’s Sheeran “thinking out loud”
As I lay my head on his beating heart
Oops! I hope...

by Abby Kesington

added 1 year ago
The Night Bird

The Shriek of the Night Bird- Abby Kesington

The shriek of the Hermit thrush
Splinters the fragile peace of nightfall
High pitched, emotions threatens to crush
The looming fright disguised as bird-call

The raspy notes fails to calm

by Abby Kesington

added 1 year ago
The Shriek of the Night bird

The Shriek of the Night Bird- Abby Kesington

The shriek of the Hermit thrush
Splinters the fragile peace of nightfall
High pitched, emotions threatens to crush
The looming fright disguised as bird-call

The raspy notes fails to calm

by Abby Kesington

added 1 year ago
The Silent Lover

Is it deep, raspy or croaky?
Silence shouts back like a trumpet.
Is it soft, tender or low key?
Portrait stares like French crumpet.
Is it laced with a Texan drawl when he says enamored
Or like one in a brawl as everyone clamored.
Could it be...

by Abby Kesington

added 1 year ago
Thief of light

Beautiful, bold and bright
Images I try to portray
A contrast to my inner plight
Often leaving me disarray

Full round lips adorned red
Curling to a beguiling smile
Almond eyes lined black
Wrinkling at the end
All a cover to emotions...

by Abby Kesington

added 1 year ago
Love without boarders.

A Love without boarders

Scroll, swipe then match

Confluence for reorders.

Some quite an eye-catch!

Oh! The myriad of pictures.

White, black and sepia

Search for elusive features.

Struggle to see beyond the media


by Abby Kesington

added 1 year ago

Finish line by Abby Kesington

Stop! Look at the skyline
And enjoy the sunshine
The clouds threatens to confine
And the rain forms a coastline
Yet the sun shines bright.

Stop! Look at the skyline
When life storms like a feline

by Abby Kesington

added 2 years ago

Like water on a parched tongue, I need you
To heal a heart stung
Alas! Looked afar and near, found no one to cheer
but left to cry and wipe my tears

Walking the path of life a lone ranger
In the face of clear and present danger
I wonder if...

by Abby Kesington

added 2 years ago
Mother's Keeper

I am my mother's Keeper 
At her heart, I stand a gatekeeper
To waive off the grim reaper

 intent to make her an untimely weeper

I am my mother's daughter 
Courageous and a fighter 
One of the arrows in her quiver
Quick and sharp her enemies...

by Abby Kesington

added 2 years ago
The hope of a bright day.

It is a bright new day
I wonder if things will go my way
On my knees I did pray
To be insightful and gay
A victor and not a prey
To follow and go not astray
Seizing every opportunity that comes my way.

Alas!Here comes the clop-clop

by Abby Kesington

added 2 years ago
A Dirge to a Golden Princess

The golden princess now sits pretty with her Lord
In her wake is a village of mourners
Those gathered cried a river

As they sang songs of a dearly departed
Her kindness and selfless service was on a signboard 

Depicting a service to...

by Abby Kesington

added 2 years ago

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The Baltimore Ravens’ team name was inspired by which American poet?
A Walt Whitman
B Langston Hughes
C Emily Dickinson
D Edgar Allan Poe