Warbard's Saved Poems

Here's where you can create your own personal list of poems that you can get back to anytime —  Warbard currently have 25 entries on its collection.

The Candle’s Light

To look at you by the candle’s light,
Brings other visions to my sight,
And even as the candles burn,
Each vision comes in its own...

What Good

What good are words if you're not here,
To make these words worth speaking,
For then my words are like a breeze,
Which sails across the lonely seas,
With no one there to...

How Blinding is the Night

How blinding is the night,
For as much as you see, you truly see nothing,
So distant each star, and chained as we are,
Unfettered only by mind and heart,
An awareness so deep and...


Eleven days, then I’ll be with you,
Before a fireplace warm,
But until I do, I’ll think of you,
In the fury of this...


Pass rolling hills and onward,
Compelled by faerie song,
Imprisoned by my masterless limbs,
As they carried me along.

Crashing waves against the rocks,
Was not my thought to find,
But a secluded shore, do stand before,
As I left the hills...


Fiery phoenix, soar the skies,
Travel where’er you may,
For where you go, your presence known,
For you shine the light of day.

Intense heat from you body flow,
You’re an entity of fire,
A symbol of eternal life,
Of power and...

Dream of Bards

The dream of bards, for bards do dream,
In their travels far and long,
And these dreams are heard in stories told,
To maidens fair, and soldiers bold,
As they bind them in their...


Mighty Archer, pull thy bow,
Be sure your aim is true,
Before you lies your greatest test,
And death may wait for you.

Normans from across the sea,
Holds your native land,
And your people bold, grow sick and cold,
Looks to you to make a...


Ride on warrior, ride afar,
However far it seems,
To search, and find, that maiden fair,
That calls you in your dream.

So days go by and seasons pass,
Through hardships great and small,
You travel on, and on you will,
On closer to her...


Oh Avalon, you still live on,
In the writings of mankind,
Though the fears of man have left your land,
In the past so far...

Two Armies

Two armies meet to fight this day,
And here the warriors stand,
Above she flies, the crow of war,
And battle claims the land.

The sun arises from the east,
Bringing warmth to all,
But coldness fills the battlefield,
As each man awaits the...

Before A Great Oak Tree

I found a town one early morn,
A town unknown to me,
And within that town a tavern stood,
Before a great oak...


Dark this land, so dark and cold,
No light shines here since times of old,
My darkest fears, they’ve come I dread,
I’ve awaken in the Land of...

Stay the Night

Stay the night with me,
Fear races through my mind,
The demon hides the door from me,
No exit can I find.

Stay the night with me,
Confusion is in my head,
Oblivion circles endlessly,
No path for me to...


Come ye children, gather round,
Come listen to my rhyme,
And tell I will a tale to you,
A tale from an ancient time.

Long ago, of a time renown,
Another world was claimed,
And on that world, a city gold,
And Asgard, it was...


If a thousand men brought gifts of steeds,
Of beauty and pure born,
Then search, I will, and find for thee,
A yearling...

The Little Folks

Full moon bright, reflecting light,
As the sunlight parts away,
The wooded lands, in darkness stands,
And the little folks are at...

The Mares of Night

Dread not the dreams of darkness,
For they lead unto the light,
And they teach you all you need to know,
To tame the mares of...

The Poet

Before the Poet, paper blank,
His ink pen still and drying,
Brows of sweat, he sits bemused,
To lay words to his writing.

But within his thought is blackness,
No vision comes his way,
And anger swells within his mind,
For he knows not what to...

A Perfect Night

A perfect night, I’d like to see,
A perfect one for you and me,
The stars, they shine the heavens bright,
A perfect everlasting...


Let me rest, that I may dream,
For there are few greater pleasures,
For as dreams are, you go so far,
And may do it at your...

A King’s Shout

Hear me peasants, on what’s to be,
None for you and all for me,
Pay for chopping my trees with axes,
Less on food and more on...

Verbal Cantrips

First, Just Words

Quest of the heart,
Comes without choice,
After first vision,
Before the first voice,
A true word of caution,
Great or small that you be,
Oak worships a willow,
Tree understands tree.



From the aftermath of battle,
My comrades before me lay,
Defeated by the winds of change,
Soon to come a world so strange,
With a future cold and...

A Loss of Hope

Cloaked in darkness, ever black,
A pale wraith guards your prison,
Drowning in a pool of tears,
Chained down by the Threads of Fear,
With no hope to be...


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Which of the following was the last to evolve?
A Dithyramb
B Invective
C Epic poetry
D Tragedy