Doreenefelder191's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by doreenefelder191  —  There are currently 118 poems total — keep up the great work!

God's love

Life is full of tests and trials
Full of gain and losses
Fixed with victories
Saw and unnoticed
Life is this outcome
Of how you lost
But gained
How you failed but won
Life has these stairs
That's hard to climb
Some steps get broken

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Focus on greatness

Multitudes of people shows up daily
Some good some bad some leaves the life
Called really
Really out to get you
Really out to hate you really angered by life's difficulties .
Nonet he best
None the less
It is apart of just life's test.

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago

Glasses on my face
Looking all over the place
Hanging around my neck
Can't find them in tack
Lost or even stolen
The odds are even old yet
Found them on the table
Cracked and even broken
Erased the lost or stolen
Or even on my face

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
People are different

People are different
Oh yes they are
Can't figure them out
Rather near or far
People are different
No matter what you may say
It's like threading a needle
Or not knowing what to say
It's like a needle in the hay stack
Trying to move...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago

Children are a blessing from the Lord
Bring a child up in the way he should go ,he will return
If you bring them up in a way you don't know
There's all sorts of things they will learn
Doing your best includes many test
Doing much less shows...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Forgiveness 77 times 7times

Sometimes in life
Others don't know that they
Disrespect you
Until others do to them
What they have done to you
Sometimes others don't
Understand what they
Have costed you
The arrogance of their evilness
The rudeness of their...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Sudden impact

A sudden change
Can change your life
You can be free
You can be homeless
You can be lost
Or you can be saved
What ever the case may be
A sudden impact
Can change your life
You can end up
Places you never been before
You can be sleeping...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
In conclusion

Sometimes in life
We seek some answers
Some trials we go through
Is just like cancer
But there's a solution
To all of life's questions
Something's take life
In a new direction.
Sometimes you just face
A serious rejection

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Sitting at the table

Sitting at the table
Thinking how blessed I am
Seeing the homeless people
In the mornings
Eating out trash cans
At times I carry dollar bills
Just to give them some
Other times I carry crackers
To give some packs
Or one
Sometimes I...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Wisdom unwind

Inspiring words
Drain from my mind
If never spoken
Never shared
Leaves a soul
So blind
God provides the gift
For all of his wisdom
To be shed as a...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Thanking is non stop

Lord Am so thankful for everything you have done for me .
Lord I am thankful for everything you will do for me
Lord I am thankful for the little things people take for granted
Lord I am thankful for the big things you have done for me .

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Precious Days ahead

Life is a gift
Not a mistake
Or a what if
Life has it's
Chains of obstacles
Also ornaments of grace
Life has ups and downs
Sadness and frowns
God alone
Can turn it all around
Don't face no day alone
God has placed
A sacrifice

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Precious Days

Life is a gift
Not a mistake
Or a what if
Life has it's
Chains of obstacles
Also ornaments of grace
Life has ups and downs
Sadness and frowns
God alone
Can turn it all around
Don't face no day alone
God has placed
A sacrifice

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
True giving

Sometimes you can't give money
To others when needed
Sometimes you can't give hugs
Some don't know how to read them
You can't give advice
To a soul that doesn't want it
You can't give food
If a person don't really need it
You can't give...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Dangers of the early morning

When you awake
Thank God
On your way out
Pray for the safety
Of God to be with you
You never know who's
Walking behind you
Or what they plan to do
Pray for God's safety
To keep you along the way
Pray for his healings
That holds you...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
In God's hands

The lord our God knows all and sees all.
He is in control of all things
He is in control of everything
He can control every human being
The lord our God he is our everything
Now and forever

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
lord thank you always

to God whom
you can't see or shall
this war be done
by you or either me
you can't win
without God on your side
though you think you can
that could be your sin...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago

Forgiveness is free
A forgiven soul
Feels free after
it is forgiven
The enemy shall flee
He has no more room
To fit in
Where the soul desires
Him to flee
But you have to be forgiven
To know what I...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Waves of life

Sometimes life moves like waves
They have many shapes and curves
They go up and down and swerve
They happen when you least expect
I love our God he can hold them back
He's got it all in control
That's true facts
Don't let the curves from...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Doing what's right

Doing what's right
Takes more effort
Than doing what's wrong
It's like hearing a good tune
With lyrics that's wrong
It's like a big pair of pants
With no belt to hold them on
It's like watching TV in black and white
With no color shown

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Yes I Will

Good morning
It's a new day
New beginning
New thoughts
New inspiration
New assignment
New registration
New values
To meet you new day
New attitude
To help along the way
New adjustments
While forgiving
Through out the day

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
It's Sunday Morning

Rise and shine
It's resting time
No strenuous work
No time for play
No time to hesitate
But appreciate
The finer things
The greater things
The precious things
That only God brings
The worldly things
You set aside
Knowing God is God

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Fragments of my tears

This is my story
Of the living glory
One has died for me
He gets the glory
One who has kept me
Helps me tell my story
About living this gift of life
What he's done for me
Never left me behind
Neither without
Up to this day
I can not...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Eating healthy

Healthy or not
You decide
Good or bad
It will surface
In time you will see
You or me
Rather you are right or wrong
Or time to move on
Rather it's Sunshine or rain
Heartaches or pain
You have to decide
To move it to ride
You have...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
No no no

Continuing to grow forward
Is a decision to make
Continuing to lack
Is a chance you don't want to take
The no no's of the past
Was all a mistake
The continuance to fail
You don't have to take
Constant returns
Of things that didn't...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
God hasn't forgotten me

Every day you often wonder
Has God forgotten about you
While waiting for an answer
You wait and you wait
Just wondering has he remembered you or your prayers
You suddenly be blessed with something you've been waiting for
That quiet knock

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Prices of life in the real world

Today Is another day that the lord has made
Not anyone else
It's like living in the shade
It's like a warm embrace
With a smile on your face
It's like Kool aid
That never loses its taste
It's like beetle juice
With a sweet bitter lace

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Prices of life

Today I'd another day that the lord has made
Not anyone else
It's like living in the shade
It's like a warm embrace
With a smile on your face
It's like Kool aid
That never loses its taste
It's like beetle juice
With a sweet bitter lace ...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
As I do

When you see some one doing something wrong
If you can
Steer them right
If you see someone doing bad
Help them out
Give them a chance
If you see some one not
Feeling well
Give advice
It never fails
If you see some one in the midst...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
As to say

When you see some one doing something wrong
If you can
Steer them right
I you see someone doing bad
Help them out
Give them a chance
If you see some one not
Feeling well
Give advice
It never fails
If you see some one in the midst of...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Not knowing it what's ahead

Waking y and being thankful
Is an appreciation unto God
Trusting that he knows your every moment of the day
It says you are remembered
Under his amazing grace
Listening to the inner voice
Shows you listen out for God's voice
In the midst...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Oh My

When things go wrong
It makes you think
Of all you could if done
In the course of one week
Sometimes the outcome isn't
What you expect
But the reason it wasn't
Was all on check
How about your first outcome
Would hurt your self respect

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
God Almighty

Trust in God
Who never fails
Who never dies
Who's always real
Trust in God
Who knows everything
Who's made us all
Who controls all destiny
Trust in God
Who loves you most
Who is the king
Who is the host
Trust in God
Who is...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Trusting God Almighty

Trust in God
Who never fails
Who never dies
Who's always real
Trust in God
Who knows everything
Who's made us all
Who controls all destiny
Trust in God
Who loves you most
Who is the king
Who is the host
Trust in God
Who is...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Allowing growth in families

When families complain
There's a reason why
Not liking what was said
Or a reminder of you not there
Maybe they don't like your attitude
Or you are just rude
Maybe you don't pay them rent
Maybe you don't have a job
Or they blame you for...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago

It's okay to distance yourself from your children when they get their own families.
It's not that. You don't love them . You just taught them along the way

It's not that you don't need them . It's just you're not in the way.
It's not that you...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Faith or FOOLISH

Believe in the Higher power
Which is God
That's faith
Believing that nothing will work
That's foolish
Knowing that God can make away
When ever he chooses to
That's trust
Focusing on what is good
That's a person trying to be a better...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
I don't know

I don't have all the answers
To all the questions
I can't say yes to everything
Because some answers are no
I can't go everywhere
I have to be here
I can't say I do
When I don't
I can't say yes
When I mean no
I won't say stay

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Tooo young

Does having a baby really have an age on it when a girl should or would get pregnant?

Does a first kiss have an age upon it or how old should one be?
Does being touched have an age on it or should there be a told time to do so?
Do anyone have...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Sudden changes

Sometimes in life
Situations suddenly change
Your world feels different
Even rearranged
What it could hold
As you see it change
A positive outlook
Or the tilt called shame
A new beginning
Or a positive ending
A downward fall
Or a serious call

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
If we teach

If you teach
They will grow
If we don't
It will show
You'll see results
From those who care
When they don't
It hits the air.
You will find
Who truly...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago

Remembering to treat others as you love to be treated

Each person has their own definition of what respect is

Seeing things in a rearview mirror only shows what's coming at you.

Personalizing what you already saw before...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Thank you God

Lord I thank you for every outcome you have shown me
I thank you for what ever you provide for me
I Thankyou for each day you
Let me see
I thank you for not letting others have what you have for me
I thank you for never forsaking me
I thank you...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago

Every day I praise God for all he's done for me
He wakes me daily
He keeps on me sailing
He stops my failing

He's everything to me
He's my daily story
My morning glory
He does it all for...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago

Lord thanks for my ears
The purpose they serve
I can hear
Thanks for my eyes
I can see
others I even see my tears
when I cry
Thanks for my teeth
I can chew food
when I eat
Thanks for my hands
I can touch and feel
and wave my hand
Thanks for my...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
lord thank you

Lord thanks for my ears
The purpose they serve
I can hear
Thanks for my eyes
I can see
others I even see my tears
when I cry
Thanks for my teeth
I can chew food
when I eat
Thanks for my hands
I can touch and feel
and wave my hand
Thanks for my...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Circles of life

The cross
It's sacrifice
Was not void
When Jesus died there
Neither was it when he
Lied there
Neither will it be
For all eternity
Not even shall it be
Despite the enemy
God had a master plan
It has not failed
It's precious
With the greatest...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago

Put your thoughts
At the beginning of the day
It helps your mindset
And keeps you through the day
It helps you think of
Who's in control of your day
It personalize
Each second of the day
It makes you feast on
The tastes of your way
It motivates...

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Question or Answer

God holds the key to every question you must ask
God holds the answer to every answer you may need
Be careful who may answer the question that you ask
Not all have your best interest
And that's really sad.
When someone gives you the wrong answer

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago
Questions to answers

God holds the key to every question you must ask
God holds the answer to every answer you may need
Be careful who may answer the question that you ask
Not all have your best interest
And that's really sad.
When someone gives you the wrong answer

by Doreene Felder

added 2 years ago

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D Elizabeth Barrett Browning