Hardinchristina's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by hardinchristina  —  There are currently 25 poems total — keep up the great work!

Tidal Moons

Wayword ties the heart to stone and slips into the sea.

Worthy drowns in disregard.

Tidal moons dislodge the weight and waters take control.

Worthy, now, floats light but does not give...

by Christina Hardin

added 3 years ago

The force of the fall –
beauty, no bounds.

Flying to rush without passion.

There’s comfort in knowing that
it’s lack of selection is a force
to delude any discretion.

It harbors not life or death,
 time nor...

by Christina Hardin

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added 3 years ago
The Untouched Generation

Reach as far as can be touched.
Touch as far as can be seen.
See as far as you will dare.

To solve the unknown.
Take what is given.
Demand the future.

They can or can be.
Empathy is strength.
Your mission is...

by Christina Hardin

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added 3 years ago
Yes? Of Course.

His beauty is his own. He defines it -

when and where he wants.

If you are lucky, he will shine on you -

when and where he wants.

Love him, Leave him.

He may bend, give-in and follow -

when and where he...

by Christina Hardin

added 3 years ago
The Legend of my Mom

She blew in the wind and challenged the moon.

She sat with the sun and scattered the rain.

She knew no time, no depth nor distance.

Her face was in the beauty of flowers.

Her thoughts became the trail of...

by Christina Hardin

added 3 years ago
The Mission

Curiosities converge over my mundane exertion, full of empathy and concern.

 The weathered lines of my face seem to fade into my life.

 Difficult, yet not forbearing, hungry but not sad, dirty but not...

by Christina Hardin

added 3 years ago

Eclipsed by sudden darkness,
Distant calls of the wild denounce feelings of hope.

Efforts to move lay stunned, stricken by fear.

Wind became breath yet burned passing through.

Thoughts melted with the final...

by Christina Hardin

added 3 years ago
Rasli Bahari, Kenya

Winding tributaries flow through backwaters and waterways swell.

Far more precious than gold, water is the gift of wealth we hold.

Today and the day tomorrow acquiesces our fortune.

Exploited and robbed of its metabolic vigor, nature...

by Christina Hardin

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added 3 years ago

Imustlaughwhencomplexityisthe bargain.

Iwindmywordstocreateyour thoughts.

These thoughts are for only those who care to listen.

Find me.

I am the puzzle.

I am the pawnwho conquers the king and tires of...

by Christina Hardin

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added 3 years ago
Father and daughter dream on.

Many years have come and gone.

Only precious few could leave a path paved with brilliant, unbounded beacons.

The comfort of lights signal places uniquely designed for...

by Christina Hardin

added 3 years ago

I find I cry when I’m sad or happy.
I find I laugh when I’m tickled or mad.
I find I freeze when I’m nervous or excited.
I find I may not know which is at...

by Christina Hardin

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added 3 years ago
I found my fortune in you.

The smile you see, the day before and the day tomorrow, is my fortune from you.

The line I lost, the deeper the swim, the agony I felt, you extricated.

none other would have held to save someone so heavy , so...

by Christina Hardin

added 3 years ago
Here. Right Here.

Not one step closer.
I’m here.

My treasure is your moment.
Let’s laugh.

Find your way.
I will...

by Christina Hardin

added 3 years ago


Captivating. Charmed.

The power to draw and drive.

The Crown of this being is as alive as it is strong.

Wings of Purpose carry many to realms unknown.

This Mission Divine impassions her soul.

Courage is the blood in her...

by Christina Hardin

added 3 years ago
Just a fad

Growing up is just a fad, be it in vogue or not.

Dandelions grown and dandelions picked.
Dancehalls and boogie men.
Cowboys and Indians, an Elk with...

by Christina Hardin

added 3 years ago
Fledgling in Flight

It’s momentary.

It will come again and leave again.

It’s never ready to be noticed, the pretty little thing.

Lost, not to keep up.

It’s flight does not last very long, nor go very...

by Christina Hardin

added 3 years ago
Life Contained

There is no up.
There is no down.

There is no start.
There is no finish.

There is comfort in who I am.

I will never hurt you.

There are no jagged edges.

I am constant.
I am fixed.
I am here for...

by Christina Hardin

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added 3 years ago

So poetic a life can be when the very name dances upon your heart!

Strawberry cheeks and raison-ette eyes.

Raggedy – Ann and Olly hold court under sunny skies.

“Sugar cubes and a little tea?
One for you, one for me and always one for...

by Christina Hardin

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added 3 years ago
A French Fedora

Felines frolic in a fanciful frame,
feigning fortune, friendship, and fame.

Follow the feathers and fringe on her frock,
a small furry foot you will find.

A fierce little face frightens her foe, and
furthers her feeling that fun has...

by Christina Hardin

added 3 years ago
Eye of the Eagle

The distance between the space of who, and the element of awe, determines stance conveying distinction.

My son has eyed an eagle stoically sitting on a long, bare...

by Christina Hardin

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added 3 years ago

and sanity
mixing with eternity.

requited souls, united tolls
underneath this mystery.

mirrored me, mocked me
tangents of propriety.

frozen souls, flowered souls

by Christina Hardin

added 3 years ago

I cannot rotate the golden gate.

Once built it is forged.

Threaded forms crafted by masters.

Master forms threaded the forge.

Once crossed it is...

by Christina Hardin

added 3 years ago
Children of Fairy Tales


The purity of my sister’s beauty held life far beyond her time

The magic of innocence and the power it possesses,
bewitched her children to safely...

by Christina Coleman Hardin

added 3 years ago

Continuance is the future I was made for. It is the gift I give to the world.
What I have started never will finish.

You, my child, are the continuance of me. My presence brought you near and will send you...

by Christina Coleman Hardin

added 3 years ago
Hieroglyphic Syllabary

Alas! Alice and Aladdin.

Alluring the audere, ostentatious accolade while accomplishments glissade.

Aviating apertures and appetency of tapestries abide with no agenda…

no agenda to...

by Christina Coleman Hardin

added 3 years ago

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