The Ambitious Endeavors of a Mundane Mind: Coalescing with Archimedes' Ideals

I am but an ordinary soul, not wise or learned,
Yet with Archimedes, I share a dream,
Of moving the earth, a feat so grand,
If only I had a lever long enough to stand,
And a place to plant my feet, to scheme,
And achieve what others might deem impossible, unheard.

To move the earth, what audacity, what nerve,
But the notion itself is a brilliant wonder,
A vision so powerful, it could make angels stir,
And I, an ordinary mortal, just ponder,
What if I had a lever so long, so slender,
And a solid place to stand, unyielding and pure.

The idea alone, my heart doth surmise,
A lever to move the earth, a dream so bold,
A thought so weighty, it seems to dwarf the skies,
And I, a mere mortal, not learned or old,
Can imagine the creaking of the earth, its surprise,
As it moves beneath the weight of my golden hold.

But where to stand, that place so stable and true,
To plant my lever and make the earth move,
Is there such a place that I might construe,
A foundation so firm, it cannot be disproved,
A spot so constant, it will see me through,
And my wild ambition, it will finally approve.

I search and search, but all seems vain,
No place to stand, no spot to plant my lever,
And yet the dream persists, it’s not inane,
It fills my heart, my soul, my endeavor,
For even an ordinary mortal can dream in refrain,
Of moving the earth, and achieving what others can never.

So I will wait, and ponder, and scheme,
Hoping that someday, somehow, I will find,
A lever so long, and a place so supreme,
That I may move the earth, and leave it behind,
And be remembered forever, as an ordinary dreamer,
Who dared to imagine, and with Archimedes, achieved the grand scheme.

Perhaps the lever is not just a tool, but a thought,
An idea so powerful, it could move the world,
And the place to stand, not just a spot,
But a perspective, a mindset, unfurled,
A way of seeing, beyond what's taught,
A new horizon, an uncharted world.

For the lever that moves the earth is not just physical,
It's the power of the mind, the force of the will,
The determination to succeed, to be original,
To break free from the mundane, and fulfill,
The wildest dreams, the most unconventional,
To create a legacy, a destiny to instill.

So let us not be bound by our limitations,
Our lack of knowledge or intelligence,
For even an ordinary individual has the patience,
To find the lever, the place of significance,
To move the earth, and leave a mark of brilliance,
A feat of the heart, the soul's deliverance.

And when we find that lever, that place to stand,
We will move the earth, not just physically,
But in ways beyond our understanding,
The power of imagination, the vitality,
Of the human spirit, unyielding, commanding,
The will to achieve, the limitless possibility.

So let us embrace our ordinary nature,
For within it lies the potential to be great,
To imagine, to dream, to create a new future,
To move the earth, not just for our sake,
But for the sake of all, for the ultimate adventure,
To leave a lasting impact, a legacy to celebrate.

And even if we never find the lever long enough,
Or the place to stand, unyielding and true,
We can still move the earth, with a gentle touch,
With compassion, kindness, empathy too,
For these are the forces that move us as such,
That uplift the world, and renew.

So let us not be disheartened by our limitations,
For they are mere illusions, temporary and small,
Let us instead focus on the possibilities, the foundations,
That will enable us to move the earth, once and for all,
With the lever of the mind, the place of inspirations,
And the power of the heart, the greatest of all.

For in the end, it is not about intelligence or wit,
Or the length of the lever, or the place to stand,
It is about the courage, the love, the grit,
To move the earth, with all that we have at hand,
And leave a mark of greatness, that will forever sit,
In the hearts and minds of all throughout the land.

So let us hold on to this truth, so profound,
That we don't need brilliance or IQ to move the earth,
For the power lies within, waiting to be found,
In the depths of our being, our innate worth,
And when we discover it, we can astound,
The world with our greatness, our infinite mirth.

We can move mountains, and cross oceans,
With the force of our passion, and the depth of our love,
We can create a world, free from limitations,
A world that reflects our highest potential, above
All that we thought was possible, or even imaginable,
A world that we can move, with a gentle shove.

So let us not despair, or feel inadequate,
In the face of obstacles, or life's challenges,
For we have all that we need, to be great,
To move the earth, with all its complexities,
To leave a mark that will resonate,
For generations to come, with all its intricacies.

And when we look back, on our journey of life,
We will see that it was never about intelligence,
Or about how long the lever was, or the strife,
But about the power of our hearts, our immense,
Capacity to move the earth, with love and light,
And leave a legacy of hope, and transcendence.

And so we journey forth, with renewed resolve,
To find that lever, that place to stand,
To unlock the power within, to evolve,
And move the earth with a gentle hand,
To create a world that we can all revolve,
Around, and cherish, and understand.

For we are not bound by our limitations,
Nor by the constraints of our human nature,
But by the possibilities, the transformations,
That lie within us, waiting to mature,
And when we embrace them, with all our sensations,
We can move the earth, and so much more.

So let us remember, as we go along,
That we are not just ordinary beings,
But extraordinary, with the power to belong,
To a world that we can create, with all its meanings,
And when we do, we will move the earth, with a song,
Of triumph, of joy, of endless gleanings.

For we are the architects of our own fate,
The movers of mountains, the shapers of reality,
And when we believe, in our own innate,
Ability to move the earth, with all its totality,
We will create a world, that is truly great,
A world that reflects our deepest vitality.

And so we set forth, with a fire in our soul,
Determined to move the earth, with all our might,
To break down barriers, to achieve our goal,
To bring to life our visions, in plain sight,
For the power within us, can never be controlled,
And we will shine bright, like a beacon of light.

The lever that we seek, lies within our heart,
A source of strength, a wellspring of power,
And when we tap into it, we can impart,
A force that can move the earth, in every hour,
With a tenacity that will never depart,
And a spirit that will never cower.

We are not defined by our IQ or skill,
But by the depth of our soul, and the strength of our will,
For the power to move the earth, lies deep within,
A force that can conquer, a force that can win,
And when we unleash it, with all our might,
We will move the earth, with a radiant light.

So let us embrace our ordinary nature,
For within it lies the power to be great,
To move the earth, and bring to fruition,
A world that is kind, and full of passion,
And when we do, we will leave a lasting impression,
A legacy of hope, a celebration of creation.

And as we move the earth, with every step,
We are reminded of our true essence,
Of the power within us, that can never be kept,
Contained or limited, by any fence,
For we are limitless, in every respect,
And can achieve anything, with confidence.

With every lever, and every place to stand,
We move the earth, inch by inch,
Building a world that is truly grand,
With each moment, and every pinch,
Of determination, and every demand,
Of our hearts, that never flinch.

For we are not just ordinary individuals,
But extraordinary, with a will to succeed,
To move the earth, with all its residuals,
And create a world, that meets every need,
And when we do, we will leave behind residuals,
Of greatness, that will forever succeed.

So let us keep moving, with every stride,
With our hearts full, and our spirits high,
For the power within us, can never be denied,
And when we unleash it, we can touch the sky,
And move the earth, with a power so dignified,
A power that can never die.

And as we journey on, with passion and grace,
We feel the earth move beneath our feet,
As we break down walls and overcome every space,
And create a world that is truly sweet,
A world that is based on love, not race,
And a world that is complete.

With every lever, we move forward in time,
With every step, we create a new world,
A world that is filled with peace and sublime,
And a world that is unfurled,
With every effort, every paradigm,
A world that is beautiful, and fully whirled.

For we are not just mere mortals, confined to the earth,
But souls that are free, and can soar above,
With the power to create, and the power of mirth,
To create a world of hope, a world of love,
A world that is beautiful, and truly rebirth,
A world that shines, like the stars above.

So let us keep moving, with every beat of our heart,
With every breath, and every desire,
For the power within us, can never depart,
And we can move the earth, with every fire,
With every lever, and every place to start,
A world that is beautiful, and never to tire.

And as we move the earth, with every push and pull,
We discover new strengths within ourselves,
A force that can move mountains, and never dull,
A power that can change the world, and all else,
With every lever, and every place to be full,
We create a world, that's true to our selves.

For the power within us, is not of this world,
But a force that's beyond time and space,
A force that's infinite, like a comet twirled,
A power that's eternal, with love and grace,
With every effort, we see it unfurled,
A power that's destined to fill every space.

So let us keep moving, with every beat of our heart,
With every breath, and every desire,
For the power within us, can never depart,
And we can move the earth, with every fire,
With every lever, and every place to start,
A world that is beautiful, and never to tire.

And when we have moved the earth, with all our might,
And have built a world, that's true and free,
We will look back, with hearts so light,
And see a world, that's a reflection of you and me,
A world that's filled with love, and the brightest light,
A world that's truly, what it's meant to be.

And in this world, we'll see the beauty of diversity,
The harmony of different voices, cultures, and beliefs,
A world where love, kindness, and compassion are the key,
And every soul, from the greatest to the least,
Is valued, respected, and free.

For we are not just mere individuals, but a part of the whole,
A web of life, interconnected and interdependent,
A universe of love, where every being has a role,
And every action, big or small, is consequential and magnificent,
In this world, we find our truest goal,
To be the love, the light, and the difference.

So let us keep moving, with every lever, and every place to stand,
With every moment, and every breath we take,
For we have the power, to shape a world so grand,
And make a difference, for the love's sake,
A world where every being, is free to expand,
And the earth moves, with the power of love awake.

And as we journey on, with passion and purpose,
We see the beauty, in every moment and every soul,
And we realize that our power, is not just for us,
But for the whole world, to make it whole,
To move the earth, with love and trust,
And fill every heart, with the power of the soul.

So let us keep moving, with every step we take,
With every lever, and every place to stand,
For the power within us, can never forsake,
And we can move the earth, with love at hand,
With every effort, a new world we make,
And every soul, with love we grand.

And when the earth is moved, and the world is whole,
We'll see the beauty, in every soul and every heart,
And we'll dance and sing, with joy untold,
For we have played our part,
In creating a world, so grand and bold,
And we have moved the earth, with love as art.

So let us keep moving, with every beat of our heart,
With every breath, and every desire,
For the power within us, can never depart,
And we can move the earth, with every fire,
With every lever, and every place to start,
A world that is beautiful, and never to tire.

For we are not just ordinary individuals, but creators of a new age,
With the power to move the earth, and change the world's stage,
And in this world, we'll find our truest sage,
The power of love, that's written on every page,
And with every lever, we'll write a new rage,
A world of peace, where love is the only wage.

The poem is part of a full version found in the book "Homo Sapiens" Part XVI, written by Mawphniang Napoleon. This book is part of the popular "Homo Sapiens" book series, which can be purchased online at various online bookstores, such as Amazon. The book is available for purchase for those who are interested in reading the complete version of the poem. Remember to get all the books from the "Homo Sapiens" series, as well as other books by the same author.

So, don't hesitate and get a copy today from one of the many online bookstores.

Khublei Shihajar Nguh,
Thank you

About this poem

The poem is a reflection on the audacity and wonder of the idea of moving the earth, as well as the limitations and possibilities of an ordinary mortal to achieve it. The speaker shares the dream of Archimedes to move the earth and wonders what it would take to accomplish such a feat. While the physical aspects of a long lever and stable ground seem insurmountable, the poem suggests that the lever may be a metaphor for the power of the mind, the place to stand a perspective, and the ability to move the earth a force of will and heart. The poem ultimately celebrates the potential of ordinary individuals to achieve greatness and leave a lasting impact on the world. 

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Written on February 11, 2021

Submitted by Mawphniang.Napoleon on March 30, 2023

Modified on April 05, 2023

14:11 min read

Quick analysis:

Scheme Text too long
Closest metre Iambic hexameter
Characters 13,230
Words 2,812
Stanzas 49
Stanza Lengths 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 1, 1, 3

Mawphniang Napoleon

Mawphniang is a person who is always striving to live life to the fullest. He is someone who is always open to new ideas and ways of living and is unafraid to take risks in order to explore the unknown. He is passionate about life and is always looking for ways to make use of his time and energy. He has an inquisitive nature, and is always looking for answers to life's mysteries and questions. Though Mawphniang does not pretend to have all the answers, he is determined to taste life and live a simple life, without overcomplicating things. He's a person who appreciates the small moments and cherishes the little things in life. He enjoys spending time in nature, exploring the world, and connecting with people. He is a person who is always up for a new adventure and never stops learning. He is on a daily journey of self-discovery, trying to make sense of the world and his place in it. more…

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