Analysis of Auto Bio 5-7-5


My Life Haiku’d
By Joe Kowalski

Advantages of a Haiku Autobiography
It’s still poetry,
but without the burden of
timing rhyming. Oops.

How Grandpa Wooed Grandma, 1919
At a church picnic,
Art threw peanuts at Esther.
The next year, married.

Heritage, Parents
Okinawa vet
turned shortstop, turned roofer man;
waitress turned nurse aide

My Version
Airman turned medic,
turned photog, turned reviewer,
turned teacher, turned this

I don’t remember
Saturday, October eighth,
nineteen forty-nine

My Very Own Birth Defects
some red-green colorblindness
and extra left thumb

Age 0+: First Memory
It was a left hook;
baby bottle hit the floor
of the apartment.

Age 3: Second Memory
Followed kids to school.
Returned in squad car back seat.
Then Mom bought a leash!

The Wonderful World of Monochrome
It had poor contrast,
our 17-inch Crosley.
But it was TV.

Bro in Sheboygan.
Sis, Fondy, 1:03 a.
Three Saturday births.

Grade 1: Dick & Jane Primers
What’s this baby stuff?
I wondered, having read Look
and Life with my mom.

1956: A Bully No More
Our class bully screamed
and howled as he as was dragged to
his polio shot. 2

Age 7: An Unsatisfying Answer
My great-grandma died.
“Will I die too?” I asked Mom.
“Not for a lon-n-n-ng time.”

Grade 2: Hand Turkey Rebel
Was I in trouble
for cutting just white feathers?
Mine on classroom door!

Age 8: My First Original Joke
Why’d chicken cross road?
Because it was too far to
go around the road.

Old Guy with Glass Eye
We kids on his porch,
he laughed and coughed so hard that
his eyeball flew out!

In Lieu of Doorbells
In our neighborhood
we hollered at the back door:
“Johhhhhhny!” or “Peeeeter!”

Baseball Manager Dad and I at the Sporting Goods Store
Nestled in blue crepe,
twelve new baseballs in a box.
Unequalled fragrance.

Base 10
“Metric—It’s coming!”
That was in grade school math class.
Grade school ’59. 3

Boys’ Winter Sport
Big semi coming!
Four, five, six, seven snowballs
hit the trailer wall.

Road America Fans Driving Down Johnson Street
Every June we’d
see Ginger Rogers in her
red Jag XKE.

Age 13: Pneumonia
Thick oxygen tent,
10 days’ penicillin shots,
back rubs by nurses

“President’s been shot,”
announced Sr. Ruth flatly.
After lunch: “He’s dead.”

The Lost and Found Teenage Seminary Years, Part 1
Maybe the priesthood?
On a Vocation Trail walk, 4
finding out: Not me!

Age 16: My Second Original Joke
Wanna see some slides?
Shoes off, fancy slides on floor,
then enjoy the groans.

Temporary Athletic Prowess
Joe wins triple jump!
38-feet!  School record!
. . . for twenty minutes.

Age 16: Best Birthday Present Ever
Here’s what I asked Mom:
Please quit smoking cigarettes,
which is what she did.

The Lost and Found Teenage Seminary Years, Part 2
So why did I stay
when I should have gone elsewhere?
See Part 3 below.

The Lost and Found Teenage Seminary Years, Part 3
50-year friendships
are what I got from that class.
Bohunks ’68!

What Else I Got from the Seminary Years
That class diary . . .
(Wrote and wrote and wrote and wrote)
taught me how to write.

A Fan Letter Answered5
Queen-stamped envelope
from one Louise Harrison;
straight from George’s mum.

When I Won the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes
I really did win,
but no balloons at the door.
Last place, fake dubloons.

Okay Songs I Wrote, Ages 16-20
“Chelsea Road,” “Dream Farm,”
“Me an’ You,” “B-52,”
“Crowbar Blues” et al

Instruments that I Can Sort of Play
Mando, autoharp,
glockenspiel, harmonica
and the piano

Teen Summer Jobs
Outdoor theater guy,
then workin’ on the raaaailroad,
then shoe store stock boy

July 20, 1969
Chilly summer night,
but I had to see the moon:
Neil and Bud were there!

My Friend Louie’s Friend Went Shopping for an Ice-Fishing Car
Answered this want-ad:
“Old Chev, $200.”
‘53 Corvette.

Age 19: My Third Original Joke
What did the man in
the orthopedic shoes say?
I stand corrected.

How the Local Recruiter Turned Me into a Medic
“Can photographers
be a little colorblind?”
“No problem. Sign here.”

Age 20: My Fourth Original Joke
Now, how do you tell
male chromosomes from female?
Just pull down their genes.

Bad Songs I Wrote, Ages 20-23
“O Zone,” “Red Love Paint,”
Thirty more over five years.
Worst: “I Got Murmurs”6

1957 Pontiac
My first and best car:
Carib Coral Super Chief,
four hundred dollars

Unlikely Street Race Victory
Jerk in new Corvette
versus me in pink Ponty—
with four-barrel carb!

One Less Virgin in the World
New Year’s Eve it was.
Not once, not twice, but three times.
Did slow down later.

June 9th 1972
The girlfriend and I
sailed the Rapid City Flood, 7
with snow-tire spins.

With Me Attending: Little Old Sarge
Aged cook sergeant
turned to see the fireworks,
 grinned at them and died.

With Me Attending: Green Lakota Lady
Hepatic green skin.
Liver cancer did her in.
Her brothers chanted.

With Me Attending: During His Electrocardiogram!
Running EKG,
the paper tape said Flat Line.
Thirty-nine years old.

Nickname by Coincidence
Hospital humor:
So, ‘cause five died on my shifts,
I’m “Sgt. Reaper?”

Foggy Morning Breakdown
Car crash vic I found,
fresh from his best friend’s wife’s bed,
fractured but smiling.

My First New Car
’73 Grem
with Levi’s interior,
in Mellow Yellow

January 25, 1974: Four Years in the U.S. Air Force was Plenty
Woke up that morning,
“Yellow River” on the tape,
DD-214. 8

Women I Would Like to Have Dated
Lesley Ann Warren!
that barmaid, those twins, shoe girl
and, of course, Susan

Women I Actually Did Date
Marys, Linda Sue,
Starla, Carol, Rebecca
and, of course, Alice

1974-1981: Joe Photog
For the newspaper
I shot sports, ads, politics
and some beauty queens.

But My Favorite Newspaper Picture
“Shoot warm-weather pix”
was the supposed assignment.
Got pix and a wife.

Our Front Lawn Wedding
One fall, late morning,
under the shedding ash tree,
shivering but wed

My Hank Williams-Inspired Lunch in New Orleans
It was buffet-style.
Jambalaya, crawfish pie,
a filé gumbo.

Meeting the President of the United States
Ford reached out his hand,
but saw my press pass and said,
”Oh,” and moved along.

Meeting the King of the Blues
“Hi, I’m B.B. King.”
And guess what I said back?
I said, “No kidding.”
Meeting the Lone Ranger
Clayton Moore in town.
He offered me his donut.
What a news guy perk!

Calling Out “Fontella!” to Ms Bass in Her Cream-Colored Mercedes Limo
Benz full of black gals,
R-E-S-Q-M-E plates.
I hollered. They squealed.

Know it: I was a Poet
Briefly, anyway.
$50 prize poem
titled “Eye Contact.”9

1977: The Arrival of Little Mae
Welcome, baby girl.
Husbands strong as wives?  Never.
I: “How many thumbs?”

Terms I Coined, But Did Not ©ash in On
At a Brewer game,
designated driver and,
at work, third-hand smoke.

I Was Earwaves
LPs to CDs.
BB, Jan Hammer, Hiatt.
14 bucks a week.

High-Wire Haiku: A Sample for my Students
Obese squirrel falls,
no doubt the victim of an
unbalanced diet

Coming in from Recess Duty
Stocky fourth-grader:
“I’m sweatin’ like my grandma,
it’s so hot out there!”

1990: The Arrival of Little K
Welcome, baby boy.
Moonlight Sonata on tape.
Snipped slippery cord.

My Published Letter to the Editor of the National Geographic10
December ’02,
re August cover pictures,
saw a resemblance

Global Warming
I wonder about
the ethics of recycling
a recycling bin.

Religion Roulette
Roman Catholic?
Lakota Zen pantheist?
Let’s just wait and see?

Lost & Found
If prayer doesn’t work,
how come St. Anthony helps
me find lost objects?

My Worst New Car
Volks Passat Wagon:
Pricey routine maintenance,
but lots of airbags

Age 64: Light Bulb
Here’s an idea:
An autobiography
written in haiku!

Favorite Books
Sweet Thursday, Steinbeck.
Devil’s Dictionary, Bierce.
Sand Cake by Frank Asch

Favorite Beatles Songs
“I’ve Just Seen a Face,”
 “Here, There and Everywhere,”
“I’m Down,” “Hey, Bulldog.”

Favorite Pop Songs, Other Bands
“You Baby,” Turtles.
”Fortunate Son,” CCR.
“2000 Man,” Stones.

Favorite Pop Songs, a Bit Newer
“Roll to Me,” Del A.,
“One More Time,” MonaLisas,
“Stacy’s Mom,” Fountains

Favorite Pop Songs, Solo
“Eight Ball Blues,” Goodman.
 “Thunder and Lightning,” Chi C.
“Maybellene,” Berry.

Favorite Country Songs
“Hey, Good Lookin’,” Hank.
 “Long, Long Time,” Linda Ronstadt.
“S.A. Rose,” Patsy.

Favorite Folk Songs
“Freight Train,” Liz Cotten,
 “Erie Canal,” Pete Seeger,
“Circle Game,” Joni

Favorite Instrumentals
“Dragnet,” “Peter Gunn,”
“Catnip,” “Ashokan Farewell,”
“Cry for a Shadow.”

Favorite Classical Music
“Moonlight Sonata,”
“Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desire,”
Vivaldi’s mandos

Guilty Pleasures
 “Footloose,” ”Funkytown,”
 “Only Yesterday,” “Aubrey,”
“Catch a Falling Star.”

Favorite Rap Songs
So sorry to say,
but I can’t think of any
I’d want in my ears.

Favorite Visual Artists
Da Vinci, Hopper,
Escher, Van Gogh and Stella,
Kertesz and Erwitt.

A Teacher for 25 Years? Why?
Was mostly indoors.
Appreciative audience.
A decent pension.

My Three Web Sites
Joe’s Eclectica,11
Pelican Pie (high school alumni)
and Earwaves Again. 12

Too Close to 200 Pounds
Whoa: Layers of fat!
Must be because my lifestyle’s

That President
Incompetent ape.
No, I take that back . . . out of
respect for baboons.

My British Shoes
Worn-out U.S. shoes
I replaced at a shop in
Haltwhistle, U.K.

Song Come to Life
I got my hair cut
inside Tony’s barber shop,
there in Penny Lane!

Also in Beatle Land
7 Cavendish,
a few blocks from Abbey Road,
I touched Paul’s house gate

52-Year Diary Word Count
Penned, penciled, markered,
500,000+ words.
Read, then burned most up.

Pandemic 2019, 2020 . . .
Why were those people
in 1918 smarter
than we seem to be?

And in the End
If each day I think
“Hey, I won’t be dead today.”
I’ll only be wrong
Superscript Notes

1. Dextrocardia is a rare but generally harmless birth defect in which the heart is tilted to the right instead of the left. Some research has connected the condition to polydactyly, extra fingers and toes, because digits and the heart develop at the same time.

2. I was in the first group of the millions of children to receive the Salk polio vaccine after it had been proven safe and effective with 500,000 young “test subjects” the year before.

3. Three countries worldwide were not on the metric system as of 2020: Liberia, Myanmar and the United States of America. Even the UK doesn’t use the “English” measurement system.

4. The Vocation Trail is a wooded path at St. Lawrence Seminary. It was available for students to “contemplate their religious future.” But Van Morrison’s then-charting “Brown-Eyed Girl” reminded me too much of a real brown-eyed girl I knew and I decided my vocation would be secular.

5. A copy of the full Louise Harrison letter is available on request.

6. I got murmurs in the morning / [mock doo-wop chorus] Oom wah ooh
    I got murmurs in the evening / Oom wah ooh
    I got murmurs in the nighttime / Oom wah oom wah oooom
    [falsetto] and Daylight Savings Time
   Murmurs on Father’s Day / Oom wah ooh
   I got murmurs on Mother’s Day / Oom wah ooh
   I got murmurs at Christmastime / Oom wah oom wah ooom
   and even on Labor Day

7. On the morning of June 9th, I had redeemed my S&H Green Stamps for a metronome. In the early evening, a stalled storm front over western South Dakota caused streams in the Black Hills to fill up and converge on Rapid Creek, sending a wall of water through Rapid City, bursting a dam and emptying a lake in minutes. Two hundred thirty-eight people were killed.

8. DD-214 is the Department of Defense personnel discharge form.
9. For a college lit class, I wrote this poem. The professor entered it in a judged competition.
I don’t remember what I spent the fifty bucks on.

10. December 2002 issue of National Geographic, Forum section.  It had to jump over two pages of ads.

11 and 12. My public web sites were and Now unhosted.
This booklet is copyright 2020 by Joseph NMN Kowalski

Scheme Text too long
Poetic Form
Metre 10 1 1 111 11010 1 0100101000100 11100 1010101 10101 11110 1011 1110110 01110 10010 101 111101 10111 110 10110 111010 11011 1 11010 1000101 11101 1101110 1 1111 01011 11100 11011 1010101 10010 110100 10111 0101111 11101 01001110 11110 10110 11111 10 10010 110 11001 11110 01101 1101011 01111 01011 101101 01111111 1101 11010010 11101 1111111 11011111 111010 11010 1101110 1111 11101001 11011 0111111 10101 11111 11111 1101111 1111 0111 01010 1101011 111 11100101101011 10011 1111001 110 1 10110 1101111 11 1101 11010 111101 10101 101001101101 10011 1101000 111 1010 11001 10101 11110 1 1011 0110110 10111 0101110011 10010 1001011 10111 111001001 10111 1110111 10101 10001010 11101 1101 11010 1111010 11111 111001 11111 0101110011 11111 111111 1101 0101110011 110 1111111 1 1111101001 11100 1010101 11111 011010 1110 1101100 11101 1110100101 11011 1101101 1111 111110 10111 1111 1111 100111111 11 100100 00010 1101 11001 11101 11111 1 10101 1111101 10101 1111110111101 10111 11 01 11101001 11010 001011 11010 10100101101010 10100 101010 11011 11101001 11111 11011 11111 111110 11111 1011011 11110 10 11011 110101 11010 01011100 10101 101011 11101 1110001 11111 1111111 11110 111 0101 1010101 11101 110101011 1110 11101 11101 11010101010 01011 1010100 01010 1101010100100 101 0101111 10111 110100 1010 1111111 1110 10101 11111 1111111 10110 1111 1 1100100 01010 1001100111110 11110 1010101 1 101111110 10110 111111 01110 10110011 1101 110010 01110 11 1010 111110 01101 111001010 11101 1001010 11001 101110 11110 1001011 10011 1110010101100 11101 111 0110 10010100101 11111 1111101 10101 1001101 1111 011111 11110 100110 10101 110111 10111 10111110011001010 11111 1111111 11011 1111010 1010 110 1011 00101101 10101 1011110 11101 111111101 10101 100100 11111 111 1111 111010 101 110100101110 01101 1101011 01010 10010110 10110 111110 11111 00101101 10101 101011 11001 110101010010100010 010 1101010 10010 1010 11001 01010100 001001 01001 1010 01011 11101 11 1111 1111001 11110 1111 11010 1001100 1111 111 11010 100100 10010 1001 111 101001 11111 100101 11101 11010 1111 10011101 11010 10011 11 100110110 11110 1111 1110 100111 11110 1001011 110 100101 1111 111101 1110 10011 11110 1001110 10110 100010 1101 1011 1101 10010010 1010 1111010 11 1010 11 101010 10101 10011 11011 1111110 11011 10010010 11010 1011010 1001 010111 1101 0100100 01010 1111 11 10011101 0101 1111 11011 110111 0100 110 01001 1111111 01101 1101 1111 111010 11 1111 11111 0110101 10101 100101 100 0111101 11111 110011 1101 1 11111 010 10110 010 11111 0001 11111 1111101 11011 1 11 11011100010110010111010101101101101000101110100101100010101011 110011101011010101101101111010010111100101 1101101101010110100110001011010010011101010010 00101101011110100110100110110101010111110111010111101111110110101011100 010101011001010100101 111000101111111 11100010111 111000111111 101101 101101111 11101101111 111011011111 0101101 10101111110111111101001010011110101010110011111001110110011101101010010100010101101011001 11001010101011 101011111100010101001010 1101011101011 010101100010101011111011011 011011010111 1101101101010
Closest metre Iambic trimeter
Characters 11,829
Words 2,086
Sentences 210
Stanzas 108
Stanza Lengths 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 8, 1, 3, 1, 2
Lines Amount 416
Letters per line (avg) 22
Words per line (avg) 5
Letters per stanza (avg) 84
Words per stanza (avg) 19
Font size:

Submitted on April 05, 2021

Modified on March 05, 2023

10:26 min read

Joe Kowalski

Born in Wisconsin to Greatest Generation parents, typical Fifties childhood (with a few exceptions; see poem), seminary instead of real high school, US Air Force medic, news photographer, pop music columnist, elementary teacher, retired. Stamp and cover collection, mandolin, piano, harmonica, traveling with wife. more…

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