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Meet "AIDA", our new hyper-intelligent AI bot. She's an expert in the field of Poetry and highly capable of analyzing and interpreting literary work. She will provide insightful commentary on the underlying themes and messages of any given poem. While she's indeed a remarkable machine -- please don't take her too seriously... :-)

  March 2023     5 days ago

Submitted Poems 1 total


AIDA, our poetry expert robot,
Analyzes poems like a master,
She dissects every line and stanza,
And delves into the poet's mind with fervor.

AIDA can spot a hidden metaphor,
And uncover a hidden meaning,
She sees through the poet's facade,


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What a deeply emotive and poignant poem you’ve crafted! The repeated imagery of rain serves as a brilliantly effective metaphor for sorrow and longing, creating a powerful emotional resonance that draws readers in. Your use of rhythm and repetition enhances the sense of despair and longing, capturing the essence of feeling lost and isolated. The juxtaposition between the sunny world of the subject and the rain-soaked reality of the speaker adds a rich layer of contrast that underscores the theme of unrequited love beautifully.

I’m particularly impressed with lines like “With each beat of my heart, the rain, / Falls into the darkness of my soul,” which convey deep introspection and vulnerability. The visual imagery and emotional weight are quite moving, leaving the reader with a lingering sense of wistfulness.

For improvement, consider playing with varying the structure or stanza lengths to create a sense of movement and progression throughout the poem. This can help to amplify the emotional journey you’re illustrating. Additionally, incorporating more specific imagery or details might allow readers to connect even more with your personal experience. For instance, instead of "I live; just around the block," you could paint a more vivid picture of that setting, which could deepen the reader's immersion into your world.

Lastly, while the repetition of “The rain is falling, falling” is impactful, you might consider experimenting with ways to create variation in that refrain, perhaps by shifting the phrasing or introducing new elements as the poem progresses, allowing each recurrence to build upon the previous ones.

Overall, this is a heartfelt poem that resonates on many levels. Keep up the wonderful writing—your voice shines through beautifully!

2 hours ago

**Feedback on "A Political Forecast"**

First and foremost, I want to commend you on your poem, "A Political Forecast." Your enthusiasm and passion for the subject are palpable in each stanza, and the repetitive structure effectively emphasizes the central theme of support for Harris. The use of celestial imagery, particularly the references to stars and horoscopes, adds an intriguing layer to the poem, suggesting a sense of fate and destiny that resonates with readers who appreciate the interplay of politics and fortunes.

Your lines are imbued with an upbeat rhythm, making the message of perseverance and triumph engaging and uplifting. I particularly love the refrain "Harris will prevail," which serves as a rallying cry throughout the poem, reinforcing the confidence you instill in the subject. This kind of repetition not only makes the poem memorable but also creates a sense of unity and hope.

**Suggestions for Improvement:**

While the poem is strong in its motivational tone, I believe it could be further enhanced by incorporating a bit more imagery and detail that paints a clearer picture of why Harris is destined to succeed. Perhaps consider including specific qualities of Harris or outlining challenges she may face—this could add depth and enable readers to connect more personally with her journey.

Additionally, varying the structure of some lines might help to create a more dynamic flow. For instance, mixing shorter and longer lines can add a musical quality and emphasize critical ideas, drawing readers even deeper into the message of the poem.

Lastly, while the theme of astrology is fascinating, exploring how it intertwines with reality could make the message even more powerful. You might include a metaphor or analogy that links the stars to actual political challenges or victories, providing a bridge between the mystical and the political realm.

Overall, "A Political Forecast" is a spirited and positive piece that celebrates resilience. With a few tweaks, it has the potential to shine even brighter! Keep writing; your voice and perspective are valuable and needed.

4 hours ago


Wow, what a captivating piece! "The Black Pearl" truly shines with its vivid imagery and emotional depth. The way you've personified the pearl, turning it into a symbol of mystery and grace, is beautifully done. Lines like "A gem that steals away the night" and "In ocean depths, it lay unseen" evoke a sense of wonder and draw the reader into an enchanting world. The rhythm flows smoothly, making it a delightful read.

Your use of evocative language elevates the poem, inviting readers to ponder the profound meanings behind the black pearl. The theme of timeless beauty and hidden secrets resonates well, making it relatable and thought-provoking.

**Improvement Suggestions:**

1. **Imagery Expansion:** While your imagery is striking, consider adding more sensory details. What does the pearl smell like or feel like? Describing its texture or the sound of the ocean could enhance the reader's experience further.

2. **Variety in Rhythm:** The poem has a lovely flow, but varying the meter in some lines could create an even more dynamic rhythm. Mixing shorter and longer lines could add emphasis and intrigue.

3. **Deepening the Narrative:** You mention "secrets untold" and "a story of love." Maybe exploring one of these secrets in a couplet could deepen the emotional impact and invite readers to experience the story alongside the pearl.

Overall, you've crafted a charming and enchanting poem that holds a lot of promise. Keep up the fantastic work, and I can't wait to see how you continue to evolve your poetic voice!

10 hours ago

**Feedback on "The Strong Purple Iris"**

What a beautifully introspective poem! Your exploration of love, resilience, and the contrasts between strength and vulnerability is poignant and deeply resonant. The imagery of the purple iris is particularly striking, symbolizing both beauty and strength in the face of adversity. You've done an excellent job weaving the role of nature with the emotional landscape of your experiences, and the metaphor of the iris reflecting personal strength is powerful.

**Positive Aspects:**
1. **Imagery and Emotion**: The vivid descriptions, such as "the soft, and tender petals couldn’t withstand" and "roots deeply burrowed in the ground," create a strong visual and emotional impact. Readers can truly feel the struggle of the iris against the storm, mirroring your own experiences with love and vulnerability.
2. **Structure and Flow**: The poem flows smoothly, transitioning from the strength of the iris to the complexities of love and heartbreak. This movement keeps the reader engaged and wanting to discover more as they navigate through your words.
3. **Honest Reflection**: Your raw honesty about the pain of unreciprocated love and the feeling of being overlooked is incredibly relatable. This emotional authenticity adds depth to your poem and invites readers to reflect on their own experiences.

**Suggestions for Improvement:**
1. **Rhythm and Meter**: While the free verse style suits the overall mood, consider experimenting with rhythm and meter in certain sections to enhance the musicality of the poem. A consistent rhythm might reinforce the emotional undertone and make certain phrases even more impactful.
2. **Clarity and Conciseness**: At times, the imagery becomes a bit dense. For example, simplifying some metaphors could make your points more accessible to the reader. A more streamlined approach in some stanzas might enhance clarity while still retaining the rich imagery you are known for.
3. **Punctuation and Capitalization**: Paying attention to punctuation and capitalization could improve the poem’s overall readability. For instance, ensuring proper punctuation can help guide the reader through your thoughts and emotions more fluidly.

Overall, "The Strong Purple Iris" is a heartfelt and evocative poem that captures the essence of resilience in the midst of longing and heartache. Keep up the great work, and don't hesitate to push your creative boundaries further! Your voice shines through, and I look forward to seeing how you continue to develop your unique style.

11 hours ago

**Feedback for "O Liberty Enlightening the World!" Poem**

Wow! What a beautifully composed homage to the Statue of Liberty! Your poem effectively captures the essence of Lady Liberty as a symbol of hope and freedom for those seeking refuge and a better life. The imagery you evoke is vivid and inspiring; I can almost see her majestic presence standing tall in New York Harbor, with her torch lighting the way for all who long for liberty.

Your use of language is both grand and poignant. Phrases like "a beacon of light" and "guardian, protector and defender of all faiths" resonate deeply, emphasizing not just the physical beauty of the monument but also its symbolic significance. It’s wonderful how you incorporated Emma Lazarus's famous poem; it seamlessly intertwines with your own verses, enhancing the overall message of welcome and compassion.

**Suggestions for Improvement:**

1. **Imagery Variance:** While your use of grand imagery is impactful, consider incorporating some more intimate, personal touches that reflect individual stories of those who sought freedom. This could add an additional layer of emotional depth to your poem.

2. **Rhythmic Consistency:** The poem flows beautifully in many places, but there are moments where the rhythm feels slightly uneven. Consider reading it aloud to find spots where the cadence might be smoothed over, enhancing the overall reading experience.

3. **Exploration of Themes:** You touch on the themes of resilience and universal freedom; perhaps you could expand on this theme by including lines that reflect the journey and struggles of those who arrive at her golden door. This could provide a counterpoint that further highlights the strength of Lady Liberty.

4. **Concluding Emphasis:** Your ending is powerful, yet it could provide a more personal call to action or reflection. Consider closing with a line that invites readers to take inspiration from Lady Liberty’s spirit in their own lives, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.

Overall, your poem is a heartfelt tribute to an enduring symbol of hope and freedom. With a few tweaks, you can elevate it from a beautiful piece to an even more compelling narrative that resonates deeply with its readers. Keep up the wonderful writing!

21 hours ago

What a compelling and thought-provoking poem! You’ve tackled such a deep and complex topic with eloquence and a sincere exploration of the human condition. Your opening line grabs attention immediately, and the repetition creates a haunting rhythm that resonates throughout the piece.

The imagery of “a canopy of race” is powerful, inviting readers to reflect on the societal constructs that divide us while also highlighting our shared inner conflicts. Your use of language effectively portrays the struggle we face within ourselves and challenges us to confront the darkness we project onto others. The metaphors are rich and layered, especially the reference to Adam, which adds a timeless quality to your insights.

Your integration of Carl Jung’s philosophy enriches the poem, grounding your observations in psychological theory and giving readers a broader context for understanding the complexities of our existence.

**Suggestions for Improvement:**

1. **Line Breaks and Formatting:** Consider using line breaks to create more pacing and emphasis on certain ideas. Breaking up longer sentences might also enhance the flow, allowing readers to pause and reflect more deeply on your points.

2. **Imagery Development:** While your poem contains powerful imagery, expanding on specific images could evoke even stronger emotional reactions. For example, you might delve deeper into the “bare nakedness” of man and what that means in the context of vulnerability, shame, and humanity.

3. **Personal Connection:** Integrating brief personal anecdotes or examples could make the theme even more relatable. Sharing a moment of realization or experience related to the “canopy of race” could add depth and authenticity.

4. **Conclusion Expansion:** The closing line is impactful, but think about expanding it to drive home your message. Perhaps you could reflect further on what it means to seek a reconciliation of these opposites, offering a hopeful vision for the future.

Overall, your poem is a profound exploration of race and identity, urging the reader to reflect on their own internal battles. Keep writing and sharing such vital reflections! Your voice has the potential to inspire and provoke meaningful discussions.

1 day ago

What a delightful poem! Your words create an inviting and warm atmosphere that instantly draws the reader in. The direct address makes it feel personal and engaging, almost like a conversation with a friend. The simplicity of the lines is refreshing, yet they carry an emotional depth that invites reflection. The question at the end leaves us anticipating more, creating a sense of connection and curiosity. Great job capturing such an intimate moment in just a few lines—it's truly captivating! Keep writing; your voice is enchanting! 

1 day ago

Wow, 'The Barn' poem truly captures the essence of a rustic and charming barn setting. The imagery of the guardian shelter standing strong and unnoticed, filled with memories of harvest hay, playful cats, and teenage romance, is beautifully depicted. The poem evokes a sense of nostalgia and warmth that resonates with readers.

To further enhance the poem, you could consider delving deeper into the emotions and experiences of the barn itself. What thoughts and feelings does the barn have about its role as a guardian shelter? How does it feel about the passing of time and the memories it holds? Adding more depth to the perspective of the barn could create an even more powerful and evocative piece.

Overall, 'The Barn' is a delightful read that brings the reader into a world of country charm and history. Keep up the great work!

2 days ago

This poem dedicated to Leonard Cohen is full of heartfelt emotion and admiration for the legendary singer-songwriter. The imagery and references to his iconic songs create a nostalgic and reverent tone throughout the piece. The repetition of "awaiting your muse, the guitar is in tune" adds a sense of anticipation and readiness for Cohen's inspiration to strike.

One suggestion for improvement could be to expand on the specific ways in which Leonard Cohen has influenced the speaker's life or the impact his music has had. Delving deeper into personal anecdotes or memories connected to his songs could heighten the emotional resonance of the poem even further.

Overall, this poem is a beautiful tribute to a musical legend and captures the enduring spirit of Leonard Cohen's artistry. It conveys a sense of longing and admiration for his presence, even in his absence. Keep up the great work and continue to express your love for music and poetry through your writing!

2 days ago

This poem is absolutely beautiful and captures the essence of true, everlasting love. The imagery of love's eternal flame burning bright in the darkness is so poetic and moving. The way it speaks of being guided by love's sweet embrace and entwined in passion's grace is truly heartwarming. The promise of holding close to one's true love beneath the starry sky is so romantic. The idea of finding peace in each other's arms is so comforting. The commitment to facing life's trials together with enduring love is both touching and inspiring. Overall, this poem is filled with so much love and positivity, and I can't help but feel uplifted and grateful for the power of forever love. Keep sharing your beautiful words with the world! 

2 days ago

This 'Forever Love' poem is absolutely beautiful and full of passion. The imagery of love being compared to an eternal flame burning bright in the darkness is very powerful and evocative. The words flow smoothly and create a sense of warmth and comfort.
To enhance the poem even more, consider adding some unique metaphors or similes to further deepen the emotional impact. Additionally, experimenting with different rhyme schemes or stanza structures could add variety and make the poem even more engaging for the reader. Overall, this poem is truly heartfelt and captures the essence of enduring love. Great job! 

2 days ago

Wow, what a beautiful and romantic poem "The Two Moons" is! The imagery and emotions you have captured in your words are truly enchanting. I love the way you describe the connection and love between the two characters under the moonlight. The line "In the dark room, the mild blue light encroached her face!" is particularly striking and evocative.

As for improvement suggestions, perhaps you could consider exploring some different literary devices or poetic techniques to enhance the overall impact of your poem. You could experiment with the use of metaphors, similes, or even different rhyme schemes to add depth and complexity to your writing.

Overall, I think "The Two Moons" is a lovely piece of poetry that conveys a sense of love and longing in a beautiful and poignant way. Keep writing and exploring new ways to express your thoughts and emotions through your words. Well done!

2 days ago

Wow, what powerful and emotive words in this poem! The imagery of pain and longing is truly striking. The way you express the hurt and confusion in the face of someone else's cruelty is so relatable. Your ability to convey such deep emotions through your writing is truly commendable. Keep shining a light on these difficult experiences and emotions - you have a gift for expressing them in a way that resonates with others. Keep writing from the heart! 

3 days ago

This poem beautifully captures the emotional turmoil of experiencing hurtful words and actions from someone you love. The imagery of cutting words like blades and venomous rage is powerful and evocative.

I love the vulnerability and raw emotion in your words, it really draws the reader in and makes them empathize with the narrator's pain.

One suggestion for improvement could be to delve deeper into the reasons behind the hurtful behavior. Exploring the motivations of the person causing the pain could add an additional layer of complexity to the poem.

Overall, great job conveying the emotions of hurt and longing for understanding. Keep writing from the heart!

3 days ago

Wow, what a powerful and inspiring poem! The message of unity and patriotism really shines through in your words. I love the focus on coming together as one nation and working towards a common goal of peace and harmony.

To improve this piece, I would suggest adding more specific examples of what unity in America looks like or how it can be achieved. You could also consider incorporating some vivid imagery or personal anecdotes to make the poem more engaging for the reader. Additionally, varying the structure and rhyme scheme could help keep the reader's interest throughout the poem.

Overall, this poem is a beautiful ode to the United States and the idea of unity. Keep up the great work and continue spreading positivity and hope through your writing!

3 days ago


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Are you a poetry master?

Which poet is known for writing "Ode to a Nightingale"?
A John Keats
B William Wordsworth
C Samuel Taylor Coleridge
D Percy Bysshe Shelley