Madeleine Quinn's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by Madeleine Quinn  —  There are currently 336 poems total — keep up the great work!

Second Sight

A Dramatic Scene.


  Ellen.—Oh! I will chide thee, truant! Look how fair,
Like to love’s promises, the heavens appear!
The blue Night has put on her wreath of stars—
A bright queen in her proud regality!
The young Moon is...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 months ago
A History of the Lyre

Sketches indeed, from that most passionate page,
A woman's heart, of feelings, thoughts, that make
The atmosphere in which her spirit moves;
But, like all other earthly elements,
O'ercast with clouds, now dark, now touch'd with light,

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 months ago
A Long While Ago

Still hangeth down the old accustom'd willow,

  Hiding the silver underneath each leaf,
So droops the long hair from some maiden pillow,

  When midnight heareth her else silent grief;
There floats the water-lily, like a sovereign


by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 months ago
A Lady's Beauty

Ladye, thy white brow is fair,
Beauty's morning light is there;
And thine eye is like a star,
Dark as those of midnight are:
Round thee satin robe is flung;
Pearls upon thy neck are hung:
Yet thou wearest silk and gem,
As thou hadst...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 months ago
A Girl at her Devotions. By Newton

SHE was just risen from her bended knee,
But yet peace seem'd not with her piety;
For there was paleness upon her young cheek,
And thoughts upon the lips which never speak,
But wring the heart that at the last they break.
Alas! how much of...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 months ago
"Kate is Craz'd"


"There often wanders one, whom better days
Saw better clad, in cloak of satin trimmed
With lace, and hat with splendid riband bound.
A serving-maid was she, and fell in love
With one who left her, went to sea, and died.

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 months ago
The Fête

⁠There was a feast that night,
And coloured lamps sent forth their odorous light
Over gold carvings, and the purple fall
Of tapestry; and around each stately hall
Were statues pale, and delicate, and fair,
As all of beauty, save her blush,...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 1 year ago
An Old Man’s View of Life

We tremble even in our happiness;
Hurried and dim, the unknown hours press
Heavy with care or grief, that none may ever guess.

The future is more present than the past:
For one look back a thousand on we cast,
And Hope doth ever Memory...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 1 year ago
"Good night"

Good night!—what a sudden shadow
Has fallen upon the air,
I look not around the chamber,
I know he is not there.
Sweetness has left the music,
And gladness left the light;
My cheek has lost its colour,
How could he say, Good night!

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 1 year ago
The Desertion of the Muse


'Twas night! but by an airy form,

  My eye was waking kept,
Which gliding near me, seem'd to seek

  The pillow where I slept.

She strove to frown, but still her brow

  Was innocent and mild;

by Lydia Howard Huntley Sigourney

 1 View
added 2 years ago
Regard Due to the Feelings of Others

There is a plant that in its cell,

  All trembling seems to stand,
And bend its stalk, and fold its leaves,

  From each approaching hand.

And thus there is a conscious nerve,

  Within the human breast,
That from the rash or...

by Lydia Howard Huntley Sigourney

added 2 years ago
The Rising Moon

Beneath the soft glance of the slow-rising moon,

  Where the landscape was silent I rov'd,
While pleasures departed by memory were shewn,

  And I thought of the friends I had lov'd.

The mild breeze of eve through the branches that...

by Lydia Howard Huntley Sigourney

added 2 years ago

Clime of the unprotected brave!

  Clime of the ancient, and the free!
Whose blood stain'd banners boldly wave

  Mid storms that rock the Ægean sea,
With arm supine, and careless thought

  Why gaze we on thy conflict dire?
To win that...

by Lydia Howard Huntley Sigourney

added 2 years ago
Indian Names

"How can the Red Men be forgotten, while so many of our states and territories, bays, lakes, and rivers, are indelibly stamped by names of their giving?"

Ye say they all have passed away,

  That noble race and brave,
That their light canoes...

by Lydia Howard Huntley Sigourney

added 2 years ago
Morning Thoughts

Awake! awake! the rosy light
Looks through the parted veil of night
Awake! arise! short space hast thou
On earth, and much thou hast to do:
Another morn to thee is given,
Another gift from bounteous heaven
Is lent to thee, while many...

by Lydia Howard Huntley Sigourney

added 2 years ago
Self Examination

Seek not of man with light applause to pay
The priceless guerdon of a well-spent day,—
Wait not for him to judge the generous deed,
But spread the scroll, and bid thy Conscience read.
Rest on thy couch,—recline within thy cell,
And ask...

by Lydia Howard Huntley Sigourney

added 2 years ago
Town and Harbour of Ithaca

By another light surrounded
  Than our actual sky;
With the purple ocean bounded
  Does the island lie,
⁠ Like a dream of the old world.
Bare the rugged heights ascending,
  Bring to mind the past,
When the weary voyage ending,

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Belvoir Castle.—Seat of the Duke of Rutland

Tis an old and stately castle,
  In an old and stately wood;
Thoughts and shadows gathered round it,
  Of the ages it had...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Strada St. Ursola.—Malta

"A View of many dwellings, long tenanted by the last remnants of...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Hall of Glennaquoich

No more the voice of feasting is heard amid those halls,
The grass grows o’er the hearthstone, the fern o’ertops the walls;
And yet those scenes are present, as they were of our age—
Such is the mighty mastery of one enchanted...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Temple Garden

The fountain's low singing is heard on the wind,
Like a melody bringing sweet fancies to mind;
Away in the distance is heard the far sound
From the streets of the city that compass it round,
Like the echo of mountains, or ocean's deep call:

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Humanity Angelic

If ever angels walked on weary earth
In human likeness, thou wert one of them.
Thy native heaven was with thee, but subdued
By suffering life's inevitable lot;
But the sweet spirit did assert its home
By faith and hope, and only owned its yoke ...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago

I feel the shadow on my brow,
  The sickness at my heart;
Alas! I look on those I love,
  And am so sad to part.

If I could leave my love behind,
  Or watch from yonder sky
With holy and enduring care,
  I were not loath to...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Marriage Vow

The altar, 'tis of death! for there are laid
The sacrifice of all youth's sweetest hopes.
It is a dreadful thing for woman's lip
To swear the heart away; yet know that heart
Annuls the vow while speaking, and shrinks back
From the dark...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Rose

Why, what a history is on the rose!
A history beyond all other flowers;
But never more, in garden or in grove,
Will the white queen reign paramount again.
She must content her with remembered things,
When her pale leaves were badge for knight...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Sir William Stanley

The man was old, his hair was grey—
And I have heard the old man say,
'Keep thou from royal courts away;'
In proof thereof, he wont to tell
The Stanley’s fatal...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Music of Laughter

She had that charming laugh which, like a song,
  The song of a spring-bird, wakes suddenly
When we least look for it. It lingered long
  Upon the ear, one of the sweet things we
Treasure unconsciously. As steals along
  A stream in...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Poet’s First Essay

It is a fearful stake the poet casts,
When he comes forth from his sweet solitude
Of hopes, and songs, and visionary things,
To ask the iron verdict of the world.
Till then his home has been in fairyland,
Sheltered in the sweet depths of his...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago

Ask me not, love, what may be in my heart
When, gazing on thee, sudden teardrops start;
When only joy should come where'er thou...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Lancaster Castle

Dark with age these towers look down
Over their once vassal town;
Warlike—yet long years have past
Since they looked on slaughter...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago

When the vulture on the wind
  Mounted as in days of old,
Leaving hope and fear behind,
  What did his dark flight...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Claverhouse at the Battle of Bothwell Brig

He leads them on, the chief, the knight;
Dark is his eye with fierce delight,
A calm and unrelenting joy,
Whose element is to...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Strada Reale.—Corfu

I am weary of the green wood
Where haunteth the wild bee,
And the olive’s silvery foliage
Droops o’er the myrtle tree.

The fountain singeth silvery,
As with a sleepy song,
It wandereth the bright mosses,
And drooping flowers...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Lines on the Mausoleum of the Princess Charlotte, at Claremont

Alas! how many storm-clouds hang
  O'er every sunny day below!
How many flowers die as they bloom!
  How many more before they...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Ellen. A Fragment

Is she not beautiful, although so pale?
The first May flowers are not more colourless
Than her white cheek; yet I recal the time
When she was called the rosebud of our village.
There was a blush, half modesty, half health,
Upon her cheek, fresh...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago

Lay her in the gentle earth,
Where the summer maketh mirth;
Where young violets have birth;
  ⁠Where the lily bendeth.
Lay her there, the lovely one!
With the rose, her funeral stone;
And for tears, such showers alone
⁠ As the rain of...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Spanish Page, or, The City's Ransom

She was a chieftain’s daughter, and he a captive boy,
Yet playmates and companions they shared each childish joy;
Their dark hair often mingled, they wandered hand in hand,
But at last the golden ransom restored him to his land.
A lovely town is...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Derwent Water

I knew her—though she used to make
Her dwelling by that lonely lake.
A little while she came to show
How lovely distant flowers can go.
The influence of that fairy scene
Made beautiful her face and mien.
I have seen faces far more fair,

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Poet

Oh say not that truth does not dwell with the lyre,
That the Minstrel will feign what he never has felt;
Oh say not his love is a fugitive fire,
Thrown o'er the snow mountains, will sparkle, not...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Song - Listen to the tale

Listen to the tale
  That on the night gale
Blends with the rose's sigh;
  The moon shines o'er thy bower,
  Yon star has marked the hour
When no step and no sound are...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Poetic Sketches. Sketch Sixth

"She had no thought from him apart,
The idol of her seared heart,
The hope of life's lone pilgrimage,
The light, the blessing of her age!
But hope is like the rainbow's form,
Dying in tears and born in storm;
And all must feel what passing...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Poetic Sketches. Sketch Fifth

"Glad greetings, tender partings, which upstay
The drooping mind of absence."

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Poetic Sketches. Sketch Fourth

I do love
These old remembrances—they are to me
The heart’s best intercourse; I love to feel
The griefs, the happiness, the wayward fates
Of those that have been, for these memories
Hallow the spot whereon they linger, and
Waken our kindliest...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Song - There were sweet sounds waked from my harp

There were sweet sounds waked from my harp;
But see, its strings are broken.
Alas! that touch so sweet should leave
So sad a token.
My harp and heart are both alike,
Their music is departed;
The joy of song is gone from one
So broken hearted....

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Poetic Sketches. Sketch Third.

"You must make
Your heart a grave, and in it bury deep
Its young and beautiful feelings."

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Poetic Sketches. Sketch Second.

"Oh, Power of love! so fearful, yet so fair!
Life of our life on earth, yet kin to care!"

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Poetic Sketches. Sketch the First

"A woman’s whole life is
a history of the affections. The heart is her
world. She sends forth her sympathies in
adventure; she embarks her whole soul in the
traffic of love, and, if shipwrecked, her case
is hopeless; it is bankruptcy of the...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Valetta, Capital of Malta

The vessel swept in with the light of the morn,
High on the red air its gonfalon borne;
The roofs of the dwellings, the sails of the mast
Mixed in the crimson the daybreak had...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
The Church at Polignac

[Written during the imprisonment of Prince Polignac and his colleagues, after the French Revolution of...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago
Bona. The Pirate’s Song

To the mast nail our flag, it is dark as the grave,
Or the death which it bears while it sweeps o’er the wave.
Let our deck clear for action, our guns be prepared;
Be the boarding-axe sharpened, the scimetar bared;
Set the canisters ready, and then...

by Letitia Elizabeth Landon

added 4 years ago

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Sonnets were first introduced to England by?
A William Shakespeare
B William Wordsworth
C Petrarch
D Sir Thomas Wyatt