the end Damascus, Bangdad the end is nears

Iraq Peace
Peace I pray for Iraq
Ever praying for Iraq
almost forgotten Iraq
Comfort for those in Iraq
Even peace I pray for Iraq

Iraq please be at peace
Yonder praying for peace
Reality is but a moment in time for peace
Indeed Iraq be at peace
all together the world needs Iraq at peace

Iraq Deformed Babies
Death to babies
Even little deformed babies
From a creator deformed babies
Observe world deformed babies
Reality is but a moment in time for babies
Military killing deforming babies
Earth showing the world deformed babies
Deformed babies

Babies deformed with money
A wealth of money
Babies death because of money
In a word slaves to money
Eternity shows sadness in babies death with money
Silly how this world murders babies for money

Run away Iraq's
Run far away from death rape sewn eyes shut people's names
unique is hatred in the creators name
not nice evil is evil shame is shame

Away from the worlds game
wickedness is death is shame
all Iraq forgive me for not knowing how to stop this game
you US are in control of this shame

Iraq run away from the gas Us and Saudis game
You Iraqns are better than to play such games
Reality is but in a moment in time of shame
Indeed I hope you run away from this game
All the world please protect people from this shame
Not nice is money for a gas game
Silly money for lives is not a game

No War in Iraq
No terrorist money for Iraq no to civil war
Only peace and prayer against war

War is US evil
All of us are evil for evil is evil
Reality is just a moment in time to be good or evil

In Iraq civil war funded by us of the Us of A
Not a nice war in Iraq

Iraq flee the civil war funded by Saudi
You can stop this war by allowing a pipeline from Israel
Reality is but a moment in time Iraq
I wonder about civil war in Iraq
All money is evil is evil

Iraq money is evil a root cause of envy
Envy is money Iraq which is evil
Evil Iraq is the root of all money

'Fix Iraq? We can't even fix Detroit...'
Iraq funding money to terrorist damaged beyond control.
You need to pray for creators control
reality is the creator control
I pray for peace with creator control
Almighty, please take control,

We in the Us of A can't in spite of fix Detroit
Even try to fix Detriot Us of A pay the debt today

Can't Us of A pay debt of the citizens today.
All the money is evil today
Need money to fix everything today
Time is but a moment of reality with money today

Fix Detroit do not spend billions on Iraq.
Indeed I do not understand how US can spend money on Iraq today
x-raying Us of Citizens costing money today

Detroit fix
Eternity will judge us for Iraq today
Time to spend money on Detroit today
Reality we in the Us need to fix Detroit
Own our own problems before Iraq
Indeed shame is shame on Detroit
Time to spend money on our own in Detroit
Run Iraq runaway
unkindness is shown you today
need to stop gun runners from Libya today

Iraq, Why is Libya guns so free your way
you see guns are running through Turkey now
reality is but a moment in time for guns your way
I cannot understand evilness has wicked plans for you now
all is wrong this time this way

run far Shiite run away
Unique evilness Sunnis are showing the world this day
Not what the creator had in mind for this day?

Away with evil for evil is shown evil this way
way to much shame is shame for these days
Almighty forgive us this time in our ways
You have the power to change time in these days

Iraq run away
Iraq run away from Us and Saudis and their games
You Iraq's are better than to play such games
Reality is a moment in time of shame
Indeed there is hope you run away from this game
Almighty please protect Iraqns from this shame

Run away from death rape sewn eyes shut with peoples names
unique is war and hatred in the creators name
not even nice evil is evil shame is shame

Away terrorist from the creator name
wickedness is terrorist with death is shame
almighty change me for not knowing how to stop this game
you almighty are in control of this shame

Iraq death toll rises from rebel infighting
Iraq why play such a game of shame
Iraq why all this shame within this game
Iraq help one another do not cause shame
Iraq no one alive gets out of this game without shame

Job was to be the gentiles Abraham showing us the way
Job. What were you to teach us as Abraham showing us a way
Job your story is scary to say the least in this day

Job accepted this bet to prove what?
He knew about the bet which causes so much pain.
He lost all due to a bet a new family a new life of pain
are we exactly in a game in someone else bet for pain

avatars without any actual meaning for life in this game
avatars without any unimaginable feeling with shame
are we precisely a game to show us our shame
a game to bet to show us our shame



Iraq Flee
Military might does not make right
Monetary power does not make right
religious influence does not make right
evil is evil that is right

Right is life to live within laughter
Right to life to love within laughter
Right to live by the rule of law of life within laughter
Evil is evil without good laughter

 Wrong is the our way we worship money today
incorrect thinking causes money to be the root of all evil today
shame is shame today
evil is evil  today

 Flee Iraq from gas and money today
Flee away Iraq from evil today
Flee from war Iraq from shame today
Flee hate  of each other in Iraq today

Iran Iraq North Korea Cuba
What do you want?
What do you stand for?
Isolation for shame?
Why such a game?
What do you hope to accomplish?
Slavery to an ideology or isolation of shame for Karl's Marx game?
For what benefit to humanity do you hold out for?
Slavery to a creator that rules the world in Allah's name?
Are you definite you have chosen the correct one?
Communism atheists build a better world
Shiite Muslim build a better world
Social atheists build a better world
what makes you so sure you are accurate?
Change your solutions to build a better world
live in peace with humanity for better
Change your lives of your population for the better
Forgive to forget move on with humanity for the better

Iraq Civil War
Why Civil war in Iraq?
Why is that always something dealing with heaven or hell in Iraq?
Why is there a good and bad ideology in Iraq
Why is there life and death for all in Iraq?
The one living eats and the other dead is eaten in Iraq
Why so many questions from a fruit a fig terrorists of Iraq
The soul is to go to heaven or Eden each night oh Iraq
To hear and find out what is the future and do right oh Iraq
Iraq civil war is not right oh Iraq

Civil War in Iraq
Civil War Funded by natural gas or pipelines
War about leadership of Muslim belief or money
Sunni versus Shiite / Christian / Jew / Atheists too or about money
Murders of people innocent as you or me too for money

What cause for leadership does this mean for money
We all are trying to get to a place that is clean for money
Heaven, garden, virgins filled or plant filled Eden against money
Hearts filled with hate is mean for money

Why for leadership of the Muslim world just for money
why pray for a creator filled with hate for this world just for money
death comes to all even those with money
the maker creator the one true Lord controls this world against money
There is no end of disease called money

For in heaven there was a civil war for envy or ideology of money
the prince of this hate filled world with all his money
loses in the end for both civil war against money

let peace be there, peace without money
pray for peace against money
there is enough hate and evil is evil in this world with money
shame is shame to kill or maim in this world for money

There is enough hate in this poor world with so much money
 Please stop this game of hate in this world with money

Iran help Iraq
Iran take over Iraq central bank
Run ask to help North Korea central bank
Alright challenge the central banking community
Need to bet on combined economy power might be worth a community

Change the world from worst to better
Challenge the banking system from worst to better
Ask China and Russia to go in to change from worst to better
Comedies is their game change from worst to better

The power of China, Russia, Iran banking would be worthwhile
Forcing reality on a group from worst to better
The power shift would be huge from worst to better
Read challenge not destruction from worst to better

Then Brazil, India, another power shift again from worst to better
 Just to see the dollar challenged from worst to better

Iraq Flee the Us of A
Iraq flee the Us of A
You are in the Us of A sights oh Iraq
Reality is it for a pipeline or natural gas oh Iraq
In sadness money is all this war is about oh Iraq
All for the root of money oh Iraq

War leave Iraq alone please
All this killing in Iraq to be alone please
Reality sadness for Iraq standing almost all alone please

Shame is shame in civil war
o evil is evil in civil war
War is both evil and shame
In sowing evil is just an evil game
Not nice but evil all the same
Gaining money from shame is an evil game

Iraq lost their embassy
Iraq the US toke your embassy away today gone
Your voice to ask and receive questions is gone today
Reality US is going to fight for natural gas today
I am not sure how to help you today is gone
Almighty save those you can from gas crime today

Gone is the US of A moral high ground
Only corporations are here to stay on these grounds
Never a word of Apologies for hurting you on your own ground
Eternity is awaiting the Us of A today

US of A where is your right today to be kind
Seriously being right today be kind
Of a world of rights be kind
America where is your soul today be kind

Iraq terrorist war
Iraq beware before war over takes you again with Israel
You beware of war over takes you again with Israel
Reality is war over takes you again with Israel
I wonder about war over taking you again with Israel
Almighty prayer against war against Iraq again

Beware of the footprints of war oh Iraq
Eternity of sand war oh Iraq
War oh Iraq
Almighty prayer against war with oh Iraq
Reality of time for war oh Iraq
Eternity of war with oh Iraq

War with Iraq
All war with Iraq
Reality is war with Iraq

 US wants war with Iraq
War war war for money
Cry peace peace peace for pleasure ideals
War War War for money
Why instead not a war on poverty with your money
Why not a war to fix that which is broken instead of war with money
Fix the water systems with money
Fix the public schools with money
Create a war on the social problems with money
Create peace by education with money
Create a peace by clean water with money
Create a peace with full employment with money
Prisons with two million human faces with money
VISA H has three million jobs already in place with money
Officially 6.6 unemployment unofficially 23% or more without money
Eleven million illegal aliens working someplace for money
Fifty billion sent to India, another fifty billion to Mexico of US money
A billion equates to 23,000 jobs paying 43k in real money
That is two million jobs being paid overseas each year in money
Plus 11 million jobs for illegal with money
Plus three million VISA H, with money
Plus the supposedly four million openings for money
That is twenty million positions someplace for some real money
Let  Us elect people that care about people here instead of money
Not someplace else's money
Let the war be on poverty instead of Iraq wars with money
Not in Iraq for any money
Not on human suffering someplace else causing problems with money
Pay the money to help here in the Us of A with money

Iran versus Saudi Arabia
A republic with rule of law problems ideology problems versus
Unitary state, Islamic state, Absolute monarchy with Religious law problems
Which way is right which is wrong

Let the world watch evil is shame
9/11 the whole group was Saudi Arabia someone in the monarchy paid
Iran kidnapped an embassy let us say no one died all the same
Taliban again Saudi Arabia does pay them their money all the same

Iran trying to save their own religious way
The Islamic Republic is a system based on belief in:
Theocracy is a form of government republic with official recognition of Jews, and Christians
Saudi Arabia boycotts of Israel, and controls through finance an empire
Through the official form of Islam is Sunni of the Hanbali school, in its Salafi

What is this world a belief in one creator?
Is there only one belief?

Iraq Peace Please
You are in for a war I know peace please against money
Reality is other people are paying for this war with money
In reality Saudi oil money is not so peaceful please forgive our money
A reality of war with money

Peace please against money
earth peace please against money
almighty peace mercy please against money
cease fire peace please against money
earth runs not on oil peace just on money

Please peace mercy please against money
loving kindness peace against money
earth mercy please against money
almighty mercy please against money
sensible peace against money
earth mercy please against money

Iraq at war within itself
You are fighting those that  live within themselves by Allah
Reality war material given to the other side against Allah
I believe Saudis are paying for your blood shame on their Allah
All that money for blood of people of Allah

War is the destruction of community within Allah
All that money could be spent buying land & changing ideology of Allah
Reality is a moment in time of war within Allah

Run away Iraq against this Allah
Uniquely at war within itself and Allah
Never at peace within itself or Allah

Away from hate of Allah
Win with peace within Allah
Away from hate of Allah
You can be at peace within Allah

Run away faster for peace within Allah
Unique how a world is no longer at peace with Allah
Never mind time is but a moment in reality of peace with Allah

Faster towards the end against Allah
Almighty forgive Us again o Allah
Service the needy and poor for peace o Allah
Time is but a moment of reality in war o Allah

Iraq Peace Please
You are in for a war I know peace please US of A
Reality is other people are paying for this war o US of A
In reality Saudi oil money is not peaceful please do not forget US of A
A reality of war on people o US of A

Peace please US of A
earth peace please
almighty peace mercy please for the US of A
cease fire peace please
earth runs not on oil peace US of A

Please peace mercy please o US of A
loving kindness peace o US of A
earth mercy please o US of A
almighty mercy please on the US of A
sensible peace for the US of A
earth mercy please for the Us of A

Banking question for Iraq
Iraq your central bank is not run by the House of Rothschild
North Korea your central bank is not run by the House of Rothschild
Iran your central bank is not run by the House of Rothschild
Cuba your central bank is not run by the House of Rothschild
Axis of evil or just a desire to keep your money within
Money is the root of all evil
Maybe if money was given where desired
Maybe if they had to eat their money
Imaginary is money
In reality is that not imaginary
States nation's ideology to kill murder to do evil
Evil a root of money
Really are these country's evil or just living at their own pace

Why must imaginary evil be what sets the pace of this race

Iraq WAR
Iraq the dogs of war are howling at you for money
You need to ask Russia and China to come rescue you for money
Reality is shame when a senator wants to murder you for money
Iraq say Saddam killed 2 million - USA 186,000 over a period of peace
A tenth of the money

War is a weird way of organized destruction for money
All for peace or destruction for money
Reality is sad this way of destruction for money

Iraq had some great books
Beautiful people are readers my dear there in Iraq
They are children at heart in Iraq
for if they can dream it they can be it in Iraq
so be a reader of hearts o Iraq

children imagination are wonderful to imagine peace in Iraq
children loving their life is wonde
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Submitted by ClintonSiegle on January 15, 2015

Modified on March 05, 2023

15:49 min read

Quick analysis:

Scheme abbbbb aaaaa ccccccccc dddddd xeff ffff fefffff bgg hhh ib dhbbh dhd jkkkkk ji iiii bii xiijbjj iii ilili iii immm ieefff eff ffff xffff iii nooo ffffbmmmmm ff fffff dpppp qqqq iiii iiii ixgffxfgfxrrrnrqqq gbbbbbbbbb bxddd dddd ddddd ddd dddd dd bssdd qqqq xqqq qq IIbbbb ccc ggffff dtiiti uxui vvvv ghhhho bbbbbb bbb bDxDddddddddddddddddddddddddd ixxx fxff iwxqy qy Cdddd ddddd ddDddD yiiii iii iii IiIi iii iiii Ciiii icici iiiiii bzzzzwhxdddhd1 1 gdddad ddd xbbbb bj
Closest metre Iambic hexameter
Characters 15,901
Words 3,154
Stanzas 77
Stanza Lengths 6, 5, 9, 6, 4, 4, 7, 3, 3, 2, 5, 3, 6, 2, 4, 3, 11, 5, 3, 4, 6, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 10, 2, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 18, 10, 5, 4, 5, 3, 4, 2, 5, 4, 4, 2, 6, 3, 6, 6, 4, 4, 6, 6, 3, 29, 4, 4, 5, 2, 5, 5, 6, 5, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 14, 1, 6, 3, 5, 2

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