Analysis of Can't Live Without You

In the sandbox of time, our love has grown,
Ten years of love, together we've known.
You mean more to me than words can say,
My top priority, in every way.

Your safety, your comfort, your growth, and your peace,
These things for you, I'll never cease.
But lately, you're distant, your mood's not right,
You say we're not what we were, it's causing a fight.

You say, "I'm not yours," it tears me apart,
But deep in my soul, you're engraved in my heart.
I can't imagine a life without you by my side,
Your love and presence, I can't let slide.

Though things are tough, and your mood is low,
I won't give up, I want you to know.
Through thick and thin, we'll find our way,
My love for you, it's always here to stay.

We've shared dreams aplenty, in these years we've known,
And together, my love, they'll be fully grown.
With trust and patience, we'll conquer it all,
In no time, our success will stand tall.

Hold on to my love, as we weather this storm,
Together we'll thrive, our dreams taking form.
It's just a matter of time, my love, have no fear,
We'll conquer the world, hand in hand, my dear.

Let's seek normalcy, start anew,
With hard-work and harmony, we'll make it through.
You're my world, my everything, it's true,
My love, I can't live without you.

Poetic Form
Metre 0011110111 111101011 111111111 11010001001 11011011011 11111101 1101101111 111111011001 1111111101 11011101011 1101001011111 110101111 111101111 111111111 110111101 111111111 11101001111 00101111101 1101011011 0111001111 11111111011 01011101101 110101111111 1100110111 11100101 11101001111 11111011 11111011
Closest metre Iambic pentameter
Characters 1,270
Words 275
Sentences 14
Stanzas 7
Stanza Lengths 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
Lines Amount 28
Letters per line (avg) 33
Words per line (avg) 8
Letters per stanza (avg) 133
Words per stanza (avg) 34

About this poem

This poem is about the fear of loosing your love.

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Written on October 10, 2023

Submitted by sanjeevs.41282 on October 15, 2023

1:29 min read

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    "Can't Live Without You" STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 31 Oct. 2024. <>.

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