Contest » Contest Summary & Results

Congratulations to the winners of the November 2022 monthly contest. There were 150 poems submitted to the contest — thank you to everyone who entered and participated!

Winners By popular vote


1st Place


3rd Place


Nominees By random order


Share your thoughts about the November 2022 Contest with the community:

  • lovingempath
    WOW! Thank you all very much, for this honor. After spending several days in sensory overload shutdown (S.O.S.), trying to sort through the brilliance displayed here...I really didn't think for a minute that I'd come out on top! I want to assure everyone that this windfall of money will be well spent on trying to salvage Christmas for a few kids who really need it this year, The 'honor' part I'll keep in my heart; and share that with little 'Twiggy' :). 
    LikeReply 11 year ago
  • ldrum
    Where to start. My mind is burning with the thoughts that these poems bring to mind. Such diversity, so much meaning and inspiration in all or in any of them that I have been able to read. Although I have not been able to read them all, it pleases me to know that all who have entered have confirmed to me that there are such gifted people who can bring their mind and soul together to create such beautiful verse with "thier words". Be blessed and good luck! 
    LikeReply 21 year ago
  • IndigoHeart
    Wow I’ve narrowed down the 150 to 10…so many great poems. Thank you all for sharing your gifts….
    LikeReply 31 year ago
  • lanhamleslie
    I can’t wait to read all of these poems! Good luck to all participants!
    LikeReply 61 year ago
  • lovingempath
    Whoosh!! I'm already seeing (and being blown away) by what might be hidden behind these poetry titles! I can't wait to discover those mysteries. Good luck everyone!! :)
    LikeReply 81 year ago

Enter the competition

Submit your best poem to the contest for an opportunity to win cash prizes and gain worldwide recognition for your talent!

Our monthly contest

In a nutshell…

Opens: 1st of every calendar month.
Closes: End of every calendar month.
Results: Within 7 days of closing.
Entry fee: 25 USD.
Max. participants: 150 entries.
First Place Badge + 500
Second Place Badge + 300
Third Place Badge + 200
5 Runners-up Personalized Mug
POTY Badge + 1,000

June 2024

Poetry Contest

Join our monthly contest for an opportunity to win cash prizes and attain global acclaim for your talent.


Previous Contests

Here are direct links to our previous contests' summary pages.

 What people are saying

“Thank you for the wonderful gift that I received as a runner up for the January contest. The competition has inspired me to go and get my collection of poetry that I have written for my family — you are an amazing group!”

Janette Marais, South Africa

 Worldwide Recognition

We’re delighted to announce that we've been named one of best writing contests for 2022 and 2023 by Reedsy!

Reedsy Best Writing Contests 2022 Reedsy Best Writing Contests 2023