Contest » Contest Summary & Results

Congratulations to the winners of the March 2022 monthly contest. There were 140 poems submitted to the contest — thank you to everyone who entered and participated!

Winners By popular vote


Nominees By random order

Share your thoughts about the March 2022 Contest with the community:

  • #Godsplan4me
    This is an amazing platform to network, I am so happy I found this link :-) Best of luck to all the contestants.
    LikeReply 22 years ago
  • mayonde
    Somehow I knew a ukraine poem would end up in the circle!
    LikeReply 22 years ago
    • countryprns
      that is because that is the flavor of the month. It is all over the news and people think that they are doing something by talking about it. No matter what is really happening or not. No one wroye porms to help the people of anyother country there has been a conflict over in the last 30 to 40 years. But all og a sudden Ukraine is a part of situation that really shouldn't pertains to us, people havr lost their minds. Honestly if no one talked about it, it would have been over by now because it is nothing but politics and criminals. I think for thise who talk about it and think they are doing something, it's all virtue signaling and really is of no help. 
      LikeReply 12 years ago
    • reitumetse_m
      It was inevitable
      LikeReply 22 years ago
  • thefirths1913
    Hello, fellow poets! I would like to congratulate the winners of this contest, along with ALL the people who participated! It's tough to put yourself out there... but you did it! Great job!
    LikeReply 52 years ago
    • susies
      Well said! Happy Friday :)
      LikeReply 12 years ago
  • dezyner1111
    I am extremely disappointed with the way this contest was run. There was absolutely no transparency regarding the voting results. The number of votes each poem received is supposed to be listed next to each entry. That was not done. I personally know I received at least one vote and it was not listed, nor was the poem I voted for given credit for my vote. It is such a shame that this occurred as I was hoping I had found a legitimate contest but I see that this is not the case. 
    LikeReply 22 years ago
    • acronimous
      We do appreciate the feedback! Nominees receive an email notification for each vote they get, along with the feedback that was provided by the voter, so every participant should know how many votes he/she received — we don’t list the number of votes publicly for obvious reasons. 
      LikeReply 42 years ago
    • dezyner1111
      what are the obvious reasons why votes should not be listed. Obviously I don't see them.
      LikeReply2 years ago
    • thefirths1913
      I think the reasons for not showing the number of votes for each poem were because it could be discouraging to see the amount that a winner got, compared to you... after all, this is supposed to be a safe space to show the works that you are proud of. 
      LikeReply 22 years ago
    • dezyner1111
      yes I figured that was the obvious reason. However I totally disagree with that thinking. I wanted to see who was voting for what. I wanted to verify how few people actually take the time and care to vote. I suspect some people do not read all the poems and just choose one quickly so as to prevent a point being taken away from their score. I personally took the voting seriously, read each one carefully several times before I chose. It was a difficult choice and I'm sure others felt the same. Since the poets are asked to participate, they should be able to see how people are thinking and what they are responding to. 
      LikeReply 12 years ago
    • thefirths1913
      That makes sense. But again, I think it could be discouraging to new poets. Also, coming up with a solution to this could be tricky because everyone feels differently about it. This was my first poetry competition, and I think I would feel disheartened if I were to see, either rude comments on my poem or none at all. It really is a slippery slope because poetry is a very personal art form, but I agree that there should be checks and balances to make sure that people take voting seriously. 
      LikeReply2 years ago
  • Michaelmatalon
    I have to say that after reading the winning poems for this month and the previous contests, I’ve come to the conclusion the people using it are the dumbest people on the planet. The winning poems are not good. The fact I didn’t even get runner up on any means this is a garbage site. See ya 
    LikeReply 32 years ago
    • Raving_dumpsterdiver
      I agree. I think there should be judges reviewing these poems too because there’s probably a lot of poems that no one read as a result of letting random inexperienced poets vote (including myself as I grew tired after the 40th poem  
      LikeReply 12 years ago
    • countryprns
      I completely understand your frustration. Everything serms to have changed with regards to what is voted for since I was wnning these contests as a young teenager. It is the same across the board on other sites as well. The way people view wotks of writing and think has become somewhat bankrupt over the years. After winning different contests over the years and now I struggle to even get recognized is frustrating. Just keep plugging away and check out other contests as well. Don't give up. One day you will make it further. 
      LikeReply2 years ago
    • Symmetry58
      I agree. 99% of people aren't literary experts or poets, so voting can be shaky to say the least. Couple this with a vast majority of people preoccupied with life who probably rush through readings to easier poems, shorter poems or most relatable poems leaving many good poems in the dust. I read all poems and have been perplexed as to those winning and placing at times while some damn good poems are left in the lurch. 
      LikeReply 12 years ago
    • Symmetry58
      Indeed and agreed. I recently wrote a poem addressing the issue. Everyone posts to be read, but few read anyone else's stuff. I've read many a poet because I enjoy reading their poetry and out of consideration of the fact that they worked hard to create it. We all want to be heard and related to on some level, which is why I try to be considerate. Well, 99% of people don't even consider reciprocating by reading other's no matter how many of theirs you read and comment on. I always reciprocate when people take time to read my stuff. Sad world we live in I must say. Here's the short poem I wrote to address the issue...of which no one read. LOL! I removed the damn thing and posted on Allpoetry. It's a sarcastic poem at best. :-P

      Everyone looking to be seen
      No one looking to see
      Reciprocation devaluation
      Me, Me, Me.
      LikeReply 12 years ago
    • dezyner1111
      love it, thank you for posting this poem.
      LikeReply 12 years ago
    • JSChandler
      sore loser
      LikeReply 12 years ago
  • fr_t
    I hope the person I voted for wins. She had an excellent poem.
    LikeReply 52 years ago
  • Symmetry58
    Already voted. :-)
    LikeReply 12 years ago
  • abielias1
    Just a heads up that we’re two days away from announcing the winners, and the race is very tight… every vote counts! Get your vote in while you can!
    LikeReply 22 years ago
  • cecilia227
    Good luck to all the lovely poets here!! :D
    LikeReply 42 years ago
  • Raving_dumpsterdiver
    Good luck to all entries I’m excited to read everyone’s work ^-^
    LikeReply 42 years ago

Enter the competition

Submit your best poem to the contest for an opportunity to win cash prizes and gain worldwide recognition for your talent!

Our monthly contest

In a nutshell…

Opens: 1st of every calendar month.
Closes: End of every calendar month.
Results: Within 7 days of closing.
Entry fee: 25 USD.
Max. participants: 150 entries.
First Place Badge + 500
Second Place Badge + 300
Third Place Badge + 200
5 Runners-up Personalized Mug
POTY Badge + 1,000

June 2024

Poetry Contest

Join our monthly contest for an opportunity to win cash prizes and attain global acclaim for your talent.


Previous Contests

Here are direct links to our previous contests' summary pages.

 What people are saying

“Thank you for the wonderful gift that I received as a runner up for the January contest. The competition has inspired me to go and get my collection of poetry that I have written for my family — you are an amazing group!”

Janette Marais, South Africa

 Worldwide Recognition

We’re delighted to announce that we've been named one of best writing contests for 2022 and 2023 by Reedsy!

Reedsy Best Writing Contests 2022 Reedsy Best Writing Contests 2023