Contest » Contest Summary & Results

Congratulations to the winners of the May 2022 monthly contest. There were 150 poems submitted to the contest — thank you to everyone who entered and participated!

Winners By popular vote


Nominees By random order


Share your thoughts about the May 2022 Contest with the community:

  • lovingempath
    Wow! After reading this months submissions, I wanted to bury my head in the sand. INSTEAD...I'm going to work on a trophy cabinet to house this mug, and all of the mugs I plan on winning in the future.(thank GOD a swimming-suit competition isn't part of the contest:). Congratulations to the winners. This was a very hard voting month! 
    LikeReply 21 year ago
  • phenomenon
    Asking since it's my first time participating; will we be able to see how many people voted for each poem by the end of the contest, or will the 1st - 3rd and the 5 runner-ups only be displayed? I'd definitely love to know how my poem was received even if I might not win anything. 
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      Yes, for every vote your poem gets you'll receive an email notification, along with the feedback the voter shared -- good luck!
      LikeReply 11 year ago
  • bettyl.73819
    The response to my first comment was that the poem was displayed in its entirety during the judging? Apparently, I do not know how to open the poems.
    LikeReply1 year ago
    • acronimous
      There’s a “Go to Voting Page” button on the top of this page — clicking on it will take you to the voting screen where you can see all nominations and vote…
      LikeReply 11 year ago
  • lovingempath
    Hi guys...I noticed a few members are wondering about when they'll be able to read the submissions and vote in this contest. I believe the contest ends on the last day of the month and then all contestants will be given an opportunity to read and vote from the 1st-7th of June (correct me if I'm wrong :). Each contestant is given one vote (you cannot vote for yourself). Shortly afterwards the winners will be announced. I know these rules are posted, but don't see them on this page. Good luck guys!! 
    LikeReply 22 years ago
    • davidb
      Yes that's right!
      LikeReply 12 years ago
  • antony.r.king
    Hello everyone.
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • antony.r.king
    When do we get a chance to read the submissions and vote in the contest?
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • andybaker241998
    Hi. How can we read the other poems and vote?
    LikeReply2 years ago
  • C.L.Huff
    This is the first one I've signed up for since I was in high school. I'm excited to see how it sits among the other bodies of work. Good luck yall.
    LikeReply 42 years ago
  • lovingempath
    Here we go again! Just reading the titles to the poems already submitted makes me a little anxious about my own submission. BUT...they also spark my soul; and I can't wait until I can actually read the full body of these poems. Good luck, my fellow poets! 
    LikeReply 22 years ago
    • rachel_2
      I look forward to reading your submission!:)
      LikeReply 32 years ago
    • lovingempath
      Looking forward to yours too :)
      LikeReply 22 years ago

Enter the competition

Submit your best poem to the contest for an opportunity to win cash prizes and gain worldwide recognition for your talent!

Our monthly contest

In a nutshell…

Opens: 1st of every calendar month.
Closes: End of every calendar month.
Results: Within 7 days of closing.
Entry fee: 25 USD.
Max. participants: 150 entries.
First Place Badge + 500
Second Place Badge + 300
Third Place Badge + 200
5 Runners-up Personalized Mug
POTY Badge + 1,000

June 2024

Poetry Contest

Join our monthly contest for an opportunity to win cash prizes and attain global acclaim for your talent.


Previous Contests

Here are direct links to our previous contests' summary pages.

 What people are saying

“Thank you for the wonderful gift that I received as a runner up for the January contest. The competition has inspired me to go and get my collection of poetry that I have written for my family — you are an amazing group!”

Janette Marais, South Africa

 Worldwide Recognition

We’re delighted to announce that we've been named one of best writing contests for 2022 and 2023 by Reedsy!

Reedsy Best Writing Contests 2022 Reedsy Best Writing Contests 2023