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A writer with deep interest in poetry.

  March 2024     2 months ago

Submitted Poems 6 total

Mournful Dahlias

Mourning Dahlias

A garden full of blossoms,
Was this so fresh a flesh?
Robins, sparrows, and other birdlings
Perch, hop, and chirp,
Their roosts and nests
Were rose-woven heavenly crafts,
So natural and yet manly.

A lawn lay down and...

by Abba Yusif Birnin Kudu

added 2 months ago
(The Night of Regret)

"Daren Nadama" (A Night of Regret)

A journey blind I tread, a foray, whence a whispered spark
Ignited a firestorm that ravaged my heart
A maelstrom of passion, a hurricane's roar
Consumed my senses, leaving reason poor

Like a lost traveler...

by Abba Yusif Birnin Kudu

 1 View
added 5 months ago
'Daren Nadama' (The Night of Regret)

"Daren Nadama" (A Night of Regret)

A journey blind I tread, a foray, whence a whispered spark
Ignited a firestorm that ravaged my heart
A maelstrom of passion, a hurricane's roar
Consumed my senses, leaving reason poor

Like a lost traveler...

by Abba Yusif Birnin Kudu

added 5 months ago
"Gong of Time"

Gong of Time

Dear thee, gentle flesh of fragility,
A little mixed up hubris
And some mixes of pride,
Material-riddened foam that floats
High over forms

Ask not where the sun hids
Under the silvery coal-black veil of night,
Under the...

by Abba Yusif

added 6 months ago
Seven Heavens

Seven Heavens

Oh, my feeble fragile being!
Oh! God of seven heavens,
Coal-black veil of nights,
Golden-lit yellowish sun
Whose pale skin fades away
As night kisses it by sunset,
God of Adam and Eve:
The cascading waterfall of...

by Abba Yusif

added 6 months ago

... and 1 more »

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Sorry Mallam Nura. Don't condole when the time comes when only soothing words from the poets can only serve to woo ladies. Though, we are already there. Your eloquence matters today, in winning her heart. And eloquence is poetry. 

6 months ago


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Poet George McDonald wrote a two-word poem that reads _____ _____?
A Let's Go.
B See You!
C Good Bye.
D Come Home.