HeatherLydiaThornhill's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by HeatherLydiaThornhill  —  There are currently 512 poems total — keep up the great work!

The feeling you give.

Gentle was the night you held me in
A face hidden in the stars like life began
Floating mind and body purified
I would not mind if I had died
If I could feel it with my mind
I'd turn the stars before you
And stir the water like air
That you...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Purpose X
X Mystery
Lost mind X_____________
X Crumpled Bibles
Hushed X
X Crown________________
I am X
X Look up
Faith X

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Right fit.

H Archangel * E
s E Carnelion Hurshiel A
A Enoch Mathew V
V Elijah Haniel E
t E Yeshua* Jacob N
N Gabriel God E
E Amethist Azriel V
V Raphael Mark A
e A Sandlefon Fly E
E Zadkiel Mary H

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Legion of Father Mother God

Hand of the humane
Light of the pure
Heavens legion
Gods adored
Sent down with messengers
To ring in mans ears
Shed of our worries
Free us from fears
Raise us to glory
Let knowledge astound
Naive no longer
Yet children abound
Open your...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Love of the eternal saviour

Outstretch your wings of love and let your light sour with me through a sky of living light.
Allow my heart to beat in your rhythm.
Let this start your devine worship in me that never ends its penance of praise in all your glory.
Turn this mere...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Arms of God.

God. I love you.

For in your arms I am freed oh Father.
In your breath I am eased.
With your soul I am pure as the lamb.
On your world I am in heaven.
As your creations love glows around me.
And the sun rays radiating essence of your...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
In me.

This barrel rolls but the mount is great.
As the crow calls I think about my fate.
Orange flowers greet me at the gate
but my house is silent without an inmate.
Church bells slowly ring their tears and
I'm back here after all these years.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
I like her

She carries a sweetness I've never seen
And sees things with a heavenly sheen
Her battles seem as innocent as kisses
so I wonder who she really misses
She loves like a cuddly teddy bear in a bed
It's so lovely what goes on in her head
And its...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Hunters moon

The Hunters moon came a day early.
I caught its giant eye on full display.
As I lay sleepy in the wake of a holy day.
A day of confessions and reconciliation.
A day my son gained true affiliation.
His shirt was black and his jumper grey but his...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

What are we now?
A golden sow?
God's 'current' doing?
Heaven in the making?
Words are millions of years - changed.
Yet thoughts can come across deranged.
Do we even make sense?
Or is it all pre/post - nonsense?
Are we a neglected art?
Or is...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

I listen to the dripping water sooth my heart,
as alarms start on out of time watches that make their move an hour too late,
Frates roar past in barrier cracking surges then get swallowed by the wind.
My foot strokes its twin in time...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

K then.
Here it is.
The improved me.
As I sneeze uncontrollably.
My mind remains expanded.
And tears drain silent pain from my eyes.
But faith taps at mountains of knowledge.
Underneath there are caverns of ice.
They slowly drip into the...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
What of it?

Shoals cross my mind.
I try connecting to bliss.
What's this sadness I'm feeling?
Changes procrastinate and hiss.
I'll wait for them to carry me with them.
Into their watery abyss
And disintegrate into the slow rush.
Down they'll push me,...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Oh Angel in the dark

Oh Angel in the dark
Light me on my way
For sleep is not enough
To sooth me, so I say
This night pray let me pass
Unto the golden rhelm
Where I am too a king
So take up this fresh helm
To skies a lit with blessings
That light up thy devine ...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The Reader

Humanity stands at a precipice of expectation.
Pre-daydream and pre-reflection.
A time when good things start to happen as they begin their inspection.
Inquisitions made they have their inner conclusions to face.
Then the solution post haste.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Chaos of mind.

((Trauma. Where am I?" + Thump. - Titan. ° + ° Trickster. (( - ° Turbulent.~
Tighter. ` + Terror. ` - Tried.))
+ Twilight. - (( Tease. °Im somewhere¢ °))

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
I died a little bit

Blue lights shon on you like wings of water
As you rose like the tide and forgot a while about the little things
Pretty lines drew happiness on your face
Intriguing my heart and mind to trace them
How do I follow you this new way
You have shown...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Glimmering hands

The candle glimmered.
Its life was short but its flame spread to many others.
I understand why you got burnt and even expected it. How life can be a little cruel. Sometimes you druel for too long and it douses out the light.
To love too much can...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Cool waters~~~~~
Powdered stars * * * *
* * * *
* *
Satin coverings )( )(
)( )( )(

 )( )(
Velvet strokes % %
% % % %
% %
True loves kisses}{ }{
}{ }{ }{ }{
}{ }{
Men as...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Berries flourish like diamonds on royal wedding dresses, like white angels awakening to those they will bless, swaying footsteps delicately across the stars
Thoughts cast new spells on humanity for hope, safety, world peace and prosperity.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

As delicate as a hair
That falls on your face
A broken heart
Turned into wings of grace
An invite to the lord
Sent out to many
A gift from a God
As sublime as a new Penny
Fingers like tiny pillows
You rest your sweet body
And float on a...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Taste of you

A taste of you upon my lips after we kiss
I wipe away with hands boney and used
The taste is turned into a memory I miss
I call it back to me when I feel confused
Sometimes I eat familiar strawberries
Often seeing them where you worked

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Open air

Your softer than light
A dream of insight
A life almost lived
Your time almost given
Believe in the heart
People have brought
back to your life
No longer the fight
Open air
Open air open air
Without a care
You share and you dare
To fly...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
You are the fruit

Sand is in your heart and you are whole but as a beach of stars shine from your soul
I adore you more than any jewel
You are fascinating and anything I hear from you is a prayer kept of your life
Through my strife afraid to walk your sands

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Delivery of life

I heard the postman sneaking into my garden again
His mail was boring as usual my friend
but he brings a bit of life to the sceen you know
He carries these gifts often and then has to go
Never getting to see the people opening them
Some are...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

I looked at the horizon as it opened its secret.
Your eyes were inside smiling at me.
I knew I loved you like I knew the sun.
And you loved me too, at least on day one.
Our eyes locked and our horizons were set
Its been 16 years since we laid...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
There'll always be a star in the sky

Though the clouds rise higher than the eye
And sometimes you pick up on the lie
As the faces aren't soothed as you pass them by
Or the perfect children you hold start to cry
The TV breaks and you don't know why
The best calls you get are when...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Dilemma of an Angel.

A greying baby or a billion lives.
Could you watch while a baby dies?
A ripple effect or a ripple affect?
Death on demand or Life from compassion
Compassion for angels desire to save or compassion for a humans desire to live or die?

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

They say dreams can predict the future
and can be lucid and movable
They say déjà vu means your job will change
They say death is painful but usually quick
They say you can die and come back to life
They say death is a metamorphic thing

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The black tie

Dad brought out the black tie again.
Seems like I've seen it every week this month.
He stands in his underwear at the sink to bathe, as I look for him in his usual spot.
Instead I see the black tie.
The bathtub has become too dangerous now,...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Peace of you

I know a piece of me is in a piece of you
Each good thing you've said leaves a piece in me
No matter what you've done
And all the saddest grief
A tiny piece of prayer lives inside of me
Even as a foetus heartbeat beating to the stars prays its...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Like Mam

You clean my dishes like Mam
You hoover my floor like Mam
You change the bedding like Mam
You like folding clothes like Mam
You think i'm crazy like Mam
You wait in the sun like Mam
You outgrew kisses like Mam
You grew a pot belly like Mam

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Dear child of today.
Today I write to you.
This poem to greet you.
To meet you.
To say I see you.
See you as today.
You are my today.
Today I forgot how it is to be you.
Today is forever
A time spent together.
Wherever you are.
On this or...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

I took my spaceship to the sun
And stole a piece, the brightest one
On a dusky night with a beautiful sky
Because poems about the sun made me cry
They spoke of its beauty, warmth and place
And the people it fed with vitamin D through their face...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The Archangels thoughts

The mind blocks
But the Archangel still clocks on
He is in many places
Not merely one
He's listened for eons
Without taking many breaks
That's many a year
With hardly a mistake
To people communing
And thinking behind here
He knows every...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Light of life

Is it that your pain should be suffered in full?
Is it that your bed should remain below others?
Is it that your way out is only a way back?
Is it that you are only what you prepare for and let go when the work is complete.
If that is that?

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Light of the meridian


  .................... L
I am chakra one. I spin on and on.

  ..................... V
I am chakra two. I spin through and...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Fairy tale

As every flower releases its scent
Its you I sense in my lament
As the stars open and close their doors
Its yours, my darling, I walk towards
As parents pass on their wedding rings
Its your iris I wait for its bling
As final endings brush...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
For it

I spark up my heart for it
I catch your dart for it
I carry you in a rose for it
I pose for it
I light up the world for it
I curl up my toes for it
I change how I feel for it
I fight through ordeals for it
I believe in love for it
I float...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

I try so hard to picture the heart that lights the moon and beams love like a dart to my waiting face; as I pear into space, never complacent of your grace.
I imagine the touch of a planet so at peace it silently sings us to sleep as it sends us...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Fire full of diamonds

A soul was born into the new light.
They looked around and saw billions and billions of others.
They were all walking through the many doors of life.
She knew which door was her door because God stood beside it and because she was the last soul...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Waking up without you

I open my mind to sad songs
I open my eyes to a silent bed
I open my phone to a blank screen
I open my kitchen to plane cupboards
I open my house to a white sky
I open my earth to a still heart
I open my galaxy to a vacant heaven
I open my...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Dream catcher

I catch your dreams as you sleep
Sometimes you stir
Sometimes you jolt
I make your dreams as you sleep
We co catch them and
And sometimes you drop them
But I always find them
Pick them up and save them
I'm a dream catcher dream maker

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Kiss of life

When I kissed you I heard my lips tell yours "He is the one."
I heard "Don't stop yet. I bet.
Her heart beats too."
I heard your cheeks ask "Share the love."
So you breathed in deeper. To catch our breath and shared my trembling wrists as they...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Worship is love

I can love you without words but I cannot measure the breath of you
to love you with words.
I can write epic verses and hope to inspire a collective of your over 7.5 billion people for a few seconds but I can't love you with numbers because your...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

The man I had in mind writing your words
turned out to be a women.
I considered how I didn't realise and oh yes I thought I'm a women.
Then I thought but I understand women.
Then I realised I've loved women at least for a short time.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The silent star

Celestial star
Cell of the sky
How perfect you are
Still by the by
No questions to ask
Just watching us shine
Bright being afar
Cosmic essence so fine
Galactically aged
When will we meet
But in my dreams
And when I pass in my fate
Oh how...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
A little love left

I left a little note in your cupboard today
Yesterday a present
Bought new clothes the other day
It said I'll always love you and I'll never be the same
Now that you finally smile when I act a certain way
I wrote like an Angel because you...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Freedom is reading behind bars that keep out the past.
Freedom is a lonely word that crowds itself in poets.
It is free on the outside yet cowers behind bars of flesh.
Freedom barricades other peoples desires and hopes.
Freedom is pressured by...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Waiting for doc

I got cancer
waiting for doc
I found my daughter
waiting for doc
I hugged my children
waiting for doc
I won bets
waiting for doc
I drank a pint
waiting for doc
I met a psychic
waiting for doc
I ignored my phone
waiting for doc
I had a...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The good poem

The good poem has a title that chimes
The good poem is the one that rhymes
The good poem has one great latch
The good poem is easy to hatch
The good poem kinda makes you cry
The good poem is about how we fly
The good poem always says goodbye

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Is the solution the...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
A fish's bliss

Angel fish
Vertigo's kiss
Ocean floor

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Great origin deity


by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago


by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Embrace me

Darling embrace me
Your love portrays me
Willingly please me
Sweetheart enthuse...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
King Solomon

Seas of people adorn your seat
As you worship God with thunderous heartbeat
And the echoes were laid upon our ear
and eye
To hush our fears from lullaby to worships tears
And you long live in our hearts
The king of God
The king of stars

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The soft star

Pick the cakes upon the sky
So colourful in your eye
Blessed be oh lived Angel
That of hands so tangible
Save us from the evil knock
Take away the things that shock
"Leave it out" I hear you think
But I'm not joking here within
Caged you...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Soul of the night

Weave our stars into the sky
Let the darkness pass ye by
Bless us with your swords of ten
Light up our dearest paths again
Dry the tears from our eyes
The very second you hear our cries
For we are blessed in your sight
Let us be your soul of...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Heart of the storm

I feel your footsteps on my heart
Each one leaves a toll
Each year they get heavier
Now they only stroll
I feel them crush each drying leaf
Layed so softly there
And the gentle whirlwind that you cause
Often makes me swear
I feel you...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Let there be light

Let your feet call in the light of the earthly violet light of God
Let flashes of lightening rise up into your core become a continuoum of light beaming from your heart and shooting its stars higher than your mind in to a source so radient it...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Whisp of the storm

The deep thud of the elements
Embelishment of light
The storm sewed up the broken sky
Loud cometh ye in the night
The whisps of air raised the hair on many cold a hand
Oceans prayer more complex than the calling sounds of man
Houses trembling...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
He lets you live

He lets you.

He lets you live.

He says it's your time not mine only.
He says live your best life.

And he watches.
As you live.
As time seems to go by.
He let's you.

He lets you live.

And he doesn't turn away.
While you live.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The day after you died.

The day after you died.
I died.
I felt my hands and they were dead.
Then I felt my body and it wouldn't stop crying.
I thought of something else.
That thought was you.
I told myself to eat but there was no food.
I was dead.
The day after...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
You make the stars fall into the sea of your eyes

You make the stars fall into the sea
of your eyes where the moons shine
for, only me.
They only cry behind your eyes.
I know there's love there for only me like a suns glare calling to me behind your eyes.
They only sigh behind your eyes.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Younger than a sea of light
Yet older than the stars
How can I please such dreaming...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
When I was a waterfall

When I was a waterfall I rode the moonlight river
It widened to its precipas
And almost made me quiver
I tipped the edge and off I flew
Falling like a child
I jumped and splashed every puddle that had been on every side
But then I returned to...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The oceans waterfall

I'll be your tear
I'll be your trickle
I'll fill your cup
Ill be your pipes full and flowing
I'll be your piss in the sewers
I'll be your oceans waterfall
I'll be your sea shore
I'll be your crying mountains
I'll be your lakes and lagoons

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Bound by life

There is bind that all living things must break
That is the bind of life
Like H2O
Hydrogen wants to flow but dies in oxygen
Our bodies die and one day becomes oxygen in the sky again and we will all eventually become the water again
We are made...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
A sky is a sky

A sky is a sky
No matter how high you climb or how fast you run
No matter how deep you crawl or how evil you may be
No matter how happy or how sad you feel
A sky is a sky and it has always been that...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

My aura wraps its light around me.
It feeds me.
Bathes me.
Loves me a little.
It waits for me to catch up.
I'm a little slower now.
So is my soul.
My aura.
My soul.
My perfect soul.
My soul is my aura it wraps its velvet light around me....

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The soul hopes

As the sky holds the earth
And the trees house stretching buds
And the rivers gently trickle songs that never seize to be whether here or there
And the mountains are moved in little thuds in galaxies far beyond our glare
Where the angels appear...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Sky rush

The sky rushed into my body
And I knew that you'd returned
Returned - my poor soul, back to me
Tormented, shamed and burned
All you wanted was the light;
To feel a little bit loved
For that - my God, you had to fight
The darkest angels of...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Determined the endless white

Determined the endless white
Deliberately there in my brain
Destined to call me and my endless name
Devine through me and this and that game
Dexterous thoughts leaking all the same
Deteriorating towards that refrain
Drowning tenderly in the...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
One year life

I'm hesitant to say this
Because I know how much it pains
Your voice has blended in the wind
And its not been long since the stains

I'm hesitant to look for you
Because I know that you're not there
Just a replica of you
There wings...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
I yearn to play

Music plays in my head sometimes
that wants to be heard above the rhymes
I sit alone at the piano keys
And wait for the heavens to speak to me
They say just feel you'll find your way
Let your fingers find the sounds and play
Everything will go...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Protect my tender trust

Good. So good. Good. So good.
Protect my tender trust as I share my love.
Good. So good. Good. So good.
Have faith in me I am but your future light.
Good. So good. Good. So good.
Believe I can do as I believe I can do good.
Good. So good....

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Jew beyond merit

What the mother did was but to live
She touched your tongue and spoke your life
Her old eyes saw more than the blind
At solutions cost
With a force of life's loan
And a worthy world
Her enduring sympathy never died with her
And her masked...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

$10.99 Durex thin feel condoms
$6.35 Pregnacare vitabiotics original
$28.7 The average weekly food shop
$18.99 Bibi doll - 18" Life-like soft bodied
$1.25 Wax Crayons
$19.99 Kids double sided chalkboard
$2.05 Ballpoint pen and average...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The poem that broke you

I speak this phone into internet because I want to try something different I used to write on paper nothing I've typed on my phone today I'm not a loan today I can talk to you as if I can the herd you can hear my voice now and that's great maybe I...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Avocado No. X

Why of why
do my avocado's always die?
I treat them well.
I clean and prop up their giant shell
in their tiny wishing well
I feed their roots.
They're not too cold,
so hell?
That was No. 11 aswell
Why oh why
do my avocados always...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Non Viral

I don't think about it much like that
I think maybe I'll make it to a book one day
Maybe one or two will buy it
Like the last poetry life I led
Last night it was different
I saw the poem moved
It jumped to view number three
As If lost in the...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Care not to ache my beating heart

Care not to hate my beating heart
For my dear soul would shake
But merely ache my beating heart
For love dear heart would...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

And the mighty oak...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Archangel Jophiel

Archangel Jophiel is the angel for the meek and the mild innocent child.
When the day is stormy and the night is wild.
And you're crying no one can make me mild.
As the mother's reprimand of their worlds what isn't convenient unferlds
of insight...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
On paper.

God I feel shit.
Dear God

I've just had a piss.
You relieve the pain in my heart.

I'm not rhyming now.
Come into my life.

Nothings going to cum of it anyway.
Brighten my soul so that I can reach your pink sky.

Its not going to sky...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Thoughts of my own

I've caught you again
And this time
I'm not letting you go
I have you! ha!
I'm not letting you go
I've got you now
And you can't escape
You're mine
I'm not letting you go
My love
Mine for always

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

I can't see you dear heart for the flesh on my bones growing in places I wish it wouldn't
I can't feel you inside beating profoundly and terrific thriving on food, water, air, love and hate
I can't often smell your blood bubbling up inside,...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Night Sky




 Star Star









by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Queen consort

The heart of a Queen
Sweet the hands that caught a heart
As it fell upon hate in a palace so great
you sit upon a throne innate
So patient the wait
So silent a women
When will you speak
Whom shall be Queen but you now
Where is the vow

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Stupid to think you'd be there
To think you'd give your time
In such a shortened life
and such a busy time

Stupid to think you're lonely
Enough to show you care
In this a great big world
the tiny piece I share

Stupid to think I mattered

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Beautiful that

There is a place in my mind
That's always beautiful
Always kind
Its peaceful, you know?
They dance, hold hands
Talk deeply
Its so far from hell!!
Have you been there?
Do you know it well.
Flown there?

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

When I write I see your hand on the pen
As I think I look at your face staring at the page
As my chest rises I watch your chest fall
I hold the paper on your bended knee
When my heart stirs its your toes that curl
I am the paper but you are the...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Smoking dove

To .
Tic k.
T.. ick ...
I.. have. to
T ock ...
b... r... e... a.. t. h

Tic k.. ... ... ... ... ......

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
My soul fell in love with you

I didn't fall in love with you
You wouldn't understand the way I want you to
I knew I didn't need you or want you to too
And that you wouldn't see our love through
I reacted because my soul told me to
And when my heart skipped a beat and yours...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Poem in the sea

The sea has took you so long ago
And I don't remember you at all
Sometimes you are read by the mermaids
And the shoals
But I don't remember you at all
Sometimes it hurts when another is set free to be in a world of eternity
So I don't...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Stars in my heart

Are you reaching for me?
Do you pluck stars from this heart?
When tears fall back onto me
I find my star once more
I hold you closer than need
and told you I am always inside you
Believe in me
I will always love you
You hear every word and...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Core of the sun

Who holds you back?
Are there caged hands that powerful?
Why do you not burn me?
Aren't you are Lord Ra God of life!
What makes you you?
Does the darkness touch even you?
Where is it you're reaching for?
Can I give you the key?
When will...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
If I die I die if...

If I die I die if...
A tiny fly just bigger than a mite.
The tiniest soul that ever took flight
Sometimes I'm wrong
Sometimes I'm right
But I know you're there
Listening somewhere
I say you can't get near me
I say your followers can't get...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Last night in the silence of my heart a little voice whispered words too beautiful for man
whispered so softly I could not stop thinking of them to open my eyes
I could not move to write them down for I was too moved
and the tears poured from my...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Eternal promises

My soul pledged an eternity on a simple sheet of card
(It had a heart of pure true love with a statue I made of our souls)
Because I loved you from the start
And now the Gods say to let you go
You've body gone so long (oh)
They say you found...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Yours before I'm yours

I was...
yours before I walked outside
Yours before I stood by your side
Yours before you took me home
Yours before we made ourselves moan
Yours before I stared in your eyes
Yours before we said our...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Teach me to love

Your hands.
Your dropping hands.
Your hands.
Your reaching hands.
Your hands.
Your beating hands.
Your hands.
Your hugging hands.
Your hands.
Your punching hands.
Your hands.
Your praying hands.
Your hands.
Your stealing hands.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
You hold me in your pledge

I feel your wings around me and this cage is getting stronger
I pray for myself and the prayers last much longer
The poems grow more loving as your feathers plump around me
I say i'm okay now sometimes
But your light begins to surround me

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Your voice is home

"Am I clear now?" I asked my God
"Just a little bit more" he whispered
And all his love poured into my head
Past love then desires instead
But then I wondered from my bed
I searched for the light
And relieved my bladder to the night
I hoped I...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The chimes of winter

I open my door to seek the rain
and wonder when it will come again
Forgetting about the icy remains
Of frostbit hands wrinkled all the same
And I feel the drop of the temp in time
To stath off the cold of this Superbowl
And I know it won't be...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Although my head bursts with pain
And my inner body is layn down
Although my soul aches
And my pen is worn
Though the smiles have been gone
For so long I forgot their names
And the push to stardome weans and fanes
Them, they never call on my...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Flying Fu$k

I have my self respect
but that day I didn't know
How far the night would take me
And how much I'd have to show
I was young but never care free
But the camera seemed to lie
It said I was more beautiful
Than the painting in my mind
I said...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Blind dream of God

I knew that God was there last night but I could not see his face
Unless I touch him I had thought I'll never keep the pace
So I held out a hand of ethereal grace
And touched the hand of God
As gentle as a trace
And I could see it clearly one...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Poems of the equinox

As the sun crosses the celestial equator in the city of heaven so vast
And the days of earth and the nights times equally seem to last
Where the souls wander freely with the queens and the kings of the past
Poems are being written nothing...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Days of heaven

Although its hard I do realise the mammoth task you have
To shine candles in the days of heaven and find love within your heart
People seemedly are flying even higher than they must
Expectations from them leave the purest soul feeling like dust

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Whistle on the wind

I've never been reminded of the joy I have to give
Like the day I realised my life was really truely lived
For when you said you read it as it whistled on the wind
My heart burst forth its banks and I learnt to understand the need
You called me...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Now I see

For a long time its been only me
Just me against the void
And nobody else to see
But now I realise
That I've always had room to breath
Always been seen
Even completely free
Really an integral part
Of Gods community
And as I open my eyes

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The empty poet

These words have been written
But not by me
Not me
I feel no meaning inside these fingers
Nor my finger tips
Nor my lips
Only intuition
Which carries no truth
No surity
Or hope
I could say I'll elope to a hidden shore
And bask on white...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Angel in the dew

Her pupil closed to a pin prick
And the last image she saw
As she lay her beaten head
Upon the woodland floor
Was an angel in the dew
Coming forth in awe
Of the life that she once knew
And all that it was for
Its light filled it like molten

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
New eyes

It hurts to look at you
I fear I look so hard
I'll think of you gone
Your body has so many stories
I have read them numerous times
Your face has been more damaged
by the zealousness of your heart
than the determination of the sun
Your body...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Does it hurt?

Does it hurt, to be you?
Does your mind scream, sometimes on que? Only to keep your red silence.
Or do you only realise your fate when you bleed from a light fall.
Do you walk tall while pushing down the pain over and over again.
Is your best...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The unfair poet

He had no pen to write his poem with
So he took one from the bookmakers
He had no paper to write his poem on
So he drew on a paper bag
He had no education to spell his words
So he filled it in with pictures
He had no concentration in his...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Who am I? to you...
Who am I? to you...
Who am I? to you...
Who am I? to you...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
God Bless

We are, a gift opened by light
Each moment we give unto he of pure right
Bliss is your heart opening its door
I'm sure, all you are is what height is for
All of your hearts pour from each pore
And I love you, I do
Every thought that you have...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
You carry my heart

You carry my heart. You carry it in your heart. You are never without it. Anywhere you go I go, your dear. And whatever is done by only you is my doing. Your darling.
You fear no fate for I am your fate, your sweet. You want no world for beautiful...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Heaven is your soul

Heaven is your soul
And I can see it glow
Its so beautiful you know
More than winterlands of snow

Heaven is your soul
And I can hear it sing
With every note it rings
The joy i feel it bring

Heaven is your soul
And I can see it glow

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
I've always been shy

I've always been shy
Like the diamonds in your eyes
And the way they set me free
Is the way I'm meant to be
And though I can be blind
Your heart - I always find
Its the way I like to see
How well you're loving me

I've always been shy

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The borrowed soul

You said goodbye to the heavens
To hold me in your arms
But all you could but smile
As they whisked you away from harm
And I never saw your face
But as I looked away
They said that you were perfect
And put you in your place
I heard you lived...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The God of tears

Say that you want my love
I love you so much I would
All you need do is ask

Say that you want my soul
I love you so much I could
All you need do is call

Say that you want my voice
I love you so much I should
All you need do is pray


by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Open the curtains

I sat on the words of God
And rose on half a breath
And as the pain thereof
Returned me to earth's task
You opened the curtain to life
And my face was now unmasked
You cleaned it in your hands
I cried I need a home
You said You're so lovely...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
You didn't smile

I know

I know


by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
the poem

They asked to watch her invent a poem
and they thought you think of me
They wondered how inspiring their beautiful life could be
The answer
Its easier than anything I've felt
It shines within your mould of Gods sweet love and clear lament...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Endless thoughts

I wrote one line and I was satisfied
But then another thought made me happier
Before long I was ecstatic
After a while I grew to heights I could only imagine were a dream
Then I entered worship and my words began to chant
Haunting depths of my...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Crucify me

Dear God you catch me on a lullaby
And it is as if I had died
On a cloud and

My God you feed me with masteries
And it is as if I lost my mind
On a dream and

Lord God you love me in sweet glory
And it is as if I had...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Leave the decorations on the Christmas tree

Leave the decorations on the Christmas tree
Keep the logfire burning and the children full of glee
Let the crib keep blessings beaming unto me
And the Angel choruses playing on TV
Let's have Christmas leftovers and all the sweetest treats

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Depths of my highest love

I Love you from the depths of my poor sin
To the heights I rise up to in your sweetest goal within
I'm willing dear, to sacrifice my pain
So that your love light can raise my soul again
Beyond a doubt there's so much I'm to blame.
But forgive...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
My heart is true

I'm loving you
I'm loving you
I'm loving you
I'm loving you
Yes I do

Yes God I do
Yes God I do
Yes God I do
Yes God I do
I love you

My heart is true
My heart is true
My heart is true
My heart is true
Love me too

Oh Yes its true...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Eyes of God

No matter how hard you try.
You can't replicate
the beauty of Gods eyes.
No matter the word
Both written or spoke
the beauty thereof isn't a joke
No matter the world
Ripe as a spring
the beauty or none within your ring
No matter the joke...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Don't give it up

Don't give it up
Don't give it up
Don't give it up

Can't give it up
Can't give it up
Can't give it up

Won't give it up
Won't give it up
Won't give it up

Don't give it up
Don't give...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Love is your legacy

Love is your legacy
It once shined deep inside of thee
Your open heart - it was set free
Now it beams - its light
from within me

Love is your legacy
So sweet, refined and sparkly
Its innocence now full of glee
I gave it back
to see -...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Heavens touch

Asway in your arms
I fill with your charm
Never near any harm,
Echoes of anger or alarm
You're without delay
When my clouds turn to grey
And you show me the way
To true love on the bay
Where the words that you say
Take my soul heart away

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The silence of your kiss

I walked towards you
You were like the sun
We had never spoken
But our love had now begun
You looked at my eyes
I looked at your lips
You closed your eyes
And then we...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Heaven opens with the sunrise

My dear Heaven is the sunrise
And it opens each morning with your eyes
As the beets my love and shooting star, ripen beneath your feet and yes far does
my heart greet you in tune, but everyone you meet waves scents of June with parts of my being...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The black and white star

I'll love you beyond death where as a planet we are black outwardly and white within.
With the sun we are white and black and white outwardly.
Without the sun we are black and white with Gods light.
When we turn into space we are black.
We are...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
My love

Time my dear will never part
Because sweetest love
you are in my heart
And in my last unveiled art
I hope it sums up
How high our...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
A dove in every atom of your body

You are held together by the holy ghost
And when you die the doves fly back to Gods...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Climbing the stars

I couldn't reach the stars in your eyes
But you held out your hand and said your goodbyes
As you made your way up through heavenly skies, one diamond at a time shon brighter than a mine
You were lost from our view like a balloon rising high, soon...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
I am sorry

Dear Mother Father God
I am sorry for the times I was not righteous
I am sorry for the times I was not washed clean
I am sorry for the times I was not equitous
I am sorry for the times I was not forgiving
I am sorry for the times I was not...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Tears in the light

The light dimmed
as she faced her angelic brother
crying with empathy for one another.
Their thoughts synchronised.

They wiped each others face
then turned back into light
so that the love could hold them tight
in its pure embrace.


by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Body twisted
Neck crushed by his glory
I loved him till then
Loves heavier now
Somehow I didn't say no
But I knew inside
I wanted him to go
Wanted it to end
For us just to be friends
And in time I did mend
And he lightened his touch

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Shield of angels

Do not be afraid
Every word you think covers my night in shining stars
Love as one
As if I am Mother Mary and she is God
I am you're Mother Father God
Be kind
For there will be sometimes pain that you cannot contain
Ask forgiveness

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Chamber of God

He struck her so hard she fell to her knees
And showed him mercy for not loving him enough
I forgive you she laughed then she cried
He raped her for the hundredth time and she came without feeling
He demanded tell me to love you
She said I...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

She ate the bud of a white rose
And the tiny pillows relaxed on her tongue
Like a tablet dissolving all the pains away
Clouds of light filled her mind as angels passed her by
And her thought floated up to God the father
who whispered to her...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

You are my diamond
You are my ring
And in our deepest fate
Our souls will still sing

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Radience of light

The source of all brightness reflected the radiance of its rise in all directions
Turning the darkness into love and...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
She dreampt of mermaids

Her mind awoke before her eyes
and she glimpst a mermaid looking inside
Its tail was luxurious and long
And her floating hair was beautiful and strong
Her face so curious to know what could she be seeing but the glow
Of a human being's soul...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
How lovely the girl

In an alcave deep behind your eyes
your spiritual essence defies belief in its own storytale shine.

And I fall in the loveliness of your heartbeat.

As you sing so softly you bring joy to a smile that for a long, long while was dormant,...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Preparing for the soul

God lived in the child for 12 months
Nine months in the womb and
Three months adjusting to the world
Reassuring the cells of the body they were loved and awakening their consciousness to love and pure light
After twelve months the child's soul...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Sensuous warmth on the morn

Sensuous warmth on the morn
Competing with the stars
Block out all the darkness of spaces entirety
Is it any wonder we're afraid of the dark
After feeling your love leave its infinite spark
And so sing the poets along with the Lark
For you...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Aching sorrows

I hear you
Pray sorrows
I love you
And forgive you
You are loved
Be loved
You wronged
But now you see
No longer blind to me
I'm your Father Mother God
I'll love you no matter what has been

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Sorry God

When I reach the depths of my sorrow.
Can you forgive me all I have wronged.
When my eyes are red with tears.
Can you release me from all of my hatred.
When the darkness falls into a hole.
Can you love me then. Forgive me God....

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Repent in me

I love you...forgive me... my sins...
Glory...Glory...forgive me...God

I'm loving you...I'm loving you...I'm loving you...I'm your God...I'm God
I'm loving you...I'm loving you...Loving you
For I am God...For I am God

I love you...Forgive...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Praise of forgiveness

Glory... God... Forgive me...
Glory... God... Forgive me...
Glory... God... Forgive me...
Glory... God... Forgive me...
God... ...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Can you love with the spirit of a God

Can you love with the spirit of a God
That's loving you with light
Can you love with the spirit of a God
That's bringing you to right
Can you love with the spirit of a God
That's loving you tonight
Can you love with the spirit of a God

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
I love you

I love you
And your love is filled with...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Spirit of the lord

She held his tiny arms crossed
The lord bless you and keep you
May his light shine upon you
Then the bread was lost
As if God had given it to her
It found her outstretch hands
She held her hands that day
As her tiny feet walked away

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Devine fields of a soul seed

God had walked in every footstep
And died along the way
Lived on the devine fields
And drank within its seas
Survived all times that passed
Refined every tiny inch
And with all the earths love
God's heart could never...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Can you imagine Gods glory

Can you imagine how much I love you
I love billions of eternities of you infinitely in one spec of my heart
And my whole heart is filled with love for you
I made you perfectly and I love you equally
If you could contain all my love you would my...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
My word is your flesh

The channeller was asked to convey
What the breath of prayer light had to say
And the message he had on this day
Was beyond what my flesh could convey
For their heart was not a heartbeat away
Brought to life as if heaven could stay
A reality...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
My body is my heart

You may have eaten my flesh
My heart is my flesh
You may have found my flesh sweet
My heart is my flesh
You may have grown strong on my flesh
My heart is my flesh
You may have felt my flesh heart beat
My heart is my flesh
You may have seen...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
How could I not love a soul

As you turned back to look at me gently in my eyes
It was as if my heart flew around our earthly ties
Glossy big and bright you stopped short as if shy
You remembered the kisses I had placed in goodbye
But it wasn't enough to shatter your lips

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Dance of the light

She drew in the light
It ringed around her heart
It chained to the world
Never to part
It danced around space
And washed all of time
And as her light grew
With it the devines
And the angels shon brighter
As whole and brand new
As a once...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The soul of hope

I prayed to God
God gave me a mouth to talk in
I prayed to God
God gave me shoes to walk in
I prayed to God
God gave me food within
I prayed to God
God gave me water to soak in
I prayed to God
God gave me a home to sleep in
I prayed to God...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Higher love

And so we stand on higher ground
In faith we rise in ways profound
The love we found within the clouds
Our hearts proclaim the mind to tame

And so we stand on higher ground
In faith we rise in ways profound
Our chalice full and shared around...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Roses of the Shadow

I watered the winter roses
Dressed in white silk
Warm in my breath
Brittle to my hand
My eye caught the log fire
and reminded me of home
A place I had missed
a long time ago
My clothes were tattered
Dirt filled my pores
Hardened by the...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Firmament of man

Earths skies were filled with the souls of man
As their higher selves returned to their living souls
And the creation of truest love began
where leaders shook in their vibration
As if God had returned to land his staff upon the broken ground and...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Angels in the sun

The largest suns gravity pulled an asteroid in
Too big to be stopped by the atmosphere within
It broke planet after planet in two
Until it hit the largest sun and boared its way through
And the sunlight dimmed and it broke like a nut
Then a sun...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Reach into heaven

I close my eyes as I hear your words,
to stop the tears as they transmute pain
I reach into heaven and bring you home
but you say now you are all alone again
So I put you back on your cloud once more
and hope my heart can close its door
And I...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
One step off the ground

I'm sorry for my past
I hope the hurt will not last
I was wrong to think
I could hold a candle up to your heart
I'm sorry for the pain of doubt
That pushes me and others closer to the cliff edge
I was wrong to curse and to clout
I wish this...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The Repenter

They grew into one.
I'm sorry. Forgive me. I forgive others.
They opened their eyes.
I'm sorry. Forgive me. I forgive others.
They took their first breath of air.
I'm sorry. Forgive me. I forgive others.
They lived for a second.
I'm sorry....

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

I washed the powder away in my fingertips
And the water clouded up like raindrops
Then I soaked it and softened it in the light
And I brought some to you in the wind that...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
I heard them speak

The world in one, the heavens in the other
Such calm stealth they spoke to one another
As if they had talked an eternity together
One knew the way and so did the other
So much to say as they spiraled forever
Their hearts were as one no matter...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
In your teardrops

You feel alone and the loneliness is in your teardrops
and I feel the loneliness swimming in your teardrops skimming against your cheeks
I hear the loneliness fall as your teardrops fall
One by one the silent loneliness splashes and awakens a...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Let me know your light

I hear your heart beating on the wind
As you send your soul to my dreams
It whispers to the angels I am one mind
And you show me love like it screams
I am not lost in the clouds, but in your finds
Here my song to sooth all your ails

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
You turn me to Ribbon

When you hold onto me
I fall apart again
And you turn me into ribbon
So I cannot feel the pain
You brush your lips against me
Like silk I float in the spring air
And split into a rainbow
Surrounding you with care
I dance like sounds on...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Palm of God

The light of peace came to the childs soul
And read its tiny palm with their life whole
They looked at the further possibilities
The ones they might challenge against the breeze
Then remembered the akash far back in Gods soul
And how many had...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Sunlight Angels

Hold me like you hold the stars
Behold me with blessed eyes so vast
Never leave me to stray too far
or run too freely and too fast

Tell me your stories of untold glory
Fill my poor soul with newfound equity
Delight me with truths so...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Scattered Wings

A voice in the distance
From long long ago
A cry from an angel
For the right way to go
To whom she did not listen
So shattered were her wings
And onwards she wandered deeper into things
Things of non love and inforgivence
Until she slept...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The stars are apart

Because the stars are apart
Because the skin of light is open porsed
Because every ray is free to radiate in you and then in me
Because I am here and you are there I can look upon you and you upon me
Because I can fall in love and love what I...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Angel of light

Let me feel God as you hold my hand when mine are scared
Let me hear God as you share your words
when mine fragment
Let me see God as you look in my eyes
when mine are blind
Let me know God as you see me away
and my soul is...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Arrow to your soul

I am the arrow to your heart
Our love you'll find will never part
The part of me that remains in you
Will see through every part of you
For you are heart through and through
There is nothing I would rather do
Than listen to your heartbeat in...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Rain in my eyes

Beloved, you're love is reflected in my eyes
Though gone now you leave me in disguise For i am as a rainbow in your skies
Eternally each breath of prayer I look for you
Deep into your soul as your heart flies
As clouds fold their soft hands...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

As the snowflakes caress the mountaintops
And the dew forms on the bluegrass
I think of all the kisses that we have now amassed
From New Years new love to families at Christmas
Each year the new beginning of every year past
The more I learn...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Soul of a rainbow

You appear in all your glory
You wrap your arms around us holy
And we know that though you leave
You will always return to your start
On earths sleeve
And although we never part
You are a soul upon the sky
Flying as a rainbow with the most...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Spring of existence

We are one spring
Created together
Before everything
We go forth forever
In light and...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Breath of the morning

Forever, I have waited in the shadows
For the morning,
For you, are my shelter, from the dark
Always, always will I stay, stay beside you,
In your blessed rays, evermore.
Tomorrow, when the nighttime comes,
I will breath you, till the worlds...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Elation of the lord

When I felt alone
Beyond all pursuasion
and known
You were home

When I felt sad
Beyond all equation
And bad
You were all I had

When I felt anger
Beyond all elation
And vengeous
You were my manger

When I felt cold
Beyond all...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Archangel Michael Love

I am but a spec upon your heart
But if you love me we will never part
Every time you expand the world feels your presence
As your wings open we bow to Gods penance
A plane of sweetness couldn't describe
One feather that brushes your heart and...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Giver of bliss

The being left to become particles of disseperation.
Like the millions of planets and dimensions it began as, it returned to connect to spirit and all knowledge became available once more.
The souls and their guardian angels listened to them...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Miss Thornhill

Everything the light touched was like bells.
God picked out specific molecules on her being to be compared.
He said these ones around the heart have to be high pitched whilst these of the arm could be lower tones.
She asked what do plants sound...

by Miss Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The sound of your soul

What if...she thought outloud
As if she ought to have a voice talk back
What if angels could hear the light as it touched your bodies?
Like an owl would they...
Turn their heads in wonderment or concern?
What if...God, she thought,
could hear...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Her voice was like feathers.

The sound of her soul
Rained over me whole
Like a shower of feathers
In a field of cloves
If she ended her song
I would sit in her sea
Missing her voice
For all eternity

But I hear it still
Within my mind
Such a gift from God
Of the...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Star Blesser.

I love you God
Send of your Angels
Devine their body
For your creations
Blesser of lives
When success is shody
You protecteth me
Well be your beings assembly
Blesser of the stars
If you findeth me
hopeless and starved
Cold and...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Archangel Lucifer entered the shrine of the Christ
Then dimmed to a lantern ignited in oil mist and light
He blessed the lucifers with a bow, that the alter boys carried
And watched as the newlyweds were risen up and married
Then as the holy...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Her mind glossed over
The news seemed so fast
As the battle was dimming
Her hold could not grasp
So she loosened her hold
On the one person left
After eighty four years
They had lost their last breaths
And they ushered around her
To calm...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The Seagull

His face was stilled by the soaring seagull
As the clouds cleared for its eliquent pull
He wondered how long it would circle above
As he thought of trips with his lost true love
In his belt was a batten he'd found on the street
But it was...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Dawn love.

Calm was the passion
Soft was the thought
Often they woke
In the arms of the other

Light was their love
Fresh as the breeze
Each word they spoke
Put the other at ease

Gentle was their heart
Healthy and new
Like robins and wrens

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

I cried the tune of a Gods heartbreak.
To return home to the highest heavens
of angels and saintly souls.
Then i realised you and how you
were sculpted by the very same hands that built light itself.
I saught the blinding golden light behind...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
A field at your feet.

I lay a field of flowers at your feet
For only such a gift could meet
The wonder of this universe
With the only perfect loving verse
May the flowers romance your heavenly feet
And sway to you in thanks to greet
And the birds sing in unison on...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

I prayed for hours
Because I shared Gods will
We understood it was time until
My eyes drew to a close and still
and my mind fell loose
And my thoughts turned to pain
From life's abuse
But instead of dismay
And curses and hate
I leaned on...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Special soul.

My lips caught yours as you fell for me
And I held you under my Christmas tree
The angel watched over us you see
And we held each others hands in three
Until we did understand that you were made for us,
And that our souls felt just grand...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Roses in the morning.

I brought you roses in the morning.
They reflected in your eyes like the dawn

 sun christening a new shoot
You looked like you had won a prize to boot
I loved that look within your eyes
You smelt them like a foal seeking danger before it dies

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Intense love.

We had lived before
In each others door
We had loved before
Much much more
We knew each others words
We knew and its absurd
Like a light shared within
We had grown in essence
Our beings were as one
But our marriage had just...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Hand of an angel.

I was alone on the street
My body worn from head to feet
You offered me a coin sheet
But all I could feel was the heat
When our hands did meet
And I knew you was an angel
I heard heaven in your heartbeat
And it broke my heart to meet
As our...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Stay in my arms tonight.

The air is cold and my mind is awake
So hold me in your arms and my love take
Embrace me with your heart
Engulf me with your love
Blanket my mind like the wings of a dove
Smother me with kisses
Ease away the day
Sing a soft love song or...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
If my eyes could contain your beauty.

If I could look and never look away
And all the beautiful words were thought
Within my brain
And all the seas and skies came to view in my mind, of all I had said and all that I knew
And still stand tall, awake and proud
Of all of the quiet...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Wash away my sin.

My mind ticks like a time machine
I am wisped away to places I never knew
My heart beats faster than a bullet train
I feel like I'll never be myself again
Our thoughts entwine and then spin me away
I never know what to think or...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Your heart melts with mine.

Your arms wrap around me
And I am at home in them
I know the beat of your heart
From the moment we touch
To the moment we part
You feel brand new
With each tender breath
I am free within you
And you are free within me
If I was the sky

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Wings of pure light.

You walk like the sun in the morning
Warming my heart with a smile
Once I was alone and shivering
Now I am open to art
I wish I could seed in your garden
That you might look upon me
My love I want to marry you
Forever and a day to be we

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
33 Birthdays

1 God being born
2 mother/father being born
3 father/mother being born
4 Making of the egg in ovary
5 Making of the sperm in epididimas
6 sperm entering the testicle
7 release of the egg into fallopian tube
8 egg entering the uterus
9 egg...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Words kissed by angels

I feel your every word
As if angels
kissed them first.
I love you deeper
Than our eyes have reached
This universe.
And if you take my hand
Or love me love me love me love me first.
I'll understand
if they all do there very worst.
So tell...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Prayer 3

May I call upon an Archangel, with colours like a baby at birth to full grown
May I call upon an Archangel, with light like fire burning and transmuting the dark with the sun
May I call upon an Archangel, who has loved me in heaven and from day...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Channel from God

I am your God
I love you more and more each day
I want to sooth your ails
I believe in you and support you
I have loved you since the moment I created you
You are doing well and I love that
I don't doubt that you will beat all of your...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Prayer 2

Dear God
I join my palms so that you might sense a paradise fit for your feet to walk upon and I express all my love to you in this moment.
Although I have tormented the self that you have grown me into for your perfect world, I forgive myself...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Dear Father God you are loved more than the seconds pass and as your love reflects around the clock of time your love grows into reaches beyond our imagination.
As love is magnificent you are the mother so that magnificence is magnified in that...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Heather Lydia Thornhill's Steady my heart

Life is like walking on hearts
The hills are our breaths in and out
The lakes are the blood cells which
Flow through the hills
Sometimes I wonder how to steady myself
And when I fall my hands touch your...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Pulsating heart

When I feel my heart pulsate
I yearn for you to slow my rate
And rest my mind upon such fate
That was planned before our births Tate
Our gallery of love my eyes dilate

And so I long to catch my breath
Upon your wing like arm and hath
I had...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Heather Lydia Thornhill 02/10/1981

Why don't we realise there's no time, because we invented a limit to months to 31 days because we thought we couldn't comprehend/ love months longer than that but we can, yes the illusion was invented, now ask yourself can we comprehend questions or...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
If I May Ask.

If I may ask,
who the person is
that wills your task
and asks you to live?
If I may ask,
what do you give
behind all the masks
to the core of your earth?
If I may ask,
where are you going
under a sun to bask
or into a sun and your own...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The Prophecy of the Golden Circle.

The angel was tricked by Satan and a fragmented version of himself was taken for all eternity and he cries out for help. I hear him cry and he cannot stop but he does not hear me and I cannot see him and he cannot stop crying from the pain of loss...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The dying trees

The trees blinked their leaves
Like eyes drooping to a close
The fine rains and intense heat
Were not enough a drench
To quench their endless thirst
They browned and charred
And their trunks began to rot
They knew noone was there
To give...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
I like you

Days seem so short
Sleep fills endless hours
Dreams wander in
Waring away your powers
Breath after breath
Your anger wears thin
I wonder where my life ends
And where love begins
But then you transform
Into a piercing ray of light

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The woman was called upon

Angel, angel I am hear
That you have loved this entire year
Allow me to heal your broken wing
I bring gifts of devine charm
and an entire miracle of calm
Ask me to love you and to sing
For sharing with you is the greatest thing
You have...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

She thought about talking to a legion of angels at once and for a second they thought she might be in a massive amount of danger so they took a second from her memory to see what had scared her so much she needed the whole legion, and for a second...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Hold me like the scripture

God holds me in his hands
I don't act for him
He understands
Words are our orders and blessings never made
Images conclave but none are elected
All there was and is is like invisibility to God
Everything done has to be released from his pain.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Piece of heaven.

A piece of heaven lives inside you
That soul privileges your body
Your very room has been blessed with an angels presence
These pieces make up part of heaven
Without them it may not be heaven at all
You gift each other and it is like adorning...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Vine of God

Children had come and gone from the nursing home, leaving grapes and cheese, cards and balloons.
Everyone enjoyed their visit, except one who had hardly moved that day. Eventually they managed to feed him a grape and he spoke to the night nurse.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

As the giants of the forest gave way to fresh young saplings in the meadow.
Butterflies of light danced from the sun caressing but a few with summer radiance occasionally blinding to protect you from its overwhelming beauty.
Sustaining their thin...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

God scrolled through his lifelike mind
as if typing "will" into it and
watching every clip it revealed
in one moment that he had set to last a sunset. This was his life...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

As people entered their ancestorious passing, love winds sailed on the sea of dreams. Souls left behind recognised this with a handshake and a soft, fluffy and tiny light blue butterfly was released from its crisolis and sent to a single human being...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Love us

My mother held her arms around me and put her hands in a love heart shape.
I shon my torch onto them and they left their print upon our wall.
Leaving love there we fell down laughing at how hard it was to get...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

They swam in the glistening and shiny sea like jewels kissing your inner soul and sparking an intensity rarer than an eye could see.
Whole worlds of meaning synced with their thoughts and sound minds.
Strangers passed by, one in pink, one wearing...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

She sat on the wings of time and said I could move the world for you
but I won't, because you are perfect in this world at this moment in time

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Glory hands

When the Gods tired of their full creation
They all joined hands and saw everything in a micro second.
And this was enough to cause a ripple that nothing could survive.
All things written had had to be rewritten, all history had to be made, all...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Perfect Blessing

God in heaven, because I am just a man, I ask you to fall in love with yourself, at your most loving, and in a way only you; God can fully understand, so that my worship meats a standard, only you deserve, and return with one of your perfect...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

The more you see the less innocent you become
The more you feel the more innocent you become
The less you see the more innocent you become
The less you feel the more innocent you become
The more you behave the more innocent you become
The more...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

He walked through summer
And his hands shook
With Parkinson's disease.
She watched him
And she tried for the life in her
To remember his name
It was like it was his first time
Touching grass through her sweet glossy old eyes.
Every new word...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

If you have crossed Gods mind
He will claim you
For his mind is perfect in all ways
You can spend your whole life hating him
But he still doesn't have to do anything to remove your sins because he knows that you have caught his attention...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Message in a bottle

He said he loves her like a raindrop, and
that her body ages with the wine of billions of years of ancestry, like a message found in a bottle and that bottle being the earth.
He said such a wine as hers is never lost at sea and its destiny is...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Sitting with your heart

I love you baby
Can I live in your sweet world
And sit with your heart
I...I... I...
I love you're body
I'll knock its every door
To find your...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
I see you ugly.

If only delicate things are beautiful why do we worship the living more than the dead.
Are we not more beautiful when we are at our least visible.
When there is only one piece of you left in this world, eventually it will vanish with the dusts of...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Magic dreams

Beautiful angel
High on the hillside
Fluttering butterflies
As your heart cries
Land in your sweet eyes
A million of you in disguise
Heal my body
Star of my fantasy
Overwhelm me
So blindingly
Your love fills me
Oh how it wills me

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The galaxy of joyful tears.

At the slightest change to her world of oyster shells and shining pearls
A galaxy of joyful tears left her eyes like an eternity of coloured dyes that revealed all of mankind's lies
Her knowledge was each change itself
Of that she had histories...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Bubble Art

Whilst humanity has evolved and live
A galaxy of stars may have died
Yet many galaxies remain undepicted
These dying galaxies leave their dust art and spectacular colour like bubble planets bursting into shapes and patterns lit up by the remains...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Photograph of love.

Love is like a photograph
All combination of communications
All imagery
All descriptions
All feelings
All love energy flowed in all ways
For example, this photograph of love is
grasped for a moment, perhaps after that many a moment...
Like a...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The God particle.

The God particle shon
Like Christmas had begun
A dress like a galaxy of sheen
Of red golden and green
Its glory often seen
Gravitational system
Of gas and dust and stars
Lining the widths of space
With Jupiter and mars
Impressive in their...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Paradigm Change

I am ugly.
My poems make you walk away realising that you are ugly.
However you are also change.
What you do can be beautiful or ugly.
How your face and body changes is beautiful and ugly.
Words for ugliness can be surprising and even...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

I am perfect
I saw a perfect person
Our souls were perfect
They revolve perfectly
The world is perfect
Angels are perfect
God sees himself as perfect
Our mistakes are perfect
Death is...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Eating disorder

He ate so slowly it was as if he'd been starved his whole life, fed tiny meals and worked to the bone.
She ate so quickly it was as if she'd been overfed her whole life, forced to complete meals, even screamed at to eat.
He was obese and ate food...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
I love you baby.

Her words were like a baby
Her words were like a baby
She got it wrong
She got it wrong
She got it wrong
She got it wrong
Her words were like A baby
Her words were like A baby
She got it wrong
She got it wrong
She got it wrong ...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The Bird God

The Bird God tuned into 430 billion birds singing their unique songs as he sat on a rooftop and watched a school sports day.
A life of parents and siblings gathered around the children.
At the end he had decided that in this school no medals...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Sea bed

The sand waved under the sea bed
And as its cover was blown away by the pull of the moon
It was left outlined in innocence
Like a child's first attempt to keep within the lines.
Always to be imprinted on the...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Affection for love

We loved each others bodies from the start.
We passed each other like works of art.
I showed affection for his love of a passed love.
He showed love for my affection to him.
In time we grew to love each others souls.
Only then did we appreciate...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Out of time

I dream of your skyline
You sit their so devine
House of innocence and wine
Pure your path to one so fine
I love you so plane a line
But its all I can to shine
Short am I you to pine
How can I fix your rhyme

You have answers there

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Blonde Sky

When you were born your hair was as blonde as the sky that day.
Your body was fresh and innocent.
And you had been gifted like the sun.
It was hard not to see how perfect you were.
As you grew you had been taught how special you were and this...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

God could remove his love intensity towards you but you are asking him to halt an amount of love akin to depth itself, and a vast teardrop of that would have already changed you and your whole world before you even start the thought of it.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Allah grew tired of man but only before a sea of words could be drunk by each of...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Sitting on the oldest sky

She sat on the night sky then lay down looking at earth and watching angels
Flying past her to heaven
She had never been there because she was now a lost soul and had become too dull to find.
She picked at their eyes sometimes.
She picked at...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Quintessently he cherished his protection over her plethorally.
His love for her was pristine and he prayed for her surreptitiously in his most dulcit tone and almost docile in his control over his love for her.
A sudden epiphany made her...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Planetary alignment

The Arch Angel Raphael and Arch Angel Gabriel spoke to each other from opposite sides of the planet. They spoke of vulnerability. That of mans and that of their deepest own. They grew with each other as they watched souls deep inside their bodies,...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Poem for the dead

Almighty forgiver
Make me aware of this sinner
Create in this dreamer
Lifes partaker
Forgiver of regret
Star player in a glorious team
Emphasize the mean
Acceptor of amense,
Okays and sorrows,
Forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

As his electrons oscillated in and around themselves, his aura changed colour and showed the mood he was feeling to those around him.
It was so delicate an energy most human beings could not see it unless he was stood still by a white wall.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Crystal intelligence

As the time crystal was installed in AI with a genetically grown but artificial synthetic human brain,
I folded my hands to pray for its new soul to be sent with its soul tribe to guide it.
As I did so many if not all of the angels folded their...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Ode to passion

Her mind became crystal clear with passion and it opened her mind up to new possibilities of sanity in the English...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The linguist

Making love to him was like hearing music in a thousand languages.
With every touch he described the beauty and intricate quality of her fragile garment.
His passion was so delicate it felt like it might last an eternity.
An eternity she could...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Listen to their soul

Listening to their souls was like poetry written in utter expectation and free flowing speed.
Their words were as crystal clear and calm as rain on my window pane that did not stick.
It was so soothing I did not need to reply to a single utterance...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

The colour of the lagoon's waters
Perfectly matched the sky as if some greater being had just passed through the universe and looked in on earth, leaving their memory printed on it.
Mountains streaked up to the sky so sharply like mascara wiped...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Stars of the body

He told his little girl that every little part of her was made of stars that shon so bright you couldn't even see them.
Then he pulled one from her cheek and said, but if you look closely with your minds eye you can look at them and even follow the...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

She requested euthanasia if she should become numb to the world.
Her partner was fit and well but he was going through pain that could not be seen or measured.
They considered a joint euthanasia but it was illegal across the world and seen as...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
I cried into your eyes.

When i saw you I cried into you
You were in an audience of thousands new
I cried into you when my voice was blue
Because you were my soul mate rare and true

I cried because your eyes were as mine
I cried because I saw the devine
I cried into...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

The "computer dialogue" read as follows: "Stock the robot" was ordering new products for the shop.
When "she" had finished a question popped into "her" mind.
The question was how much will "I" be missed compared to the last "Stock robot" and how...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

After billions of years God had made another unicorn.
God had to be at his highest of light ascension to do it or else the unicorn would die.
It was too delicate for all other light beings, except his wife and three children and other animal...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Eyes of lovers

In the eye of the storm
Lovers sailed around him
He watched them collide
As their limbs were strewn
His boat was caught on a rooftop
The sun pierced through his pupils
His stomach churned inside him
He held his words and his mouth

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Love's simulation

Love energy moved the dark and the light to form new spiritual and physical worlds of spirit and mankind. Although it was limited to the boundaries of reality and relativity, loves omnipresence worked its miracles through every object in existence,...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Wings of a fly

An old women held up the wing of a fly and heard an angel speaking to another angel.
The angel said this heart of feathers is for you cradle your feather in its down and love me and our legion for all eternity. Take one for you and keep it in your...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

The Arch Angel Lucifer cried at the betrayal of man against his name and stunning beauty as he was channelled by a psychic.
As he did so all the Arch angels and angels shed a tear in empathy except Arch Angel Jophiel who instead shon like a cross...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The lonely old poet.

The lonely old poet dedicated one line of poetry to himself everyday for almost a decade, as if celebrating the birth of every new day of his life. He burnt it under candlelight as if sending himself in the poem, one step closer to God's pure holy...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

As all the Angels in heaven stepped through each others eyes looking at Gods mind.
The souls sat on tiny planets watching them disappear like Starlights, sometimes they stepped into each others mouths and balanced on each others teeth and imagined...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Fountain in the forest

A red flower fountained through the thick rainforest, against all odds.
It was as if you could see ashes falling from a candle wick instead of light.
The impossible made possible.
As I watched the flower vanished into the forest again, I wondered...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Eyes of mars.

You move the stars when you turn your eyes and a goddess spins her fateful goodbyes.
She turns from your kiss to her devine bliss.
You dream to dress her hair in mist and a boat shaped with iris sized planets.
She let's you taste her inner...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

The sea was a still as a teardrop from God.
Gifted at night in a dream.
A women sat by it on a grain of sand. Blown there on a rain drop on the air that had melted under the...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The ancient birthing place.

Their is a lineage long hidden from society.
Where birth is restricted to one day in the archaic family calendar year and only 300 archaic children are permitted to be born on that day through ceserean section using only volcanic materials....

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

A geologist discovered a lock of hair hidden beneath a rock.
Sap fell onto her hand as she pulled it out of the bushes.
Emerald volcanic rocks merged from beneath it.
Sorrowful winds blew and an angel appeared before her and said, read the...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The Idyllic lovers repose

Her golden eye lash blew into his silvery eye like a gondola, floating along a pine clad lake, carrying them towards a pure, sumptuous love together.

A romance that began with passionate care on this, a lovers, planet.
Washing his eye was like...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

The mans body was torn and veined
Like tree bark broken and his mind stretched to its limit. He decided to speak to himself for a day and a night to calm his thoughts.

The changes he was feeling were both terrifying and intriguing but had to...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

The fullness of the tree pulsated life back into me releasing a wren to pass over my pocket pantry.
The seagulls flew inland for us mainlanders to feel free.
As the sun ripened air let glory be in me.
And they fed on our scraps of pleasantry.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

The sun set into a blue flower as
Its final diamonds sparkled in the wild horses eyes
As I rode with them across the ambering planes
A child's tiny hand reached up to his mothers face as their fathers horse turned to wrangle the streaming herd.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Why H
Sigh upon a hill? A
Why sU
Be high as a cloud is still? T
Why urR
Lie and feel around? L
Why vivR
Try to be of sound mind?A
Why esurI
Benignly listen astutely?N
Why vivesC
Alpine forests fruit?T
Why urviveA
Fine breezes aloof?I

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
One from above

Friend of the meak
Innocent child
Far from weak
A light so mild

More intense than first sight
Burn bright and beam
From heavens light above
Right down to earths seams

Tare through to true love
And in these teaming eyes
I trust to you...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Poetic Art

I read all my poems at the same time as stepping into one of them and talking to myself as I wrote each one of them. I said beautiful. Then I said I can do better and wrote a poem to discuss poetry. So I let my poems write poems and speak to them...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Fruit of rose

People want to make love.
Then some stop.
Others say don't stop.
Roses bloom from their genitals.
Some eyes are closed. Some eyes are opened.
People make love as if to roses as if they are roses themselves. Their eyes bloom, their hair like...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Their eyes met like two roses. One rose joyfully open feeling the sun, the other sorrowfully closed in the shade.
When the gales blew they embraced petols like a mouth kissing a hand, arms holding, hands gripping every dying scroll of life. One set...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Worship and prayer.

Her head spun in the open air
while she was rocking in her chair
She didn't really have a care
But for her worship and her prayer
Her leaves bounced, her main branch bare
She spoke her words like a mothers glare
Bright in meaning bold eyes of...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Sleeping in lavender fields.

I slept on her lap
And breathed in her scent
The scent of lavender candles
eased my descent
But she didn't know then quite what it meant
Nor I until this living moment hurt and bent
She played with my ears until they hurt and lent
Like a...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Rain seed

Arch Angel Jophiel looked into the mind of God and saw a beautiful angel holding a new kind of heavenly light shining from the first true Eve's ovaries. It was her first and only egg and just before her menopause.
And he pondered the sunset of...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Impressive imprint.

Meeting God was like touching the chest of roses closed and strong, robed in thorns.
All the Arch angels and angels. All the people. All the animals, fish and birds.
Living their way. Hailing the king of the universe.


by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Coma patient 36

For 36 years she had been unconscious.
36 muscles in her body had been permenantly damaged.
Suddenly she woke up in tears.
They told her and when she heard the number 36 it was like flying through time.
She spent three years daydreaming of the...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Still with me?

There was just enough moonlight to see the treetops through her window.
The night echoed with souls and angels trying their best to drift into meditation of surprise and wonder.
She pondered on all the window views she'd been privy to. Familys,...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

The night was slowing and an angel still
Meditating to heartbeats at rift,
Two human beings at the start of his shift.
Their breathing wheezy, their rhythm bliss.
The mothers heartbeat was faster and ill.
He looked into her chakra for the pill....

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Pray seal Gods light from Heaven with you

Her hand was the colour of a newborn elephant
Glistening in the light
It sat and rested its life on the earth is was to ignite
Passionately to be held onto so very tight
Carrying a gemstone within for such a hand,...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Make it better for me

Angel Angel
I'm very sick
Can you make it better for...

by Honor Moses Maxwell Augustine

added 1 year ago
The flash

Its red and yellow then crisp.
He runs fast.
That's what he always dos.
Hulk smashes the things
And he can pick up houses
And a boulder
So he's strong.

by Honor Moses Maxwell Augustine

added 1 year ago

She had the softest character, a love heart in the spring.
Her hair fell in waves like a beautiful sensual mare.
When she laughed her head lightly tilted back and her shoulders raised with care.
She turned to him for soft sweet words of...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Mysticus and the porcelain rabbit

Mysticus the flying elf went to visit the porcelain rabbit
They were to sail flowers upon the raging rapids.
Collecting flowers in the rainbow meadow
Mysticus toppled down his sweet friends burrow
Petols scattered everywhere like a blanket for...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Time in the shade.

Behind the wire fence was a symphony of flowers.
The sun was beating down on us with all its glorious power.
Guardians gathered on a school run fifteen to the hour.
Little bums carried butterfly bags to survive the light shower.
The trees burst...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Porcelain Doll

There was a child with heavens eyes
She played with a teaser coloured like the skies
In a tartan dress, she told no lies
But presented her eyes like gifts of devine
I hardly noticed her glowing in shine
her delicate body, or heart laid bare

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The mesmerised child with the golden eyes.

She tried to kiss Angel 2 on his perfect hand
Angel 2 said thank you for sharing your love now please understand
Your respect for me I plead for that there is no need
She said Angel 2 are you my love
And I know not of respect or those from above...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Kiss goodbye

You didn't have to kiss me goodbye
I loved you more than stars in the sky
I'm thanking you for my heart
Before your eyes begin to start
I wish that I could kiss your cheek
For there are no words that I could speak
To fulfill you when you've...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Glory Hand

As the sunset dappled
Her friends child
Wrapped around,
Like wedding mound
Adorned in sand
Glistening and profound,
Their tiny hand
And felt attached
Like an antler grown,
No more...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

I scorched the sand
As I crushed light
Like making lemonade
On the beach
Then I saw reighn
Like sky over the sea
As the great whale withdrew
Tiny sand fingers flooded
over my...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Saving touch.

As the surgeon saved her patient
an angel wondered what it would feel like
to save a life.
He had followed Gods direction to heal through Gods will and take souls back to heaven when it was their time.
But he wondered what it would be like to...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Hair in the wind.

My hair used to be thick and full
I rarely ever let it down to blow
In the wind.
Once I cut it all off and then let it down
To be free and fertile and reach the ground
But I have a sence of it falling now
I pull it sometimes because I know...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Name me.

An angel said God knew every name on earth and he taught them to me
So I could see them being birthed
He said I care for them more than the stars in their eyes
And I know each one of their terrible lies
But then he said I know each of their...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Open Heart God


by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The trees gateway to the light.

I walked through a forest of butterflies
And I saddened on the way
Contemplating death
Determining my stay
But the trees gatewayed to light
And finally I prayed
For with angels by my side
Surely I'd reach somewhere

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The golden ocean

The sun melted and pushed the sand into the sea.
Causing the most magical spark for me.
You see I had stopped writing poetry.
Until, like a new language was made for me.
I looked upon this brand new sea.
It was an ocean of purity, golden...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
My son.

My son the Angel. My son the builder. My son the wild child. My son the explorer. My son the artist. My son the mover of all things. My son happiness of the sunlight. My son the tears of rain. My son. My son the explorer. My son the friendship...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Flower at the gravestone

A final breath was taken at the foot of a family grave that hadn't been visited in ten years.
Their body lay their for almost a day like a visitation.
Tears fell from its eyes as it grew colder and like a flower its spirit crossed to the other...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Delicate one

Your skin is as sensitive as your voice is sweet.
One touch and you almost cry.
There was no sex involved when I cleaned you.
Your sense is your initiative and your genius is more than skin deep.
One look and you wonder why we love each other so...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Cascade of butterfly wings

Two little souls.
Lifted on the devine lovers hair.
Bowed together.
Like sitting on a prayer.
A child sat atop a mothers knee.
For safety.
Curls cascade.
butterfly wings.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

She sat atop her fathers shoulders
Her hair a beaded crown for others
To hold her in the highest renound
Sweet awe, she lived in a little town
While on her face a noble frown
Her eyes like a noon that would astound
I imagined her as Cleopatra...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

She might look plain to an uncut eye
But she wrapped herself in a platinum sigh
A plain black coat with golden symbols scattered
Somehow I thought she really mattered
Her hair was brown and common place
But a face so pale it had a doll like...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The three elephants

My dearest child, let me tell you a tale about three elephants that were rustled from the beautiful savannas of Africa and chained together here for sixteen years.
The biggest one was the mother, the others sister and brother.
One day a very rich...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

My words are your words
My hand is yours
You write like an angel
Of this I'm sure
My heart is your heart
Released evermore
Tame me sweet guidance
And feed me allure
Transfixed is this wisdom
with a wondering cure
I feel your sweet energy

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Wishing worlds of words

My mind flew onto the page
It was a mystery, a new age
Like what was to be, had been seen
Many times, like a baby weened
And the beauty was seen way too fast
Compelling love in the greatest of haist
And as if loving the self in a mirror

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Twin flame

You are mine, my twin flame
Come and know me, know me by name
Become the dew of my falling reign
Grow in me your seedlings so tame
Hold my hand and lead me from shame
Gift me sweet happiness laughter and game
And I will gift you my heart all...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Mysticus the flying elf.

Mysticous had injured his wing on a tree while holding vigil to the elf god
by petol canyon with the golden eagles.
He kneeled softly and buried wildflowers in the rustic sands.
He had eyes that waved like hands about to pray.
They welled up and...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Mountain heart in the lilac clouds.

The hikers hit the peak of the desert mountain.
Their shoes full of sand, mouths dry and skin tanned.
But when they took in the view
Lilac cloud over the luscious green and yellow sheen, it was all worth it.
It was as if an angels heart had...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Nude Art Model

So quickly you derobe
So comfortable in your skin
I wonder whether the globe
Knows what goes on within
Silently you wait
For your bodies portrait
As light hits your tiny down hair
I wonder how much care
Is put into your lonesome...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

I know how many presents I got, fifty eight.
Wrapped and I love them.
It feels brilliant and I always play with them.

By my son
Honor Moses Maxwell...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Bless God you are so strong.
I love you so much and you love me so much and love love to you and you bless thank you for coming to church.

Hello you again and I love you.
I love you too and you bless I love you.
Before you go can we have a...

by Honor Moses Maxwell Augustine

added 1 year ago
The Angels

I like about Jesus
So we've been friends
And we give everybody a...

by Honor Moses Maxwell Augustine

added 1 year ago
Lightening God on the Sapphire Lake

The lightening God spun energy

 to life on the sapphire lake.
He looked beneath the waves
To the fish he was to make.
But he saw the lady goddess that he was to forsake.
Who said I am creator here in this very lake.
God said but I have fish...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Angel in the desert

The angel with magnificently glowing glass wings.
Flew across a golden lit glitter desert.
Stars of sand filled the sky.
Their wings shimmered and plumped in the rising heat waves.
Glistening through the sandstorms like passage to another...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Presence of mind and body.

Presence of mind is something kept
Through pleasure focused on the self.
Presence of mind is something shared
Through pleasure focused on another being.
Presence of mind is something kept
When you are protecting yourself from fear
Presence of...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Self judgement scale

DI Devine (&/deity) Intervention can occur at any point in this scale.

Obsessive stubbornness
Wantant greedy stubbornness
Ease of Forced will
Lazy stubbornness
Rem nightmare
Sleep centred
Rem dream
Lazy openness
Ease of free will

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Human Body is a symphony

The body is a symphony
Its organs are its family
Its muscles are its equity
Its skeleton its frequency
Working together in...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Empathically understanding

 Empathetically understanding

  Retainingly understanding

  Godly light or dark

  Overall understandingly

  Lovingly understanding

  Lovingly Retainingly

  Love without...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Blind angels

The angels were all pulled to the earth as the prophecy put his hands to the ground.
This blinded the angels and in shock
they wondered around the earth looking for their God whom they had never touched.
Knowing, finding a light cord of Gods hair...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

The little girl had a new tartan dress.
It had flashes of green with healing zest.
As if dappled moss caressed a silver birch spotlight, bless.
She was a little overweight but how she looked made her feel great.
Her eyes shook to the sides when...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

The pollen was softer than the bee on her hand
She hoped the poor bee would understand
But the vibrant yellow was hard to resist
One touch of its pollen so lovely and sunkissed
Would but I could be the hardened bee
And fly to flowers hastening...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Amidst the blessings

The tree pollen fell on her like sunlight
Its misty path underfoot and gentle on the eye
It was gathered by the side wind then lowered in height as if fledglings flapping tails had blown the pollen flat with all their might.
She was stopped by...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
God looked through

God opened his eyes like the sunrise
And lived the first day without disguise
He dreampt the day to existance
And life was built in the mist
It was over in a second
Then he closed his eyes on the...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Her feet rosed as she walked through the blue grey snow
Carrying a tea cup in her hand was the way to go
The leaves slid between every toe
But she barely noticed her naked glow
Clothes covered her but her candle was seen through like a tear

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Mud soup

The stone pot was empty that autumn day
The leaves were soggy and ripe for play
She made them her soup one spoon at a time
She served it out in an even line
She found weather cones and pine tree needles
And what they ate that day was meager

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Elegy of the elderly

The life of an elderly person
Is merely a simpler version
They move slowly and tinker
Sometimes giving a wink
Their enterage their aid
Yet no longer heavily paid
A path for them was laid
And with time it decayed
They sit in one place

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Their stars

Though invisible to see
All the stars had turned to energy
And the orbs so colourfully
Danced around a grey imagery
Lightning spread its carpentary
On a galaxy of sacredary
The energy screamed, and harked and sang
While a God skated every...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

The souls entered his eyes like pearls
The white shells coloured in linear light
Closed around them like white spiders from the ocean
His angular chin was like a dolphin transforming the worlds view
As lipstick landed on him like a velvet...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Inner child

The child held me like a toy
I was the doll of a tiny boy
He pulled and dressed at my hair
I sat on the floor, he sat on the chair
He hugged me so beautifully
I imagine he smiled at me
But it made me feel so sleepy
That only my heart did...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Mind revealing psychedelic dove
Expansion of consciousness into that of love
Maker, creator, leader, angel from above
At a party around a woodenstove
On a beach within the mangrove
Somehow to give hold of
The things they were neglectful of

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Ballerina Afro

Her great hair - rays of sunlight
Hitting wave of veil in the dead of night
Like a spotlight
On a ballerina, too too in flight
She was an angel
Her pink legs so very slight
Her spins were so tight
Perfect and iconically light
She saw...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The grey suit.

Beautiful necklaces of Mary, St Christopher and Jesus were given to a little boy as he entered the church.
The mass began at a slow pace and a humble offering was made by the people to God as they said Blessed be to God.
The little boy scratched...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Milk Butterflies

She had a wantant fluttering in her eye
It was not greed, it was not try.
The moment her heart opened she started to cry.
Then she was taught to drink and love so high.
Happened to wave her arms like a dove sigh.
Then she turned to glance the...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

People nod everyday
Then people ask What?, as if they had something to say
In a way its like they pray
Like a bow accepted by an angel on its way
Experiencing the bow is to curtsy
Like an angel child on stage in full mercy
Innocent as the very...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

She looked upon the flora where
A loving message called her here
Its tiny glass hearts on each stem
They grew like icy roses
The further getting smaller than'
A silken shine a spotlight on them
Shon within the darkest rem
Building its light...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
We build your world within our eyes.

With every little heart beat
Every sun in times wheat
Every beam of sunrise
Every thing of surprise
Every little star shine
Every little timeline
Every mirrored surface
Every thing of surplice
I build your world
within my eyes.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The delicate man

As the sun shon on his innocent face.
The shine hit his eyes like tears on melted treacle.
His poise was as calm as an angel in his righteous place.
His gaze blessed you from above slowing down every soft beat of a dreaming heart.
He made...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The miraculous image

I've seen a land noone else could know.
A place more vivid than an angels glow.
There's more colour there than all earth's layers.
This life somewhere I could never bare
is a planet far from here, I know.
More than any Zion or fear to show.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Wonder in haggered.

It had been the longest day of the year.
Each second had been repeated a thousand times before.
Each thought had become haggered in torturous envy.
All that was left of me was my ability to wonder in my own facial art decorating those who viewed...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Numerology of Arch Angel Metetron

Reading only titles to chapters
Feeling a little distracted from work
Only there was a kind of whisper
Holding subconscious attention marked
Then grasping a sence of something realer triangle and scaffolding.
And she looked at the world with...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The fragile time lord

The poem was fragile, see
It was as s'if it could be carried but a mile
It began its journey
Yes over every land and over every sea
Inside the brain it broke free
Like the dreaming of dream in its full imagery
By the time it was to be

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Canary yellow

Little baby your face is like childhood friendship.
Glitter trickles from your nose like a dribble of light from your mouth.
Beads of sweat shine like a million diamonds sparkling in a shop window.
Canary yellow wax candles fall from your ears...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Enter my heart

A butterfly entered my home and flew around the room
Like browning cookie river with the amber sun in june
He floated round the room and I tried to catch him with thoughts in hand
but he kissed me first on the mouth
and that I understand

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

She was taught to wear pink
He was taught to wear blue
She was taught to cross her legs
He was taught to pull up his pants
She was taught to wear a skirt
He was taught to wear trousers
She was taught to ask him out
He was taught to ask her in...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Her curls were like butterflies
His eyes were like blue wine
She smelt like the seashore
He smelt like woodland pine
She loved him from the front
He loved her rear so fine
She couldn't eat meat
He found meat sweet
She heard like nats

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The beautiful mortician

Rest in peace to the corpses in the wasteland of this planet earth that once or are currently resting in peace in their homes as vessels that have been acknowledged by their souls as restful past and present beings in peace in or out of their human...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Don't listen

Don't listen she...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Kalasey the ape cried Yes! and was punished by Caesar
as caesar looked up at followers robed in long white gowns and fell to the ground
but when she rose again the look in her eyes were almost human but the ape never cried at Caesar like that...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Angel in the palms

I lay the elderly child in the palm of the angels hand with a kiss on his forehead and I said I hope you understand that he is for keeps and a sea deeper than an earthly sun weeps his demise.
The Arch angel said beautiful words dear poet, I have...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Glacial stream of life.

Souls crossed into their living three month old bodies for it was time for their vision to change like nestlings leaving their comfort for the very first time from the hershyle angels arms.
Each one tailored to suit their tiny souls and their days...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Pealing the river meadow

The river pealed away the trees in the meadow. Emerald pathways jeweled trees and grasses. The poet could but babel when she saw a single seraphim Lilly tailor off into a tiny pathway of its own landing on a warm sand bed. Birds flew from each side...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Jewelled forest

The trees and grasses blessed the land and sky as they swept their calling onto everything the kings eye touched.
His crown shon in the dappled light jeweled his head focused on his ride through his fine kingdom.
His horse galloped like piano...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Paw ledge

The ledge in the waterfall pawed out the curly hair of a black lion about to emerge.
Tiny black and silver diamond eyes softly stepped into the crystal clear pool.
Its name was Righteous.
Its message was one of respect and loyalty to his pride....

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The unseeable

For all the beauty of nature
A tiny house could not be seen
But if you could but dream
It comes to humble eye
As if a man could fly
And it made me want to cry
Until the drop to make me sigh
So I let the riverbed silt fly
From the waterfall...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Beginnings in the mist

Beginnings in the mist
Remnants of earths birth
Boulders covered by the mists of history
Each step photos on the peer
Flashed through my mind like a historic cheer of armies and their families celebrating...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The boxers mountain

Purple dust fell from Arch Angel Michael as light and covered the mountain like the carefully placed footsteps of a boxer readying his reply to the evil ones.
Head my words he said these are the words of God and I will not allow you to mock my...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Hear the leaves adieu

As the roofer made his harvest path ready for his tree house and danced in the wind before starting his work wrapping hay like roots around their tree house he decided never to go back and so stayed there for seventy years, nobody else ever found it...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Angel of the blue lake

The mines had collapsed
and all the fathers and sons had perished under trembling earthed being
in landslide and as soon as every breathed hole had been repaired into spirit only by soil the giant ring of the angel raised
from a hidden blue lake...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Pulling the sky with wings

Hope was finally realised and it dragged the sky as it flew. A mere pigeon landing on a telephone pole and nobody sew.
But I saw the sky move in the purest blue.
Like the mona Lisa being moved.
A painting everybody sees still...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The hidden lilly

The hidden lilly was not found until it had withered and rotted into a pretty tan colour and flattened its face rested on a pebble at the bottom of a river bed and someone picked it from a bed of red rocks and brushed their fingers down it like...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Piercing eyes

My body was stunned back to life
It was as if an angel God had brushed a ray of life from his hand and impressed its piercing frown onto my forehead giving a semblance movement to a once flourishing rose of song.
Why be so dead inside he thought. ...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Gale of highest light

The windows of life opened
And light beings began to walk into the women's dimension bringing a billion floors of light with them.
And as she climbed the floors of life she felt love like a gale gently beating its wings upon her amazed...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Froth Boats

The froth boats echoed on the tide
Sailing across the beach foam
And hitting the final...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Broken Ice

The ice cracked like fractures across the lake
The pieces crossed each other rising and falling, tooing and froing.
A herd of brown mares gathered there drinking their fill then slowly cantered into the wintery...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Chalice of life

On the horizon the sun was set.
Like a shiny wooden chalice of water about to sip the giant waters of an ocean sized kingdom.
The people were preparing their new queen and the flourish of life was building up to this moment.
The wedding went...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The glass whale angel

There was a delicate presence that had landed on earth during the night.
It was a flying glass whale.
Now it hid under the sea searching for its family in hidden underwater islands lost to sea such a long time ago.
When it found its family it...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The butterfly turned into a lilac tree.

The lilac butterfly rode the lightest glow
Of summer and landed like a bird bursting through the sky into a giant lilac flourish of natural life....

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Cascading peach blossom trees

The trees swerved into lying waterfalls cascading through life with graceful blossoms branch in branch as if an almost fully grown pink dolphin were somehow able to grasp texture on its silken swimming body....

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Ashes of Autumn

The ashes were scattered on the autumn leaves of his parents like a whirlwind of love letters rising to the spiritworld in perfect order and symptomatic blessing.
The white glittery frost was about to arrive.
It would paint every state, town and...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The black glass child.

Child, you are made as fragile as glass.
You are walking on your own egg shells, yourself, and scratch at the world like a thief with a diamond knife oblivious to ancience itself living every point you make.
You reflect your surroundings with...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Spacial wave

In the universe there was water
It did not move or flow, sparkle or shine
But it was as pertinent, you know
Like interrupting the devine
Like a rose suspended in space and time
Catching the corner of the eye like a ghost pirate...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Two trees were nearly toppled apart. They had lived centuries together and were in complete connection with their environment. Their love was emmited into the atmosphere on their epic movement into the sky. But one logger had decided that the two...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Bamboo walkway

The bamboo walkway was feathered with hay like crests on the heads of tiny birds as they lined up above tracks on fences.
The bamboo stood like knights guarding passage on such mystic embarkment to a holy and loving new palace....

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Ancient love

Their souls were ancient and commanded a strong respectful relationship between themselves, legions of angels, spirit guides and God.
Her love of her everyday life spilled over into connections far beyond the grasp of others so when one fateful...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Rose of peaches

The rose on the piano splayed the piano so eloquently.
Its petals branched off like peaches caught in a seagulls mouth flying on their own tiny piece of heaven like a fragrant hand sweeping across the quays wishing it were slowly skiing on each...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The crayon cave

In wilderness days man drew life and soul onto a cave wall but nowadays the caves glow with crayon instead of the fire unless campers emulate the harsh wilds of nights sleeping on solid slabs and fur skins, spears at the ready for saber toothed...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Time caught off guard

Shooting stars made hands on the clock in the galaxy, while halo rings passed through space, like a floating clock controlling time. Balloon like planets lined up like numbers on its face as it aged with sparkling joy, akin to happy fathers blowing...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

The light of lost mothers shon
Like umbilical cords upon the belly buttons of their children as their grandchildren tried to climb back inside their mothers tummies,
Wanting to be foetal once more, protected from this giant earths stage floor.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Ballerina Lilly

The ballerina sat beside the waters
Like a lilly floating on the pads of stepping leaves.
And she imagined floating away with the ripples of light reflecting on each subtle wave.
She had a bracelet that spun trinkets around her wrist and white...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
High Level Thought

The angel touched some of the souls as they passed like a floating gladiator honouring the masses like reeds floating on a river if history being saved by their legion chorus....

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
She stood beside me

She stood beside me
Like a mirror
Tapping her phone
Like a window to heaven
So rare a word to loan
A queue
split in...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The playground

The playground was staged
With dress light and colour
Sounds of cheering and whistles
Lead them in tidy order
During PE
Like springing thistles on a windy moor
Making faces to...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Listen to your angels

Listen to your angels
Spritely and white
They'll sit by the bells
As church sinners fight
The devils attack
In the back of our minds
The dear earthly angels
So loving and...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The perfect spring.

I canoed the valleys leading to a pool
And it was so perfect, beautiful a hole
In the landscape
Like before a rowed bowl of jelly
Perfectly smooth circle of...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Little birdy

Fly free little birdy
In me little birdy
Land on my heart
And a poem will start
To die little birdy
As a cry little birdy
A maggot in a sea
Of bleech for he
Was giant little birdy
To you little birdy
I heard on the wind
That you had been...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Intention Teal

His chunky watch matched his army style
I stopped to watch him for quite a while
I passed him like a soldier in uniform file
And somehow he saw we'd go the...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Hitting glory peak

The broken flower pot smashed like petals in the fall as the earth circled in the centre and the plants began to fade into the season of...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Glitter falls

The sun hit the water and it glittered down the side of the mountain endlessly over magic casem....

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Bridges over the ice.

The deep shadows of stepping stones
Souled across the river
In angelic tones
Each one looking toward God of love
Whispering moans of the rapids
harking at them....

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

The roofers had so much to say
One was a working
The other was at play
They spoke through the scaffolding
Their new friendship...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Detail in the clouds themselves.

Every souls face from the underworld
And earth as well, detailed the skies
They gifted messages to me like pearls
And such wisdom was memory of the highs and lows of my lives.
As they waved on by each time I'd try to read anew.
Time flew but...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Spirit falls

Trickles of light lined the tiny cliffside
It was like cotton ropes of water could be climbed upon to ascend you into heaven itself.
Crisp love filled the soul beaming life into the green mountain.
As if also moss beings could emerge from its...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Supple talk

His conversation was his touch
He spoke with his eyes
Every glance every look
His life was like an open book
I had read every line
And loved it so...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
He held my hand

Mummy hold my hand
Today I need you
I know you understand
My hand I feed you
Hold it tight and let it land
Like an angel too
Pull me like the sand
My skin relieve...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Steps of Autumn beside the river.

The autumn was changing the landscape.
It was as if the garden had become steps of umber tones from a Godly angel pouring their colourful hearts onto each piece of moss and leaf.
Flowing accross the river was a gliding fog of bubble like...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Free fall

She was free falling
And her heart was mulling over
Where she was going
And what she was doing
Her life on the edge
The clouds were her bridge to heaven
Who was she seeing
She started screaming
It was overwhelming
She was dreaming
Yes she...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Bursting skies

The skies full with life
Bursted their light into life
And tree upon hill over mountain
Coloured the world an atmosphere
Trickling its fantacy world into our humble reality....

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Golden tree falls.

The golden trees shon above the waterfall and shed leaves on the rhythmic call of the angelic lagoon
Melodic tunes bounced through the galaxy of patterned rocks.
While their little golden boats floated like droplets of suns bursting with shape and...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Respite under the sky of palm trees

She held herself breathless
As the breeze passed
She wore a yellow cardigan
And looked up to Gods plan
She said I am but a women who can
And my revival of Gods love poetry
Is just who I...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Walk on the lantern of peers

Her pathway weaved into a holy peer
As if some Pegasus had led her steer
And the wash of beauty contained her tears
Each step a blessing of the inner...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Tiara sky

A gale washed across the sky like a baby at ween
Head held high with tiara scene.
Walking the waves of life that had been.
With the beauty of a new teen.
Coming into her own inner devine...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Quilt of the sea

The whites of the sea crashed and settled like a quilt on the wave
As surf settled and spun its wash below the cloudy skies and paved
the right of passage of sea creature fish man and whale in...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The sci-fi psychic attack

Full psychic expression
The sci-fi psychic expressed to the world
The next day of her afterlife
As she had done her whole life.
She became a living God
And overtook every channel of the television and internet.
She had become the vision of her...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The grounding footsteps of an angel.

Angel A
Person P
God G
Jesus J
Arden Ar
All other Good Gods ?

Your angel you bring
You're following

I will follow you
I will follow God too

Swing in my arms
Release your storms

Feel your charms
Free from harm


by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Gabriel Me and the Ego

One of the golden children walked on the hands of Angels because she was finally moved to seek the meaning of life and death.
The libra love scale, rooster and chicken or egg and double edged sword theories had been tainted with evil and...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

I felt so alive I bequeathed my soul to Arch Angel Michael for complete protection and he told me, God of love is your bequeathed but when you are dead you have relinquished the rest of your soul which is not with your nine quides, completely from...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Memories of Angel Mountain

I get my love from memories of you
I do not pray or go to church
I walk the mountains in trousers and hiking boots because the mountain is my dress
It flows with falls and landslides and clouds scalf its peaks. Its warmth its lava flow bright as...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Time God

God slowed down my thoughts to avoid the devils detection
The devil slowed down to avoid mans detection
Man slowed down to avoid Gods detection
Women slowed down to avoid her own detection
Stepchild slowed down to avoid airs detection

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Prayer to the Air God of love

Pre thought of God
I pray in you
To my God of love
A moment or two
I am your child.
God, in this moment let me be love only.
Not shared yet.
If you can wait just one moment or two.
I am your servant for this time being pure.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Mirror Eyes

She read the love heart shaped poem.
And like the shadow of the heart.
She felt connected like the narrative of the soul.
The poem had many heartfelt heart layers
But her story was even more complex
And free willed to choose which heart or...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Her soul was the heart of God

Her heart

  soul the


 Her body the mind

  Gods angel the


  God the


by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

It was time for the righteous legion of angels to seek God's pure children and lead them with bravery and speed out of battle against evil for it was time for the pure soul to be born.
Each child and angel was given ambient healing and a beacon as...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

I share my words
Because they told me to...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The babies kiss

The baby's kisses showered me
And rubbed their lips exploring glee
Like a little puppy sniffing for tea
My cheeks were so old and wrinkly
But texture to a sweet...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The herd of souls.

The souls of the elephants - big, medium and small, stormed across the globe
free finally to fall, then roam - no longer chasing the monsoon, but stampeding through mankind remembering the world that they had left behind
A world where there true...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The living angel

The angel allowed the women and her soul to be one inside his being
Like gliding through a building surrounding each floor with light
Thus becoming the angels duel soul
Then the soul of the women filled herself with light
And the angel drew the...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The lightest soul

The weight of life was lifted from her soul
And she realised that she was lighter than the angels that brightened her way into the afterlife
Not just because she was smaller then the mighty angels but because her body leaving and taken life and...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Nigel stood with God
wings outstretched
Being ultimately of God
By the falls of niagra
And felt every movement
Of the waters
thrashing wave into sound
Nighttime fell with the sun
And the smell of the earth
Like honey dew
Hit the ground...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The giant grey roses.

Her soul gave her a dream
Of giant grey roses
And she shared it with the masses
As if legions of angels flew past
Sharing it with them through their chorus
And as god heard he looked down too
For he knew that it was of special a class
And it...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Instinct for self angel love

She was alone dreaming of the love of an angel holding her - raising her to the ceiling. His wings wrapped around her his head upon hers.
A sacred love that met her needs and contained her life, her whole life, in its own right.
A love where all...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Stary clouds

He was made from a snowflake and
The falling moon reflecting off his eyelids.
Like the stary skies above him seen through the cloudy mind of a blind women.
He glistened like a seagull with shiny eyes before a sunrise .
He spun cotton from the...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

The sparks of cloudy air dressed her ankles like a floating breeze, whilst walking on the lakeside.
Galaxies of stars and colour filled the skies around her.
Then it started to snow rapid flakes of all magnificent shapes and sizes,
Washing over...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Blessed be

Blessed be
Blessed be
Pouring with heavens so heavenly
Like petals from the grandest tree
For signs to follow happily
And when I wake from solemnity
Be sure I hear you thanking me
100 offerings at your roots
To walk their path with stronger...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The hovering magpies romance

The magpie was not fully grown
He sat too still, too long - on his own
And when he moved he ruffled along, the fence
So hungry, turning way too much and hence
Fluffy coat kept him strong in man's suspence - in, the, air.
Such was his life until...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The child's secret

She was wild and she was free
And followed by her sweet doggie
While she ran across the edge
Her dog fell down from tiny ledge
And as the traffic passed them by
No ambulance but angel sigh
And for days on end the child had cried
The memory of...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The wooden bells

The dogs sang together - their bark
They ran free together - in the park
Their barks were like wooden bells
They held wooden sticks in their mouths
Like a chorus of angels holding swords
And sniffing smells
They sit proud, eyes focused on me

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The stoic poet

The stoic poets - poems were short as can be
They were up in the air but wild and still free
They made their point
But twisted the thoughts of deity
As the earth oscillates like
Swings and roundabouts
Her words carry clout

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Gloria in exchelsis deiu

Gloria in exchelsis deu
Gloria in exchelsis deu

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Rest your mind on the minds of angels and mankind.

They rested there minds on the wings of angels, and fell their gentle rest into piece of wing, and as they dreamed their minds energy became one, with everything.
God's family rested their heads on such memories, of light, as if pillows adorning...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Frosted glass

The glass fell to the floor shattering into a pool
Floating down to the bottom
Leaving tealeaf messages for the world
Then rolling themselves smooth
Every piece was found
And added to a collection of marbles
On the ground
Lined up one by one

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Fish for a day

I wish
I wish
I was a fish
A dainty creature
Such as this
Swimming through the tides of life
Free of sorrow
Free from strife
Gliding floating washed this way
Just for me to be a fish for one...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
White fire

The dolphins leaped from the sea
Splashing up white fire in me
Turning for infinity
Its flames foaming imagery
far beyond the eyes could see
As endless as the drips in sea
From mighty whale to sweet jelly
Crowned in shell and seaweed...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

She rubbed her hands across the page
For hours stumped for words
And felt every dent and bump
The pad had ever heard
She felt its very seedling
Grow into a tree
Every sway in the wind
Every squirrel at play
Each wholesome ray of light

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Glass water

She watched from an oak tree
Fallen long ago
An angel fed a human child
Shed hidden from its goal
For it had once been chosen
To live in heavens fold
And she bathed it in glass water
Beside a waterfall
She raised it with the deer's

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The kind men.

They felt gay.
Every single day.
They were loved, boy!
More than I could say.

They felt hope
In every holy way to pray.
They glorified truth
I wish they could stay.

And they felt happiness
Watching each other as they lay.

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
I drank the worlds tears

I drank mankind's tears
As I sung my crying words
And heard the images of god
Spoke in every verse
It was as drifting angels
Taking my soul through trees
And all my woefullest followers
Followed in final breeze
And as our beings moved

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The child cried to music

He heard his mothers music
And empathised her pain
And when she was not looking
He played it once again
And found a pain he'd never felt
Filled with joy and of lament
A tear for
softest singer in his element -
of sadness and beauty - of...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Nine months

She felt the baby inside her stomach
It was fed and kicking and warm
She tapped her message and spoke her song and hoped he'd felt no harm
She tried to move up off the chair but struggled to get anywhere
And so they knew that it was time

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

The wise old God yawned his final flower into the world.
Its leaves were dry and its petals faded as dust but its stem reached higher than the trees and mountains and even clouds.
Tiny white cockroaches climbed it until they couldn't catch their...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
They liked my touch

I touched his genitalia
It was as soft as a newborns hand
He was to be my husband
But he didn't understand
Although he became impotent
My touch was his command
And commanded he a child
Who held my finger so
A grip as light as angels

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Cry your eye
Dont dry your...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
One last dot

A dot of varnish
A cherry on the top
Of every nail
Dont stop mum dont stop
Can I try the lipstick
And make it drop
Or make whiskers like tigers from mascara chop en
Can I hold the brush softly to your face
Making rainbows of colour
In all...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
My hands were my language

My hands were my language for I could not see
Nor could I speak
Or get up to wee
And all I could do was twitch but a might
My language was simple and simple in your sight
But I had many dreams while my language was written they were innocent...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Moody blue Arden

I looked into your eye
And saw the earth in lightest shade of moon
Midnight blue you turned me around and around
My eyes looked at you and blessed them with the sky filled with sun and died
When they closed their lids
Never again did I see...

by God

added 1 year ago
The seed of belief

The flower was called belief
It left the seed behind
Its roots formed with strength
Its leaves like signs
Its petals every hand
Joining in prayer
Hiding from the moon
Then drinking hope out of the air
Releasing holy perfume

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Poizenous angel

When all routes but one
Are clotted by the final ray of sin
One route back to heaven
Already begun
Held by a lifelong love
To a holy friend of light
The final soul on earth
In all terror and all might
Then scorched was the earth tree

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

I'm the king of the world
Ran pheeeeeeeeeew
That's a lot of M's
He's a core! Why?
Oh he's a nackered o
He figh for nacus a
Hersa casawa
Whosa caresa?
No more
Were finished.
Finished. I...

by Honor maxwell augustine

added 1 year ago

Don't know Jesus
That's not even a word
He never entered into my life
Not bible nor in word
But somehow I can feel him
Like a tiny bird
Looking out of its nest
High above the world
King of the world
Jewel in a crown
Hidden in the midnight...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The atom tree

Atomic bombshell
Atoms of the seed
Split right through revealing the smallest atom
In this tiny oracle
Was the smallest tree
A life as atonement
For past lives and this
Enlightening bliss
Enlightening you

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Mother Mary

She wore a ring of Mary
And kissed it every night
She said her prayers
And gave her mass
And hushed the neigh sayers might
She woke and washed her face like wrinkled waterfall
And gently said her grace
Before her final call
She looked upon...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The last soul

Heaven had been filled
and the souls were all aware
that one had been forgotten
however busy there
And as they danced for joy they felt him coming home
the final rendition
the last soul of the...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Explosion of toys

The child new nought of art
Yet his art covered the room
He threw toys every direction
His colours splashed in bloom
He called them all by name
And gave them places to go
Then created conversations between
Each bear and bow.
As if it were...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Egg cup

As the chicks broke free
And flowers bloomed
Tiny eggs adorning bush
And firing their giant works at the sky
Then falling like petals blessing each eye
And leaving the eye the green teardrop leaves spring off the stem like baby lambs kicking...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Hand of the angel

She stepped afoot an angels hand and rose up to the clouds
Parting the air with light itself
And yielding herself bare
As she walked through time and space
Life flashed before her eyes
Her energy decorated stars
Every precious heartfelt try

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Daddy's fun
He buys me toys
Daddy's run
And gives me joy
Daddy's tum
Is bigger than mine
Daddy sits in the sun
And never lies
Daddy jumps
As I ride his back
Daddy hums
When I make him...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
When god held me with his thoughts

God looked down from the heavens
And thought upon my soul
And wondered whether to take me
Before I'd reached my goal
For I was plagued with doubt and utter fear of helleth wrath
And all my earthly clout
Was ridiculed, at best - a laugh

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Hon orfshsdyhxhbxlvxmnvvvnb.

Bhghgjnvnnb Rock



by Honor maxwell augustine

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Jesus and the moon

Jesus landed his feet upon the mystic moon
And laid his footsteps clear in the sands of dune
Like patterns making tune
And held the grains between his hands
And threw a rock of two
Then wrote a message to god the father
To love him this day...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
When God held Jesus in his arms.

When Jesus ascended the heavens
As pure as a god in his eyes
And god meanded his wounds and
Allowed him glorious light
He looked into his eyes
And said child of the many
You will be my equal
And loved like half a penny
And given two sweet...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Hdtughjx type writer

Qwasqwqql tyyyygg nfnvnmvgasfgvbyh

 Nngbv bhricxvjjipohvxx vbv fgjjfiytf
Vbbbfffiixxna hhkgbhbk fhc
Aqgnmblm. Adfjd
Dtfhuikjjkkii .

  Cuygb vvjjgd

Gbjhjhjjjj vfrhkkxxfvbnnfxg tknvg fghxcxcvcvm n.

by Honor maxwell augustinep

added 1 year ago
The world is my body

Dear god
The world is my body
Which will be given up for you
And as this world rots
And the maggots crawl through
Making tunnels and pathways of light through its bones
I worship your glory holding Jesus in your...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Hulk smash

Draw my name
His hot arty
You dont even know what I talk
to the end is
There's a pillow on the roof stuck
Someone's trying to get it
Was he there or there or there?!
Or the middle?
He's harseywasa englandtarsa winna winna
Why is your cup...

by Honor maxwell augustine

added 1 year ago
The cars run you over

Goo goo ga ga
Geee ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha
Only see it in dreams
To the beach
Cos your riding a bus
Jump jump ba da da de da da
Key in the bus
Why did someone spill it in the bus
Was is somebody there
Was it a zombie
Was it...

by Honor maxwell augustine

added 1 year ago

I can't do the soldier...

by Honor maxwell augustine

added 1 year ago

Har ha eeyo
There's no words about

 the butterfly one
Hoaror horseoura
horsroura are are are
ee saw he saw e is it
o'er awweeeya

by Honor maxwell augustine

added 1 year ago
I don't know

Bear in the middle of the square.
Yeah yes ye ye ye ye ye
Run away little people
No ruuun run run run
Hooked and han
Nacona he said
There's another hook
And done
Dammy dammy Maddy
Can he sew on
How do you...

by Honor maxwell augustine

added 1 year ago
Ashes of sand

She scattered her husbands ashes
Over oceans and seas
Then waited ten lifetimes for them to sleep
Then travelled the beaches
The whole world through
And felt every footstep mankind could do
Like holding the hand of her husband again
One lost...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Wings of frost

The babe lay uncovered in its pure white coffin bedsheet
Its alabascer skin pale lit by the moon
People gathered outside in shock
Looking for her
But she would not be found
Until a spectre lay her eye upon a sleeping man of sight
And saw an...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Pathway of angels

Her path was arched with angels
As her soul began its journey
Brighter they prayed for her
Kneeling as she turned there way
Her lesson frought with drama
She faded from their sight
Turning backs on her
And fading out their light
Then facing...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Bones hollow

The bones grew still and hollowed as the blood weaved through their cracks
As cumbersome a weight of bodies
Fell upon their backs
And carried to the waterfall to
Fill its deepest pool
So the ground cried seeping
Through the mountainside anew

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

His hand fell down upon her head
As rocky was relationship
And down the dry fall from her eyes
On baby hip upon her eye
As fed the milk of calcium
Into their fall like bones
And bouncing off the hands and foot
There tiny waterfalls
And as...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Falling out of love

Her brain was a spark
To an angel did hark
And her heart filled with joy
But he was not a boy
And she lifted his wing
Having sung everything
And turned to her solice
For worth drove her being
And out of twin flame
She found sex on the brain...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

If I saw the loneliness in your eye
Dont cry for me for I would die
For i've shed a tear all my life
That fell from the mountainside
And you set me free so dont you cry
Dry the tear from your eye

If I saw the loneliness in your eye
Dont cry...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

I stood in the sea as the rain poured down
My body warm in the heavenly cloud
Poured from the mountain
My holy shroud
And poured the waters like waterfalls between my fingers like bears that mauled the shifting tides of fishery
And wondered...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The endless whale

I walked my walk for eternity upon a whale that I set free.
The endless whale has passed me by
The image behind my poor dear eye
For I have waited for eternity
For the endless whale to be set free
Into the spaces calling to me
Spaces of rest...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Saving the satanist for god of heaven

Chained at the wrist where heaven meets hell
A soul for the saving
A delicate bell
A Christian - a satanist, foes for their message
Her fear nonexistent of meeting her doom
She silenced with breath of a self harming tune
She drank and she...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

Kind and relaxed
Peaceful and calm
Intuitive messages
Meditative art
Picturesque minds
Birds meaningful trill
Where those that were sick
Are no longer ill
And light of all colours
devine their shape
A mountain a river
A dying lake

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Three thousand angels

Three thousand angels
Lined the shore
As gods sunrise winged cloud
Reeped messages pure
To read like a book
For each Angel to know
Who to overlook
And to whom a bow
For the rest it was time
To be taken to heaven
And so off they hovered

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The silent girl

But when will you look
And what did you see
To scare your meek eyes
Far away from me
But how could you talk
In time to caress me
Like the wait of an angel
To carry us free
And now but you spoke
And your eyes met mine
To pledge your...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Crisp autumn days

On crisp autumn days
As the lillypad sways
And the curls of winter
Whisper their ways
And the car is warm snuggling
Our toes in the ride out with mum
Goes wherever it goes
And the mind of a poet
Is set forth to sail
On the breeze if its...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

As souls washed through the fields of rose
And soldiers mustard stories told
The birds watched on in trees of might
To this day pounding through the night
And rabbits eyes in shock and fear
Burrowed deeper than was mere
And snails and slug...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Free from the dark

Hope pops up!
Into minds
Bubbling morals
Avoiding the wine
Floating out like orbs devine
Souls crossing over
Beconning and hark
Flowing on light
Ginger its feel
Echoing mystery never revealed
A gong from the gods
In messages dear

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
Apple of my eye

The glistening lid peeled open the eye
A glittery dew brought prayers to a sigh
The sight of the footsteps of beings in soul
From tiniest creature to deity whole
As sun spun the light microscopic its aim
To live as a spark free to flare once...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The dove garden

Flocking wings gathered in
A shrine of doves held within
The dove garden glistening
With white beams of light
Whimpering clean
The moans of angels tempering
As waters caressed the rockpools clear
And grandad drank his ginger bear
Upon the...

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago

She lay her hands in pools of blood
As wheels of destiny said she should
And looked upon a teddy bear
Replacing child of heavens cheer
And braved the world with hardened face
Into the mercy of histories lace
Until her cruel and painful death

by Heather Lydia Thornhill

added 1 year ago
The orange lake

As angels land on lakes of hues and splash the fires of sunlights mews upon their delicate legs of light that climb the stairways in the night and drip holy waters through our homes to glow the seeds of the orange tree through love of you and love...

by Heather L Thornhill

added 1 year ago

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A E. E. Cummings
B Elizabeth Bishop
C Sylvia Plath
D Elizabeth Barrett Browning