Dougla$Irishman's comments

Here's the list of comments submitted by Dougla$Irishman  —  There are currently 655 comments total.
Ride a bicycle in the sun
Your ride will never been done,
Cruising all the country side.
Never to hide !

Go for it !

I was a country cyclist biking 20 years and up to 125 miles a day
Now 88 !!.

Any spelling mistakes, my worst enemy

2 years ago

Checked my Poetry dot com this morning and not one of them worth a plug nickel !
Listen guys do your homework first, make your poetry a work of art and beauty
not a useless bunch of words !

2 years ago

Poet cans write from an actual experience, topic or a word, it's interesting to see what will become of it. I didn't start till I was 87 so all my poems are sort of ancient ! But I have managed to write 70 so far just over a year !!
It seems I am the person to comment, why is that ?
I guess I have too much time.

2 years ago

Your title " Beautiful Lady " creates interest
But you are an empty hole that never fills up

2 years ago

No, I don't, for I am considered by my peers that my mind is unkempt, having never graduated from any school of authority .A self man man does manual work because his brain never did grow !
But you need people with a strong back to carry your books of learning !
Better to have a bad critic for your poems than none at all ! 

2 years ago

I don't want to know you because first impressions are lasting, if you don't get it right the first time, you have lost your opportunity.
Strike while the pan is hot !

2 years ago

I loved this story but the ending is cut short, the fairly godmother did what.
You might know the ending, please tell me ! or are we to assume the ending ?

2 years ago

For whoever gives a cup of water in My name shall be be blessed
13 million died last year in India and Africa of starvation.
How many cups did you give ?
Just because you can't do everything doesn't mean you can't do something ! 

2 years ago

Excellent poem about our relationship with the Lord.
Phil 4: 11 tells us about our life when we are sick and old.
Not that I speak in respect of want, For I have learned in whatever state I am,
to be content !
A lifetime of service to our King will prove we are still an able servant even unto death !

2 years ago

There is no such thing as Heaven on earth except those destined for hell !
Those destined for hell will find out that this present earth is the only Heaven they will ever see !
Don't write folly, write fact !
To err is human, to forgive is divine ! 

2 years ago

It is not society's fault, it starts with you
Right is right and wrong is wrong, no matter which way you call it

2 years ago

A 10 year old could write a poem like this, short and no substance
But surely you can do better than this.
These 3 liners, a hakiu what a shame to call them poetry

2 years ago

The last line "The universe resides in you" is incorrect !
God and Satan are there, which one do you fee ? !

2 years ago

There is no other life like it, to be a child of the King. He sticks closer than a brother and is master of our soul ! Our Heavenly Father is just that and He tells us Abba !
A beautiful poem to encourage us ! 

2 years ago

A Christian gladly tells anyone who will listen of the God News of Christ.
We cannot keep it to ourselves, because this news creates a new person !No other book can do that !
That is why quite often I will share that
There are no secret Christians !
God lives inside of us through His Holy Spirit !
No doubt you think it strange but it is true

2 years ago

Kurt a little levity here is needed.
It is a rock's job to gather moss.
Wives tales are meant to tell.
A light never on has lost it's job.
Leftover broth tingles the taste buds..

2 years ago

A wonderful revealing poem if more people would follow Jesus ! A very much kinder world in which we would love our fellow man no matter what
Such an inspiration for us all who claim to be God's own !
Write on 

2 years ago

You don't know anything about the Devine nature, You talk as a not so well informed person of worldly things. You are a dime a dozen A little bit of God here will and there makes it right !
You have to live the life and be born again, try and figure that one out
I calls them the way I sees them
And you don't look right to me !
You are still wet behind the ears, get real or get off the pot !

2 years ago

Wow, what a classic poem about friends !
When you are old and ill in health, where are the friends
Not many but some !

2 years ago

To each their own to observe life as it unravels, Do not despise your youth
But remember the guys over the hill still have advice to offer,
At least I am the only one who comments anymore, so lets see the other side of the story instead ! 

2 years ago

Enjoy life to day, yesterday is gone, And tomorrow is never promised
To morrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that is why we call it the present !
Only God knows the future not us
You will know this when in serious health, will I see tomorrow ? 

2 years ago

A wonderful poem about our Lord Jesus Christ
Your vivid description captured my heart
This is an epic poem of distinction to all who still seek Him !

2 years ago

There are 3 things in life we talk about - politics, religion and the weather !
To stay friends we may have to talk only about the weather !

2 years ago

A very simple but unique poem about the simplest thing we do is breathing in and out. It is the very last thing you do before dying !

2 years ago

You should read about the full amour of God
For the Believer he is fully protected
Read the Bible, it is a classic !

2 years ago


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