Analysis of Love Love Love)

When am listening your voice
 Am dreaming of your love)
 I see our endless nights
 And your passion…hold me tight!
 Hold me tight and let be yours!
 Let the love shines over us!
 Thinking of you.. God! Your voice –
 Drives me crazy…as a must!
 When am looking at your face –
 I see light and pure sun.
 Want so much to feel your taste…
 And your love…so please…be mine!

Poetic Form
Metre 1110011 110111 1110101 0110111 1110111 1011101 1011111 1110101 1110111 111011 1111111 0111111
Closest metre Iambic trimeter
Characters 372
Words 70
Sentences 8
Stanzas 1
Stanza Lengths 12
Lines Amount 12
Letters per line (avg) 23
Words per line (avg) 6
Letters per stanza (avg) 272
Words per stanza (avg) 70
Font size:

Submitted on June 24, 2017

Modified on March 05, 2023

21 sec read

Christina Peskowa

Hello, my dear readers! My name is Christina - I'm from Ukraine. I love poetry and write myself. Since 2012 I started writing in English - before that I was writing only in my native languages - Russian and Ukrainian. My poems are written in a simple English and are easy to understand. My topic is - Love....Hope you will like my works...Thanks for visiting my page, dear readers!This is the link to the song - words were written by me! is a link to a presentation of a poem "I Wanted to Love" to presentation of "Can I...?" poetry together with me and! more…

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